Here are the numbers:
Samples from Hungary (ca.):
E-Z5018: 19
E-Z5017: 9
Branches common in current Balkan/Thracian samples as shown in the screenshot above: 3
That's a staggering 28 : 3 or simplified about 9 : 1 ratio for Hungary.
For the South Thracians and Medieval Greeks ("East Balkans") combined its 0 : 4
For Viminacium+Naissus (a more mixed bag) it is 1 : 2, with the E-Z5018 sample looking like its coming from a Scytho-Sarmatian branch.
Croatia/West Balkan (Sipar, Sveti Križ, Scitarjevo, Hypo Banka it is 1 : 3
Therefore we have a clear pattern for Central Europe (Hungary, Poland, Czechia) vs. Balkans (Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria) up to the Roman period.
The only other sample group with a dominance of E-Z5017+5018 are the Himerans with 1:0, and again, their autosomal profile puts them into a more Northern spot and relatively closer to Mezocsat-Gáva. They won't have been from a population all too South of the Danube, in the Central-East Balkans, which fits into the whole pattern.
I made this map for showing where - in moderns, E-Z5018 is dominant:
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I interpreted it as the Daco-Thracian, especially Dacian core pushing other lineages out and being completely dominated by E-Z5018+Z5017 over time. So earlier tribes and clans moving away from the core were dominated by other branches, the core was dominated by Z5018+Z5017 and kept growing in its initial centre.
The West Balkan being clearly lower in E-Z5018, the East Balkan is indecisive. Most of the high E-Z5018 ratio is in the East.
There is one odd exception around Kosovo-Montenegro-Macedonia. The question is now: Why is that spot different? Either it was the centre of gravity for E-V13 early on, with Z5018+Z5017 growing out of this region (but why the gaps to the North and East?), or a group very heavy in Z5017+Z5018 moved there and replaced other lineages which lived there before.
We have data points from West (Croatia), North (Serbia) and East (Bulgaria-Greece) which point to the Balkans being not the centre of gravity, but we would need more samples from the area in question. However, we got some leaks and it definitely doesn't look like that area was dominated by Z5017+Z5018, especially not in a way that it could have spread from there, to all the other regions in question.
The most parsiminious conclusion is therefore these branches came in fairly late, with a people from the Danubian zone or even North of it. In the Roman era, the incursions and resettlements of Daco-Romans and Dacian tribals, especially into the new province of Dacia and Moesia, should have been instrumental:
Ancient DNA will prove or disprove this hypothesis, but I think that we will find a migration from the provinces of Moesia-Dacia to the South in Late Antiquity-migration period. And this will be the main spreading event for many of the main branches downstream of Z5017+Z5018.