Documentary : Fahrenheit 9/11


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Seeing how i'm only 15, I can't really argue much about politics, but I'm sure for the American adults, it must be frustrating to watch this movie, I for one was amazed... at the corruption in America shown in this film. Anyone else? I hope Kerry wins!
I think every American should watch that movie before they vote. If they can still vote for Bush after that, at least they know what they're voting for.
There's already another thread about the F911 movie...

Yes, you really should hope that Kerry wins - otherwise, the US will go down the drain much more than they already are :relief:
umm i think its released in the uk soon, i dont know if i will watch it. However what happens to the U.S has huge implications over here. With all the troubles of the past year with iraq war and stuff, i still think Labour(Tony Blair) will be re-elected, as for Bush, i hope he doest stay in, cos i think Kerry is a decent guy. But i think Bush will still be there....
We're going more down the drain anyway. Kerry is an idiot too. It just seems as though he is the lesser of the two evils.

This thread reminds me of something that a friend said the other night: "I don't like Bush, but I'm sorry, if you base who you're going to vote for on a movie, then you're a f_____ing idiot." I can't say that I wholly disagree.
Arch wrote.....
i still think Labour(Tony Blair) will be re-elected, as for Bush, i hope he doest stay in, cos i think Kerry is a decent guy. But i think Bush will still be there....

I'm optimictic that Bush will be defeated for the following reasons....

1) Bush won by an extremely narrow margin (if at all) to begin with.

2) I think he's less popular now than he was when he was elected.

3) Ralph Nader won't be nearly as big a factor this time.

Glenn wrote....
It just seems as though he is the lesser of the two evils.

Every election is always the choice between the lesser of two evils.

Glenn wrote....
if you base who you're going to vote for on a movie, then you're a f_____ing idiot.

The movie is just futher evidence that Bush shouldn't be re-elected. It's not the movie that's going to keep him from getting re-elected, it's every action he's taken while in office that will keep him from getting re-elected. The truth and anyone who takes the time to seek it out are Bush's biggest enemies.
I love the way some people will refuse to realize the lies they are being fed via cinema! Moore threw together lies and liberal propaganda like a Mcdonalds salad.
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Kerry is just as much an idiot as Bush. Micheal Fatslob Moore's attempt to support his eating habits has never even remotely pursuaded my vote. I support the war effort in Iraq and Afghanistan, but they're being poorly handled. I think Bush probably will lose his job, but Kerry isn't getting my vote either. I don't like any of them. There are more civilians in Iraq who are raping the US Govt. out of mony than there are US Military. If the American Military were running the show, not the politicians, things would be vastly different.

I've given up on American politics. It will never be fixed, Government will never be free from corruption, and Washington will always be up for sale, as long as there are lawyers.
Brooker said:
Arch wrote.....

I'm optimictic that Bush will be defeated for the following reasons....

1) Bush won by an extremely narrow margin (if at all) to begin with.

2) I think he's less popular now than he was when he was elected.

3) Ralph Nader won't be nearly as big a factor this time.

I agree; I don't think that Bush will win again either.

Brooker said:
Glenn wrote....

Every election is always the choice between the lesser of two evils.

True, but this time it seems especially bad. I'm sure we can do much better than this.

Brooker said:
Glenn wrote....

The movie is just futher evidence that Bush shouldn't be re-elected. It's not the movie that's going to keep him from getting re-elected, it's every action he's taken while in office that will keep him from getting re-elected. The truth and anyone who takes the time to seek it out are Bush's biggest enemies.

Keep in mind that I said that that was something that my friend said and that I didn't wholly disagree with it. Certainly there is some truth to what the movie says, and I don't believe that Bush has done a great job, but I think that things should be looked at from a variety of angles. People shouldn't just take the word of one very liberal filmmaker.

Arc Light said:
There are more civilians in Iraq who are raping the US Govt. out of mony than there are US Military.

Like who? Are you perhaps referring to Halliburton, the mercenaries whose company is a subsidiary of Halliburton, et al?

Arc Light said:
I've given up on American politics. It will never be fixed, Government will never be free from corruption, and Washington will always be up for sale, as long as there are lawyers.

True, but we can fight to keep it to a minimum. If not, then things will really get out of hand.
Arc Light wrote....
If the American Military were running the show, not the politicians, things would be vastly different.

Huh? The president (a politician) is the Commander and Chief and leader of the military. Politics and military can't be separated. It's not the job of military officials to make decisions, it's their job to carry out the decisions of politicians.
Bush and Kerry are idiots, which is why I am voting for Nader (again). It is not even that I necessarily agree with what Nader says, I just think we need more choices, because this 2 party system has failed us over and over again.
Arc Light said:
I've given up on American politics. It will never be fixed, Government will never be free from corruption, and Washington will always be up for sale, as long as there are lawyers.

Apathy...this is the reason why and how a Bush 2 got 'elected'. We can complain about the government, or we can do something about it. I'm glad someone made a movie about it.

What are you gonna do to change your government?
Thor said:
I love the way some people will refuse to realize the lies they are being fed via cinema! Moore threw together lies and liberal propaganda like a Mcdonalds salad.

It may be propaganda, but there are certainly some truths in it, whether you like it or not.
Thor said:
I love the way some people will refuse to realize the lies they are being fed via cinema! Moore threw together lies and liberal propaganda like a Mcdonalds salad.

i love the way some people take the holier than thou approach rather than the constructive one to things..
cross-platform wrote....
Bush and Kerry are idiots, which is why I am voting for Nader (again). It is not even that I necessarily agree with what Nader says, I just think we need more choices, because this 2 party system has failed us over and over again.

All your "protest vote" is going to accomplish is to keep Bush in office. The important thing is getting Bush out of office, not using this chance to try and make a point about how you don't like the two party system. I hope you don't throw away your vote and benefit Bush.
Thor said:
I love the way some people will refuse to realize the lies they are being fed via cinema! Moore threw together lies and liberal propaganda like a Mcdonalds salad.

Just out of intrest Thor, What parts of the film do you believe moore was lying about ?
I love being called conservative filfth. I'm not conservative at all I just didn't like the way Moore created the movie. If it wasn't full of propaganda I might have a different opinion.
Rachel, The Bin Laden family didn't donate millions to the Bush campaign. :p
Brooker said:
cross-platform wrote....

All your "protest vote" is going to accomplish is to keep Bush in office. The important thing is getting Bush out of office, not using this chance to try and make a point about how you don't like the two party system. I hope you don't throw away your vote and benefit Bush.

How would my "protest vote" keep Bush in office? I am not stealing a vote from Kerry, because if I could only vote for Kerry or Bush, I just wouldn't vote.
I wouldn't waste a penny on Moore's film. He should get married to Linda Ronstadt, and get so fat that he explodes.

If I got on an elevator with a gun and 4 bullets, and there were 3 rattlesnakes and Michael Moore on the elevator, I'd shoot Moore 4 times.

Just think of who the terrorists would want you to vote for.

Then vote for the other candidate.

Thor, I'm a conservative Republican and proud of it. This is a free country, ain't it?