child birth control and overpopulation


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65 % of Egyptians families have 9 kids
62% of Egyptian women are uneducated,

china became rich enough by industry, but mainly by birth control
India also,
Egypt, the most populated today country in Africa and Near-Middle East
is reaching tremendous raise of population,
I wonder what is going on there,

they keep women uneducated (62%)
and bear kids to a number that only rabbits do,

Egypt soon will overpass 100 000 000 people
the continuing rate of birth is bringing poverty and only poverty.
soon will colapse by riots and terrorism, due to poverty,
and another migration wave will reach Europe.

any thoughts what causes such phenomena?

I wonder, is it time after China and India
birth control to be expand in other countries too?
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65 % of Egyptians families have 9 kids
62% of Egyptian women are uneducated,

china became rich enough by industry, but mainly by birth control
India also,
Egypt, the most populated today country in Africa and Near-Middle East
is reaching tremendous raise of population,
I wonder what is going on there,

they keep women uneducated (62%)
and bear kids to a number that only rabbits do,

Egypt soon will overpass 100 000 000 people
the continuing rate of birth is bringing poverty and only poverty.
soon will colapse by riots and terrorism, due to poverty,
and another migration wave will reach Europe.

any thoughts what causes such phenomena?

I wonder, is it time after China and India
birth control to be expand in other countries too?

In China there were really harsh penalties for having more than one child, and I think there was a lot of coercion in India too. I'm not in favor of those kinds of methods, but there has to be either a government policy in favor of birth control or the culture itself has to change. In Egypt neither of those things is happening.
Africa is pretty much doomed in terms of population. The are rapidly reaching the point of no return. Of course, nature is able to find an equilibrium.
what birth control do they have in India?

They have traditionally pushed sterilization, and, of course, being India, they targeted women, when male sterilization is a much less invasive and dangerous procedure. It's the same old story. There's a racial/ethnic aspect to it as well, with the tribal groups and lower castes being especially targeted.

"[FONT=&quot]More than 50 health workers told Human Rights Watch that district and sub-district authorities assigned individual yearly targets for contraceptives, with a heavy focus on female sterilization. Almost all said that their supervisors or other higher-ups threatened them with adverse consequences if they did not achieve their targets.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]These included threats to withhold or reduce salary, negative performance assessment, or suspension and dismissals. In one case, a health worker reported that she was asked to falsify records to show she had met targets or else she would be reported for poor performance. One women’s rights organization that has more than a decade of experience working with community health workers in various parts of Gujarat confirmed that state and district health authorities have consistently set such targets and threatened health workers."

I've been reading about this for decades.[/FONT]

oh yes, I remember
they told you shouldn't lose your conscience when you're in India, otherwise you'd wake up in the hospital, sterilised

in the west the problem is not high birth rate, it is low death rates
they all live to long

we definitely need a few planets to colonize
oh yes, I remember
they told you shouldn't lose your conscience when you're in India, otherwise you'd wake up in the hospital, sterilised

in the west the problem is not high birth rate, it is low death rates
they all live to long

we definitely need a few planets to colonize

Well, I'm not volunteering to go before my time, thank you very much! :)

Seriously, I do think we need to colonize the planets. Elon Musk is still going ahead with his plans for Mars, isn't he?
Africa is pretty much doomed in terms of population. The are rapidly reaching the point of no return. Of course, nature is able to find an equilibrium.
I'm not saying I'm happy with many nations still multiplying fast, but perhaps we should start criticizing ourselves first. Here is a population density map.


Europe population density is more than twice that of Africa. When did Europe crossed point of no return? Never mind China and India, each having more people that whole Africa!
I am posting this link

65 % of Egyptians families have 9 kids
62% of Egyptian women are uneducated,

china became rich enough by industry, but mainly by birth control
India also,
Egypt, the most populated today country in Africa and Near-Middle East
is reaching tremendous raise of population,
I wonder what is going on there,
I'm glad that they see it as a problem.

they keep women uneducated (62%)
and bear kids to a number that only rabbits do,
It comes so easily for you to compare others to animals, others that you don't like. Go back 200 years and most families in Europe where making 10 kids each. Though in old days half of them died before reaching 18 yo.

Egypt soon will overpass 100 000 000 people
the continuing rate of birth is bringing poverty and only poverty.
soon will colapse by riots and terrorism, due to poverty,
and another migration wave will reach Europe.
Why did you singled out Egypt and not Nigeria of South Africa? I'm sure you are feeling existential danger from so many Muslims close to Christian Greece. Right?
I'm not saying I'm happy with many nations still multiplying fast, but perhaps we should start criticizing ourselves first. Here is a population density map.


Europe population density is more than twice that of Africa. When did Europe crossed point of no return? Never mind China and India, each having more people that whole Africa!

you know, your reasoning is a good argument for Europe to ban all immigrants, especially from Africa
Well, I'm not volunteering to go before my time, thank you very much! :)

Seriously, I do think we need to colonize the planets. Elon Musk is still going ahead with his plans for Mars, isn't he?

we may be visiting Mars soon
but it will be a long time before we can settle and colonise Mars or other planets
there are plans to alter the Mars atmosphere, but that is a process that would take a few centuries

but it simply is human nature to explore and colonise other places
it will happen some day
I'm glad that they see it as a problem.

It comes so easily for you to compare others to animals, others that you don't like. Go back 200 years and most families in Europe where making 10 kids each. Though in old days half of them died before reaching 18 yo.

Why did you singled out Egypt and not Nigeria of South Africa? I'm sure you are feeling existential danger from so many Muslims close to Christian Greece. Right?

in my country the woman that makes more than 4 kids we call her rabbit,
and I do not know which is the healthiest number of kids for a woman, but 9 is big enough.
especially when 65% of a women in country,
as for Europe,
since 1850 I know my family they made max 5 kids,
usually 4 and if 1 died as child made a 5fth,
and that was in era that possibilities of dying a kid were big enough, multiple than today
they could die even by an influenza,
when doctors were 1/4 than today
ususally made 4-6 so live the 2-4

as for second comment,
I read it yesterday, on Greek news,
and surely scare me,
cause if a modern Western makes 1-3 kids due to crisis
a theoritacally a poorer country which also is in crisis makes 9,
then something else is going on, call it global conspiracy, or whatever you like

as Egypt or Nigeria,
it happened to be about Egypt,
stop seeing conspiracies about everything,
By 2100 Africa is projected to reach 4 billion and I am not sure if they will be able to feed themselves. You should increase in numbers when you can afford it and Yuros(sic) can.

I'm not saying I'm happy with many nations still multiplying fast, but perhaps we should start criticizing ourselves first. Here is a population density map.


Europe population density is more than twice that of Africa. When did Europe crossed point of no return? Never mind China and India, each having more people that whole Africa!
Plus, the gray color in Africa is plain desert.
By 2100 Africa is projected to reach 4 billion and I am not sure if they will be able to feed themselves. You should increase in numbers when you can afford it and Yuros(sic) can.
Predictions are from 2 to 4 billion. The main reason behind increasing numbers is that they can afford. GDP of Africa is growing rather quickly. Surely there is international help in drastic cases, but generally speaking they grow and buy their own food. Numbers will slow down with economic development. It is always the case.
Predictions are from 2 to 4 billion. The main reason behind increasing numbers is that they can afford. GDP of Africa is growing rather quickly. Surely there is international help in drastic cases, but generally speaking they grow and buy their own food. Numbers will slow down with economic development. It is always the case.

Same with Arab Spring?
Right, I think you should teach them how to run proper economy. ;)

teach who?

the one who knows all?
or the one who believes school is not for women?
There's no way I'm living on mars! What's wrong with earth? The idea of colonizing other planets is stupid. Why not take care of this planet instead of building more polluting power plants?

I mean its sweet that we can build like, spaceships that can move at the speed of light and stuff and leave the earth, but we should be practical. Lol
teach who?

the one who knows all?
or the one who believes school is not for women?
Like in Europe 200 years ago. So your solution is to be afraid of them, ridicule them and isolate them? This way they might never change their attitude and culture. Isn't it better to treat them like "your neighbor", teach them better ways of equality and inclusiveness, and facilitate the change?
Stop being so afraid of the others: the Albanians, Turks, Muslims, Slavs, rich people, FBI, EU, Germans, all "conspiracies" against Greeks, you name them, etc Can't you see you are making your phobias and enemies?