My closest E-V13 matches (37 markers) on a popular testing website are all Tatar. With 12 markers, I have the usual suspects (Swiss, English, Greek, Albanian, Macedonian, Bulgar and even a few Saudi Arab matches). I am not that surprised about the Tatar part (my family is proud of its Central Asian roots), but about the E-V13: In Hungary, people usually think that E-V13 was there before the Hungarians or came during the Ottoman invasion /edit: of the Balkans/ with Christian refugees.
I found out that some Tatars claim descent from Soqrat Hakim, who came from Anatolia. This would explain a lot.
In addition to that, the Greek and later Venetian and Genoese colonies all over the Black Sea coast certainly left a genetic trace in the region that may have spilt to Usbekistan (baha) or even Northern India (SS1982). Do not underestimate the power of trade (Silk Road...) and the mobility of horsemen in Central Eurasia.
In my personal case, I have to deal with a relatively recent match (could be within the genealogical timeframe) from Tatarstan. We had /edit: in Hungary/ frequent Crimean Tatar invasions (last one in 1717), but it is quite the stretch from Tatarstan to Crimea as well. As a genealogist, I also know that the survival rate of an illegitimate child was close to zero from the mid-1600s (when the first birth registers were started) until the 1940s, so rape is a frequent, but not necessarily accurate conclusion. My ancestors most probably arrived to Hungary as Kypchaks/Cumanians. /Edit: At least IMHO it is the only logical explanation./
Concerning the Usbek (baha) a Northern Indian (ss1982) cases, I think the Mongolian population policy might have had something to do with the diffusions. Anyway, I am happy to have found two distant Eastern E-V13 brothers