Castilian Country

Loucis Interis

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Castile is basically an internal European nation, located within the Spanish state, includes the current autonomous regions of Cantabria, Castile-of Mancha (Albacete, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Toledo), Castile y León (Ávila, Burgos , León, Palencia, Salamanca, Segovia, Soria, Valladolid and Zamora), Madrid and La Rioja. It is located south-west of Europe and is practically the center of the Iberian Peninsula, bordered by nine Spanish Communities and Portugal.
Castilla has an area of 191 742 km ² (39,8% of state territory), which characterizes it as the "region" largest in the EU, larger than some European states such as Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Ireland and Portugal .
Es (casi) seguro que este hilo traerá polémica desgraciadamente, y te lo dice un castellano. Pero, la verdad, cuanta mas historia leo mas me apena ver como acabado Castilla en esta España.
Ave María purísima, lo que hay que ver.
I am ready to educate myself more about Spain in this thread.

Where are @Lynx, and @Wilhelm, our experts about anything Iberic? (y)
There are two Castilian autonomous regions, not one. I didn't know that there was a Castilian "nationalist movement", like in Catalonia or in the Basque country, that aimed at the creation of a Castilian state.
It seems to an outside observer that there are a fair number of "nationalist movements" within European countries. Is this going to be a hinderance to a more "Federalized Europe" or is it going to actually make a federal union more likely?
I wonder if the autonomous regions might possibly align with a Federal Union of European regions rather than the old National governments?
It is the same person in all forums.
Maybe he's the only one, lol. No worries for Spain then.
There are two Castilian autonomous regions, not one. I didn't know that there was a Castilian "nationalist movement", like in Catalonia or in the Basque country, that aimed at the creation of a Castilian state.
Well the Crown of Castile was all this territory :

So this person, "Loucis Interis" is spamming forums advocating Castillan independence?

Oh! yes, usually leaves the same sort of message token, others call troll.

Virtually all regions of Spain there are individuals or minorities that mimic the same right assumptions Catalan or Basque separatists, even, but they are individuals or minorities, who may have more reason for their kingdoms and regions have been much more Catalonia and Euskadi ancient which claims independence invented the story to its convenience and the nearest old or more remote did not have great relevance to humanity such as the region of Andalusia, Valencia and Castilla and betting on the nation however Spanish unreservedly complex or disloyalty to what they are: Spanish.
That's a problem in almost all countries. All countries where built with various regions and provinces united at one time by one ruler or government. Usually countries stay undivided unless there is a huge oppression of population, like Yugoslavia or Soviet Union in recent times. Otherwise in well run countries people have the least intention to separate. But there are always few individuals, no matter what, that romantically dream about independence of the part of a country they are emotionally involved with.
In case of Castile and Loucis not much chance. Faster will Quebec separate from Canada or north Italy from South, than Castile from Spain. In case of Quebec they lost couple of referendums already, even though only Quebec population voted.
Carlitos, don't warry dude, Spain is safe. :)
Wilhelm, in Loucis avatar there is a map/shape of area of "his" Castile. Can you find out what territory he is referring to? It is somewhat different than map you posted.
No offence or tricks, just curious. :)
Wilhelm, in Loucis avatar there is a map/shape of area of "his" Castile. Can you find out what territory he is referring to? It is somewhat different than map you posted.
No offence or tricks, just curious. :)
In the first post of Lucius he explained the regions in which they consider the Castilian nation. And I agree that it is a nation inside Spain, own language (Castilian) own culture and traditions, but with time and the Castilian expansionism it has been considered synonymous with Spain
Antes de nada, siento postear en castellano. Ahora mismo no tengo tiempo para escribir en ingles y me cuesta bastante.

Bueno, Wilhelm, precisamente el nacionalismo castellano, o parte del mismo, pretende desembarazarse de esa idea de que España es Castilla o al contrario.

Para empezar decir que el nacionalismo castellano fue el primero en ser combatido, aplastado y eliminado del mapa desde el siglo XVI cuando ciertas clases y gentes castellanas veian como perdian el control y el poder de gobernar su propia region poder que cada vez mas caia en manos consideradas extranjeras que no miraban por Castilla sino por otros intereses y/o en ciertas "elites mercantilistas" que veian en la expansion un metodo de enriquecerse.

Debido a esto, Castilla ha sido una de las comunidades que mas ha sufrido en este proceso de expansion una perdida de identidad (y en otros aspectos). El nacionalismo castellano pretende recuperar esa identidad, su cultura y sus costumbres y muchos ven en esa igualdad que has hecho un obstaculo, ya que eso fue precisamente el origen de esa perdida.

No todos reivindican una independencia, de hecho son pocos, sino que reivindican su region o su nacion ante todo. El mapa que has puesto antes es el de la Corona de Castilla no el del Reino de Castilla. Los Reinos han cambiado constantemente a lo largo de los años y a veces ciertas regiones pertenecian a un reino y otras veces a otros. No pocas veces ciertas regiones se sumaron a ciertos reinos de forma voluntaria. Por este motivo hay diferencias tambien en cuanto a territorialidad. Algunos consideran Castilla a la region primigenia de la que nació (si puede decirse esto) mientras que otros prefieren posicionarse en otros momentos de la historia.

Espero haber aclarado algo y, de nuevo, siento el texto en castellano.

Un saludo.
In the first post of Lucius he explained the regions in which they consider the Castilian nation. And I agree that it is a nation inside Spain, own language (Castilian) own culture and traditions, but with time and the Castilian expansionism it has been considered synonymous with Spain

Thanks bud, I was hoping for a map because I'm a visual person. I understand that this specific map could be hard to come up with.
Thanks bud, I was hoping for a map because I'm a visual person. I understand that this specific map could be hard to come up with.
Here you have a map inside Spain bud :

It seems to an outside observer that there are a fair number of "nationalist movements" within European countries. Is this going to be a hinderance to a more "Federalized Europe" or is it going to actually make a federal union more likely?
I wonder if the autonomous regions might possibly align with a Federal Union of European regions rather than the old National governments?

In my opinion the idea of nationalism in Europe is a bit misplaced, living in Scotland the SNP dream of breaking away from the British Government, for what? Only to find a bigger stronger EU hand round their neck. The way I see it these regions all over Europe are better off playing ball and fighting their corner in their current national areana, because if they want to negotiate in Brussels as new independant states I think they will generally be worse off.

Still if economic growth across Europe doesnt pick up in the next 12 months the political sare going to be too big to stop.
Good points edao.
Thanks Wilhelm. Is there a historic reason he picked these are for his independent Castile and not the other map of Kingdom of Castile? Sorry to bother you, I would have asked him, but I doubt he is coming back, lol. Probably hit and run type of guy, and not hanging around to argue his case.
In my opinion the idea of nationalism in Europe is a bit misplaced, living in Scotland the SNP dream of breaking away from the British Government, for what? Only to find a bigger stronger EU hand round their neck. The way I see it these regions all over Europe are better off playing ball and fighting their corner in their current national areana, because if they want to negotiate in Brussels as new independant states I think they will generally be worse off.

Still if economic growth across Europe doesnt pick up in the next 12 months the political sare going to be too big to stop.

What's going to stimulate economic growth? About the only two things that will stimulate economic growth are technological innovation or some sort of external force. I don't see any major technological developments on the immediate horizon and about the only sort of external force would be a war or some other crisis that would stimulate production and buying. Even if it was weapons production or panic buying.
What the world needs is some sort of major technological break through, something along the lines of fusion energy, anti-gravity or faster than light travel. :grin: Heck if we're going to dream, lets dream big!
Honestly we do need some sort of innovation that will produce a whole new paradigm. I have no idea what that might be but I suspect it is going to have something to do with energy productions, storage or transmission.

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