Your opinion of italians

On italian looks

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I'm trying to make a modern link to populations found today that heavily harbour that haplogroup. Every haplogroup is "thousands of years old" and if we look back far enough we are all part of the first Adam Y-chromosome haplogroup. So what impact does that have? Are we to negate and ignore all of history because thousands of years ago we where all the same thing........? It's called a "generalized" link to a modern ethnic group, giving insight on what populations have highest frequencies of the particular haplogroup today. If this is "fairy tales" to you then I suggest you go do a few sketches In a children's colouring book at one of those cheap pizza restaurants. You just got served by the way. The ball is in your court now. : ) those haplogroups may be thousands of years old but they eventually settled down somewhere and became over time, a modern population(s) that still exists today.
BTW first order your own genetic test, let's see what origin you've got, then you can continue with your silly theories, capisci?
I already have taken my own genetic test lolll, I'm Y-DNA T1a1 and maternal H , my father also took the test he's y-DNA T (obviously) and mtdna H. My uncle ( mothers brother) also took the test, he's y-DNA R1b u-152 and mtdna H. From all four grandparents ( I know this only accounts for a small fraction of my total lineages), I'm mtdna H And Y-DNA T mixed with y-DNA R1b ad mtdna H. H+T and H+R1b. I'm about 3/4 typical Western European ( Irish, French, German, Spanish) and 1/4 something else, rare lineage....but what is your point? : )
I already have taken my own genetic test lolll, I'm Y-DNA T1a1 and maternal H , my father also took the test he's y-DNA T (obviously) and mtdna H. My uncle ( mothers brother) also took the test, he's y-DNA R1b u-152 and mtdna H. From all four grandparents ( I know this only accounts for a small fraction of my total lineages), I'm mtdna H And Y-DNA T mixed with y-DNA R1b ad mtdna H. H+T and H+R1b. I'm about 3/4 typical Western European ( Irish, French, German, Spanish) and 1/4 something else, rare lineage....but what is your point? : )

Are you not L-299 which is Anatolian and German in majority of tests , in this point in time?
I already have taken my own genetic test lolll, I'm Y-DNA T1a1 and maternal H , my father also took the test he's y-DNA T (obviously) and mtdna H. My uncle ( mothers brother) also took the test, he's y-DNA R1b u-152 and mtdna H. From all four grandparents ( I know this only accounts for a small fraction of my total lineages), I'm mtdna H And Y-DNA T mixed with y-DNA R1b ad mtdna H. H+T and H+R1b. I'm about 3/4 typical Western European ( Irish, French, German, Spanish) and 1/4 something else, rare lineage....but what is your point? : )
So according to your fancy reductionist theories where does your paternal line fit in? Sumerians, Semites, Kurds, Elamites or?
Yes I am zanipolo lol, that doesn't satisfy me though lolll not enough Information. From my fathers father? The haplogroup T, is probably ancient Mesopotamian or Elamite considering the biggest hotspots of T in the Middle East seem to be centred around southern Iraq/southwestern Iran. Also Jordan has a 21% national hotspot, the worlds highest national level of haplogroup T, but not enough tests have been run in this area in my opinion, only my genographic results revealed this to me. To me it's a rare middle eastern lineage , not much info on it. I also received a heatmap, for T, don't know how to upload it, but there's basically 10% splattered across Egypt, the Sinai peninsula, long stretches of northern Saudi Arabia, Jordan and south-central Iraq pretty much. I'm trying to answer kardu there btw.
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I've known Italian all directions. The most rare and strange woman I've met in my life was from the north of Italy in character physically clear but the color was sallow rare white sunbathing not sickly mother was small and skinny and very tanned not seem mother and daughter in nothing but in all central Europeans seemed. I also met a man from northern Italy Rocco reminded me of the actor but is seen to be Italian. From Rome Concia many people once missed a flight and tail Sevilla_Barcelona had people for the next flight to Rome Sevilla very high and they were well fed and well dressed well seemed Italians. I think italinaos have many hobbies and are a bit: look at me but do not touch me, are careful and go to bed early so as not to grow old course are very stylish in dress, I dunno, I think they are a bit passé now my favorites are Berbers.
^Rocco is a name only used for southern italian people, he must be a northern italian with southern origin
I'm dating a girl that so happens to be Italian, I find it quite ironic and chilling that according to Tacitus the Germanics looked like giants yet when arceologists compared Roman and Germanic Skeletons; the Romans were as tall as the Germanic tribes necks yet that is the same hight proportions as Me and my Gf so does that mean she came from Rome or something. Her surname is Lorella.

Source video:
From the Mists of the North, the Germanic Tribes [2005], c2002
I'm dating an Italian, I find it quite interesting according to Tacitus, the Germanics are seen as giants yet when archeologists compare the Roman bones to Germanic bones apparently the Germanics were a skull taller than the Romans yet that is the hight comparison between me and my gf, her surname is Lorella. Does this mean she is predominately Roman and me predominately Germanic according to my genes? Source: From the Mists of the North, the Germanic Tribes 2005
It depends.. In Italy we are maybe more mediterranean, i d say 60% of su are in the med range.. But of you go in italy and play attention to the local people you may be surprised by the high number of su Who look central european.. In an anthropological and phenotype sense we bridge central europe to the mediterranean world since ever.. We are both med and central euro looking. We have always been like that, central eu and med mix in our country, we have always been a land Who received peopling from the med and from central and even nother europe. In our families you find both typologies, i have oliveish people very med as ancestors as well as fairish pale people central euro looking
It depends.. In Italy we are maybe more mediterranean, i d say 60% of su are in the med range.. But of you go in italy and play attention to the local people you may be surprised by the high number of su Who look central european.. In an anthropological and phenotype sense we bridge central europe to the mediterranean world since ever.. We are both med and central euro looking. We have always been like that, central eu and med mix in our country, we have always been a land Who received peopling from the med and from central and even nother europe. In our families you find both typologies, i have oliveish people very med as ancestors as well as fairish pale people central euro looking

Once again you keep mistaking craniometry with phenotype and pigmentation, despite all the information you have been shown. There is no "Med look" and having "olive" skin is not synonymous with "Mediterranean". Those "oliveish" people in your family may in fact be craniometrically Alpine or Dinaric, you know, the same cranial traits as millions of the "Central Europeans" you want to be identified with.
Well, fact is central euro and genes more adapted to much solar irradiance have always been present in us. We bridge the Two world. And it s the solar irradiance that changes phenotypes.
^Rocco is a name only used for southern italian people, he must be a northern italian with southern origin

No, no, it was from northern Italy and did honor to the name of Rocco. perhaps not called Rocco and I baptized him, can not remember exactly, but he said he was from the north of Italy and as he spoke I could see those little houses with sloping roofs and people going to buy their cars.
You know how you feel when you're aware you shouldn't do something, but you do it anyway? LOL

I don't get this. Who cares whether foreigners think northern Italians look more central European and southerners look more Greek and Middle Eastern? Is one better than the other?

Obviously, in general there's going to be some sort of cline and overlap, because neighboring populations tend to look like one another. What's surprising about that?

In fact, what most strikes me about Italy in terms of physical appearance is that whether fair, middling or dark, most Italians look exactly what they are, which is *Italian*.
Oh, yes Angela. I dedicate this song for you


Me alegro que le haya gustado.

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