Documentary : Fahrenheit 9/11

blessed said:
aaahhh (slouches in chair falling into a happy dream), how much I love being Russian, no decent choice in vote, just one dude who probably tastes the same as the chicken or fish (or maybe even both, creating a heck of a cocktail), no need for decission, analysis, argument, fighting, demonstrating, standing but naked in a city protesting AIDS policy (umm, wait), just one big happy dictator with a cool propoganda machine selling his image to the whole public, while not allowing others to be seen in a good light. :D

That sounds like the America Bush & Co. are trying to create! :shock: :mad:
Satori said:
That sounds like the America Bush & Co. are trying to create! :shock: :mad:

sure, but he has such a long way to fly... what with the constitution and everything. Plus, I doubt he could do it... he's too weak and empty-headed to get the role of "ultimately overpowring supreme dictator of all". :D
blessed said:
sure, but he has such a long way to fly... what with the constitution and everything. Plus, I doubt he could do it... he's too weak and empty-headed to get the role of "ultimately overpowring supreme dictator of all". :D

Yes, he is "empty-headed," but those who surround him in office are not. As to the constitution, they are working very hard to shred that. Just look at the U.S. Patriot Act, Homeland Security, etc. :eek2:

Hopefully, we can all get him out of office, so that won't be a worry anymore! :cool: :victory:
yeah, maybe... too many dictatorships in the world baad... don't want too few people hogging the power. Want at least one powerfull country to cry out for democracy. (hehe)

(Patriot acts acts (sorry about that), will probably be undone in the next couple of years as people have realised they are unconstitutional.)
Golgo_13 said:
I wouldn't waste a penny on Moore's film. He should get married to Linda Ronstadt, and get so fat that he explodes.

If I got on an elevator with a gun and 4 bullets, and there were 3 rattlesnakes and Michael Moore on the elevator, I'd shoot Moore 4 times.

Just think of who the terrorists would want you to vote for.

Then vote for the other candidate.

Thor, I'm a conservative Republican and proud of it. This is a free country, ain't it?
Yes this is definently a free country! :happy:
Originally Posted by Golgo_13

"I wouldn't waste a penny on Moore's film. He should get married to Linda Ronstadt, and get so fat that he explodes.

If I got on an elevator with a gun and 4 bullets, and there were 3 rattlesnakes and Michael Moore on the elevator, I'd shoot Moore 4 times.

Just think of who the terrorists would want you to vote for.

Then vote for the other candidate.

Thor, I'm a conservative Republican and proud of it. This is a free country, ain't it?"

LOL, that was funniest dang thing I have read in a while, I agree all the way, and I thought I might of been the only Conservative here, God Bless you :p
Michael Moore made an awesome persuasive essay. I recommend it to anyone who likes to ask questions. You will either end up hating Bush or hating Moore.

He would, however, make a horrible Commander in Chief. Please stick to films (and books).

If I were a terrorist, I'd vote for W. He makes hating Americans so much easier.

I try not to hate either Bush or Kerry. Either will represent his constituency well, and I doubt that either is pro-poverty, anti-education, pro-terrorism... Apathy, cynicism and fear are the enemies of democracy. As a teacher, I try to get my students to pick through all the crap and identify the candidate whose vision represents the kind of country we ought to have. Walk above the mud. Talk about issues. Get deeper than 15 second sound bites and the opinions of so-called experts. Then---Get out there and vote.

Remember, if this is the greatest country in the world, it can survive any temporary oval office occupant.
I just saw the movie yesterday, thought it was great.

One scene that stuck with me was the one in Washington with the mother of the US soldier who had been killed in Iraq. She was talking to some peace protester on the street when suddenly this rabid ***** comes up out of nowhere and starts accusing her of lying and making the whole thing up. She says something like "I don't believe it. Where did your alleged son die?" and the Mother responds "Karbala, on April second." After which the woman sees that she is telling the truth and shuts up for a second.

I thought that was pretty bad, but when the dead soldier's mom is walking away you hear the '*****' yell "Blame AL-Quaida!" in a very nasty tone after her, at which the mother breaks down in tears. I was shocked by the callousness of that woman, she just had to get the last word in. But at the same time I thought it was pretty cool that her visciousness had been seen by millions of people, including probably everyone she knows. Don't know how she could show her face in public after that kind of self-inflicted humiliation.
senseiman said:
I was shocked by the callousness of that woman, she just had to get the last word in. But at the same time I thought it was pretty cool that her visciousness had been seen by millions of people, including probably everyone she knows. Don't know how she could show her face in public after that kind of self-inflicted humiliation.

Good point, Senseiman.

I saw the movie back in June. I went to the 11:10 a.m. showing, thinking I would have practically the entire theater to myself, which is usually the case for that time of day, but instead it was packed. Most of the audience was of retirement age or older. I used to have an 80-year-old next door neighbor who had fought in World War II and lived through the first McCarthyism. We talked often about the new McCarthyism that has been sweeping this country since 9/11. We discussed how the Bush regime and Ashcroft in particular had so willingly thrown our freedoms away through the US Patriot Act and how it was a slap in the face to all veterans who had given their lives and limbs in order to fight for those very freedoms. So I knew that an audience comprised of retirement age or older would have already lived through wars and the first McCarthyism as my friend had.

I was already aware of everything reported in the movie, as I have been following these events and their connections since 9/11. It seemed that most of the audience appeared to be aware of the facts surrounding the so-called "election" of Bush; however, it was interesting to note their shock whenever certain facts came to light that they were not aware of. For example, they did not seem to be aware of the facts surrounding the Saudi-Bush connection and what appears to have been a secret oil agreement made prior to 9/11, the coverup of Bush's records, Unocal's involvement, the oil pipeline that has already been put into place due to these wars, the fact that Iraq was the main goal from day one, that the US Patriot Act had been conceived and intended long before 9/11, that a $237 million profit was made by the Carlyle Group due to these wars, etc.

The movie was both funny and very moving. I found myself, along with the audience, laughing and crying at certain scenes. Congressman John Doolittle is the congressman in the movie who runs away the fastest from Moore and his cameras, and since Doolittle represents our District and is not very well thought of around here, everyone in the audience immediately booed him! It was pretty funny. The audience clapped at a couple of scenes in the movie, and then at the end the entire audience, myself included, clapped in favor of the movie.

It was a wonderful film, and I'm glad I went to see it. I hope more people decide to see it as well.

Hah, I remember that scene with Doolittle, he looked like such a spineless coward as he ran off (very sissy-like way of running too) from Moore.

I saw the film in Himeji, it was released on August 14th in Japan but living in a small city we had to wait for another month. The theatre wasn't sold out, but it was about 3/4 full, which surprised me. It is, after all, a documentary about a few crooked politicians in a foreign country, but there seems to be a lot of interest in it.

My ABSOLUTE favorite scene in the film had to be John Ashcroft singing his song about the eagles soaring. I could not stop laughing for a good 2 minutes it was so hilarious. What a buffoon! Nobody else was laughing though, I guess its sort of one of those funny things that doesn't cross the cultural boundaries too well. Had me in tears though, even more so than seeing Wolfowitz sucking on his comb!
it's propaganda supported by the democrates, they all comdem the swift boat vets because they attack kerrys record and try to destroy his charactor, but when a MOVIE nontheless comes out and attacks bush none of the dems say anything. They applaud Micheal Moore saying"its a good movie that needed to be made". Please, gimme a break this is a great movie for the Socialist pigs of the world, its embraced and played nation-wide in cuba, what does that tell you? It tells me Moore is a Socialist PIG, people are going out to the movies to see this film, and by the time their done they think they have seen an absolutly true documentory and decide which way they will vote because of it. This was Moores intention no doubt, it has gone nicely for him, and all the sociolist PIGS of the world.

meme9898 said:
it's propaganda supported by the democrates, they all comdem the swift boat vets because they attack kerrys record and try to destroy his charactor, but when a MOVIE nontheless comes out and attacks bush none of the dems say anything. They applaud Micheal Moore saying"its a good movie that needed to be made". Please, gimme a break this is a great movie for the Socialist pigs of the world, its embraced and played nation-wide in cuba, what does that tell you? It tells me Moore is a Socialist PIG, people are going out to the movies to see this film, and by the time their done they think they have seen an absolutly true documentory and decide which way they will vote because of it. This was Moores intention no doubt, it has gone nicely for him, and all the sociolist PIGS of the world.


Well, hey, tell us how you really feel! Don't hold back and sugarcoat it on our behalf!! :D :D
LMAO! Jesus meme9898, you sounded like Mussolini shouting from the balcony in that last post. Relax!

I might ask if you've actually seen the movie, because I notice that besides denouncing everyone associated with the film as a socialist pig you haven't really made reference to which parts you find objectionable, which makes me suspect that you haven't. If you haven't really seen the movie, then it isn't at all sensible to be frothing at the mouth like a rabid lunatic about how much you hate it when you really have no idea what its about.

So, if you have seen the movie, I'd like to know which parts you dislike the most. If you haven't, then don't waste your time posting about something you haven't got a clue about because it just makes you look kind of dumb.
it's propaganda supported by the democrates, they all comdem the swift boat vets because they attack kerrys record and try to destroy his charactor, but when a MOVIE nontheless comes out and attacks bush none of the dems say anything.

Sounds like someone is new to American politics. Both parties are incredibly petty and fickle, with Dems/Reps flopping on their view of Vietnam in the time between Clinton ("that draft-dodger") to Kerry ("that patriot"). The American public as a whole tends to vote on who they trust...and the American public is horribly under- and mis-informed. People who base their voting decisions on a movie are either ignorant or simple-minded.

Name calling is not only a practice that tends to put people on the defensive, it tosses your credibility out the window. I don't agree with the way Moore chose to present his "side of the facts" either, but he's a filmmaker, and is free to do whatever he wants.

As for the state of the nation, I hate how it's been developing, but it's come down to the choice between safety or liberty. With the CIA obviously not pulling their weight, another attack could conceivably occur at any time. Imagine the outcry. You have the option to secure everything in an attempt to be safe, in an almost police state like way, or you can leave people alone and risk another attack. Some people complain about how they are searching 5 year old children or 70 year old ladies...would you rather they overtly racially profile? It's a tactic used by airlines to ensure they aren't sued.

The Bin Laden connection was played up as something akin to Bush working with Osama. Osama has been effectively exiled from his family for YEARS. The main thing that bugged me was the Haliburton contracts.