Can you provide the name or a link to the study with the three Z38456+ Greeks please?
You can find it easily:
"The coming of the Greeks to Provence and Corsica: Y-chromosome models of archaic Greek colonization of the western Mediterranean"
Important as there are more markers available. And there aren't too many Greeks on ftdna for example.
Here they are, I arregned markers in ftdna order and did appropriate edits on some markers (GATAH4 -1, DYS461 +1 etc.) to fit with ftdna values.
ID region defining marker
DYS393 DYS390 DYS394 DYS391 DYS385 DYS426 DYS388 DYS439 DYS389I DYS392 DYS389B DYS458 DYS459 DYS455 DYS454 DYS447 DYS437 DYS448 DYS449 DYS464 DYS460 YGATAH4 YCAII DYS456 DYS442 DYS438 DYS444 DYS446 DYS462 DYS452 DYS445 YGATAA10 DYS463 DYS441 GGAAT1B07 YGATAC4 DYS461n
F2 Smyrna V13
13 ___________________ 19 9-9 11 11 14 33 14-15.3-17-18 9 17 11 13 12 12 31 10 13 18 14 12 22 12
F49 Smyrna V13
13 24 13 10 16-18 11 12 13 13 11 17 21 9-9 11 11 25 14 20 32 14-15.3-17-17 9 12 19-21 17 11 10 13 13 12 31 10 13 18 14 11 22 12
F90 Phocaea V13
13 24 13 10 ____ 11 12 12 14 11 17 19 9-9 11 11 24 14 20 30 14-17-17-17 9 12 19-21 17 11 10 12 12 12 31 10 13 18 14 12 22 12
Unfortunately the F2 from Smyrna is missing some markers, but he still has dys458=19, values typical for Z38456 or to be more precise Z38456>BY4461
dys464cd=17-18 values typical in general for the entire Z17107
And as I recently discovered dys444=13 seems to be a value which defines Z38456 because there is another cluster of Z38456>BY4435 which includes two Swedes. All positive to Z38456 have dys444=13, we who are negative have standard value dys444=12.
And further balkan cluster BY4461 has it's specific trait of having very high value on dys458.
Interestingly F90 from Phocaea has gone backward on dys444 but he is obviously Z38456. He is missing dys385 but on other markers you see he has 8 differences on 40 markers in comparison to F49 from Smyrna. As I did consider they might have Arvanite origin so many differences suggest they are in Asia Minor for a longer time.
In comparison, in this study a few R1b BY611 are found and they seem of Arvanite origin because one even has full matchups with Albanians or only a few differences. Although Asia Minor Greeks are not really a population where one would expect plenty of Arvanites.
Of E-V13's, there are 13, one has only few markers and cannot be classified. Of others 8 are reliably CTS9320. These 3 are Z17107>Z38456, another 2 are CTS9320>Z17264>BY4348, two actually have this value dys444=13 typical for Z38456, however there exists a cluster under Z17264 which has also this value and they have closest matchups with Z17264 so they too are likely to be Z17264. One CTS9320 I couldn't classify yet.
Also one V13 is E-Z16663, which seems to be an older clade only present in Greeks in the Balkan region. And the remaining three seem S-7461, which is a clade common in Bulgaria as well as some in Greece, one of them is certainly distantly related to S-7461 Greek from Arcadia.
This Tatar I mentioned has dys444=13, which in combination of DYS413a=22 means he belongs to this clade found in Sweden Z38456>
But I have another Russian, Ponomarev from Far East who is Z17107* distantly (1900 years) connected to Schepak Z17107>BY4467. So that makes it 3 Russians who have 111 STR markers and who are Z17107*.
Among Serbs I am the only Z17107*, and I calculated Z17107* makes up less than 0.1 % of Serbs. However of Russians from ftdna, Z17107* make up 0.2 %. Also there is a scientific study from Lvov, Ukraine which sampled 154 people. One V13 is Z17107* connected to Ukrainian from Dobromil, the other seems very likely connected to BY4467 Russian. That is 1.3 %. So percentage wise Z17107* is more common the East than among Serbs, counting in greater population there there might be easily 50+ times more Russians who are Z17107* than Serbs. This argument is often used when it comes to Slavic Balkan I2a Din, so why wouldn't I use it either?
And of course on 111 STR markers every one of those Russians is genetically closer to me than
any Serbian (or Albanian for that matter) E-V13, which is something unusual for E-V13.
I also have to more seriously consider that according to some archaeological evidence Geloni might be of Cimmerian origin, Cimmerians were Iranian speaking but intermingled with Thracians (hence there are probably some eastern V13 clades of such origin), looking at one Ruthenian cluster of E-S26015/CTS2001 (Z16988-, Z17107-, Z17264-, S1992
, some CTS9320 clades might have been in Carpathians 3000 years ago. And that might include Z17107* and also Swedo-Tatar Z17107>Z38456>BY4435. Actually the origin of the entire CTS9320 might be some North-South out of Carpathian area early Iron age migration, some might have stayed in the North.
Also there is one Ossetian who might be E-Z17107*, but SNP is a must for such an unusual haplotype.
The Ossetian cluster of E-V13 seems closest to a Czech who is an isolated clade under Z5018, so it might be of Cimmerian origin. And that is likely also for Ossetian R1b Y5587 cluster.
Btw I'm not claiming I descend of Geloni because it might be convenient because of haplogroup, I'm claiming it because I know what my ancestors claimed to descend from 500-600 years ago and that particular clan descends from an Iranic tribe from Caucasus (hence those Georgians I expect to be E-Z17107*) and that tribe does have something to do with them.