Religion Can Muslims live peacefully with Christians, and vice versa?

Right, for you Catholics are true Christians, and for ISIS Sunni are the true Muslims. You think alike.

And you again know better than I... amazing.
And someone was talking about brain power...

Believe? Abortion and homosexuality exists and you can touch it. Your logic doing tricks on you again.

Again... where I wrote that abortion and homosexuality do not exist? Where?

On way, Orthodox are Christians!? Aren't you stretching your definition of Christianity too much?

Did I somewhere said, that they are not?
Third time in one post, you are arguing with your imagination.

I know you don't know,

So explain, where you saw this conspiracy theory?

I don't think you understand Jesus's preaching either. You do and say exactly opposite.

But you, who hates God, Bible and Christians, understand him perfectly... wow...
If you were understanding in such way (as it seem to be), then I understand why
you are not a christian any longer. This is normal process - you are not the only one.
Political correctness is to young to have destroyed itself.
It is not political or economic system to destroy a country. It is just a way of being nice to people, being inclusive and tolerant.
And you again know better than I... amazing.
And someone was talking about brain power...
Are you suggesting you are the smartest in the world? Perhaps you want to share your original ideas?

Again... where I wrote that abortion and homosexuality do not exist? Where?
You wrote that you believe in them. Why would you believe if they exist? It is not logical.

Did I somewhere said, that they are not?
Third time in one post, you are arguing with your imagination.
I forgot that you can only tell who is a Christian, sorry.

But you, who hates God, Bible and Christians, understand him perfectly... wow...
If you were understanding in such way (as it seem to be), then I understand why
you are not a christian any longer. This is normal process - you are not the only one.
I'm not like you, I don't hate others. I have friends from all religions, race or sexual orientation. Live and let live. Follow the Christ's teaching...
Yes you can. Come to Canada to see this yourself. It exists, you can touch it, you don't need to believe it or not. So easy.
The key worlds is tolerance and inclusiveness.

I completly do not understand what you are talking about.
I was talking about this, that you know better than I, what I am thinking.
That's all.

Stop being afraid of others, others different than you.

I am cetainly not afrraid about anyone. Neigher homosexuals naither salafits.
You really think, that if someone is decribing some situations or facts, he must
be afraid, and if he don't agree with your vision he allready hates someone...
But this is your imaginary world...

They are people with feelings, good people. They don't want to kill you or harm you.

No, they only are killing unborn children, they want teach MY children even in preschool
how two sodomites do what they do, they want settle jihadists in my neibourhood, they
want banned my christian belives, they want teach MY children about evolution and atheism...

They really do not want do to me anything, what I do not want... very good people...

But you know what? Hitler and Stalin wanted to do good things for another people too...
And they were atheists and evolutionists... and socialists as present day gooddoers...

They just want to live like people, like you.

Everyone wants... even cannibals and rapers...

Stop being afraid and paranoid.

And you stop persuade me that I am, when I am not.

Follow Jesus's preaching about love, forgiveness, mercy, tolerance and compassion. Drop your axe and follow Jesus, dude.


Good joke! :laughing:

And yes, he was a politically correct man.


So, when he was preaching about going to hell he was political correct?
When he was preaching about observing the Law, which was for example
sentencing homosexuals to be stoned - he was political correct?

Check the definition, otherwise you don't understand what people are talking about.

I know exactly what it is, because I am fighting this theories as a stupidity.
Only you probably do not knows, because for you, something what do not
fit to your worldview, is or rasist, or conspiracy theory, oor hating...
And you are claiming that you are open minded... :useless:
Are you suggesting you are the smartest in the world? Perhaps you want to share your original ideas?

No, it are you who are suggesting to everyone, that you are the smartest, because you have the only true
view on the world, and any one else is not in his mind. This is you, who were insulting me writing, that for
understand this what you understand I need a brain, which I do not have.

And you misquoting me on purpose everytime.

In this case, I was only cliaming, that you know better than I,
that I was claimed that Catholics are the only true christians.
I never make such a claim. From were do you take this?

You wrote that you believe in them.

I cetainly didnt wrote this. Again you twisting my words.
I only wrote, that if someone belive in this, he is not a true christian.
Belive, in sense, that he aproove this and claim to be good and christian.
This was obvious from the context.

Why would you believe if they exist? It is not logical.

As above.

Plus - you have very strange definition of belive...

Were it is written, that belive can only in something that not exist?

Cannot you belive in Ideas?
Cannot you belive in yout country?
Cannot you belive, that your wife loves you?
Cannot you belive that your wife is not cheeting on you?
Cannot you belive in constitution?
Cannot you belive in the Bible?

They all are not existing?

I forgot that you can only tell who is a Christian, sorry.

No, no I.
In Christianity everyone who is baptized is a christian.
But it does not mean that he is a true christian.
Because the true christian is obeserving biblical commandments and values.
If someone approve homosexuality, which is condemn in both Testaments,
then he is not the true christian. He is an apostate and false deciples of Jesus.
Exactly the same as in the case of muslims.

I'm not like you, I don't hate others.

And again, you know better whom I hate, than I. :)
Can you understand, that "I'm not agree" "I dont like"
and "I do not support" is not the same as "I hate"?

I have friends from all religions, race

I too, and what?

Live and let live.

Did I kill someone?

Follow the Christ's teaching...

Who was condeming sinners to Gehenna...
It is not political or economic system to destroy a country. It is just a way of being nice to people, being inclusive and tolerant.

it is putting your own principles personal in front of pragmatical acting and common sense
it is demanding that others share your same principals and way of acting and that all necessary public resources are adressed to achieve it

maybe I agree we should accept refugees, maybe I don't, it's not the point
but inviting the whole world of fortune seekers and creating and uncontrolable flow of them and not communicating how much this whole joke is finally going to cost, you can be sure it will create a counterstream
political correctness may be at its top now, it might start to decline, that is what I sense here in Europe
people were acused of being racist for giving their opinion when the refugee crisis started, now many realise and acknowledge those people spoke sense
it is putting your own principles personal in front of pragmatical acting and common sense
it is demanding that others share your same principals and way of acting and that all necessary public resources are adressed to achieve it

maybe I agree we should accept refugees, maybe I don't, it's not the point
but inviting the whole world of fortune seekers and creating and uncontrolable flow of them and not communicating how much this whole joke is finally going to cost, you can be sure it will create a counterstream
political correctness may be at its top now, it might start to decline, that is what I sense here in Europe
people were acused of being racist for giving their opinion when the refugee crisis started, now many realise and acknowledge those people spoke sense

For example, in Holland it looks like this:


So, wich ones are new masters, and who are new slaves working on them?
And what the new masters give to the new country exept bombs and jihadists?

This is the logic of "free loving world" - be an atheist and homo, invite muslims to be killed by them.
This is a way how they are using their brains.

Another example:

This is a genious of this new nihilistic society. But christians (these who belives in rules) are
stupid, nazi, blind and do not have enough brain (to not destroy civilisation or to be not killed...)

But when will be a war, this brilliant nihilists and atheists loving everyone (like LeBrok)
will be the first who accept Islam, and they will be staying in the first line in the mosque
praying to Allah, to destroy unbelivers - i.e. the same as they are doing today - christians.
No one from them will be gladly dying for homosexualists, christians, jews or atheists.

No one of them is going to Arabia teaching Arabs their antyvalues... they are doing this
only here, because brainless, untolerant and nazi christians allowed them to do that...
One must ask the question of why 80% of muslim who are sunni want to kill off 20% shia muslim ..................or is it the sunni arabs against the shia Persian

In similar way, how you can swim in Australia? there are lot's of shark attack in there. Your words have that much value.

There is an idiom between Turks and Azeris, which is "one nation two country". One of them sunni, one of them shia. yes there are conflict, yes sometimes people are bombing others mosques, but still your words are not a general thing.

It was very simplified - but you even do not understand that.

I just wanted to see you could use own logic and perspective for another thing. But I guess, it is impossible.

Why you are suprising, this is your logic.

Secular Jews who do not even belive in Tora - certainly are.

This is about language difference, I was talking about religion not a ethnic group. Jew and Jewish are different in Turkish. You are using "Moses Follower" (Musevilik) like Christ and Christian so of course there could be a Turk (ethnic) who doesn't believe in Quran and similarly, there could be a Jew (ethnic) who doesn't belive in Tora.

So I see you do not understand Christianity.
We do not have so many rules as muslims and jews for every aspect of life.
We have no need to wearing some cloths - but it not means, that cultural customs are not different in different countries.
Even monogamy is a cultural thing based on Roman Law - not a biblical necessery thing.

But in Islam everything is regulating by holy and halfholy scriptures.
Even which hand you must use to which thing, how to sleep, how to eat, how to wear...
So do not compare Christianity to Islam, becuase there is a huge abyss between them.

Btw, we, by principle, are free - you by principle are slaves.
And this is pattern in every kind of life and teachings.
We can do whatever we want to - exept some necessery borbidden things.
Muslims cannot do nothing exept things which are allow by Koran or Sunna.

Which century are you living bro ???

Our first (and second) comandment is to love God the Father, and love neighbours.
Yours is to be obidient to Allah-slave-owner, hate the unbelivers and be not so bad for another muslim.

I just want to remind you that as I told my religion section is empty in my national ID, so there won't be funural for me in a mosque. :cool-v:

Secondly who the hell are you decide my believe.

and Thirdly, I admires you, I know everthing about Islam as much as Muhammed :grin:

So you are an apostate, becuase you do not want to be a muslim by name.
This is not personal choice. You are not a definer of Islam, but Mohammed is.
Read his life - and you'll see, how should behave a true muslim.
Mohammed is a perfect muslim. Not you.

Again I am telling you, just I can decide what my religion is, not you.

Quran begins with word "read" , so people should read, this is what my grand pa teached me, but there is no space for good things in your mind for a islam

or you have no idea about islamic view which is "love the all creatures, because of the creator"

You are talking about burka, but I am wondering that do you know how many muslims in Europe wearing it.

and I don't think that you are showing same behaviour against racist Europeans who burn cars.
I don't know whether Erdogan is a Muslim. But he made many comments in which he implies that Muslims are superior people who have nothing to learn from western values.
Erdogan is very popular with Muslims who buy that kind of rhetoric. It is his main electorate.
That is why it is so frightening what is happening in Turkey.
The democracy it's the main value of western countries today. For a man like him, who wants to stay forever in power, the democracy it's a big obstacle. [emoji6] . He is just using Islam for his own goals. That's just disgusting.

Yes, there are some ignorants who think he is a new sultan. What is happening in Turkey is normal for a weak democratic country. Just look at Hungary. You know what? What is happening today with Turkey, Hungary and some other countries, I predicted years ago. The democracy it's not so easy to imply. Turkey, Hungary, Greece and other countries are having democratic problems because of their past. Look at Macedonia, Albania, etc. They still have big problems with democracy. The democracy needs many years to be implemented. Some of these countries had military juntas, and some others were communists regimes. I think real democracies we have only in western Europe. Le Broke is right about his views on the matter, and I agree with him. The journey to democracy, it's a long one.
I just wanted to see you could use own logic and perspective for another thing. But I guess, it is impossible.

But in your logic, you can redefine Islam. Congratulations.

Why you are suprising, this is your logic.

I was asking what you have in mind because your example was nonsensical and unrealistic.

This is about language difference, I was talking about religion not a ethnic group. Jew and Jewish are different in Turkish. You are using "Moses Follower" (Musevilik) like Christ and Christian so of course there could be a Turk (ethnic) who doesn't believe in Quran and similarly, there could be a Jew (ethnic) who doesn't belive in Tora.

But term Jews have double meaning. Btw, jewishness is based on religion.
You can't be a Jew if your ancestors wasn't jews by faith. Term jew is an
equivalent to a muslim or christian. Who is an ethnic Jew - no one really
knows... probably such a person has to have primal genealogy do Jacob,
but this is impossible. In such a case, only less than 14% (maybe 10%?
maybe even much less) could be cout as ethnic Jew or Israelite...
In Isarel are endless debates who the real jew is...

Which century are you living bro ???

What it has to do with theology and Holy Scriptures?
And you want me maybe to tell, that ISIS does not
exist because you are all living in XV century a.h.?:rolleyes2:

Secondly who the hell are you decide my believe.

I do not want to decide in what are you beliveng.
You can even belive in some UFO-man or holy cow.
This is your bussines. But if you are talking about
Islam, who has his rules and regulations, holy books,
and theology, then you must keep this, and making
claims by the book. Because you did not invent Islam,
and you are not an author of the book.

Again I am telling you, just I can decide what my religion is, not you.

No, but if you are telling me, that you are a m-u-s-l-i-m,
then you must belive like Mohammed tells you to belive,
exactly, as christian must belive as Moses, prophets and
especially Jesus and apostles are telling in the scripture.

Quran begins with word "read",

In my Quran it is in the page 727 in XCVI chapter :innocent:

By the way, how Mohammed could read, if he was illiterate?:innocent:

so people should read, this is what my grand pa teached me,
but there is no space for good things in your mind for a islam

There are couple biblical thingns in Islam - for example killing idolates or sodomites.

But Islam, as a religion is a suecide doctrine, because he is depending on the Bible.
Even Koran says that if you do not understand somethnig - go to the christians, go
to the Bible and look into the holy scriptures which they have... This green book is
claiming, that is fully agreeable with the Bible - so, everyone can compare this two
books - what I of course did and I am still doing - and make some conclusions.
In VII century on the arabian desert it was impossible, because most of the people
were pagans, and these who were christians didn't have a Bible in their posession.
Jews, who probably had some scriptures, and were publicly saying that this what
is preaching Mohammed is a nonsense - mix of pagan, gnostic and talmudic miths,
he simply killed or enslaved. And it was the end of discussion about truth in Islam.

or you have no idea about islamic view which is "love the all creatures, because of the creator"

Please, give me the chapter, verse, and abrogetion rule to this fragment.

and I don't think that you are showing same behaviour against racist Europeans who burn cars.


1. Since when muslims are a... race? :petrified:

2. I didnt see a eurpeans who are burning cars in Ankara, or any other place...

3. I didn't see christians who are blowing a buses in Riyyad...

4. The most 'rasist' states in the world are muslim states... so ples, dont speak a nonsese about europeans...

5. In Suadi Arabia if some Christian has a Bible or want to go to Mekka he is simply killing... so dont be a hipokryte...

6. In islamic states, christians and Jews are... dhimmis... so do not be a hipokryte...

7. In Islam, whites are devils, and blacks are second sort of people...

So, what are you talking about?
@ piro

you would like Europe to become islamic state,
since you are one,

@ Boreas
Radical Islam is 1/3 of the islamic world,
fetvas are above any law, either state, either international,

@ Lebrok

yes, cause soon we WILL HAVE ANOTHER HYPATEIA, SCYTHOPOLIS, etc etc,
Islam will turn Europe to 4-8 were every Greek/pagan should die to praise the one and only God or
where palimpsista, were raised to write prays to 'Lord'
or to 14-17 century AD were all scientists were magicians, who should burn to holy fire,

accept it,
Christians are good people?
yes or no, they killed Hypateia, they created Scythopolis, they destroy 85% of all ancient world, even the Olympics,

Islamists are good people?
yes or no they destroy Budas in India, and Palmyra temple, and Assyrian heritage,

@ to all
Wait to see Daesh or Boco Haram etc to take slaves your daughters,
wait to see you daughters stop school at 12-15 years old,
wait to be shot as 'charlie' just because you said a word about something wrong,

Who is Islamic state? And where do you see that I want Europe to be an Islamic state? Do you have any logic? What is wrong with you?

Just look at to Greece first. That's the only non secular state of Europe. It's still ruled by the archbishops. You know well what I am talking about [emoji6]
But such a thing like secular muslim does not exist.

And this is very sad, so Europe will be muslim - especially Belgium?

Because secular muslims does not exists.

This is very common on this forum, when someone does not fit with
sacred words, is acusing of being nazi, rasist or agent of Stormfront.

This is simply not true. Maybe secular muslims are 1%. Among this
ones which are living on the West it is maximum 20%. The 20% of
all muslims (300.000.000 people!) are extrimly fundamentalist, and
this means that they can today go and blow themselves. The rest
60-80% are supporting this 20% of extrimers.

Secular muslim = non muslim at all. At least... he can be deceptive,
and be claiming his secularity to missinform of sabotage unbelivers.
There is no other option in Islam. This, what you are now claiming
Boreas is taqqiya. Nothing less and nothing more.
Before talking about Muslims, you should travel more.

According to you Christian- secular exists, but a Muslim -secular doesn't exits? That's your theory? So, one Muslim who is pro secular, is a deceptive? Right?
Do you ever been in Albania, or in Balkans? You don't know anything about Muslims, so stop talking about something you don't have knowledge.
Before talking about Muslims, you should travel more.

According to you Christian- secular exists, but a Muslim -secular doesn't exits? That's your theory? So, one Muslim who is pro secular, is a deceptive? Right?
Do you ever been in Albania, or in Balkans? You don't know anything about Muslims, so stop talking about something you don't have knowledge.

Maybe you simply do not know ISLAM. You know maybe muslims, but Islam?
Probably not. Or you know very well and you are diciving us. Why? Because
you belive in such a doctrine... so the probablity is always... There are also
christians, who do not know what Christianity is... so...

If you really do not know what taqiyya is...

According to you Christian- secular exists, but a Muslim -secular doesn't exits? That's your theory?

No, this is not my theory, but if you are asking, I can aswer, that christians can be both
secular and faithfull, becasue Christianity based on the principle: what belongs to Caesar,
to Caesar, what belongs to God - to God. Similar rule was in ancient Israel.

Islam is different. It is more political doctrine, than simply faith.
Islam began as a state, and was spreading by the state...

Most christians through all history were secular - but not unreligious.

So being secular by definition makes you not an apostate in Christianity.
You must be promoting or doing some unbiblical things to be an apostate.

In Islam it is different. You cannot make an accusation based on the same
thing, becasue Islam and Christianity it is not the same - there are totally
different rules and bilieves. If would be the same, then they would not be
two different religions.

Btw, one of the accusations against the West from yours side is
this, that West (Europe) is secular... So why are you so amazed?
Last edited:
Before talking about Muslims, you should travel more.

According to you Christian- secular exists, but a Muslim -secular doesn't exits? That's your theory? So, one Muslim who is pro secular, is a deceptive? Right?
Do you ever been in Albania, or in Balkans? You don't know anything about Muslims, so stop talking about something you don't have knowledge.

so you are a Turko-Albanian,
but you use avatar of a catholic priest,
Do you think that you can deceive us?
Who is Islamic state? And where do you see that I want Europe to be an Islamic state? Do you have any logic? What is wrong with you?

Just look at to Greece first. That's the only non secular state of Europe. It's still ruled by the archbishops. You know well what I am talking about [emoji6]

in your post,
you wrote something,
and I said that you might be glad to see that happens,
what is your problem?
look at your country,
which is the 4rth most Jihadist country in the world.
This is a bit ridiculous :laughing:

Who is the Muslim, Shia or Sunni. According to your logic. Even both of them call themselves as a muslim, just one of them can be Muslim. Because there are certain rules, aren't they?

If you are not Catholic, Sorry you are not Christian.

Real Jewish, all others are Heretic :grin:


Are you a true Orthodox as this Russians girls?


In the last ramazan, I erase word Islam from my national ID. It was an act against Political Islam. But none one can dicide my religion. It is a personel thing.

no I am not an Orthodox christian,
I am Polytheist, Pagan, old religion,

I agree with you, nobody can decide for you what you will believe,

that is the difference,
and I am the first here that said that Christianity did that first, millenium before,

But since you live in a country, that is trebling, with one foot in the 'west' and one foot in 'east'
it is rather you that have to decide, and answer to your shelf

modern christianity, has nothing to do with ex-christinity,
time for Islam to accept the different,
to stop consider me, my daughters, etc as Kufar,

you still did not answer me,
If an imam gives a fetva, that no woman should drive,
would you forbid your wife to do so?
In similar way, how you can swim in Australia? there are lot's of shark attack in there. Your words have that much value.

There is an idiom between Turks and Azeris, which is "one nation two country". One of them sunni, one of them shia. yes there are conflict, yes sometimes people are bombing others mosques, but still your words are not a general thing.

You comment is as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike

All terrorist actions are from sunni moslems, I have yet to see any shia terrorism lately ..............if you know of one it, I will check it out.

As per your ISIS sunni people who state they can create their own version of the Quran as per sunni doctrine, they have changed the anti-slavery doctirne of the Quran and state that by raping Yazidi or any other non sunni women by 10 different sunni men, will automatically make this women a sunni moslem ............this is the way these ISIS sunni state think, an ISIS , backed monetarily by the Saudis and other arabian states backing them , the saudis have basically agreed they support the "changing" of the quran to suit sunni needs call this a religion!
I am cetainly not afrraid about anyone. Neigher homosexuals naither salafits.
You really think, that if someone is decribing some situations or facts, he must
be afraid, and if he don't agree with your vision he allready hates someone...
But this is your imaginary world...
Do you wish they were dead or didn't exist at all?

No, they only are killing unborn children, they want teach MY children even in preschool
how two sodomites do what they do
You mean you don't want "them" to teach your kids tolerance, inclusiveness and compassion.

they want settle jihadists in my neibourhood
Right, for you every Muslim is jihadist. Did Jesus said "There should be only Christians in my neighborhood?

they want banned my christian belives,
Give an example of banning Christian beliefs in Europe.

they want teach MY children about evolution and atheism..
So they won't be mental handicaps like you. Dude, are you afraid of a knowledge? Are your kids stupid enough not to figure out what is good for them, what works or not? How will they exercise the free will without any temptation?
People like you burn books with different way of thinking.
Guess what, Muslim fundamentalists like ISIS don't let kids to learn about evolution and atheism either. As I noticed before, you are exactly made of the same clay.
I have no problem with my kids learning everything, Christianity included, and making their own choices in life.

But you know what? Hitler and Stalin wanted to do good things for another people too...
What did they do good for Polish people? They were intolerant racist psychopaths.

Everyone wants... even cannibals and rapers...
Are you for real?!!! I think you have a big psychological problem if you see a cannibal and rapist in every not "true" Christian.

So, when he was preaching about going to hell he was political correct?
Of course, because inclusively all people can go to hell black, white, rich, poor, straight and homosexuals. Hell is for everyone, same as heaven.
When he was preaching about observing the Law, which was for example
sentencing homosexuals to be stoned - he was political correct?
He was the one who broke the law, was hated by priests and was killed for this. Please, cite Christs saying that homosexuality is a sin. On other hand, he said that slaves should obey masters. So maybe all "true" Christians should have slaves?

I know exactly what it is, because I am fighting this theories as a stupidity.
How do you know that your faith is the only true one? Would you be a Christian if you were born in Saudi Arabia? You would be a devoted conservative Sunni Muslim, probably fighting for ISIS now. Knowing your character, killing and raping the unfaithful.
One is for certain, a tribal instinct is very strong in you. You believe in your tribe's traditions, ways and religion, just because you were born there, and not by choice or free will. Like learning a language from your parents, you also learned traditions and religion. It didn't require logic and analytical thinking. It required pure tribal instinct and memory of learning what they taught you, nothing more. You didn't make a choice, just went on pure instinct and tradition. This tribal instinct also tells you that you and your tribe is the best, knows better ways, is special, unique, and the rest of the world must be stupid, because if the rest were smart like you, they would chose the only true ways and your true religion.
So tell us, how do you figure that your religion is the true one?

And you are claiming that you are open minded... :useless:
I have no problem with my kids learning everything, Christianity included, and making their own choices in life. You on the other hand would ban evolution and atheism and many more subjects you consider stupid or sinful, so pure eyes of your children would never glaze upon this forbidden knowledge.
But in your logic, you can redefine Islam. Congratulations.

Thanks:rolleyes2: But, again you shouldn't be suprised. That's why there are branches, nearly in every religion.

I was asking what you have in mind because your example was nonsensical and unrealistic.

But term Jews have double meaning. Btw, jewishness is based on religion.
You can't be a Jew if your ancestors wasn't jews by faith.

You are not just the smart guy in here :good_job:. Just mother ancestry is acceptable for being Jew. I know some little things too.

But still your perspective is like fundamentalis Judaism. It looks without yours, you are just taking worst example of the other religions.

There are conversion in Judaism too, my friend, so you can't be Jew(ethnic), if your mom is not a Jew(ethnic), but you can be a follower of Judaism and get into Jew(religion) community.

Term jew is an equivalent to a muslim or christian.

When you mean religion, yes, but not if you are using it with ethnic meaning. Your view is like coming for middle aged. In the middle age, when you became a muslim, people also could call it he became a Turk. I also mentioned about it before.

you want me maybe to tell, that ISIS does not
exist because you are all living in XV century a.h.? :rolleyes2:

Thanks to Western Arm Industry.

I do not want to decide in what are you beliveng.
You can even belive in some UFO-man or holy cow.
This is your bussines. But if you are talking about
Islam, who has his rules and regulations, holy books,
and theology, then you must keep this, and making
claims by the book. Because you did not invent Islam,
and you are not an author of the book.

Do you have any idea how Talmud see the non-Jew?

Do you have any idea how women in the bible?

Theology is a living thing, it always evolves with living new theologs, with their new perspectives.

How many Catholic country left which ban the divorce right? or Christianity doesn't have theology, holy books, etc. :confused2:

No, but if you are telling me, that you are a m-u-s-l-i-m,
then you must belive like Mohammed tells you to belive,
exactly, as christian must belive as Moses, prophets and
especially Jesus and apostles are telling in the scripture.

Two different version of a story

A jew’s bier passed by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and he stood; and [the companions] said: O Messenger of Allah [ﷺ], it is a jew’s bier. He [ﷺ] said: But I stood for the angels.

A funeral passed by the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, and he stood up. It was said to him, “It is a Jew.” The Prophet said, “Was he not a soul?”

Religion is that kind of path, with each choices you will have a different religion :grin:

Please, give me the chapter, verse, and abrogetion rule to this fragment.

From Yunus Emre, you can also find this translation: love the created for the creator's sake

1. Since when muslims are a... race? :petrified:

2. I didnt see a eurpeans who are burning cars in Ankara, or any other place...

3. I didn't see christians who are blowing a buses in Riyyad...

4. The most 'rasist' states in the world are muslim states... so ples, dont speak a nonsese about europeans...

5. In Suadi Arabia if some Christian has a Bible or want to go to Mekka he is simply killing... so dont be a hipokryte...

6. In islamic states, christians and Jews are... dhimmis... so do not be a hipokryte...

7. In Islam, whites are devils, and blacks are second sort of people...

So, what are you talking about?

Let's talk you, when you become enough wise to develop empahty.

Example, I am trying to tell you, let's criticize what is wrong in all religion, in all culture. You are in a swamp. You can tell you "In Islam, whites are devils, and blacks are second sort of people...", but you are far from criticize you, check the black people riots in USA.

You can argue with me Chrisitanity that much nice, Islam is that much bad, but it won't help the black people.