What is your opinion on the American military?

now this is getting nowhere. may i remmind you that the president is mearly a puppet of the united states. the last war the united states entered was WW2. why? because congress declares war, duh. the president decison to invade iraq was influence by congress. if he has congress to back him up, then invading would be easy. congress can vote to withdraw the troops, but they didnt. everyone, i mean everyone i talk to dosent know anything about this war. even if kerry got elected the chances of him retreating are next to nothing. may i remmind you of EVERY CONTRIES NATIONAL MISSION: SURVIVAL. if the US feels its threatend. it attack, like any stubborn person would do. we the citizens of the US are partly to blame. but the fact is we cant do much. any change would be chaotic. with the voting percentage at less than 50 percent its chaotic enough.

what did you just think? am i wrong on the kerry issue. well maybe yes, the democratics and republicans do a really good job of hiding key facts from the public. only dumb citizens fall for such dumb tricks. the truth is politicians do lie.
So the US felt threatened by Iraq... should i be fearful that you also percieve Sweden as a threat?
sweden doesn't sit at the heart of the worlds oil supply.
sweden did'nt attack kuwait and sadi arabia
sweden did'nt gas thousands
sweden did'nt bomb isreal
sweden did'nt kick out UN inspectors
sweden did'nt try to assasinate bush senior in the sunni triangle
sweden did'nt kill thousands of kurds and shia ,nor touture them.
Someone's record needle appears to be stuck... 8-p
Iraq was not a threat to the US. Nato and the UN had been sitting on that country since the Gulf war. Saddam couldn't threaten the US with a stick, let alone a missile at the time.The invasion of Iraq was motivated by greed, nothing else.
@ Jarvis
Saddam invaded Kuwait, not Saudi Arabia. He started to attack the Saudis after the forces moved into Kuwait and Iraq because they supported the US and its allies. He was hoping to cause a reaction against the US by doing it
Turkey, China, Niger, Saudi Arabia, Zimbabwe, Burma, Israel (just to name a few) have all repressed and killed its own people and minorites, yet we sit back and let them continue. Why?
I think their is more than one set of people in the world that have tried or planned to assassinate the president of the US, not just Iraq
I really feel for the American military and other armed forces as they are just expendible pawns in the game of the power elites of this world in trying to form a one world government. The European Union is the first step. Once that is successful next will be the American Union with Canada, Mexico, Central and South America. Then it will be Asia. It is happening at this very moment. How many know what CAFTA is?
Pachipro said:
I really feel for the American military and other armed forces as they are just expendible pawns in the game of the power elites of this world in trying to form a one world government.
You sound like Digicross. You aren't coincidentally referring to some masonist/illuminati conspiracy?

The European Union is the first step.

Once that is successful next will be the American Union with Canada, Mexico, Central and South America. Then it will be Asia. It is happening at this very moment. How many know what CAFTA is?
What's so bad about free trade agreements? The only problem I see is that the industrialised nations don't really abide to free trade, they usually practise some form of mercantilism.
dutch baka said:
I dont really have an opinion about the army, because they just follow the Higher people... so more things i have to say about them!!!!

i feel sorry for this guys, to fight in a war, that is not necaserry.. and that got WAY OUT OF HAND.. and that so many military guys died already? how many is it now? 2000 in irak?

think if your son/daugther is there? how the F**k can Bush be reelected.. sorry[/QUOTE

Hey, I voted for Kerry! :p But seriously, it's very difficult for me to accept what the military is doing. I can't accept the idea that the military is fighting for our freedom over in Iraq. I also can't accept the idea of America establishing (or imposing) a democracy in another country. I honestly believe that despite our strong military, we simply cannot impose a democracy on another nation.

Anyway, I still respect the American military.
'Power elites' are merely pawns too.

The military force of the government of the U.S.A. is the direct descendant of the military force of the Roman Empire, and also the Roman Republic before it.

And they shared the same master. Hint, definetly NOT George Bush II! Neither also Caesar, not even the Senat.

It's interesting that on how some people said on how the military force just followed orders from their superiors, but kept forgeting that in even their superiors are too just following orders. George Bush II for example, doesn't seem to show enough intelligence to be a powerful mastermind. Not that he isn't smart though, but just not enough smart.

Personally though, I think that the military force of a country should be all of the citizens of that country. Hey, when there're troubles affecting all, they all should be handled by all.

To me, the military force of the U.S.A. should consist of around 300 million personnels, who came from many different factions and are loyal to their factions.

As for the current military forces all around the world.

It's natural to be patriotic, humans have the nature to serve and be loyal to their own people.

Becareful though, they're people out there who will manipulate you due to your nature of being patriotic.

And also, when joining the military, you have to follow everything the military force ordered you, whether or not you like it.

If you're not strong enough, you will have feelings of regret and probably even feel a loss of total control of oneself. One even can have a nervous break down, physical attacks and physical injuries are nothing compare to it.

However, if you're strong, chances are that you will survived and have a control on oneself, probably even have some control of the military.

Of course, in some cases, one might ended up being in the military force due either situations, either willing or not willingly. Perharps after joining military one become more knowledgeable in life, perharps not. Perharps one survived, perharps one is severly injured.

What ever the result, one should always try search for the best resolution.

Of course, remember the military force is the authority, so one should always respect them like any authority, and also much like one would respect everyone else.

As for the current Iraq war.

The primary goal isn't because of greed, but it's to make people fight each other. Even by arguing on whether or not the war should be done means that the primary goal has already been achieved.

Greed is only a tool to make the tools move. Of course, blackmail is also another tool to make the tools move. Please, if oil is the goal, you do know on where the Japanese go for oil (in World War II and today), don't you? Iraq is small fries in comparison of the whole world oil production.

What one should realize is the tool user and what is the tool user doing, don't be too focused on the tools, they can change. Fortunately this particular tool user always have the same M.O., so it can be easily track if one know on how to track it. For something that have been existing for thousands of years, it sure have a lousy record of covering its overall actions.

How to make sure the primary goal on the Iraq war isn't achieved if you think that it's a wrong thing? Easy, ignore it!

You might hear wars and rumors of wars, but those things should happen. The best thing is relax and done one own's bussiness.

Pachipro said:
I really feel for the American military and other armed forces as they are just expendible pawns in the game of the power elites of this world in trying to form a one world government. The European Union is the first step. Once that is successful next will be the American Union with Canada, Mexico, Central and South America. Then it will be Asia. It is happening at this very moment. How many know what CAFTA is?

That shouldn't be the 'power elites'. Remember, in the end, the 'power elites' too are just merely pawns for a certain group.

Anyway. What 'they' are affraid is people to be unified on their own. Of course if people unite under 'their' control, like the current European Union, 'they' aren't affraid of that.

However, stuff like A.S.E.A.N. isn't like the European Union or at least it wasn't at the later years of its founder rule, that's why 'they' are talking stuff about 'South Asia' now instead of 'Southeast Asia'.

And oh... the European Union isn't the first step, remember the Roman Empire? 'They' already did THAT!

As for American Union.

Well... 'They' don't care about uniting people really for eternity, 'they' only care of grouping people, make them fight each other, split them up, then regroup them back in a different order, and the cycle start again.

Groups formed, fight each other, split, then regroup again in a different order. Your 'enemy' today can be your 'ally' tomorrow, or even once your 'ally' yesterday. Your next door neighbour might have been a fellow citizen today, however the day after tommorow your next door might have been a foreign citizen.

One world government already exist. It didn't need to form officially. As matter in fact, if it's already well united, 'they' no longer can make people fight each other, and that's no good, for 'them' at least.

But then again, maybe that will happen, once that happen, I suspect something like War of the Worlds will happen relatively soon after that, since that it's almost The End. Of course before that, you know who will come back. Don't worry, what in God's wisdom put on Earth will take care of the rest.

Personally, if the people really want to grouped own their own, I say they should go with North America union (Canada, U.S.A. Mexico, perharps also Carribean nations, etc) and South America union (Argentina, Peru, Chili, etc), anything in between who might want to group, maybe it would be a Central America Union (Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Venezuela, etc).

South America is just too big though, it might be better to split it up. Brazil is quite big though, should should it be in two groups or just one or maybe even in its own certain group.

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