I just wanted to see you could use own logic and perspective for another thing. But I guess, it is impossible.
But in your logic, you can redefine Islam. Congratulations.
Why you are suprising, this is your logic.
I was asking what you have in mind because your example was nonsensical and unrealistic.
This is about language difference, I was talking about religion not a ethnic group. Jew and Jewish are different in Turkish. You are using "Moses Follower" (Musevilik) like Christ and Christian so of course there could be a Turk (ethnic) who doesn't believe in Quran and similarly, there could be a Jew (ethnic) who doesn't belive in Tora.
But term Jews have double meaning. Btw, jewishness is based on religion.
You can't be a Jew if your ancestors wasn't jews by faith. Term jew is an
equivalent to a muslim or christian. Who is an ethnic Jew - no one really
knows... probably such a person has to have primal genealogy do Jacob,
but this is impossible. In such a case, only less than 14% (maybe 10%?
maybe even much less) could be cout as ethnic Jew or Israelite...
In Isarel are endless debates who the real jew is...
Which century are you living bro ???
What it has to do with theology and Holy Scriptures?
And you want me maybe to tell, that ISIS does not
exist because you are all living in XV century a.h.?
Secondly who the hell are you decide my believe.
I do not want to decide in what are you beliveng.
You can even belive in some UFO-man or holy cow.
This is your bussines. But if you are talking about
Islam, who has his rules and regulations, holy books,
and theology, then you must keep this, and making
claims by the book. Because you did not invent Islam,
and you are not an author of the book.
Again I am telling you, just I can decide what my religion is, not you.
No, but if you are telling me, that you are a m-u-s-l-i-m,
then you must belive like Mohammed tells you to belive,
exactly, as christian must belive as Moses, prophets and
especially Jesus and apostles are telling in the scripture.
Quran begins with word "read",
In my Quran it is in the page 727 in XCVI chapter :innocent:
By the way, how Mohammed could read, if he was illiterate?:innocent:
so people should read, this is what my grand pa teached me,
but there is no space for good things in your mind for a islam
There are couple biblical thingns in Islam - for example killing idolates or sodomites.
But Islam, as a religion is a suecide doctrine, because he is depending on the Bible.
Even Koran says that if you do not understand somethnig - go to the christians, go
to the Bible and look into the holy scriptures which they have... This green book is
claiming, that is fully agreeable with the Bible - so, everyone can compare this two
books - what I of course did and I am still doing - and make some conclusions.
In VII century on the arabian desert it was impossible, because most of the people
were pagans, and these who were christians didn't have a Bible in their posession.
Jews, who probably had some scriptures, and were publicly saying that this what
is preaching Mohammed is a nonsense - mix of pagan, gnostic and talmudic miths,
he simply killed or enslaved. And it was the end of discussion about truth in Islam.
or you have no idea about islamic view which is "love the all creatures, because of the creator"
Please, give me the chapter, verse, and abrogetion rule to this fragment.
and I don't think that you are showing same behaviour against racist Europeans who burn cars.
1. Since when muslims are a... race?
2. I didnt see a eurpeans who are burning cars in Ankara, or any other place...
3. I didn't see christians who are blowing a buses in Riyyad...
4. The most 'rasist' states in the world are muslim states... so ples, dont speak a nonsese about europeans...
5. In Suadi Arabia if some Christian has a Bible or want to go to Mekka he is simply killing... so dont be a hipokryte...
6. In islamic states, christians and Jews are... dhimmis... so do not be a hipokryte...
7. In Islam, whites are devils, and blacks are second sort of people...
So, what are you talking about?