Politics Balkanian disagreements.

@ Piro.

Not everyone who holds an Albanian flag in a forum, is necessarily an Albanian.
Yes, it might be true. Besides this I am just discussing with him , whatever his ethnicity could be.

The balkanic history, whether ancient and medieval, is too influenced by the modern Greek state and Greek diaspora. Therefore we having problems and contradictory views.
Again: Albanians of struga, ohrid and manastir (bitola) speaks tosk dialect. These areas are further south via egnatia. Check if you don't believe me. That area was always tosk, since the ancient times.

The arberesh of Italy are migrants of south Greece, who migrated there altogether with the Greeks onward the ottoman invasion. Their dialect is clearly tosk. The arvanites speaks tosk, but that dialect is more close to the cham-tosk dialect, not to the other subgroups of the tosk. Some gheg tribes migrated whether throughout epirus and mainland Greece, but that's all. Indeed they have been assimilated by the rest of populace. Linguistically is proven as far as I know, that the split is too old. I'm just asking you: why everything further north via egnatia is gheg! Don't forget, that during the Roman empire it was a gap. That imperial road was protected strictly by the legionares. I am not denying that ghegs migrated further south, instead I am saying that there was always a migration from North into south since the ancient times, but this migration didn't change the core of tosk dialect.
How can arbreshe be all tosk when most them from north albania?does not make sence.An further north.middle albania is gheg dibra is gheg.mati,all the medievil places written down are of gheg,Tosk dilect has changed alot it changed when tosks started to use greek aplhabet.As i said many times.Gheg is without doubt the oldest mother language of all dilects,An if arbrehse are tosks then how is it possiable that all the catholic albanians who went to italia were tosks,something has changed somewhere on the lines when they migrated to morea an arta then to italia..Their is far more proto albanian in gheg dilect than of both abreshe an arbantie.The nasal vowels etc also...as for gheg it is spoken as low as durres,elbasan tirane an western macedonia tosk is a standard albanian dilect that was forced among albanian ghegs.How you going to know how far gheg was spoken when many ghegs had to adopt tosk into their language by force of the goverment.As for the abreshe I really doubt they were all tosks you out of you mind,Every person who is mentioned in the 14ctry of albania had gheg names.This is issue with tosks they belive they are some special people..LET ME ASK DO YOU BELIVE CASTRIOTA WAS TOSK OR GHEG?Think about you answer before reply
Yes, it might be true. Besides this I am just discussing with him , whatever his ethnicity could be.

The balkanic history, whether ancient and medieval, is too influenced by the modern Greek state and Greek diaspora. Therefore we having problems and contradictory views.
I am albanian and im gheg.If some does not agree with other albanians makes them not albanian?I gave you my besa an my name in real life so is no issue,,
Yes, the majority of alb- macedon are ghegs, except the area around lake ohrid. The wife of the last Albanian dictator (enver hoxha) was a tosk from Manastir (bitola). Please open the map and see the division line between tosk and gheg. It's the ancient via egnatia. [emoji6] . It proves that tosk Albanians are the true descendants of epirotes. But indeed the epirys province during the Roman invasion was until the city of Lezh. (Nova epirus). We know that the famous alb- tosk fustanella was used either further north, although it was used maybe only by the nobles.

Probably the inhabitants of kastrioti realm were ghegs. Indeed I can't confirm really what was the kastrioti family. Some of the Roman emperors were illyrians, but this not mean that the empire was illyrian. The nobles and the low class are two different things
Well without doubt i belive castriota was gheg forsure to much land owned through mati.Dibra was also populated by gheg.But look im not trying to devide us at all.I am trying to make a point that we all once spoke 1 dilect an yes did split in early century but i thinik it also again in medievil times one again.As for albanians being epiruts yes but not from ancient times.An the tosk dilect doesnt prove that use are ancient epiruts.Maybe from 13 ctry but not 1ctry an early.
Yes i am in australia An will be hear for another 6 more years.I will put location on but refuse to put australia flag on if this ok
It is not Ok, these are the rules. What is wrong with Australian flag?
If you want dispensation, ask Maciamo, the owner of Eupedia.
The origin and lineage of the Albanian people. They stem from the Quraysh tribe, the Arab tribe inhabiting Mecca.

Evliya Celebi was a 17th century Turkish traveller during the Ottoman period who wrote about his experiences in the empire.

Celebi states that the first ancestors of the Albanians were Arabs who arrived in Epirus during the 7th century. After the rise of Islam the Quraysh spread out into the Caucasus regions and Celebi states that these migrant Quraysh tribes formed the ancestral lineage of the Circassian, Lazkha and Abkhaz peoples. A segment of this group broke away and is said to have sought refuge with the king of Spain. On page 191, Celebi states the following:

When the blessed Omar conquered Jerusalem, Jabal could not remain any longer in that place, so they boarded ships and took refuge with the king of Spain. Jabal-i Alhama was given the mountains of Dukat, Progonat and Frengis in the Albanian regions of Avlona and Delvina to live in, which were then under Spanish rule. These lands were previously uninhabited and, within a short period of time, he settled them and, mingling with the Franks, they created the Albanian language from a mixture of Frankish and Arabic. The place they originally inhabited, and where they still reside after many generations, is now called the mountain of Quryelesh, since they are descended from the Quraysh tribe of Arabs. Accordingly, the Albanian people boast that they are descended from the Quraysh, the companions of the Prophet. Although Jabal-i Alhama died as a Muslim and was buried at this site according to his last will and testament, his descendants intermarried with the treacherous Franks and became Frankish and bookless themselves..........The Albanians claim that their ancestor Jabal-i Alhama was a companion of the Prophet and died a Muslim. In short, Jabal-i Alhama of the Quraysh tribe is the ancestor of the Albanian..........

His explanation on how the Albanian language came about and developed is most interesting given that the said language does not belong to any other group in Europe, has a huge number of loanwords, and has several characteristics that do not appear to be European. When referring to the surrounds of Lake Skadar on page 41, Celebi states:
They all speak Arnaud, which is like no other tongue. In origin, the Arnaudi were one of the Arab tribes of Quraysh in Mecca. That is why there are some Arabic words still in use among them. When these Arnaud tribesmen emerged from the mountains of Skadar and Vlora,they mingled with the Italians and Franks, and so, during the Caliphate of Omar, produced a language between Arabic and Frankish.

The story and legend of Jabal-i Alhama must have been popular among Albanians, as he was even said to be buried outside the city of Elbasan. On page 189 Celebi writes:
All the Albanians visit the grave, claiming him as their ancestor.

On page 65, Celebi states the following:
Jabal-i Alhama subsequently died as a Muslim in the city of Elbasan. In the Tuhfa history, there is extensive information on this Arab tribe. This clan of Quraysh actually do look like Arabs........

There is also a source (Michael Attaliates) that apparently wrote of a people called 'Arbanitai' who were transplanted as mercenaries from Sicily to Albania by a rebel military commander called George Maniakos in 1042.
Michael Attaleiates or Attaliates (Greek: Μιχαήλ Ἀτταλειάτης) (c.1022-1080) was a Byzantine public servant and historian active in Constantinople and around the empire's provinces in the second half of the eleventh century.[1] He was a younger contemporary (possibly even a student) of Michael Psellos and likely an older colleague of John Skylitzes, the two other Byzantine historians of the eleventh century whose work survives.

A 17th century writer called T. Spanducci, in his Historia wrote:
"Georgija Kastriot was respected not only by his tribe, the Mijak tribe but all other nations, even the Turks. His mother was Vojislava, a Macedonian woman, daughter of a nobleman from Polog, which of course is a part of Macedonia...........The Mijak tribe and all the other Slovenes have many reasons for the glorification and the singed songs about their hero Georgija Kastriot, because he fought for the protection of the slav culture, for the christian cross and for the freedom, but also because he had the most noble name from his kind - Georgija"

Barletti in his Historia de vita et rebus gestis Scanderbegi refers to Skenderbeg as the "King of Epirus and Macedonia"

According to Nekulche, the part of the peace intermediation between the Emperor and Brinkovjan in Ias was done by (komisa)commissioner Macedonian (Makedona).
Vlachian chronologist Radu Grechan points out, that for that purpose Brinkovjan sent Georgi Kastriot to Ias. Russian (istoöniki) also call Georgi Kastriot, in the previous peace proposal by the commission of the Sultan. It is possible that the Turks proposed peace to the Russians without knowledge of Brinkovjan with the sole purpose to test his loyalty. After that we can conclude that he sent Kastriot in Ias under the pseudonym Macedonian (Makedona).

Georgija, of course, based on relevant historical sources. The family (descent) Kastriot, whose descendant is Georgija Kastriot, originates from the Mijak tribal group Kastrates. Today there are two assumptions for his birthplace. By ones, Georgija was born in the village Simona, north of the town Kroja (now Kruja), by others in the village Rostusha, Debar region. The Kastriot family was famous even in the first half of the XIV century when his grandfather Konstantin Kastriot became a head of the Macedonian (Miak) population in the region of Matka (now Mat) and Mala Les (now Malesia, that is Male Zi), Northern Albania. Formerly Konstantin was one of the greatest salt traders with Dubrovnik. After his death his son Ivan, who accepting the vassalage of the Turks succeeded to protect that part of today Albania from the Ottoman slavery, inherited him. Ivan's father left more written documents testifying about the Macedonian (Mijak) character of the Kastriot descent. On this occasion we shall cite only a part of the charter written by the hand of Ivan to the Monastery of Hilendar, on Sveta Gora, from 1426.

In this document, written in Old Church Slavic language
the following is written.

"According to the unspeakable mercy of my ruler Christ, I, sinful and
unworthy, must not be mistaken to my Jesus Christ, Ivan Kastriot and my sons Stanisha and Riposha and Konstantin and Georgija have contributed to the Holy monastery great Prechista of the ruler Lavri of Hilendar and I contributed the village Rodostushe and the church St.Prechista Bogorodica, also in that village Rodostushe and the village Trebishte.

The writing is confirmed with a seal with the name of Ivan Kastriot,
written in Cyrillic alphabet
(See documents in: St.Novakovich, Legal
monuments./fifth book, pg. 467).

From the correspondence with the Dubrovnik Republic, having political, military and trade relations, three letters have been saved written also in Cyrillic alphabet.
His Macedonian-Christian spirit and character is clearly seen from the letters. This spirit is mostly expressed in the letter from 25 February 1420, sent to the landowner Petar from Dubrovnik, which says:
"My faith in Christ as well as the faith of my sons Reposh, Stanislav, Konstantin and Georgija. My Gjorgjian country, extending from Konjuh (now Elbasan) to Prizren, is maintained and cultivated by me, Mr. Ivan and my sons."

The Mijaks (Macedonian: Мијаци, Mijaci) are a sub-group of ethnic Macedonians who primarily live in the Mijačija area, comprising of the Reka and Mala Reka regions, along the Radika river,in the west of Macedonia. They are most notable for their unique style of building and the extent to which old traditions and customs are kept alive by Mijaks.With the migration from village to city many villages now are uninhabited.
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Conclusion - Evliya Celebi 17th century Turkish traveller during the Ottoman period who wrote about his experiences in the empire:
Modern Catholic Albanians = Quraysh mixed with Franks and other
Modern Orthodox Albanians = Quraysh mixed with Balkanians "Native, Slavs" and other
Modern Muslim Albanians = Quraysh mixed with Turks, Balkanian muslim converts and other

When the blessed Omar conquered Jerusalem, Jabal could not remain any longer in that place, so they boarded ships and took refuge with the king of Spain. Jabal-i Alhama was given the mountains of Dukat, Progonat and Frengis in the Albanian regions of Avlona and Delvina to live in, which were then under Spanish rule. These lands were previously uninhabited and, within a short period of time, he settled them and, mingling with the Franks, they created the Albanian language from a mixture of Frankish and Arabic.

This could have some sense. Progonat literally means 'a place for the outcasts', which should be an inhabited place. There was later also a Progon family, probably from the same region?
Conclusion - Evliya Celebi 17th century Turkish traveller during the Ottoman period who wrote about his experiences in the empire:
Modern Catholic Albanians = Quraysh mixed with Franks and other
Modern Orthodox Albanians = Quraysh mixed with Balkanians "Native, Slavs" and other
Modern Muslim Albanians = Quraysh mixed with Turks, Balkanian muslim converts and other
lmao gheg albanians are not quraysh they are native to the balkan area lool. we dont speak arabic our language has very much less arabic,All our pie words are from balkan areas.our influence from the indo european is only from europe if you going to post stupid uneducated stuff then try with some other person my friend,,gheg albanians rae not related to arabs of mecca nor any of the tribes are related to albanians.The Quraysh people or tribe is where mohammed was from it is his language an tribe,Nice tribe dejavu go read a book.
The origin and lineage of the Albanian people. They stem from the Quraysh tribe, the Arab tribe inhabiting Mecca.

Evliya Celebi was a 17th century Turkish traveller during the Ottoman period who wrote about his experiences in the empire.

Celebi states that the first ancestors of the Albanians were Arabs who arrived in Epirus during the 7th century. After the rise of Islam the Quraysh spread out into the Caucasus regions and Celebi states that these migrant Quraysh tribes formed the ancestral lineage of the Circassian, Lazkha and Abkhaz peoples. A segment of this group broke away and is said to have sought refuge with the king of Spain. On page 191, Celebi states the following:

When the blessed Omar conquered Jerusalem, Jabal could not remain any longer in that place, so they boarded ships and took refuge with the king of Spain. Jabal-i Alhama was given the mountains of Dukat, Progonat and Frengis in the Albanian regions of Avlona and Delvina to live in, which were then under Spanish rule. These lands were previously uninhabited and, within a short period of time, he settled them and, mingling with the Franks, they created the Albanian language from a mixture of Frankish and Arabic. The place they originally inhabited, and where they still reside after many generations, is now called the mountain of Quryelesh, since they are descended from the Quraysh tribe of Arabs. Accordingly, the Albanian people boast that they are descended from the Quraysh, the companions of the Prophet. Although Jabal-i Alhama died as a Muslim and was buried at this site according to his last will and testament, his descendants intermarried with the treacherous Franks and became Frankish and bookless themselves..........The Albanians claim that their ancestor Jabal-i Alhama was a companion of the Prophet and died a Muslim. In short, Jabal-i Alhama of the Quraysh tribe is the ancestor of the Albanian..........

His explanation on how the Albanian language came about and developed is most interesting given that the said language does not belong to any other group in Europe, has a huge number of loanwords, and has several characteristics that do not appear to be European. When referring to the surrounds of Lake Skadar on page 41, Celebi states:
They all speak Arnaud, which is like no other tongue. In origin, the Arnaudi were one of the Arab tribes of Quraysh in Mecca. That is why there are some Arabic words still in use among them. When these Arnaud tribesmen emerged from the mountains of Skadar and Vlora,they mingled with the Italians and Franks, and so, during the Caliphate of Omar, produced a language between Arabic and Frankish.

The story and legend of Jabal-i Alhama must have been popular among Albanians, as he was even said to be buried outside the city of Elbasan. On page 189 Celebi writes:
All the Albanians visit the grave, claiming him as their ancestor.

On page 65, Celebi states the following:
Jabal-i Alhama subsequently died as a Muslim in the city of Elbasan. In the Tuhfa history, there is extensive information on this Arab tribe. This clan of Quraysh actually do look like Arabs........

There is also a source (Michael Attaliates) that apparently wrote of a people called 'Arbanitai' who were transplanted as mercenaries from Sicily to Albania by a rebel military commander called George Maniakos in 1042.
Michael Attaleiates or Attaliates (Greek: Μιχαήλ Ἀτταλειάτης) (c.1022-1080) was a Byzantine public servant and historian active in Constantinople and around the empire's provinces in the second half of the eleventh century.[1] He was a younger contemporary (possibly even a student) of Michael Psellos and likely an older colleague of John Skylitzes, the two other Byzantine historians of the eleventh century whose work survives.

A 17th century writer called T. Spanducci, in his Historia wrote:
"Georgija Kastriot was respected not only by his tribe, the Mijak tribe but all other nations, even the Turks. His mother was Vojislava, a Macedonian woman, daughter of a nobleman from Polog, which of course is a part of Macedonia...........The Mijak tribe and all the other Slovenes have many reasons for the glorification and the singed songs about their hero Georgija Kastriot, because he fought for the protection of the slav culture, for the christian cross and for the freedom, but also because he had the most noble name from his kind - Georgija"

Barletti in his Historia de vita et rebus gestis Scanderbegi refers to Skenderbeg as the "King of Epirus and Macedonia"

According to Nekulche, the part of the peace intermediation between the Emperor and Brinkovjan in Ias was done by (komisa)commissioner Macedonian (Makedona).
Vlachian chronologist Radu Grechan points out, that for that purpose Brinkovjan sent Georgi Kastriot to Ias. Russian (istoöniki) also call Georgi Kastriot, in the previous peace proposal by the commission of the Sultan. It is possible that the Turks proposed peace to the Russians without knowledge of Brinkovjan with the sole purpose to test his loyalty. After that we can conclude that he sent Kastriot in Ias under the pseudonym Macedonian (Makedona).

Georgija, of course, based on relevant historical sources. The family (descent) Kastriot, whose descendant is Georgija Kastriot, originates from the Mijak tribal group Kastrates. Today there are two assumptions for his birthplace. By ones, Georgija was born in the village Simona, north of the town Kroja (now Kruja), by others in the village Rostusha, Debar region. The Kastriot family was famous even in the first half of the XIV century when his grandfather Konstantin Kastriot became a head of the Macedonian (Miak) population in the region of Matka (now Mat) and Mala Les (now Malesia, that is Male Zi), Northern Albania. Formerly Konstantin was one of the greatest salt traders with Dubrovnik. After his death his son Ivan, who accepting the vassalage of the Turks succeeded to protect that part of today Albania from the Ottoman slavery, inherited him. Ivan's father left more written documents testifying about the Macedonian (Mijak) character of the Kastriot descent. On this occasion we shall cite only a part of the charter written by the hand of Ivan to the Monastery of Hilendar, on Sveta Gora, from 1426.

In this document, written in Old Church Slavic language
the following is written.

"According to the unspeakable mercy of my ruler Christ, I, sinful and
unworthy, must not be mistaken to my Jesus Christ, Ivan Kastriot and my sons Stanisha and Riposha and Konstantin and Georgija have contributed to the Holy monastery great Prechista of the ruler Lavri of Hilendar and I contributed the village Rodostushe and the church St.Prechista Bogorodica, also in that village Rodostushe and the village Trebishte.

The writing is confirmed with a seal with the name of Ivan Kastriot,
written in Cyrillic alphabet
(See documents in: St.Novakovich, Legal
monuments./fifth book, pg. 467).

From the correspondence with the Dubrovnik Republic, having political, military and trade relations, three letters have been saved written also in Cyrillic alphabet.
His Macedonian-Christian spirit and character is clearly seen from the letters. This spirit is mostly expressed in the letter from 25 February 1420, sent to the landowner Petar from Dubrovnik, which says:
"My faith in Christ as well as the faith of my sons Reposh, Stanislav, Konstantin and Georgija. My Gjorgjian country, extending from Konjuh (now Elbasan) to Prizren, is maintained and cultivated by me, Mr. Ivan and my sons."

The Mijaks (Macedonian: Мијаци, Mijaci) are a sub-group of ethnic Macedonians who primarily live in the Mijačija area, comprising of the Reka and Mala Reka regions, along the Radika river,in the west of Macedonia. They are most notable for their unique style of building and the extent to which old traditions and customs are kept alive by Mijaks.With the migration from village to city many villages now are uninhabited.
I have nerver ever seen so much rubbish in my life about albanian people until now lmao..
The origin and lineage of the Albanian people. They stem from the Quraysh tribe, the Arab tribe inhabiting Mecca.

Evliya Celebi was a 17th century Turkish traveller during the Ottoman period who wrote about his experiences in the empire.

Celebi states that the first ancestors of the Albanians were Arabs who arrived in Epirus during the 7th century. After the rise of Islam the Quraysh spread out into the Caucasus regions and Celebi states that these migrant Quraysh tribes formed the ancestral lineage of the Circassian, Lazkha and Abkhaz peoples. A segment of this group broke away and is said to have sought refuge with the king of Spain. On page 191, Celebi states the following:

When the blessed Omar conquered Jerusalem, Jabal could not remain any longer in that place, so they boarded ships and took refuge with the king of Spain. Jabal-i Alhama was given the mountains of Dukat, Progonat and Frengis in the Albanian regions of Avlona and Delvina to live in, which were then under Spanish rule. These lands were previously uninhabited and, within a short period of time, he settled them and, mingling with the Franks, they created the Albanian language from a mixture of Frankish and Arabic. The place they originally inhabited, and where they still reside after many generations, is now called the mountain of Quryelesh, since they are descended from the Quraysh tribe of Arabs. Accordingly, the Albanian people boast that they are descended from the Quraysh, the companions of the Prophet. Although Jabal-i Alhama died as a Muslim and was buried at this site according to his last will and testament, his descendants intermarried with the treacherous Franks and became Frankish and bookless themselves..........The Albanians claim that their ancestor Jabal-i Alhama was a companion of the Prophet and died a Muslim. In short, Jabal-i Alhama of the Quraysh tribe is the ancestor of the Albanian..........

His explanation on how the Albanian language came about and developed is most interesting given that the said language does not belong to any other group in Europe, has a huge number of loanwords, and has several characteristics that do not appear to be European. When referring to the surrounds of Lake Skadar on page 41, Celebi states:
They all speak Arnaud, which is like no other tongue. In origin, the Arnaudi were one of the Arab tribes of Quraysh in Mecca. That is why there are some Arabic words still in use among them. When these Arnaud tribesmen emerged from the mountains of Skadar and Vlora,they mingled with the Italians and Franks, and so, during the Caliphate of Omar, produced a language between Arabic and Frankish.

The story and legend of Jabal-i Alhama must have been popular among Albanians, as he was even said to be buried outside the city of Elbasan. On page 189 Celebi writes:
All the Albanians visit the grave, claiming him as their ancestor.

On page 65, Celebi states the following:
Jabal-i Alhama subsequently died as a Muslim in the city of Elbasan. In the Tuhfa history, there is extensive information on this Arab tribe. This clan of Quraysh actually do look like Arabs........

There is also a source (Michael Attaliates) that apparently wrote of a people called 'Arbanitai' who were transplanted as mercenaries from Sicily to Albania by a rebel military commander called George Maniakos in 1042.
Michael Attaleiates or Attaliates (Greek: Μιχαήλ Ἀτταλειάτης) (c.1022-1080) was a Byzantine public servant and historian active in Constantinople and around the empire's provinces in the second half of the eleventh century.[1] He was a younger contemporary (possibly even a student) of Michael Psellos and likely an older colleague of John Skylitzes, the two other Byzantine historians of the eleventh century whose work survives.

A 17th century writer called T. Spanducci, in his Historia wrote:
"Georgija Kastriot was respected not only by his tribe, the Mijak tribe but all other nations, even the Turks. His mother was Vojislava, a Macedonian woman, daughter of a nobleman from Polog, which of course is a part of Macedonia...........The Mijak tribe and all the other Slovenes have many reasons for the glorification and the singed songs about their hero Georgija Kastriot, because he fought for the protection of the slav culture, for the christian cross and for the freedom, but also because he had the most noble name from his kind - Georgija"

Barletti in his Historia de vita et rebus gestis Scanderbegi refers to Skenderbeg as the "King of Epirus and Macedonia"

According to Nekulche, the part of the peace intermediation between the Emperor and Brinkovjan in Ias was done by (komisa)commissioner Macedonian (Makedona).
Vlachian chronologist Radu Grechan points out, that for that purpose Brinkovjan sent Georgi Kastriot to Ias. Russian (istoöniki) also call Georgi Kastriot, in the previous peace proposal by the commission of the Sultan. It is possible that the Turks proposed peace to the Russians without knowledge of Brinkovjan with the sole purpose to test his loyalty. After that we can conclude that he sent Kastriot in Ias under the pseudonym Macedonian (Makedona).

Georgija, of course, based on relevant historical sources. The family (descent) Kastriot, whose descendant is Georgija Kastriot, originates from the Mijak tribal group Kastrates. Today there are two assumptions for his birthplace. By ones, Georgija was born in the village Simona, north of the town Kroja (now Kruja), by others in the village Rostusha, Debar region. The Kastriot family was famous even in the first half of the XIV century when his grandfather Konstantin Kastriot became a head of the Macedonian (Miak) population in the region of Matka (now Mat) and Mala Les (now Malesia, that is Male Zi), Northern Albania. Formerly Konstantin was one of the greatest salt traders with Dubrovnik. After his death his son Ivan, who accepting the vassalage of the Turks succeeded to protect that part of today Albania from the Ottoman slavery, inherited him. Ivan's father left more written documents testifying about the Macedonian (Mijak) character of the Kastriot descent. On this occasion we shall cite only a part of the charter written by the hand of Ivan to the Monastery of Hilendar, on Sveta Gora, from 1426.

In this document, written in Old Church Slavic language
the following is written.

"According to the unspeakable mercy of my ruler Christ, I, sinful and
unworthy, must not be mistaken to my Jesus Christ, Ivan Kastriot and my sons Stanisha and Riposha and Konstantin and Georgija have contributed to the Holy monastery great Prechista of the ruler Lavri of Hilendar and I contributed the village Rodostushe and the church St.Prechista Bogorodica, also in that village Rodostushe and the village Trebishte.

The writing is confirmed with a seal with the name of Ivan Kastriot,
written in Cyrillic alphabet
(See documents in: St.Novakovich, Legal
monuments./fifth book, pg. 467).

From the correspondence with the Dubrovnik Republic, having political, military and trade relations, three letters have been saved written also in Cyrillic alphabet.
His Macedonian-Christian spirit and character is clearly seen from the letters. This spirit is mostly expressed in the letter from 25 February 1420, sent to the landowner Petar from Dubrovnik, which says:
"My faith in Christ as well as the faith of my sons Reposh, Stanislav, Konstantin and Georgija. My Gjorgjian country, extending from Konjuh (now Elbasan) to Prizren, is maintained and cultivated by me, Mr. Ivan and my sons."

The Mijaks (Macedonian: Мијаци, Mijaci) are a sub-group of ethnic Macedonians who primarily live in the Mijačija area, comprising of the Reka and Mala Reka regions, along the Radika river,in the west of Macedonia. They are most notable for their unique style of building and the extent to which old traditions and customs are kept alive by Mijaks.With the migration from village to city many villages now are uninhabited.
This is what i wanted to hear,lets begin.Barletti in his Historia de vita et rebus gestis Scanderbegi<<<LATIN GHEG.refers to Skenderbeg as the "King of Epirus and Macedonia.Hear is the thing with people who post propaganda about other being from arabic,,Now if we arabics from mecca then this would mean all albanians including castriota an albanians of epirus aswell you gave the dates what does not make sense an now you post scanderbeg was king of epirus.lol silly.Barletti was a northern albanian from shkodra also catholic.WOW not suppising, in Barletti book it says That scanderbeg is prince of epirus yes it does.but also say king of mati.gjon father pal means paul an gheg again not supprised,He was attest ruler of sine<<gheg albanian speakers again,anyway.prince of mati, king of albania,king of epirus this was said in the 14ctry,Now as for the macedonian part, in north we say e madh it describes part of our land,He was talking about dibra in macedonia.Its funny people who dont infact read his book use same old propaganda about epirus,I will remind you this,The old name for macedonia is emathia yes?it is.the pre indo european word for emathia is>>samadh<<This word is in albanian malesia i emadh,anyway off subject.gjon,pal,gerji,gjin,are all northern,, brankovic was a trader to the albanian people an scanderbeg. if he scanderbeg is slav as by looks of things of you saying then why did scanderbeg ravish slav lands for betraying the christian albanian an hunyadi.Why was their not mention of slavs in castriota army?why did brankovic block scanderbeg from coming to battle of kosova? As for scanderbeg being from mijak tribe is propagada at its best he was part of mati.Show some real history like abreshe has,They all documented all thte nobles whom left albania an alll arbreshe still today are documnetd into a book,typical slavnic propaganda
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just a question,

Kastriotis was a yeni-sar,

yenisars were taken as blood taxation to Ottomans,

just a question,

was Albania under Ottomans before 1453 so to give blood taxation?

the oone who answers can see clear.
just a question,

Kastriotis was a yeni-sar,

yenisars were taken as blood taxation to Ottomans,

just a question,

was Albania under Ottomans before 1453 so to give blood taxation?

the oone who answers can see clear.
Yes albanians were under the ottomans in 1385 first south albania from greece then worked its way upwards to southern gheg dilect of elbasan one of first ghegs that fell to ottomans then north albania.In dibra in 1400s they did fall to ottomans was another albanian gheg that fell.it was part of the mati region was populated by geg albanians an still today is populated by ghegs,, islam was spread to albania via the greek pashas.infact memehtII the very man who destroyed albania had greek blood from the hatun family something many people really dont understand.My tribe did not have to pay tax after the full of albania. albanians or italia arbreshe an the pope payed our tax to remain catholic. shkodra in 1479 along with durres in 1501 were last to fall to islam an ottomans.greeks helped spread islam into albania hear.Murad I, (1360–1389) Ottoman sultan, Greek mother, Nilüfer Hatun.hear is a list of greeks working for the ottomans.dibra is located north lake orid population gheg., not south as Piro says their is no ghegs i dont agree fully.Gjon kastriota was the father of scanderbeg he was Lord of Mat.Gjon's father was nobleman Pal Kastrioti, who held two villages as segnior de Signa signa is sine. balkan 2.jpg arban was the first Albanian state during the Middle Ages. The state was established by archonProgon in the region of Kruja, in ca 1190. It doesnt matter when albanians worked for the ottomans an it doesnt matter when castriota was also taken by the ottomans if it was early than of north etc means nothing my friend...
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