The Gay Marriage Controversy

How do you feel about gay marriage?

  • I feel it is wrong and should be banned.

    Votes: 62 26.1%
  • I feel homosexual couples should have the same rights as heterosexual couples.

    Votes: 152 63.9%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 24 10.1%

  • Total voters
Congratulations to dutch baka's mom and wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :romance:

May they have a long and happy life together!

Oh, and I'll be having a party July 1. Are you game? :p
first of july... yeah , i can be the Online dj for you darling hihi!!!!

thank you for the congratulations !!!!!

Here are some pictures of the wedding

1. from right to the left: Driver , cousin Robert ( crazy micheal jackson fan) my brother, me, and the chid of a friend of my mom her wife... Cayen... SOOO KAWAII)

2. my mom , Carolien (her wife) in the car with the 2 children... carolien is the woman left, and then my mom

3. in the city ward, just before the YES!!

4. at the party

as i said it was a really great day, and i hope that in the future, it will be more easy for gay people to have Better rights, and will be less discriminated!!!
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Congratulations to your mother dutch ^^

Now my opinion on gay marriage:
I personally dont really care if gay people get married or not so why not let them ,if it makes them happy. =)
That's a good point of view, moffeltoff. :) I would like to see more people thinking like this.

What's your view on what lately happened in Berlin? (protest of German gays when Kaczynski went to Berlin) Do you think they should have protested about situation in Poland?

For those who don't know what I'm talking about here is news:

(Somebody please kill that fool ( -.-) )
Well I think everyone should be able to express himself so if they want to protest let them protest, and although Im not affected by the more or less disrciminating way he deals with gays I still think ,that it shouldn?t a possibuility for someone ,who isn?t a democrat at heart ,which in this case means tolerating different perspectives, to become prime minister of any country.
I believe the government should approve any gay marriage, but it should be up to every priest whether he wishes to marry gay couples or not.
I believe that gay couples should have exactly the same rights as anyone else.
I think that they should have to suffer just as much as straight people! :grin:
I don't care much for this. Anyway the definition of marriage and family is changing and blending with common law, and often indistinguishable for tax purposes or divorce settlements.
If they marry or not it doesn't have much barring on rest of the society, therefore none issue in my books.
In my own opinion, we should not judge other people decision and wants. If marriage with the sex makes them happy and fulfill their needs then let it be, though it's against the law.
They should have the same rights! I don't only make an ethical statement, but they pay taxes, they are citizens as everyone else. So YES, they should have the same rights...And it is something that should be acquired in 2011.
They should have the same rights! I don't only make an ethical statement, but they pay taxes, they are citizens as everyone else. So YES, they should have the same rights...And it is something that should be acquired in 2011.

<Devil's Advocate>So, they should have the same rights as everyone else... to marry someone of the opposite sex, yes?</Devil's Advocate>
I really don't care, gays are a minority in any population and there is far too much attention and importance given to this topic, especially when there are more pressing issues that should be addressed first.
Where there any gays in Aztec empire?

i wasn't life by then... so i don't know. but if they existed they surely didn't get married. :rolleyes:

i have no problems with homosexuals living togheter, btw... their lifes is not my bussiness.

but being married as any other normal couple? no, i think that's wrong. it's anti-natura. it established a wrong precedent.
So the question now is...When something is anti-natura and pro-natura?

I think the only criteria one should follow is that if they damage someone or not. And they don't. =)

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