Immigration The Kalergi Plan - the genocide of the people of Europe


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An interesting article on the Kalergi plan. The infamous idea to exterminate all European peoples by creating a mixed Euro-Afroasiatic race without cultural roots sothat it can be easily controlled by the ruling 'elites'.

The article is posted on a blog which supports the Greek right wing party 'Golden Dawn' and it is a translation of an Italian article, originally posted on identita.

What do you think of this infamous plan?

Here is a quote of Kalergi's book Praktische Idealismus:

The man of the future will be of mixed race. The races and classes of today will gradually disappear due to the elimination of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples and the diversity of individuals. Instead of destroying European Judaism, Europe, against her will, refined and educated this people, driving them to their future status as a leading nation through this artificial evolutionary process. It's not surprising that the people that escaped from the Ghetto-Prison, became the spiritual nobility of Europe. Thus, the compassionate care given by Europe created a new breed of aristocrats. This happened when the European feudal aristocracy crashed because of the emancipation of the Jews [due to the actions taken by the French Revolution
It is interesting that Hitler hated Kalergis' ideas, and of course Mussolini was against it as well.

For me it is a very old idea and I do not think that it will ever happen. Plus the idea does not mention the extermination but interbreeding. Bringing it now into attention just proves that there are groups of people that believe in conspiracy theories. Frankly, I found very disturbing the ideology of the Golden Dawn, it was resembling with the fears of Anders Breivik. Those are the groups of people who cannot keep up the pace with the fast changes in their life conditions/circumstances and want to bring back the "old ways" and the purity of races. We need creativity in solving new problems.
It is interesting that Hitler hated Kalergis' ideas, and of course Mussolini was against it as well.

For me it is a very old idea and I do not think that it will ever happen. Plus the idea does not mention the extermination but interbreeding. Bringing it now into attention just proves that there are groups of people that believe in conspiracy theories. Frankly, I found very disturbing the ideology of the Golden Dawn, it was resembling with the fears of Anders Breivik. Those are the groups of people who cannot keep up the pace with the fast changes in their life conditions/circumstances and want to bring back the "old ways" and the purity of races. We need creativity in solving new problems.

maybe it is happening now,
Henry Kissinger share that Idea also, by what I know,
It is interesting that Hitler hated Kalergis' ideas, and of course Mussolini was against it as well.
Yea they hated those ideas in theory, but in practice hitler almost exterminated the white people. More caucasians died in WWII than any other race. Whoever follows these neo-nazi parties is a fool.

If someone is really worried about caucasians dissapearing then there should be government policies that promote family expansion and stopping immigration in europe and north-america from non-caucasian countries.
Yea they hated those ideas in theory, but in practice hitler almost exterminated the white people. More caucasians died in WWII than any other race. Whoever follows these neo-nazi parties is a fool.

If someone is really worried about caucasians dissapearing then there should be government policies that promote family expansion and stopping immigration in europe and north-america from non-caucasian countries.

Let's not concentrate on the ideology of these parties and analyse the Kalergi Plan at face value. Is there a core of truth in it? Any party can use a core of truth to propagate more aspects of its ideology. So we are not talking about the party, but the Kalergi plan.

Yes, well I agree with your statement. When worried about caucasians disappearing governments must change policies. But the whole point about this 'kalargi plan' is that the elites want caucasians to intermix sothat it will benefit their cause. So if some elites want the European peoples to disappear/intermix they would also influence the policy of the governments.

In analyzing this claim, there are a few objective questions we could ask ourselves to find out if there may be some truth in this infamous plan.
Are Caucasians in decline? Are Caucasian people worried about it? Is immigration from Asian and African countries still continuing?

This is what we should ask ourselves. Personally, it seems to me that the media in most European countries is especially sensitive to supporters who are against immigration. They are often seen as racists. And if governments take measures against immigration, then those countries are often portrayed as anti-humanitarian. While at the same time, no one would say a country like Japan is anti-humanitarian or racist because they don't allow foreigners.
For "Caucasians" the biggest problems are themselves. There is so much fight going on between them in proving who is purest and other blla, even in this forum. Just remember the last war in Yugoslavia, was it a war between Caucasians and Asians or any other race? It started between Slavic population and continued with Albanians of Kosova. Why? Because a group of Caucasians consider that have bigger rights over some other Caucasians. What about the problem between Greece and Macedonia over who has the right over the name "Macedonia". Totally childish from this perspective in this discussion. So, Kalergis' plan is not a problem, besides his idea was to create a world without racial problems, it is Utopian. I can imagine that this might happen after thousands of years when the system of values are hugely advanced but not in the near future.
For "Caucasians" the biggest problems are themselves. There is so much fight going on between them in proving who is purest and other blla, even in this forum. Just remember the last war in Yugoslavia, was it a war between Caucasians and Asians or any other race? It started between Slavic population and continued with Albanians of Kosova. Why? Because a group of Caucasians consider that have bigger rights over some other Caucasians. What about the problem between Greece and Macedonia over who has the right over the name "Macedonia". Totally childish from this perspective in this discussion. So, Kalergis' plan is not a problem, besides his idea was to create a world without racial problems, it is Utopian. I can imagine that this might happen after thousands of years when the system of values are hugely advanced but not in the near future.

I don't see how Caucasians fighting against each other has anything to do with the massive influx of immigrants of other continents. Immigration could stop and Caucasians could still be fighting against each other. That doesn't mean that they will seize to exist.

Besides, come to think of it. If mass immigration will become a threat to the survival of Europeans, then Europeans will unite under a common cause which is their ethnic survival. Like the Ancient Greeks who always used to fight each other over which state was better or over who is more Greek, but when the Persians were at their backyard they all united to fight them off.

Yes, I agree the mixing of all races also has a Utopian aspect. But I am arguing from a democratic perspective. Do Europeans want that? If they do not and they are forced to allow more immigration, then this is a form of genocide. In any case it can be seen as something immoral. Because this is not voluntary, but rather forced upon.
Yes, I agree the mixing of all races also has a Utopian aspect. But I am arguing from a democratic perspective. Do Europeans want that? If they do not and they are forced to allow more immigration, then this is a form of genocide. In any case it can be seen as something immoral. Because this is not voluntary, but rather forced upon.

Forced upon by whom?
In any case it can be seen as something immoral.

It is also immoral to want somebody to be jailed within the borders of their own run-down and poor country, just because they were born there. Just like it is immoral to see a dying beggar and not give him anything. The sad truth is that in reality we're all way more immoral than we think. Selective immigration can be sold more as a necessarily evil; esentially by saying: "we cannot accept everybody, but we're accept these people because that's in our best interest."
Yes, I agree the mixing of all races also has a Utopian aspect. But I am arguing from a democratic perspective. Do Europeans want that? If they do not and they are forced to allow more immigration, then this is a form of genocide. In any case it can be seen as something immoral. Because this is not voluntary, but rather forced upon.

Here's where the "genocide" part of the argument falls apart. Allowing more immigration does not unwillingly destroy any group (which is a minimum for genocide). If the natural consequence of massive immigration is for the host population and the migrant population to mix, as Kalergi described as a positive good, then the host population's original identity may dwindle, but it would not have been unwilling, because every marriage would have been consensual! And that is true even if we ignore the fact that there will almost certainly be groups of the host population who do not mix, or mix very little, and that identity with a dominant host population usually wins out over a migrant population. (Although stigmatizing mixed race individuals ironically makes them less likely to persist the culture of the host population!)
It is also immoral to want somebody to be jailed within the borders of their own run-down and poor country, just because they were born there.

If you are born in a poor country, you can work to make it better. Other countries have the moral obligation to help you. I could help a poor man, but no one can force me to take a person into my house. I might do it, but it has to be voluntarily.

Selective immigration can be sold more as a necessarily evil; esentially by saying: "we cannot accept everybody, but we're accept these people because that's in our best interest."

Once again, I agree, we could accept some. But we don't have to. And there can be limits. Countries should not be forced to do so. Why not hold a referendum on whether Europeans want more immigration?

Sparkley said:
Here's where the "genocide" part of the argument falls apart. Allowing more immigration does not unwillingly destroy any group (which is a minimum for genocide). If the natural consequence of massive immigration is for the host population and the migrant population to mix, as Kalergi described as a positive good, then the host population's original identity maydwindle, but it would not have been unwilling, because every marriage would have been consensual! And that is true even if we ignore the fact that there will almost certainly be groups of the host population who do not mix, or mix very little, and that identity with a dominant host population usually wins out over a migrant population. (Although stigmatizing mixed race individuals ironically makes them lesslikely to persist the culture of the host population!)

Being a member of this forum you should know very well that most populations who live alongside each other eventually intermix. Sometimes there are cultural and religious barriers, but the more dominant group can force the less dominant group to conform. All it takes is time.

What is perhaps more important though is that when there is a lot of immigration the dominant group will become the minority and will not be able to set its own policy anymore, so its ethnic survival is compromised. If you look at countries like the USA, the majority of the population won't even be Caucasian within a few decades.

FBS said:
Forced upon by whom?

Well, if it is unwanted and still forced upon Europeans, it has to be forced upon by someones agenda.

It is astonishing that during election time, many parties promise to battle immigration. They get millions of votes for it. And yet when they are in power, nothing happens. As if it is something which is very hard to achieve for a sovereign nation.

I don't see Japan and South Korea being overrun by immigrants.
Well, if it is unwanted and still forced upon Europeans, it has to be forced upon by someones agenda.

I still do not get it, who are those that are forcing Europe to go against their will? Who is this someone?
All of you know that restrict, inner marriage is a problem,
the case of Kings and Αιμοροφιλλια Hemo(ro)phillia is typical,
villages which share very limited of marriage show high peaks of certain genetical diseases. example anemias.

on the other hand sometimes intermix create stronger genetical types,
we all know that inner-marriage especially in very limited circles is Dangerous and forbiden,

maybe we speak about a sciεntific thought of intermarriage to cretae new stronger autosomals, that are not creayed yet,

My point is with whom they are forcing to be mixed,

I mean they are bringing in Europe for example strong or weak people?
healthy or diseased?
and what genes they want to pass-prevail in that intermix?
genes of 'obey', genes of 'eat less', genes of 'low muscular',
genes of 'depending' people ( people who will need a cheap medicine to stay aline, like follic acid for exmpl) ?

in ancient times that happened after wars, example the Roman-Savini wars and stole of women etc.
the strongest males choose with force the women.

but how that is happening today?
I still do not get it, who are those that are forcing Europe to go against their will? Who is this someone?

Any answer to this would be resulting in conspiracy theories.
What is important is that the people of Europe are against immigration, but political elites still promote it. This is a discrepancy and there must be an answer to this.
Any answer to this would be resulting in conspiracy theories.
What is important is that the people of Europe are against immigration, but political elites still promote it. This is a discrepancy and there must be an answer to this.

to this the answer is elsewhere,

like immigration creates smalkl salaries-> more profit -> big bank numbers etc.

That's my contribution to this thread.
I can see somebody british, german, or swedish being upset about racial mixing but what is the worst that can happen to south-europeans if north-west europe mixes; they're also going to look south-european !!
In my view the problem is not the mixing but the genetical predisposition of the newcomers to fit into a caucasian culture. That's why I think immigration to europe should be limited to other caucasian countries and maybe some selected middle-easterns and maghreb. Autosomal maps are a good selection tool.
I can see somebody british, german, or swedish being upset about racial mixing but what is the worst that can happen to south-europeans if north-west europe mixes; they're also going to look south-european !!
In my view the problem is not the mixing but the genetical predisposition of the newcomers to fit into a caucasian culture. That's why I think immigration to europe should be limited to other caucasian countries and maybe some selected middle-easterns and maghreb. Autosomal maps are a good selection tool.

What would happen if North-Western Europeans mixed with Southern Europeans? a lot of them have already mixed (I know a great many half-Greeks, Half-Germans/Swedish/British/Finnish and, btw, virtually none of them look Southern European).
but political elites still promote it. This is a discrepancy and there must be an answer to this.
...or they are just incompetent. Greek economy and politics is in chaos. Chaos denotes lack of control and incompetence. Same goes with Greek immigration fiasco.

This is interesting to see people believing that someone controls even most chaotic, very complex, or accidental events.

I have a feeling, I'm going to hear voices that this is a "controlled chaos".
What would happen if North-Western Europeans mixed with Southern Europeans? a lot of them have already mixed (I know a great many half-Greeks, Half-Germans/Swedish/British/Finnish and, btw, virtually none of them look Southern European).

What I was saying is if someone from north-west europe mixes with someone from Libya lets say; the offspring is probably going to look south-italian. North-west europe mix with south europe, you can't really tell the difference unless you're in rural scandinavia. north-west europe mix with sub-saharan looks kind of odd thou.

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