Politics Catalonia may become an independent nation soon...

Just for you to understand guys: In the Spanish State, if you consider yourself Spanish, then you're not a nationalist :D

PD: And bla bla bla with more fairly tales. The Godfather (Catalan Editon), by Carlos. Check this out! XD
By ethnic/genetic composition Catalans are pretty similar to the rest of the population of Iberian peninsula.

Castilian and Catalan are mutually intelligible as well (and bare in mind both evolved from the language of the Roman conquerors of Hispania).

Current conflict is politically/culturally driven.

they are different


all languages are in reality all dialects....the term language is only the status of the nation gives it...example Montenegrin was a dialect and when they became a nation in 2006 , overnight , montegrian was classified a language.
No country has their language classified as a dialect.

there is no world body that can stop anyone classifying what is a language and what is a dialect.....linguistic say all languages are dialects
Artur Mas 'buy' the 'favors' Godo Group by 9 million euros

Godo Group is a great distance, the largest media group benefited from these grants and subsidies granted by the Government of CiU arbitrarily, and in some cases without any publicity.


5.5 million for rotating edition of La Vanguardia in Catalan
In times like these, of restrictions and austerity in almost all sectors, the same Government of Catalonia led by Artur Mas has given the not inconsiderable figure of 5.5 million euros to the company Cre-to Impressions de Catalunya, SL, chaired by Javier de Godo, with the aim of expanding "the printing plant of the company for the edition of La Vanguardia in Catalan".

The strange thing is that the council Cre-to Impressions de Catalunya convened last June 14 strike ten days because of the presentation of three job layoffs that have taken to the streets to 29 workers, intended reduce by 25% the salary of another 24 workers and aspire to substantial change in working conditions the rest of the staff of the company, with the non-application of labor agreement in force until June 24.

Friends of Europedia here can study this article which is clearly seen as nationalist politicians have bought the press in Catalonia.

This is the regime cataliban, 0% transparency, 100% corruption and manipulation.

Benefits or grants??

During fiscal 2011, despite the economic crisis affects very hard to all Spanish media, Grupo Godo earned profits of 7,216 million euros, an amount slightly less than 8.7157 million euros the same publishing group received for grants and subsidies from the Government of the Generalitat.

I do not talk to the Catalan speak to the nationalists, is very different. Think that Catalonia is not the engine of Spain Catalonia is completely ruined and could only keep their officials for 7 months if independent. Why is it ruined? because regional leaders are useless and have many accounts of millions of Euros in Switzerland and other tax havens, you can review and confirm the Spanish press. Think these people are subsidizing bilingualism in Guatemala, keeping Catalan embassies abroad where it employs finger to her children and friends and can not pay, health, education, etc. dienro spend on useless things for the people of Catalonia, steal and then blame their woes to the rest of Spain. Catalan nationalism is a real mafia.
More reasons to let them go. Why would you want to keep "losers and mafia" in Spain?
More reasons to let them go. Why would you want to keep "losers and mafia" in Spain?

I would have to ask why not go now, or why not gone or why not go?

You think Spain will desmenbrar for inventing a regionalist nationalist politicians corrupt?

Corrupt actions will be prosecuted
¿Inventing things? With such a funny stories I don't think you're the proper person to give us lessons XD

Catalonia has its own language oficially recognized, and much older institutions than those known as "Spanish". No invention my friend, that's the reality which hurts people like you (fortunately, not all the Spaniards).


...don't cry.

PD: More info here: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constituciones_catalanas

Tenían preeminencia sobre las demás normas legales y sólo podían ser revocadas por las propias Cortes catalanas. Como derecho pactado, no podían ser contradichas por decretos o edictos de un rey.

Do not misrepresent. Catalonia is bilingual.


The Argentine government through Interpol hopes the explanations eldest son of Jordi Pujol (the full packs 500e ticket for Banca Mora in Andorra) for alleged corruption and scams of business in Puerto Rosario. Interpol and Finance are on the trail of the 118 transactions worth 38 million euros (of paradise in paradise) ....
"Two generations have been educated to hate Spain"

Alicia Verós

The journalist and writer Javier Montilla distilled disappointment when he talks about his latest book The walls of Catalonia (Ed. 800 Books) because it believes that it will be very difficult to reverse a situation that has been brewing for the past 30 years, based on lies and indoctrination from early childhood.

AV: Can you do something to curb the sovereignist process Catalan?

Javier Montilla: We attempted to integrate 33 years nationalism has been a failure. Spain has tried everything: it has evolved from a centralized Jacobin nation, to be one of the most decentralized countries in the world. It has been given to various Spanish languages ​​certain status, and competence in education, justice or healing to the Autonomous Communities and nationalism has not had enough.

AV: The Government of Spain talks about responsibility and dialogue, is it enough?

JM: The Central Government has great responsibility in what is happening. As a Spanish citizen living in Catalonia want my government protect me. We absolutely desvocado nationalism, and a Mariano Rajoy as a plasma profile looking at things and acting like Don Tancredo.

AV: What part of the blame are the major national parties not knowing when, unable or unwilling to stop the process sovereignist Catalan?

JM: The PSC has been a servile maid of nationalism and PPC was another puppet. Recall the famous Majestic pact that served to shield the language skills and to oust Alejo Vidal Quadras. And the current CFP leaves us with the unique financing for Catalonia. Nationalism had not come here without these faithful servants.

AV: It often seems that from the rest of Spain not understand what is actually Catalan nationalism. Or is minimized or exaggerated the situation.

JM: There are two Cataluñas, real and official. The real is where you can breathe normally. And then there's the official Catalonia Catalonia is not only government: Behind there is a whole cluster of minions and mamandurrieros living subsidy. Through media and TV3 have gotten two generations of Catalans have been educated to hate Spain.

AV: You can not ignore that there is a feeling of illusion between independence.

JM: The cultural and social hegemony achieved excites many people, to the point that there is independence say you prefer to be poor but independent. They've got a huge army of nationalists through indoctrination and lies.

A. V.: And all based on language, Catalan.

JM: One of the nonsense that attempts to demystify the book is that a language is a nation. Nationalism is not something that comes from common sense, but of emotion, and for them the language is untouchable. The Castilian is a foreign language, imposed, and Catalan is the language of Catalonia. If 55% of Catalans have Castilian as the language is so typical of Catalonia and Catalan. As lie and continue to lie, do not want you to know that many ask is that you Castilian and Catalan, because both languages ​​are ours, and we are alike. But never will allow. But they do: Artur Mas, José Montilla bring their children to elite schools where the language of instruction are Catalan, Castilian, English, French and German. They want to be great leaders of the servants of the Gleva, condemning all those who can not afford an elite school language immersion. It is the hypocrisy of the Founding Fathers. The same with the children of former President Jordi Pujol, the of 'Spain robs us' are registered in Madrid. That is nationalism exposed.

The book The walls of Catalonia, Javier Montilla, is this Saturday April 20 at 18.00 in the parking Borrell (c / Viladomat, 2, Barcelona), and will be attended to Promote Citizen President, José Domingo , the president of the Association for Tolerance, Eduardo Lopez-Dóriga, and journalist Juan Carlos Girauta.

The Catalan philosopher Felix de Azua leave Catalonia for his son

The Thinker, one of the most prestigious in Europe, says that "in Catalonia there is a soft totalitarianism similar to Peronism in Argentina"

How many intellectuals and cultural workers have left and Catalonia?
The last is Felix de Azua, one of the most prestigious Spanish philosophers throughout Europe. Leave Catalonia nationalist pressure in daily life of people.

In an interview published Sunday in The World - "I am an exile from Catalonia in Madrid" - De Azua explains his change of residence to Madrid:

"I will be a father in a few days and that led me to think that selfishness is over. Do not want our daughter to be educated in Catalonia. Educate not wish that some ideologues that will lead to an undesirable situation with the rest of Spanish. happen I do not want him as a friend when his 8 year old son asked, "Dad, what are we: Catalan or fascists?." that's the prevailing ideology in colleges and universities across extreme surveillance nationalist political commissars ".

The Doctor of Philosophy leaves his homeland. Before Albert did Boadella
(Performing Arts) - Boadella , tired of nationalism, it will not work in Catalonia - and before that Loquillo - Loquillo (singer): "If you live in Catalonia and you're not in favor of chanchullismo (corruption), you're a fascist" -. Recently, too, Paco Mir - Paco Mir, Tricicle, let Catalonia "because ignoring me" -.

These are just four examples of Catalans who have decided to leave the place they were born because of the nationalists, for one reason or another, in the regional power since 1980. Culture - provided it is not nationalist - at odds with current Catalonia.

Is it an exile?, Asked De Azua. "Absolutely," replies the philosopher. "In Catalonia there is a soft totalitarianism similar to Peronism in Argentina. [...] I'm not the only one [who think so]. Catalans are many who would be willing to go to escape the constant monologue of Catalan nationalism ... ".

The only one who misrepresents and posts nothing but opinions from people who are clearly against the process, is you.

The original language of Catalonia is Catalan (from Latin), not Castillian. The later came with Castillians who forced to impose their language since, at least, 1714. We have no problem in using two languages nowadays despite of this, but if you try to say that both languages were spoken at the same time since the begining, you're simply fooling.

Still waiting you retract your lies about the Catalan identity, which I already proved predates Spain and possessed its own sovereignty. But I guess you're going to keep deviating attention with another batch of useless posts.

PD: Very nice interview from google translator :D.
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I've never heard of a Catalan mafia.
I've never heard of a Catalan mafia.
There are organized crime syndicates in almost every region of the globe. Expliotation is a big business and cuts across cultural backrounds. Just because hollywood hasnt made a movie about them with Bobby de Niro, dosent mean there isnt a Catalan mafia.
That's the point. The so called mafia is everywhere. What is ridiculous, is to present Catalonia as the most dishonest region in Spain (and the whole globe if necessary xD) just because someone doesn't like independentists.

I am also waiting for him to explain how is it possible that the state framework contains more than 70% of the total Spanish debt, not the communities. Probably a Catalan was administrating the money or something like this...LOL
"I bet you're Spanish," he told the pilot, to which Merlos, journalist, replied "no, sorry, I'm Catalan."



Vettel laughs a TV3 reporter for telling which is Catalan and not Spanish

The pilot, German, remarked: "I bet you're English", to Which Mer them answered "no, sorry, I'm Catalan." Then the Red Bull, laughing, I snapped, "Yes, it is a big difference. Gran difference. 'S Like being German or Bavarian", without taking anything seriously for the declaration of the journalist.

What a shame! I apologize, we can only feel embarrassment. Bravo for Vettel, a great lesson.
As usual, wasting his time in useless things concerning opinions, and avoiding to face the lies he said. So predictable.
Congratulations BY good game, great!

4 - 0
What's the difference between Catalons and Spanish? Why there is a problem?
What's the difference between Catalons and Spanish? Why there is a problem?

Not a problem between Catalan and Spanish because Spanish Catalan also. The problem is some of all Catalans. There are always people who do not eat the brain stops. Investigate corruption Catalan nationalist politicians and all accounts are in Switzerland and other tax havens.

Disempowering Unesco separatist entity that bears his name
M. J. CAÑIZARES - DAY 24/04/2013

Unesco recognizes the Catalan club that bears his name and which on its website says that self-determination "would prevent many deaths in the Spanish State." In a letter seen by the ABC, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation said that the Friends of UNESCO, an entity declared by the Government 'association of public utility "...


In Europe it is now becoming fashionable to laugh.
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