J2b1-M205 introduced to Eupedia

Autosomal DNA from haplogroups? :petrified:

That's according to the expectations. Serbs of Banat mostly descend from the medieval Serbian population. That migration is well documented.

Y DNA of Serbs from Banat (I2a+R1a is only 40,5%)
I2 - 24,32%
E-V13 - 18,92%
R1a - 16,22%
R1b - 10,81%
I1 - 10,81%
J2b-M205 - 8,11%
J2a - 5,4%
Q - 2,7%
N2 - 2,7%


Torlakian Serbs from southern Serbia also have about 40% I2a+R1a.
Dema is an manipulator. His posts are cherry-picking. I2a and R1a are much stronger among Krajina Serbs than E1b and J2b.

Where i said that there is less I2a or R1a in Croatian Krajina or RS in Bosnia? then E1b and J2?
You have personal issues connected to this being Croatian Serb you have something to prove, which does not hold water.

For the third time look what i said:

Also note that Slavic haplogroups could eventually always come in while Vlach ones could not. Even this Vlach signal that we find today in them is significant. Its not enough to call them Vlachs for sure, but enough to verify that at least one part of these people was Vlach before

There is obvious Vlach signal in Krajina Serbs and in RS Serbs that is primary followed by J2-M205 which lacks in Croats, Bosnjaks, Slovens. But also it is followed by higher percentage of E-v13 then already in mentioned neighbors.

Stop posting rows of copy pasted statistics and spam that no one cares about in J2-M205 thread. Open your thread if you have something to prove.
Sorry for a digression, just wanted to help us to get sense of proportions.

According to 1981 census, Croatian Serbs comprised 11.6% of total population of Croatia and only 6,53% of all Serbs in Yugoslavia.
Where i said that there is less I2a or R1a in Croatian Krajina or RS in Bosnia? then E1b and J2?
You have personal issues connected to this being Croatian Serb you have something to prove, which does not hold water.

For the third time look what i said:

There is obvious Vlach signal in Krajina Serbs and in RS Serbs that is primary followed by J2-M205 which lacks in Croats, Bosnjaks, Slovens. But also it is followed by higher percentage of E-v13 then already in mentioned neighbors.

Stop posting rows of copy pasted statistics and spam that no one cares about in J2-M205 thread. Open your thread if you have something to prove.

Stop ******ng me, you clown!
You said that Krajina Serbs are predominantly of Vlach origin, and is not true. You campared them with Sandžaklije who have +70% Albanian haplos (E-V13, J2b2 and R1b-BY611). Krajina Serbs are much much more Slavic than Sandžaklije, in terms of haplos and autosomal. I expect autosomal results of Banija Serbs, they are probably most northern shifted Serbs, probably even more northern than average for Krajina Serbs. Banija Serbs are one of the lightest pigmented Serbs on average, and majority of them look central European. Until now there is no published results of Banija Serbs. One Banija Serbs who live in Germany got 47% North European at K12 dodecad (that is Slovenian average), but his results are not published yet. I got imformation of one Banija Serb guy, because man who is tested in Germany is his cousin. Banija guy with 47% North European is I2-PH908.
Serbs from southern Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Šumadija and Banat have more "Vlach" haplos than Krajina Serbs.
If Krajina Serbs are Vlachs than what are Serbs from southern Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Šumadija and Banat? Maybe super Vlachs?
In reality Croatians and Slovenians have 40% non-slavic haplogroups, but you deny this fact and your pretend that Croatians and Slovenians have 100% Slavic haplos.
In reality J2b1-M205 is poor among Albanians and real Vlachs - Aromanians.

I have seen 2 autosomal results of Lika Serbs. One guy is J2b1-M205, other is I2-PH908.

J2b1-M205 (80% East Europe)

I2-PH908 (63% East Europe)

Both of these Lika Serbs guy are genetically more Slavic than for example Croatian girl Stearsolina (Feeichy) from TA and her Hungarian boyfriend. She got 52% East Europe. They are much more genetically Slavic than Sinan Zirić (Bosniensis), he got 42% East European.
For Wonomyro: Stersolina is Mala Rijeka on forum.hr, you know her if you are present on forum.hr.
Question for you: Who is genetically more Slavic, J2b1-M205 or I2-PH908 guy?
In my opionion J2b1-M205 guy is more Slavic, because East Europe = Slavic genetic. Who cares for haplo. Haplogroup means nothintg.
J2b1-M205 guy is probably more Slavic genetically than R1a lika Serbs. 80% East Europe is extremly high for south Slavs. He do9es not havge recent east Slavic or east European influence, I checked.
You wannane Slavic is not it? You have a fetish on Slavic genetic! :LOL: Be proud ofg you 18% East Europe (aka Slavic DNA), that is very much for Albanian. :LOL:
Both of these Lika Serbs guy are genetically more Slavic than for example Croatian girl Stearsolina (Feeichy) from TA and her Hungarian boyfriend. She got 52% East Europe. They are much more genetically Slavic than Sinan Zirić (Bosniensis), he got 42% East European

You are cherrypicking all the time.
You are cherrypicking all the time.

Guy with 63% East Europe is average for Krajina and Bosnian Serbs (other guy has to much East Europe for all Balkan Slavs).
I know his other results, this is his K12 dodecad

What is your problem?
There is only 2 published autosomal of Lika Serbs, guy with 63% and with 80% East Europe.
If there is 5 or 10 published results of Lika Serbs I would put them all, but there is only 2.
This Vlach completely lost his mind. Look at the craps he is posting.
BTW J2b1 sample is much more Vlach, he has clear Vlach Ydna and 5 % of Middle Eastern autosomal, While I2 guy scores Siberian and he is from Slavic migrations so Slav.

BTW Sanxhaks and Krajina/RS Vlachs are very good comparison. They both claim they are something they are not based on their religion and Slavicization. Also they are both not living in community they are claiming they belong to.
I know Sanxhaks have much higher Albanian DNA then Krajina Vlachs have Vlach one, but wait. Sanxhaks are assimilated only recently while Krajina Vlachs long ago. Sanxhaks genetics might not look in few hundred years like it looks today. Just as probably Krajina Vlach genetics has most likely recently take over with Slavic dominance, it must have been much more Vlach before. Because as i explained you, new Vlachs were not coming in while Slavs did.

Krajina and RS vlachs are much more Vlachs then Croats, Bosnjaks or Slovens.

They are recorded as Vlach in all documents, they get Vlach DNA, so its pretty clear.

Your explanations are ridiculous like they were proud to be in Vlach status so they called themselves sons of Vlachs, hahahha did you travel with time machine there so they told you that? Your imagination and complexes are unbelievable.
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Orthodox Vlachs with Slavic names wrote text in cyrillil in Croatian language in region where in 1596 there was no any Catholic Caroatian. Tell me more about this, it's very funny to me! :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

Fixed. Now it makes more sense.
Guy with 63% East Europe is average for Krajina and Bosnian Serbs (other guy has to much East Europe for all Balkan Slavs).
I know his other results, this is his K12 dodecad

What is your problem?
There is only 2 published autosomal of Lika Serbs, guy with 63% and with 80% East Europe.
If there is 5 or 10 published results of Lika Serbs I would put them all, but there is only 2.

Can't you understand that these "western" Serbs have been mixing for centuries with Croats?
Can't you understand that these "western" Serbs have been mixing for centuries with Croats?

No, mixing with Croatians eas very rare because of different religion.
Religion was very important in the past. Vast majority of Orthodox people married for Orthodox, and vast majority of Catholics married for Catholics.
Can't you understand that these "western" Serbs have been mixing for centuries with Croats?

No he claims they didnt, he is sure they didnt take Croatian or Bosnian wifes and they didnt mix.

They plot closer to Croats then to Serbia Serbs because they were always more Northern shifted, their higher Vlach Ydna is just accident.

I mean Krajina Serbs mixed mostly among themselves, they mixed very rare with Croatians.
No he claims they didnt, he is sure they didnt take Croatian or Bosnian wifes and they didnt mix.

They plot closer to Croats then to Serbia Serbs because they were always Northern shifted, their higher Vlach Ydna is just accident.

You will be reported now for ******** and lying.
You will be reported now for ******** and lying.

I quoted your post where you claim that lol. You must have been candle holder prior to first night marriage consummation, so you know what wifes and from where were they taking. Also we already know you have time machine.
No, mixing with Croatians eas very rare because of different religion. Religion was very important in the past. Vast majority of Orthodox people married for Orthodox, and vast majority of Catholics married for Catholics.

How did they become Serb Orthodox in the first place? In 11th century there were no Orthodox Church in Croatia nor in Bosnia and Herzegovina, not even in Montenegro:


The Orthodox existed only in Serbia, but wait ... did they all come from Serbia?
I quoted your post where you claim that lol. You must have been candle holder prior to first night marriage consummation, so you know what wifes and from where were they taking. Also we already know you have time machine.

I don't have time mashine, but I have the registers for few Orthodox villages in northern Dalmatia from 1770 to late 19th century. There was no marriages with Catholic women.
Listen, I know my maternal line 250 years in the past and I don't have Catholic maternal ancestors. By paternal line I know my ancestors 400 years in the past.
I don't have time mashine, but I have the registers for few Orthodox villages in northern Dalmatia from 1770 to late 19th century. There was no marriages with Catholic women.
Listen, I know my maternal line 250 years in the past and I don't have Catholic maternal ancestors. By paternal line I know my ancestors 400 years in the past.

But look what Tesla wrote in his diary:

I'm glad that also Croats think that I belong to them because my ancestors are from Croatian noble family Draganići from Zadar. As the Croatian nobles in the 16th century, they came to Lika and stayed. Into Lika my ancestors got via Novi Vinodolski. My mother's ancestors, the Kalinić's, are also Croatian noblemen from Novi Vinodolski. My great-grandfather due to circumstances had to leave to the Bosnian Krajina and there he married an Orthodox girl and converted to Eastern Orthodoxy. He had the protruding front teeth so people called him Tesla to the tools with which one process wood and from that comes my current surname of Tesla. It is actually a nickname. My grandfather was an officer in the Lika Regiment, and my father, an Orthodox priest.

That was the typical case...
But look what Tesla wrote in his diary:

That was the typical case...

How Tesla can be of Croatian origin when Dema claim that Krajina Serbs are "Vlachs"? :LOL:
How any western Serb can be of Croatian origin when Dema claim that they are "Vlachs"? :LOL:

Read this (but carefully) about origin of Nikola Tesla [video]www.poreklo.rs/2013/02/21/pleme-nikole-tesle/?lang=lat[/video]
Tesla family from Lika with R1a-M458>L1029 is not genetically conected with Croatians which carry this haplogruop. They mach only with Serbs which carry this haplogroup.

I dont say they are Vlach but that they are more Vlach influenced then Croats, Slovens and Bosnjaks.
And that they for sure were more Vlach before then today.

I dont get it what you have against Vlachs. You trying to deny Vlach influence in Serbs is just ridiculous.

Btw thanks for making nice J2b1 research thread into a trash.
I dont say they are Vlach but that they are more Vlach influenced then Croats, Slovens and Bosnjaks.
And that they for sure were more Vlach before then today.

I dont get it what you have against Vlachs. You trying to deny Vlach influence in Serbs is just ridiculous.

Btw thanks for making nice J2b1 research thread into a trash.

People which you call "Vlachs" never called themselves with that name. "Vlachs" is a Slavic synonym for all Balkan sheperds, regardless if they are Latin, Slavic, Greek or any other language speakers. "Vlachs" = sheperd in the Balkans and central Europe, and nothing else. Word "Vlach" originated from Slavic god Veles, protector of sheperds [video]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veles_(god)[/video]
Sarakatsani are ethnic Greeks and Greek speakers, but they are "Vlachs" because they are semi-nomadic sheperds. Their lifestyle is "Vlachic."
Latin speakers of Balkans call themselves Romani, Rumâni, Armâni, Rrâmânji... but never Vlachs.

You now claim that Krajina Serbs have only "Vlach" influence, and before 2 messages you claimed that they are same "case" as Sandžaklije.
Paleo-Balkanic infuence is not same thing as predominantly paleo-Balkanic. Sandžaklije are predominantly paleo-Balkanic, and Krajina Serbs are predominantly Slavic. There is no similarity with them. Case of Sandžaklije is like case Arvanites in Greece.
Majority of Krajina Serbs were always Serbian speakers, even ancestors of those who have paleo-Balkanic haplogroups are Serbian speakers at least 600 years. On the other hand vast majority of Sandžaklije were Albanian speakers 100 years ago.
People which you call "Vlachs" never called themselves with that name. "Vlachs" is a Slavic synonym for all Balkan sheperds, regardless if they are Latin, Slavic, Greek or any other language speakers. "Vlachs" = sheperd in the Balkans and central Europe, and nothing else. Word "Vlach" originated from Slavic god Veles, protector of sheperds [video]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veles_(god)[/video]
Sarakatsani are ethnic Greeks and Greek speakers, but they are "Vlachs" because they are semi-nomadic sheperds. Their lifestyle is "Vlachic."
Latin speakers of Balkans call themselves Romani, Rumâni, Armâni, Rrâmânji... but never Vlachs.
You now claim that Krajina Serbs have only "Vlach" influence, and before 2 messages you claimed that they are same "case" as Sandžaklije.
Paleo-Balkanic infuence is not same thing as predominantly paleo-Balkanic. Sandžaklije are predominantly paleo-Balkanic, and Krajina Serbs are predominantly Slavic. There is no similarity with them. Case of Sandžaklije are like case Arvanites in Greece.
Majority of Krajina Serbs were always Serbian speakers, even ancestors of those who have paleo-Balkanic haplogroups are Serbian speakers at least 600 years. On the other hand vast majority of Sandžaklije were Albanian speakers 100 years ago.
This is Deretiç pseudoscience.

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