Politics Balkanian disagreements.

just a question,

Kastriotis was a yeni-sar,

yenisars were taken as blood taxation to Ottomans,

just a question,

was Albania under Ottomans before 1453 so to give blood taxation?

the oone who answers can see clear.
most ghegs fell last,an later than 1453 But their were that did before 1453
This is helpful for you to understand how an who help destroy albania

  • Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt (Arabic: إبراهيم باشا) (1789 – 10 November 1848), a 19th-century general of Egypt. He is better known as the (adopted) son of Muhammad Ali of Egypt. Ibrahim was born in the town of Drama, in the Ottoman province of Rumelia, currently located in Macedonia to a Greek Christian woman and a man named Tourmatzis.
  • Hussein Hilmi Pasha - (1855–1922), Ottoman statesman born on Lesbos to a family of Greek ancestry[67][68][69][70] who had formerly converted to Islam.[71] He became twice Grand vizier[72] of the Ottoman Empire in the wake of the Second Constitutional Era and was also Co-founder and Head of the Turkish Red Crescent.[73] Hüseyin Hilmi was one of the most successful Ottoman administrators in the Balkans of the early 20th century becoming Ottoman Inspector-General of Macedonia[74] from 1902 to 1908, Ottoman Minister for the Interior[75] from 1908 to 1909 and Ottoman Ambassador at Vienna[76] from 1912 to 1918.
  • Ahmet Vefik Paşa (Istanbul, 3 July 1823 - 2 April 1891), was a famous Ottoman of Greek descent[77][78][79][80][81][82][83] (whose ancestors had converted to Islam).[77] He was a statesman, diplomat, playwright and translator of the Tanzimat period. He was commissioned with top-rank governmental duties, including presiding over the first Turkish parliament.[84] He also became a grand vizier for two brief periods. Vefik also established the first Ottoman theatre[85] and initiated the first Western style theatre plays in Bursa and translated Molière's major works.
  • Ahmed Resmî Efendi (English, "Ahmed Efendi of Resmo") (1700 – 1783) also called Ahmed bin İbrahim Giridî ("Ahmed the son of İbrahim the Cretan") was a Grecophone Ottoman statesman, diplomat and historian, who was born into a Muslim family of Greek descent in the Cretan town of Rethymno.[86][87][88][89] In international relations terms, his most important - and unfortunate - task was to act as the chief of the Ottoman delegation during the negotiations and the signature of the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca. In the literary domain, he is remembered for various works among which his sefâretnâme recounting his embassies in Berlin and Vienna occupy a prominent place. He was Turkey's first ever ambassador in Berlin.
  • Adnan Kahveci (1949-1993) was a noted Turkish politician who served as a key advisor to Prime Minister Turgut Özal throughout the 1980s. His family came from the region of Pontus and Kahveci was a fluent Greek speaker.[90]
  • Bülent Arınç (born. 25 May 1948) is a Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey since 2009. He is of Grecophone Cretan Muslim heritage with his ancestors arriving to Turkey as Cretan refugees during the time of Sultan Abdul Hamid II[91] and is fluent in Cretan Greek.[92] Arınç is a proponent of wanting to reconvert the Hagia Sophia into a mosque, which has caused diplomatic protestations from Greece.
  • Al-Khazini - (flourished 1115–1130) was a Greek Muslim scientist, astronomer, physicist, biologist, alchemist, mathematician and philosopher - lived in Merv (modern-day Turkmenistan)
  • Atik Sinan or "Old Sinan" - Ottoman architect (not to be confused with the other Sinan whose origins are disputed between Greek, Albanian, Turk or Armenian (see below))
  • Carlos Mavroleon - son of a Greek ship-owner, Etonian heir to a £100m fortune, close to the Kennedys and almost married a Heseltine, former Wall Street broker and a war correspondent, leader of an Afghan Mujahideen unit during the Afghan war against the Soviets - died under mysterious circumstances in Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Damat Hasan Pasha, Ottoman Grand Vizier between 1703-1704.[95] He was originally a Greek convert to Islam from the Morea.[96][97]
  • Diam's (Mélanie Georgiades) French rapper of Greek origin.
  • Emetullah Rabia Gülnûş Sultan (1642–1715) was the wife of Ottoman Sultan Mehmed IV and Valide Sultan to their sons Mustafa II and Ahmed III (1695–1715). She was born to a priest in Rethymno, Crete, then underVenetian rule, her maiden name was Evmania Voria and she was an ethnic Greek.[59][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106] She was captured when the Ottomans conquered Rethymno about 1646 and she was sent as slave to Constantinople, where she was given Turkish and Muslim education in the harem department of Topkapı Palace and soon attracted the attention of the Sultan, Mehmed IV.
  • Gawhar al-Siqilli,[107][108][109][110] (born c. 928-930, died 992), of Greek descent originally from Sicily, who had risen to the ranks of the commander of the Fatimid armies. He had led the conquest of North Africa[111] and then ofEgypt and founded the city of Cairo[112] and the great al-Azhar mosque.
  • Gazi Evrenos - (d. 1417), an Ottoman military commander serving as general under Süleyman Pasha, Murad I, Bayezid I, Süleyman Çelebi and Mehmed I
  • Hamza Yusuf - American Islamic teacher and lecturer
  • Handan Sultan, wife of Ottoman Sultan Mehmed III
  • İbrahim Edhem Pasha, born of Greek ancestry[62][94][113][114][115] on the island of Chios, Ottoman statesman who held the office of Grand Vizier in the beginning of Abdulhamid II's reign between 5 February 1877 and 11 January 1878
  • İshak Pasha (? - 1497, Thessaloniki) was a Greek (though some reports say he was Croatian) who became an Ottoman general, statesman and later Grand Vizier. His first term as a Grand Vizier was during the reign ofMehmet II ("The Conqueror"). During this term he transferred Turkmen people from their Anatolian city of Aksaray to newly conquered İstanbul to populate the city which had lost a portion of its former population prior to conquest. The quarter of the city is where the Aksaray migrants had settled is now called Aksaray. His second term was during the reign of Beyazıt II.
  • John Tzelepes Komnenos - (Greek: Ἰωάννης Κομνηνὸς Τζελέπης) son of Isaac Komnenos (d. 1154). Starting about 1130 John and his father, who was a brother of Emperor John II Komnenos ("John the Beautiful"), plotted to overthrow his uncle the emperor. They made various plans and alliances with the Danishmend leader and other Turks who held parts of Asia Minor. In 1138 John and his father had a reconciliation with the Emperor, and received a full pardon. In 1139 John accompanied the emperor on his campaign in Asia Minor. In 1140 at the siege of Neocaesarea he defected. As John Julius Norwich puts it, he did so by "embracing simultaneously the creed of Islam and the daughter of the Seljuk Sultan Mesud I." John Komnenos' by-name, Tzelepes, is believed to be a Greek rendering of the Turkish honorific Çelebi, a term indicating noble birth or "gentlemanly conduct". The Ottoman Sultans claimed descent from John Komnenos.
  • Kösem Sultan - (1581–1651) also known as Mehpeyker Sultan was the most powerful woman in Ottoman history, consort and favourite concubine of Ottoman Sultan Ahmed I (r. 1603-1617), she became Valide Sultan from 1623–1651, when her sons Murad IV and Ibrahim I and her grandson Mehmed IV (1648–1687) reigned as Ottoman sultans; she was the daughter of a priest from the island of Tinos - her maiden name was Anastasia
  • Leo of Tripoli (Greek: Λέων ὸ Τριπολίτης) was a Greek renegade and pirate serving Arab interests in the early tenth century.
  • Mahfiruze Hatice Sultan - (d 1621), maiden name Maria, was the wife of the Ottoman Sultan Ahmed I and mother of Osman II.
  • Mahmud Pasha Angelović - Mahmud Pasha or Mahmud-paša Anđelović (1420–1474), also known simply as Adni, was Serbian-born, of Byzantine noble descent (Angeloi) who became an Ottoman general and statesman, after being abducted as a child by the Sultan. As Veli Mahmud Paşa he was Grand Vizier in 1456–1468 and again in 1472–1474. A capable military commander, throughout his tenure he led armies or accompanied Mehmed IIon his own campaigns.
  • Mimar Sinan (1489–1588) - Ottoman architect - his origins are possibly Greek. There is not a single document in Ottoman archives which state whether Sinan was Armenian, Albanian, Turk or Greek, only "Orthodox Christian". Those who suggest that he could be Armenian do this with the mere fact that the largest Christian community living at the vicinity of Kayseri were Armenians, but there was also a considerably large Greek population (e.g. the father of Greek-American film director Elia Kazan) in Kayseri. Actually, in Ottoman records, Sinan's father is named "Hristo", which suggests Greek ancesty, and which is probably why Encyclopedia Britannica states that he was of Greek origin.
  • Misac Palaeologos Pasha, a member of the Byzantine Palaiologos dynasty and the Ottoman commander in the first Siege of Rhodes (1480). He was an Ottoman statesman and Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire from 1499-1501.
  • Mustapha Khaznadar (مصطفى خزندار, 1817–1878), was Prime Minister of the Beylik of Tunis[116] from 1837 to 1873. Of Greek origin,[117][118][119][120][121] as Georgios Kalkias Stravelakis[121][122][123] he was born on the island of Chios in 1817.[122] Along with his brother Yannis, he was captured and sold into slavery[124] by the Ottomans during the Massacre of Chios in 1822, while his father Stephanis Kalkias Stravelakis was killed. He was then taken to Smyrna and then Constantinople, where he was sold as a slave to an envoy of the Bey of Tunis.
  • Narjis, mother of Muhammad al-Mahdi the twelfth and last Imam of Shi'a Islam, Byzantine Princess, reportedly the descendant of the disciple Simon Peter, the vicegerent of Jesus
  • Pargalı İbrahim Pasha (d. 1536), the first Grand Vizier appointed by Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire (reigned 1520 to 1566)
  • Raghib Pasha (1819–1884), was Prime Minister of Egypt.[125] He was of Greek ancestry[126][127][128][129] and was born in Greece[130] on 18 August 1819 on either the island of Chios following the great Massacre[131] orCandia[132] Crete. After being kidnapped to Anatolia he was brought to Egypt as a slave by Ibrahim Pasha in 1830[133] and converted to Islam. Raghib Pasha ultimately rose to levels of importance serving as Minister of Finance (1858–1860), then Minister of War (1860–1861). He became Inspector for the Maritime Provinces in 1862, and later Assistant (Arabic: باشمعاون‎) to viceroy Isma'il Pasha (1863–1865). He was granted the title ofbeylerbey and then appointed President of the Privy council in 1868. He was appointed President of the Chamber of Deputies (1866–1867), then Minister of Interior in 1867, then Minister of Agriculture and Trade in 1875. Isma'il Ragheb became Prime Minister of Egypt in 1882.
  • Rum Mehmed Pasha was an Ottoman statesman. He was Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire from 1466-1469.
  • Turgut Reis - (1485–1565) was a notorious Barbary pirate of the Ottoman Empire. He was born of Greek descent[134][135][136][137][138][139] in a village near Bodrum, on the Aegean coast of Asia Minor. After converting to Islam in his youth[138] he served as Admiral and privateer who also served as Bey of Algiers; Beylerbey of the Mediterranean; and first Bey, later Pasha, of Tripoli. Under his naval command the Ottoman Empire was extended across North Africa.[140] When Tugut was serving as pasha of Tripoli, he adorned and built up the city, making it one of the most impressive cities along the North African Coast.[141]
  • Yaqut al-Hamawi (Yaqut ibn-'Abdullah al-Rumi al-Hamawi) (1179–1229) (Arabic: ياقوت الحموي الرومي) was an Islamic biographer and geographer renowned for his encyclopedic writings on the Muslim world.
  • Yusuf Islam (born Steven Demetre Georgiou; 21 July 1948, aka Cat Stevens) the famous singer of Cypriot Greek origin, converted to Islam at the height of his fame in December, 1977[142] and adopted his Muslim name, Yusuf Islam, the following year.
  • Jamilah Kolocotronis, Greek-German ex. Lutheran scholar and writer.
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It is not Ok, these are the rules. What is wrong with Australian flag?
If you want dispensation, ask Maciamo, the owner of Eupedia.
Your country of residence (displays a flag in your posts) I am residence of albania my birth is albania i am hear working.No disrespect but i am not a citizen of australia but am of albania.
Your country of residence (displays a flag in your posts) I am residence of albania my birth is albania i am hear working.No disrespect but i am not a citizen of australia but am of albania.

Whats wrong with the flag of the "Secular Republic of Australia"................it will change flag in 2018 when the last territory will become North Australia and becomes a federated state like the rest.
Whats wrong with the flag of the "Secular Republic of Australia"................it will change flag in 2018 when the last territory will become North Australia and becomes a federated state like the rest.
nothing is its just not my heritage or homeland.
Yetos you post about to laberia was not good my friend.Karaiskakis (kara-skje, son of a monk woman and a 'skje')

as written in his memories

F**K your faith and your Mohamet.
Are n't you ashamed to ask treaty from us?
with one gkotzia shultan shity mahmout (the lion of Albania, MAHMUT PASHA SKODRA was his turkish name,) I will shit on him and on the Vezir (Ottoman title) and the Jew(banker) Sillihtar Boda (known Separadim family from Trikala, bank owners, who lend money to Turkish army) the whore,


AT 1550 Catholic Monks describe Dyrrachium and said that 2nd most spoken was Greek, after Latin,
what happened to them?
until 1780 Greek minority existed still there,
what left today?
you know well, simply you are afraid to tell,
cause you know, behind of 50% of Albanian speakers, is hidden a Greek that was forced to get Albanized.Ok i think you need to learn who worked for who my friend maybe this video may help who helped who.
<b style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); text-align: justify; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"><b><b>
nothing is its just not my heritage or homeland.

Your situation is sucks, you can even accuse of using false flag like this

"Something bothers, actually why are you posting under a false flag? The way your posts have been pro Turkish it can't be simply coincidence."
Your situation is sucks, you can even accuse of using false flag like this

"Something bothers, actually why are you posting under a false flag? The way your posts have been pro Turkish it can't be simply coincidence."
Yep it does suck.An i dont understand pro turkish?explain how please.I am posting under a false flag now.when infact im albanian from albania on work in australia An yes i dont have any time in the world for the turkish people not one bit because of the past what has happen to my people.May i ask why you have the double headed eagle with the turkish symbol on top of it?If im pro turk then dam i hate for you to go to my region lol.Im not the only albanian, boreas like myself their is many like me,anyway your name on account is of greek god of wind interesting name interesting tale.take care
For those who mentioned PROGON - it means "progenitor", so nothing Slavic about it. And as for Quraysh fantasy, that was just a political agenda of Ottomans and it very well says, it is just a myth/legend (wishful thinking of Ottomans) that wanted to prove that their reign in Albanian territories is justified. So please...
For those who mentioned PROGON - it means "progenitor", so nothing Slavic about it.
Indeed, that would be very eloquent and scientific terminology from medieval highlanders :)

And as for Quraysh fantasy, that was just a political agenda of Ottomans and it very well says, it is just a myth/legend (wishful thinking of Ottomans) that wanted to prove that their reign in Albanian territories is justified. So please...

Please you. Wake up from your national-romantic dream, because it is totally plausible. There are many indications that parts of population of Albania are from the East. Where do you think they've got that non-IE pronunciation?

Conclusion - Evliya Celebi 17th century Turkish traveller during the Ottoman period who wrote about his experiences in the empire:
Modern Catholic Albanians = Quraysh mixed with Franks and other
Modern Orthodox Albanians = Quraysh mixed with Balkanians "Native, Slavs" and other
Modern Muslim Albanians = Quraysh mixed with Turks, Balkanian muslim converts and other

You forget something in the conclusion of your long and troling post, that Scanderbeg is the grandfather of Nikola Gruevski. Alexander the Great was a slavic macedonian, why not Scanderbeg?
An important slavomacedonian historian named i think Tashko delchev, is making serious reserch in order to prove that Jesus Christ was a slavomacedonian. This historian is very convinced of this fact.

Many modern countries and nations, like England, Russia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Sweden, etc... have some continuity from medieval times, but for Medieval Kingdom of Albanian and modern Shqiptars ... not quite.
Ike, open a thread about the continuity in your country, Serbia.
What i know is that the Serbs were the among most loyal collaborators of the Ottomans in the Balkans. Serbs hoped that the cooperation with the Ottomans would helped them. For this reason, the Serbian nobles sent their daughters as slaves in the harem of the sultans. For this reason citizens and Serbian magnates open doors of Smederevo to the Ottomans. But the world is like the jungle. Well was common between the orthodox of Balcan, (except orthodox albanians), to collaborate with the Ottomas. Better with the turks then with Pope. Just remember how Gennadius II and the Orthodox Chuch, opened the gates of the City to Mehmed the Conqueror. And this humility and servility did not saved the Serbs.
So, from that moment Serbs disappeared as a nation. The only Serbian thing that survived, was the Serb Orthodox Church. And that church, ironically survived thanks to one.... Bosniak, Sokollu Mehmed Pasha.
And the story you know latter, who is orthodox is serb etc. So for this reason in the XIX century, the ethnic composition of province of Servia was this:
With a continuous excess of births over deaths, and of male over female children, the population of Servia rose from 2,161,961 in 1890 to 2,493,770 in 1900, and to about 2,750,000 in 1910. More than four-fifths of this number belong to the Serbo-Croatian branch of the Slavonic race; while the remainder is composed of about 160,000 Rumans, 47,000 gipsies, 8000 Austro-Hungarians and Germans, and 5000 Jews. Many Servian emigrants returned, after 1878, to the territories which the Treaty of Berlin restored to their country. These territories had been occupied, under Turkish rule, by Albanians, west of the Morava, and by Bulgarians, along the Nishava; but, after 1878, the Albanians withdrew, and the Bulgarians were absorbed. The Rumans reside principally in the north-east, near the borders of their native land, and are peasant farmers, like the Serbs. The gipsies occasionally settle down, forming separate camps or villages, but in most cases they prefer a wandering life. They are often admirable artisans and musicians, almost every town possessing a gipsy band. The Germans and AustroHungarians control a large share of the commerce of the country; the Jews, as elsewhere in the Balkans, are retail traders. AntiSemitism is not prevalent in Servia, owing to the smallness of the Jewish communities. The stature and features of the Serbs vary in different regions; but the northern peasantry are generally fairer and shorter than the mountaineers of the south. Those of the Shumadia are blue-eyed or grey-eyed. In many parts the prevailing types have been modified by intermarriage with Bulgars, Albanians and Vlachs; so that, along the Timok, for instance, it is impossible to make physiognomy a test of nationality. Even language does not afford a sure criterion, so nearly akin are many spoken dialects of Servian and Bulgarian.
So, to put it simple. In the province of Servia or Pascialuk of Sebia, Southerns were mostly albanians and northerners were mostly vlachs.

Albanians at the begining of XIX century ruled half Balcan. And was the Albanians who started the war against the Otomans.
Did they even speak the same language?
About Evliya Chelebi mentioned by this member from the country without name, you have to read him very carefully. For example, in one of his memoirs he speaks about the Albanian language. I would like to quote him, in order to give an answer to you, man from the country without name but also to Ike.

Evliya Chelebi:
- a Journey through Northern Albania
and Montenegro

The following are foolish expressions, but the traveller need to know them since he might be the object of cursing or a beating: hak mut (22) 'eat shit', tikifsati támu (23) 'I'll **** your mother', tikifsati soke (24) 'I'll **** your wife', ti piriste bihund (25) 'I'll fart in your nose', tikifsati büthi (26) 'I'll **** your ass', iç qivirdim (27) 'catamite pimp'. In short, when dervishes are travelling, they should know such expressions as well, so that they can avoid trouble by not going to places where they will be abused.

(22)Mod. Alb. ha mut 'eat shit'.

(23)Mod. Alb. të qifsha tët amë 'I'll **** your mother'. First person optative of the verb
qij 'to ****' plus accusative of jot amë. This expression, in the standard form të qifsha nënën, is one of the most commonly heard expletives in the Albanian language today.

(24)Mod. Alb. të qifsha tët shoqe 'I'll **** your wife'.

(25)Mod. Alb. të pjerdhsha mbë hund 'I'll fart in (your) nose', an insult still known in Shkodra. First person optative of the intrans. verb pjerdh 'to fart' plus the Geg preposition mbë for standard në.

(26)Mod. Alb. të qifsha (në) bythë 'I'll **** your ass'.

(27)Mod. Alb. i shkërdhyem, '******'. Passive past participle of the verb shkërdhej 'to ****' with the Geg ending -yem. A common insult in modern Albanian, especially in the Tirana dialect form shkërdhatë.

Extract from: Robert Dankoff and Robert Elsie (ed.): Evliya Çelebi in Albania and Adjacent Regions (Kosovo, Montenegro, Ohrid), Leiden 2000, p. 27-57.Translated from the Ottoman Turkish by Robert Elsie and Robert Dankoff.

P.S. To the member from no name country.
I think that the problem of the name of your country will be resolved in the next 20-30 years. I am sure that your country will be called Ilirida. So no more problems with the greeks.
The book about Georgija Kastriot written by Petar Popovski.

There are 20 full songs like these in the book, sung in a western Macedonian (Mijak) dialect. Albanians have none. Georgija Kastriot was IMPOSED in their history, by the Austro-hungarian and Italian politico-historians when Albania was formed in 1912.

One is the song about the dream of his mother Voislava and the second is the song about Georgija and his wife Marija Andronika.

Son sonila Voislava kralica
son sonila od son se isplasila
Mi rodila bela luta zmija
So kriljata Epir pokrivala
So glavata carigrad dopirala
Kako zmija glava mu vrtela
Take zivi Turci mi g'ltala

Se chudeje epirski vojvodi
sho je ova chudo nevideno
Malo kralce, s kruna na cheloto
Se radveshe Ivanova roda
Brakja , sestri i si bratuchedi
Sho se rodi dete zvezdajlija...

Mu kladoja ime Gospodovo
Georgija - ime hristijansko
Makedonsko - slavno biblijansko....


Ushche zora ne zorila
Stana Ivan na pot da mi odit
Mi razbudi sina Georgija
Si jafnaje svoi brzi konji
Otidoje vo grada Kanina..

Zdravo zivo tije si storile
I na divan skrisno besedeje
Da se krenat protiv Osmanlii
Da si vratit zemji porobeni
Ji sluzese mlada Andronika
S crno kafe i s luta rakija
Frli oko Gjorgji na devojka
Lichna moma kako samovila....

Even today in Mount Athos in the Monastery Hilandar(Χιλανδαρίου) you can see the writing of the monk Nikanor that says:

Сеи хрисовуль есть господара Ивнна Кацтпиота македонскаго, и копίе его вь немъ есть. И пише како даеть монастирю нашему две села во и суща съ церковьίю Пресветы, Богородицы тамо сущίа, и описуеть вс по синорами, и прочат.

A part of the charter written by the hand of Ivan to the Monastery of Hilendar, on Sveta Gora, from 1426.
In this document, written in Old Church Slavic language
the following is written.
"According to the unspeakable mercy of my ruler Christ, I, sinful and
unworthy, must not be mistaken to my Jesus Christ, Ivan Kastriot and my sons Stanisha and Riposha and Konstantin and Georgija have contributed to the Holy monastery great Prechista of the ruler Lavri of Hilendar and I contributed the village Rodostushe and the church St.Prechista Bogorodica, also in that village Rodostushe and the village Trebishte.
The writing is confirmed with a seal with the name of Ivan Kastriot,
written in Cyrillic alphabet
(See documents in: St.Novakovich, Legal
monuments./fifth book, pg. 467).

From the correspondence with the Dubrovnik Republic, having political, military and trade relations, three letters have been saved written also in Cyrillic alphabet.
His Macedonian-Christian spirit and character is clearly seen from the letters. This spirit is mostly expressed in the letter from 25 February 1420, sent to the landowner Petar from Dubrovnik, which says:
"My faith in Christ as well as the faith of my sons Reposh, Stanislav, Konstantin and Georgija. My Gjorgjian country, extending from Konjuh (now Elbasan) to Prizren, is maintained and cultivated by me, Mr. Ivan and my sons."
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The book about Georgija Kastriot written by Petar Popovski.

There are 20 full songs like these in the book, sung in a western Macedonian (Mijak) dialect. Albanians have none. Georgija Kastriot was IMPOSED in their history, by the Austro-hungarian and Italian politico-historians when Albania was formed in 1912.

One is the song about the dream of his mother Voislava and the second is the song about Georgija and his wife Marija Andronika.

Son sonila Voislava kralica
son sonila od son se isplasila
Mi rodila bela luta zmija
So kriljata Epir pokrivala
So glavata carigrad dopirala
Kako zmija glava mu vrtela
Take zivi Turci mi g'ltala

Se chudeje epirski vojvodi
sho je ova chudo nevideno
Malo kralce, s kruna na cheloto
Se radveshe Ivanova roda
Brakja , sestri i si bratuchedi
Sho se rodi dete zvezdajlija...

Mu kladoja ime Gospodovo
Georgija - ime hristijansko
Makedonsko - slavno biblijansko....


Ushche zora ne zorila
Stana Ivan na pot da mi odit
Mi razbudi sina Georgija
Si jafnaje svoi brzi konji
Otidoje vo grada Kanina..

Zdravo zivo tije si storile
I na divan skrisno besedeje
Da se krenat protiv Osmanlii
Da si vratit zemji porobeni
Ji sluzese mlada Andronika
S crno kafe i s luta rakija
Frli oko Gjorgji na devojka
Lichna moma kako samovila....


Even today in Mount Athos in the Monastery Hilandar(Χιλανδαρίου) you can see the writing of the monk Nikanor that says:
Сеи хрисовуль есть господара Ивнна Кацтпиота македонскаго, и копίе его вь немъ есть. И пише како даеть монастирю нашему две села во и суща съ церковьίю Пресветы, Богородицы тамо сущίа, и описуеть вс по синорами, и прочат.

A part of the charter written by the hand of Ivan to the Monastery of Hilendar, on Sveta Gora, from 1426.
In this document, written in Old Church Slavic language
the following is written.
"According to the unspeakable mercy of my ruler Christ, I, sinful and
unworthy, must not be mistaken to my Jesus Christ, Ivan Kastriot and my sons Stanisha and Riposha and Konstantin and Georgija have contributed to the Holy monastery great Prechista of the ruler Lavri of Hilendar and I contributed the village Rodostushe and the church St.Prechista Bogorodica, also in that village Rodostushe and the village Trebishte.

The writing is confirmed with a seal with the name of Ivan Kastriot,
written in Cyrillic alphabet
(See documents in: St.Novakovich, Legal
monuments./fifth book, pg. 467).
The earliest existing record of Gjergj's name is the First Act of Hilandar from 1426, when Gjon Kastrioti and his four sons donated the right to the proceeds from taxes collected from the two villages in Macedonia to the Monastery of Hilandar.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skanderbeg#cnote_I[27] Afterwards, in the period between 1426 and 1431,[28] Gjon Kastrioti and his sons, with the exception of Stanisha, purchased four adelphates (rights to reside on monastic territory and receive subsidies from monastic resources) to the Saint George tower and to some property within the monastery as stated in the Second Act of Hilandar.[27][29]

In 1426 Gjon Kastrioti, an Albanian lord, and his three sons (one of whom was Skanderbeg) donated the right to the proceeds from taxes collected from the two villages of Rostuša and Trebište (in Macedonia) and from the church of Saint Mary, which was in one of them, to the Hilandar where his son Reposh retired and died on 25 July 1431: in his honor the Tower of St. George of Hilandar was known as the "Albanian tower" (Serbian: Arbanaški pirg).[5][6] By the end of the 15h century according to the Russian pilgrim Isaiah, the monastery was Serb.[7]

A. E. Bakalopulos (1973). History of Macedonia, 1354-1833. [By] A.E. Vacalopoulos. p. 166. At the end of the 15th century, the Russian pilgrim Isaiah relates that the monks support themselves with various kinds of work including the cultivation of their vineyards....He also tells us that nearly half the monasteries are Slav or Albanian. As Serbian he instances Docheiariou, Grigoriou, Ayiou Pavlou, a monastery near Ayiou Pavlou and dedicated to St. John the Theologian (he no doubt means the monastery of Ayiou Dionysiou), and Chilandariou. Panteleïmon is Russian, Simonopetra is Bulgarian, and Karakallou and Philotheou are Albanian.
The book about Georgija Kastriot written by Petar Popovski.

There are 20 full songs like these in the book, sung in a western Macedonian (Mijak) dialect. Albanians have none. Georgija Kastriot was IMPOSED in their history, by the Austro-hungarian and Italian politico-historians when Albania was formed in 1912.

One is the song about the dream of his mother Voislava and the second is the song about Georgija and his wife Marija Andronika.

Son sonila Voislava kralica
son sonila od son se isplasila
Mi rodila bela luta zmija
So kriljata Epir pokrivala
So glavata carigrad dopirala
Kako zmija glava mu vrtela
Take zivi Turci mi g'ltala

Se chudeje epirski vojvodi
sho je ova chudo nevideno
Malo kralce, s kruna na cheloto
Se radveshe Ivanova roda
Brakja , sestri i si bratuchedi
Sho se rodi dete zvezdajlija...

Mu kladoja ime Gospodovo
Georgija - ime hristijansko
Makedonsko - slavno biblijansko....


Ushche zora ne zorila
Stana Ivan na pot da mi odit
Mi razbudi sina Georgija
Si jafnaje svoi brzi konji
Otidoje vo grada Kanina..

Zdravo zivo tije si storile
I na divan skrisno besedeje
Da se krenat protiv Osmanlii
Da si vratit zemji porobeni
Ji sluzese mlada Andronika
S crno kafe i s luta rakija
Frli oko Gjorgji na devojka
Lichna moma kako samovila....


Even today in Mount Athos in the Monastery Hilandar(Χιλανδαρίου) you can see the writing of the monk Nikanor that says:
Сеи хрисовуль есть господара Ивнна Кацтпиота македонскаго, и копίе его вь немъ есть. И пише како даеть монастирю нашему две села во и суща съ церковьίю Пресветы, Богородицы тамо сущίа, и описуеть вс по синорами, и прочат.

A part of the charter written by the hand of Ivan to the Monastery of Hilendar, on Sveta Gora, from 1426.
In this document, written in Old Church Slavic language
the following is written.
"According to the unspeakable mercy of my ruler Christ, I, sinful and
unworthy, must not be mistaken to my Jesus Christ, Ivan Kastriot and my sons Stanisha and Riposha and Konstantin and Georgija have contributed to the Holy monastery great Prechista of the ruler Lavri of Hilendar and I contributed the village Rodostushe and the church St.Prechista Bogorodica, also in that village Rodostushe and the village Trebishte.

The writing is confirmed with a seal with the name of Ivan Kastriot,
written in Cyrillic alphabet
(See documents in: St.Novakovich, Legal
monuments./fifth book, pg. 467).
The earliest existing record of Gjergj's name is the First Act of Hilandar from 1426, when Gjon Kastrioti and his four sons donated the right to the proceeds from taxes collected from the two villages in Macedonia to the Monastery of Hilandar.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skanderbeg#cnote_I[27] Afterwards, in the period between 1426 and 1431,[28] Gjon Kastrioti and his sons, with the exception of Stanisha, purchased four adelphates (rights to reside on monastic territory and receive subsidies from monastic resources) to the Saint George tower and to some property within the monastery as stated in the Second Act of Hilandar.[27][29]

In 1426 Gjon Kastrioti, an Albanian lord, and his three sons (one of whom was Skanderbeg) donated the right to the proceeds from taxes collected from the two villages of Rostuša and Trebište (in Macedonia) and from the church of Saint Mary, which was in one of them, to the Hilandar where his son Reposh retired and died on 25 July 1431: in his honor the Tower of St. George of Hilandar was known as the "Albanian tower" (Serbian: Arbanaški pirg).[5][6] By the end of the 15h century according to the Russian pilgrim Isaiah, the monastery was Serb.[7]
A. E. Bakalopulos (1973). History of Macedonia, 1354-1833. [By] A.E. Vacalopoulos. p. 166. At the end of the 15th century, the Russian pilgrim Isaiah relates that the monks support themselves with various kinds of work including the cultivation of their vineyards....He also tells us that nearly half the monasteries are Slav or Albanian. As Serbian he instances Docheiariou, Grigoriou, Ayiou Pavlou, a monastery near Ayiou Pavlou and dedicated to St. John the Theologian (he no doubt means the monastery of Ayiou Dionysiou), and Chilandariou. Panteleïmon is Russian, Simonopetra is Bulgarian, and Karakallou and Philotheou are Albanian.
The book about Georgija Kastriot written by Petar Popovski. There are 20 full songs like these in the book, sung in a western Macedonian (Mijak) dialect. Albanians have none. Georgija Kastriot was IMPOSED in their history, by the Austro-hungarian and Italian politico-historians when Albania was formed in 1912. One is the song about the dream of his mother Voislava and the second is the song about Georgija and his wife Marija Andronika. Son sonila Voislava kralica son sonila od son se isplasila Mi rodila bela luta zmija So kriljata Epir pokrivala So glavata carigrad dopirala Kako zmija glava mu vrtela Take zivi Turci mi g'ltala Se chudeje epirski vojvodi sho je ova chudo nevideno Malo kralce, s kruna na cheloto Se radveshe Ivanova roda Brakja , sestri i si bratuchedi Sho se rodi dete zvezdajlija... Mu kladoja ime Gospodovo Georgija - ime hristijansko Makedonsko - slavno biblijansko.... ========== Ushche zora ne zorila Stana Ivan na pot da mi odit Mi razbudi sina Georgija Si jafnaje svoi brzi konji Otidoje vo grada Kanina.. Zdravo zivo tije si storile I na divan skrisno besedeje Da se krenat protiv Osmanlii Da si vratit zemji porobeni Ji sluzese mlada Andronika S crno kafe i s luta rakija Frli oko Gjorgji na devojka Lichna moma kako samovila....
Even today in Mount Athos in the Monastery Hilandar(Χιλανδαρίου) you can see the writing of the monk Nikanor that says: Сеи хрисовуль есть господара Ивнна Кацтпиота македонскаго, и копίе его вь немъ есть. И пише како даеть монастирю нашему две села во и суща съ церковьίю Пресветы, Богородицы тамо сущίа, и описуеть вс по синорами, и прочат. A part of the charter written by the hand of Ivan to the Monastery of Hilendar, on Sveta Gora, from 1426. In this document, written in Old Church Slavic language the following is written. "According to the unspeakable mercy of my ruler Christ, I, sinful and unworthy, must not be mistaken to my Jesus Christ, Ivan Kastriot and my sons Stanisha and Riposha and Konstantin and Georgija have contributed to the Holy monastery great Prechista of the ruler Lavri of Hilendar and I contributed the village Rodostushe and the church St.Prechista Bogorodica, also in that village Rodostushe and the village Trebishte. The writing is confirmed with a seal with the name of Ivan Kastriot, written in Cyrillic alphabet (See documents in: St.Novakovich, Legal monuments./fifth book, pg. 467).
The earliest existing record of Gjergj's name is the First Act of Hilandar from 1426, when Gjon Kastrioti and his four sons donated the right to the proceeds from taxes collected from the two villages in Macedonia to the Monastery of Hilandar.[27] Afterwards, in the period between 1426 and 1431,[28] Gjon Kastrioti and his sons, with the exception of Stanisha, purchased four adelphates (rights to reside on monastic territory and receive subsidies from monastic resources) to the Saint George tower and to some property within the monastery as stated in the Second Act of Hilandar.[27][29]
In 1426 Gjon Kastrioti, an Albanian lord, and his three sons (one of whom was Skanderbeg) donated the right to the proceeds from taxes collected from the two villages of Rostuša and Trebište (in Macedonia) and from the church of Saint Mary, which was in one of them, to the Hilandar where his son Reposh retired and died on 25 July 1431: in his honor the Tower of St. George of Hilandar was known as the "Albanian tower" (Serbian: Arbanaški pirg).[5][6] By the end of the 15h century according to the Russian pilgrim Isaiah, the monastery was Serb.[7]

A. E. Bakalopulos (1973). History of Macedonia, 1354-1833. [By] A.E. Vacalopoulos. p. 166. "At the end of the 15th century, the Russian pilgrim Isaiah relates that the monks support themselves with various kinds of work including the cultivation of their vineyards....He also tells us that nearly half the monasteries are Slav or Albanian. As Serbian he instances Docheiariou, Grigoriou, Ayiou Pavlou, a monastery near Ayiou Pavlou and dedicated to St. John the Theologian (he no doubt means the monastery of Ayiou Dionysiou), and Chilandariou. Panteleïmon is Russian, Simonopetra is Bulgarian, and Karakallou and Philotheou are Albanian."

The problem is that medieval Albanian is not the same as Shqiptar.

The problem is that medieval Albanian is not the same as Shqiptar.
You are free to elaborate your "theory", but i smell Deretic.
You are free to prove that medieval Albanians were in fact of Shqiptar ethnic origin and that they spoke Shiptar language. One simple word, or script, or stone carving, or something? From Dimitri Progon? Or anyone else? Surely Scanderbeg would at least give credits to Shiptar language with one tiny little needlework on the scarf, banner, clothes, etc... if Shqiptar was really his mother tongue.
The Byzantine Empire in 1042 attacked the young Serbian state after having defeated the Arabs in Sicily and having brought the Sicilian Albanians under their command and christianizing them. The leader of the Byzantines who led the Albanians was named Georgius Maniakos. Maniakos brought Albanian mercenaries from Sicily to fight the Serbs and they settled in two waves in modern day Albania, first the mercanaries came, and then came the women and children. After the defeat of Maniakos, the Byzantines would not let the Albanians return, thus the Albanians requested that the Serbs let them stay on the land. They settled under mount Raban and the city of Berat and from this, the Serbs called them "Rabanasi" or "Arbanasi". The city of Berat was known as Belgrad also, before the Albanians came to settle there. They mostly tended sheep and cattle and lent themselves out to Serbian nobles as brave soldiers.

Michael Attaliota: Historia, Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae. Impensis ed. NJeberi, Bonnae

Turkish name for the Albanians: "Arnauti", which means "those who have not returned"

You are free to prove that medieval Albanians were in fact of Shqiptar ethnic origin and that they spoke Shiptar language. One simple word, or script, or stone carving, or something? From Dimitri Progon? Or anyone else? Surely Scanderbeg would at least give credits to Shiptar language with one tiny little needlework on the scarf, banner, clothes, etc... if Shqiptar was really his mother tongue.
Try to write correct the ethnic denomination of my nation. You know wery well that this is a a derogatory term. You know that in albanian existe a derrogatory term for serbs, but i am not using it.

If you want to disccus about Albanians, you have to go to the class of 6th grade elementary of a Serbian schools to open this book of history that explains very clearly that the Albanians are Autochthonous to their lands and the Serbs have come too late.

Don`t bring to this forum the ridiculos theories of Deretic.
The Byzantine Empire in 1042 attacked the young Serbian state after having defeated the Arabs in Sicily and having brought the Sicilian Albanians under their command and christianizing them. The leader of the Byzantines who led the Albanians was named Georgius Maniakos. Maniakos brought Albanian mercenaries from Sicily to fight the Serbs and they settled in two waves in modern day Albania, first the mercanaries came, and then came the women and children. After the defeat of Maniakos, the Byzantines would not let the Albanians return, thus the Albanians requested that the Serbs let them stay on the land. They settled under mount Raban and the city of Berat and from this, the Serbs called them "Rabanasi" or "Arbanasi". The city of Berat was known as Belgrad also, before the Albanians came to settle there. They mostly tended sheep and cattle and lent themselves out to Serbian nobles as brave soldiers.

Michael Attaliota: Historia, Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae. Impensis ed. NJeberi, Bonnae

Turkish name for the Albanians: "Arnauti", which means "those who have not returned"


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