Which sense could you do without?

Which could you live without?

  • Sight- Forget coming to J-ref anymore!

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • Sound- At least you won't hear your mom yelling.

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • Smell- Won't smell your own BO, but others still can.

    Votes: 13 52.0%
  • Touch- No more enjoying hot baths.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Taste- On the bright side, eating natto won't be a problem anymore.

    Votes: 8 32.0%

  • Total voters

mad pierrot

I jump to conclusions
Reaction score
The world via Chi-town
After Maciamo's thread, this came to my mind. If you were forced to lose one of the five senses, which would it be?

I'm not sure which I would pick myself. I would probably choose touch. It could be useful not to feel heat sometimes........

The sense I'd least like to lose would have to be sight. Losing the ability to do so many things on my own would drive me crazy.
Smell for me... I've never been fond of smelling things.. not my style.. I could do without it..lol
Throw smell away and you may as well throw taste with it. They're pretty strongly linked.
Oh yeh I forgot about that.. I heard it contributes to taste, but, it is not completely responsible for taste, and anyway I would still prefer to have no taste to being blind.. that would be extremely difficult.
I have had a poor sense of taste for as long as I remember. A quick glance at my wardrobe is all anyone would need to confirm this.
Gotta Pick....

taste. Without it , maybe I could eat healthy! Alll that junk food and soda would not be such a temptation.


Frank D. White said:
taste. Without it , maybe I could eat healthy! Alll that junk food and soda would not be such a temptation.



Excellent point actually.. I would be so healthy if I had no taste lol.. no point in eating something that tastes good when you have no taste..
Gota to be smell, least important out of them all
Mine probally be smell.
I love tasting stuff and something just smell bad. :emblaugh:
smell.. human smell is crap anyway, we don't really use it for anything.. supposedly new research has shit's even worse than we first thought =P

I'm pretty sure you lose smell and taste together though... i think they're related somehow if i'm not mistaken..
but i don't want to loose taste.

[Thinks about a sweet girls lips with some fruity lip gloss]

please say no Twisted!!!0. :sorry:
what about the sweet smell that somehow always resides somewhere by the neck of beautiful girls? you can stand to loose that? ^^
[Damn....twisted dose have a point...I love sweet smelling necks]

Okay scratch my post from this thread. I don't want to loose any of my senses. Especially before I get to smell a "sweet operator's" neck :bluush: or kirei.....

[Let's see which one see's this first...] :emblaugh:
I love being me.
hehe Esca..slick as always :blush: ...well I think without smell I still would feel good....there are so many good views I never saw and there is so much beauty in this world!!!J-girls :blush: ...as for hearing...not be able to hear some beautifull music there is on this globe would be horrible...and for taste...well there are so many things that I didn't try yet(Japanese food for instance) so I wouldn't want to lose that would I ? :) not be able to smell would be the least troublesome thing I guess..although some girls smell sooooooo good.... :(
Woohoo! It's all about the NECK, Esca. Bring it on! :happy:
:blush: :blush:
awwwwwwwwwwww sweetness in the morning!!!!
[Jumps and Dose alot of X-Rated things to Kirei's Neck]

I choose sound, hearing. You people are underestimagint smell. Smell is a very powerful sense. Imagine you have to choose a partner. U need sight to see her/him, you need touch to feel the... whatever is that you do, you need taste to taste... the food she/he will cook for you, and you need smell, not just to smell them, but smell allows for you to sense your partners fermones, important chemical scent that can have u head over your heals about someone! Why ? Because someone with a different immune system than you has appealing feromones to your senses, which you don't even know you are smelling. Having an offspring with someone that has a differnt immune system than you is benefiecial, so your kid will get more protection from illness. And lastly, you don't have to hear them, you don't have to hear them yack or their stupid stories. Also there are many other ways of communication than just hearing, but no other ways to taste( fooood, no way you can give that up), smell( the morning fresh grass, or the intoxicating smell of a stranger on the bus,) sight( the best sense everrrrr), and touch,( ahhh, you need touch, how can you tell wether your hot water is cold or hot enough), but hearing is only for communication( and movies :(, but there are subtitles :)), and if your partner will really love you, they will learn sign language or how to read lips, so it's like a test of love also. I'm not really sure on what I just wrote, but you prlbly get the idea.
you twisted little space monkey....

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