Immigration Muslim Migration


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Many people around the world are increasingly concerned by the elevating levels of Muslim migration to countries which are traditionally Christian. The main reason for this, unfortunately, is the upsurge in Muslim extremism accompanied by violence such as suicide bombing and car bombs. The attack on the USA on what has become known simply as 9/11 ranks near the top in the annals on infamy. In many, if not most countries, the Muslim immigrants do not assimilate into the broader community, preferring instead to form their own nationalistic enclaves. This does not help the other inhabitants to understand Islam or be more tolerant towards the Muslim people. It has been shown time and again, that first generation young Muslim men, in many instances, gravitate towards a gang culture which only exacerbates the suspicion of all Muslims.
Muslims from developed and educated countries are completely different compared to those from lets say Somalia or Pakistan. That is like someone declaring that American and European Christians are equivalent to Nigerian Pentecostals or Nicaraguans. Bosnians, Albanians, and Turks assimilate pretty well in the US.
I think people want calm and security in their lives not only Muslims but everyone. It's a bit unfortunate that the Islamic countries are being attacked by the US forces. If Muslims attacked only one world trade center then in revenge the US powers destroy the complete Muslim countries. That's the big injustice and nowadays. If Muslims are migrating from one place to another safe place then the reason behind their migration is the safety of their families.
I think people want calm and security in their lives not only Muslims but everyone. It's a bit unfortunate that the Islamic countries are being attacked by the US forces. If Muslims attacked only one world trade center then in revenge the US powers destroy the complete Muslim countries. That's the big injustice and nowadays. If Muslims are migrating from one place to another safe place then the reason behind their migration is the safety of their families.

And Europeans have the right to think about their own families when millions want to migrate to their homelands.
Heh....let me abstain from commenting I dun; if I was in front of you I would be disappointed right about now, here he goes with the f_ _ _ Muslims rhetoric​
Well it is problem, even if most Muslims are decent people, that does not mean that it is not a concerning issue. Even a brief look at history will show that every time this has happened previously in one form or another, it's had pretty disastrous consequences. After all Islam and Christianity did not start as the biggest religions, and they both got there with a lot of strife along the way. It is a perfectly natural concern, because it is a strong religion, much stronger than Christianity is now - at least in Europe. And previously Islam has only been kept out of Europe by Christian resistance, even then Islamic empires have extended very far into Europe. So we should be taking heed of events, but it's probably going to be one of those 'i told you so' things, whatever happens.
But this is the 21st century, not 1000 years ago. This is actually taking place on a massive scale where I am living in quebec. The French quebecers are some of the most unrightfully racist and intolerant people I have ever met; to the point that I question if they will not try to expulse ALL immigrants within the next few years; even other Europeans.
But this is the 21st century, not 1000 years ago. This is actually taking place on a massive scale where I am living in quebec. The French quebecers are some of the most unrightfully racist and intolerant people I have ever met; to the point that I question if they will not try to expulse ALL immigrants within the next few years; even other Europeans.

What has changed in 1000 years? Large scale immigration is invasion, you can call it multiculti but when you are replacing a population with other it is practically same as committing genocide.

It is genetically wise to resist invasions and keep your own genes alive, sometimes life is cold but that is the situation.
Multiculturalism isn't invasions; it's a global phenomenon my friend; get used to it
Multiculturalism isn't invasions; it's a global phenomenon my friend; get used to it

It is nothing new in world history, it will end in violence and chaos, it just sad to repeat mistakes made earlier.
just a reminder:

from the source:


While Christianity has a long history of charitable works, it also has an equally long history of sponsoring or encouraging conflict around the world. The Crusades (1095-1291), an obvious example, were prompted and organized by the Church and resulted in much slaughter- and many of those dead beneath the Crusaders’ swords were Christians (Byzantium- First Crusade). Their mistake was to have darker skin and to speak a foreign tongue.
The Inquisition began against the Cathars in the Albigensian Crusade (1202-1229) and went on to span nearly 700 years (1180-1850). Estimates of the number killed ranges from thousands (too low) to millions (ridiculously high). In essence, the Inquisition was a systematic and highly effective program that eradicated any challenges to the power and authority of the Roman Catholic Church.
Then we have the European maritime conquests in the Age of Exploration. From Columbus to Cook, European explorers used their religion (and the prospect of riches) to inspire their sailors into the dangerous journey and to justify the subjugation and enslavement of the native populations they encountered. All in the name of spreading the good word.
Moving faster, we see the religious wars that dotted the medieval landscape beginning in the 1500s, the settling and expansion of the early pilgrims, the decimation of the Native American Indian tribes, conquest of Central and South America as well as the Pacific Island nations, and Hitler’s co-opting of Christianity to justify his actions. Currently, we have many fundamentalists in this country today who speak of cleansing the world of the “Islamic scourge” and other apocalyptic rantings.

one more quote from, and I agree completely:

"it would be safe to say that the big three Abrahamic religious canons that rely on the Old Testament (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) are the world leaders in violence and cruelty."

Muslim religion is the younger one among the Abrahamic religions, so what is happening is that they are using their turn, so it needs time for them to evolve.
one more quote from, and I agree completely:

"it would be safe to say that the big three Abrahamic religious canons that rely on the Old Testament (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) are the world leaders in violence and cruelty."

Muslim religion is the younger one among the Abrahamic religions, so what is happening is that they are using their turn, so it needs time for them to evolve.

I dont really care, im a pagan myself, dont like any of those religions. Maybe Judaism, they are not pushing it to others.
Sure; it will end in violence because of the intolerance perpetrated by people like you! xD. I think most humans have evolved beyond those crusader days when violence caused by religion was common place; yes there are still many conflicts in the Middle East due to religion but it seems those Muslims that migrate to the western world, for the most part, are more than capable of adapting to their host's societies.
But this is the 21st century, not 1000 years ago. This is actually taking place on a massive scale where I am living in quebec. The French quebecers are some of the most unrightfully racist and intolerant people I have ever met; to the point that I question if they will not try to expulse ALL immigrants within the next few years; even other Europeans.

People seem to think that certain things that happen in the past are restricted to the past and can't happen to them. That's pretty naive really.
just a reminder:

from the source:


While Christianity has a long history of charitable works, it also has an equally long history of sponsoring or encouraging conflict around the world. The Crusades (1095-1291), an obvious example, were prompted and organized by the Church and resulted in much slaughter- and many of those dead beneath the Crusaders’ swords were Christians (Byzantium- First Crusade). Their mistake was to have darker skin and to speak a foreign tongue.
The Inquisition began against the Cathars in the Albigensian Crusade (1202-1229) and went on to span nearly 700 years (1180-1850). Estimates of the number killed ranges from thousands (too low) to millions (ridiculously high). In essence, the Inquisition was a systematic and highly effective program that eradicated any challenges to the power and authority of the Roman Catholic Church.
Then we have the European maritime conquests in the Age of Exploration. From Columbus to Cook, European explorers used their religion (and the prospect of riches) to inspire their sailors into the dangerous journey and to justify the subjugation and enslavement of the native populations they encountered. All in the name of spreading the good word.
Moving faster, we see the religious wars that dotted the medieval landscape beginning in the 1500s, the settling and expansion of the early pilgrims, the decimation of the Native American Indian tribes, conquest of Central and South America as well as the Pacific Island nations, and Hitler’s co-opting of Christianity to justify his actions. Currently, we have many fundamentalists in this country today who speak of cleansing the world of the “Islamic scourge” and other apocalyptic rantings.

Well if i was a Pagan witnessing the spread of Christianity in Europe i'd be in the same state of concern as a Christian or atheist witnessing the spread of Islam in Europe. It means big changes, and unneccesary changes really. Is it really worth all the strife just for a change of religion?
Sure; it will end in violence because of the intolerance perpetrated by people like you! xD. I think most humans have evolved beyond those crusader days when violence caused by religion was common place; yes there are still many conflicts in the Middle East due to religion but it seems those Muslims that migrate to the western world, for the most part, are more than capable of adapting to their host's societies.

So it is the duty of every threatened people to submit to the people that appear to be the threat? You must know we humans aren't like this. Any Christian or Atheist expansion would (and is) resisted in Islamic countries, and the spread of sects opposed by another sect. This is natural.
That's exactly the problem; I've never perceived Arabs or Muslims as a threat to be honest; just another amalgamy of ethnic groups to me! : )
That's exactly the problem; I've never perceived Arabs or Muslims as a threat to be honest; just another amalgamy of ethnic groups to me! : )

Yes so do i, but there are people amongst them who are. The same as within any ethnic or religious group. And of course if lots of them come here, so will plenty of the more threatening ones. I don't see how it is an advantage to have mass immigration from any countries, so what is the point? Especially if their religion is strong and growing, and often uses violence to further it's goals (within our without the religious group), as many other ideologies.
That's exactly the problem; I've never perceived Arabs or Muslims as a threat to be honest; just another amalgamy of ethnic groups to me! : )

"Arab" is an ethnic group. "Islam" is a religion that preaches that islam is the one true way. Perhaps in time they'll get over that, as christians have, but for now I'd rather they stayed in moslem countries.

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