And which seems to have absolutely nothing to do with any kind of proto-Albanians, let's not forget that most important here. Let's also not forget those Thracians belonged to a bunch of other Y-DNA completely non-existant in the modern Albanian population, not a single site in the Balkans so far that has been found to be pure E-V13 or E-V13 + R1b mainly, though some people seem to love inventing theories that proto-Albanians were these Y-DNA and picked up J2b2 when we already have Albanian R1b branches found in Iron Age Northern Albania together with J2b2. According to these people, this is all a coincidence, somehow actual proto-Albanians were E-V13 + R1b that only picked up J2b2 and not the actual R1b branches that were already there
Though isn't interesting how E-V13 hasn't been found in Ancient Greeks either .... Who were most likely J2a + R1b.
E-V13 is simply a Neolithic Y-DNA, like J2b2 which was absorbed by incoming Yamnaya / Steppe people, that Classical Greeks or Classical Illyrians were E-V13 so far is not supported by any evidence nor that it was spread by Proto-Albanians. It is nothing but a dead end theory.