German Parenting Magazine warns of "Nazi Families"


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Are you White? Perhaps also light-haired?

Are your children (or you) very calm and obedient at school?

Is your daughter's (or your) hair accurately braided?

Does your daughter (or you) often wear a long skirt?

Does your son (or you) wear traditional clothes with no American logos?

Are you nice and dedicated towards helping the community?

Do you like to build personal relationships?

Do you take administrative positions, e.g. in the parent's council or similar offices?


If you answered "Yes" to the majority of those questions, then according to Heike Radvan - a German education researcher working for the "Department of Gender and Right Wing Extremism" - you are from a dangerous Nazi family:

They sound more like a satellite Mormon colony a la Warren Jeffs! :)

There he is, the R1b patriarch. He sure didn't get all those wives through sex appeal, I'll tell you. He looks like a scrawny ferret. Certainly he doesn't look like any kind of he-man to me.


Maybe this is the way it worked in central Europe too: some sort of mind control or religious conversion.


They're not families; they're hives. Yuck.

The gist of the article seems to be that there are people who hold extreme right wing views despite superficially appearing polite and sociable. Pointless perhaps, but not what the author of the video purports it to be.
They sound more like a satellite Muslim colony a la Wahhabi :)

There he is, the J1 patriarch. He sure didn't get all those wives through sex appeal, I'll tell you. He looks like a scrawny camel. Certainly he doesn't look like any kind of he-man to me.


Maybe this is the way it works in Saudi Arabia too: some sort of mind control or religious conversion.

They're not families; they're hives. Yuck.

You don't say.
The gist of the article seems to be that there are people who hold extreme right wing views despite superficially appearing polite and sociable.

yes, and you can recognise these people, they are all blond
other people are immuun to extreme views

there is a very sound scientific base to prove it

I guess all ISIS fighters are blond
Bicicleur, they're talking about NAZIS in GERMANY, of course they're going to be predominantly blond! Do you think they let Turks in? I'm sure there's also a certain amount of self-selection going on.

Elfghund, I think your sense of humor went missing this morning. Braided hair, dresses below the knee, cowed, obedient people, how could anyone not see the parallels? It's all about mind control, people behaving like sheep, and yes, indeed, it takes place in the Muslim world as well. Who could deny it? Certainly not me. Are you happy now? Oh, it was good except for the "scrawny" part. That's a "big" guy as we say euphemistically in the U.S., and he probably looks more like an eagle.

That said, your point is a valid one as far as polygamy goes. There were parallel movements of pastoralists, or perhaps semi-pastoralists in the case of Europe, who had a profound impact on the farming cultures near them, changing the yDna frequencies in both cases. One was in Europe and was by R1b and R!a, and one was in the Middle East and was predominantly J1. Also, in both cases, perhaps the take-over was facilitated by the practice of polygamy, although in the case of Europe I remain skeptical.
Bicicleur, they're talking about NAZIS in GERMANY, of course they're going to be predominantly blond! Do you think they let Turks in? I'm sure there's also a certain amount of self-selection going on.

Angela did you even watch the video?
The authors themselves are 100 % racist accusing blond people for no reason at all.
Their brains are so programmed that they can't reason properly any more.
And they distribute their claims in a booklet 700.000-fold in every pharamcy in Germany, apart from the other press channels this organisation is controlling, the 2nd biggest press group in Germany.

Now I understand your post n° 3, you didn't watch the video properly and missed the point.
The gist of the article seems to be that there are people who hold extreme right wing views despite superficially appearing polite and sociable. Pointless perhaps, but not what the author of the video purports it to be.

The content of the fairly obscure (German-language) magazine aside which they analyze there, the authors of the video are themselves some kind of right-wing cranks who believe into a conspiracy that the official German government tries to "discriminate" whites. If you look into the video description, you can see a link to the right wing crank magazine "Breitbart" (who are, for the sake of completeness, biggest fans of Donald Trump and his racist tirades).
Angela's post was hilarious!
Yeah the father resembles more of a quantitative financial analyst, he's certainly no "he man" lol.

Creepy how he serves as some sort of "king bee" in reference to Angela's hive analogy.
@ Taranis,
You're right, I didn't watch it. I've mostly given up watching the videos Tomenable posts because they're almost always by some far right wing organization spouting some hateful world view. Still, if I was going to comment I should have forced myself.

If the point of the article was that all the families where the children are blond, the girls have braided hair and wear longer skirts, and the children are unusually obedient and docile are all Nazis, then obviously that's nonsensical.

It's so nonsensical that it's hard for me to credit that they're not referring to specific groups or enclaves of such people. I trust your judgment and knowledge of Germany, however, so if you say it's totally without actual knowledge of such groups then all I can say is I'm stunned that professionals would make such claims.

There's a sad deficiency in terms of a sense of humor around these parts. :) You know, one of the things that has always struck me about these groups, other than the fact that the man often looks like a total loser (think of Manson), is that they all look almost identical after a while. All that inbreeding has got to show up in problems with the children but you never hear about it. Goodness knows what they do with the defective ones. It's just amazing to me how some people can fall prey to these charlatans, and lose their individuality and humanity in the process, but they do.
If the point of the article was that all the families where the children are blond, the girls have braided hair and wear longer skirts, and the children are unusually obedient and docile are all Nazis, then obviously that's nonsensical.

It's so nonsensical that it's hard for me to credit that they're not referring to specific groups or enclaves of such people. I trust your judgment and knowledge of Germany, however, so if you say it's totally without actual knowledge of such groups then all I can say is I'm stunned that professionals would make such claims.

This nonsense does not only exist in Germany, it exists in all of NW Europe, it is another twist of political correctness.
It is these people that tried to deny or downplay the Köln rapes of new years eve.
God forbid Germans be German and have a culture. Wouldn't want that would we? Yes, they have blonde often and even red hair on occasion, that is not allowed!
This "guide" is a blunt provocation as evidenced by the youtube comment section below the video. But certainly also average people will start to wonder.
God forbid Germans be German and have a culture. Wouldn't want that would we? Yes, they have blonde often and even red hair on occasion, that is not allowed!

Sorry, now I'm lost again. Are Germans defined by Nazism? I certainly don't think so, for my part.

Or, alternatively, do braided hair and old fashioned, below the knee skirts have something to do with the essence of being German?

@El Horsto,

I don't know what you mean by a "provocation"? Who's provoking whom?
All it took was a two second google search. While the article obviously went way overboard, there do indeed appear to be Nazi "enclaves" in Germany.


German nationalist summer camp:




People are not supposed to be disquieted by this?

I'll tell you right now that if a bunch of families moved into my community where they dressed the girls like that I'd be disquieted and think that some cult was moving in. It's gone beyond that, however. Look at the propaganda signs, the posters, the tatoos. You're surprised that people are afraid it's starting again?

Some of you openly state you fear groups of bearded men and veil wearing women moving into your community. Yet, you don't fear these people, who openly avow their murderous ideology?
@El Horsto,

I don't know what you mean by a "provocation"? Who's provoking whom?

Well, these criteria for identifying nazis are so nonsensical that they target also very normal and average families. In any case it is encouraging witch hunting, distrust and hatred. It's provocative in many ways, and also counterproductive.
Well, these criteria for identifying nazis are so nonsensical that they target also very normal and average families. In any case it is encouraging witch hunting, distrust and hatred. It's provocative in many ways, and also counterproductive.

Yeah, these criteria probably sound similar to criteria for identifying Jews in pre-war Germany.

"If your neighbour has a hook nose, watch out, he/she might be a Mischling zweiten Grades".

"If your neigbour is blonde, watch out, he/she could write the Protocols of Right Wing Elders".


BTW, the Nazis stands for National Socialists and they weren't even a right wing party. It is hard to classify Nazis as either fully left wing or as fully right wing - as they incorporated elements from both sides of the political spectrum.

But in many ways, the Nazis were similar to Communists:

I don't understand. I see white liberal hippies in America who have families that look like this.

Really? You think these people...

Look like these people....

Or, for an American example...

All long hair and dresses aren't the same.

I hasten to add that I would be none too happy if a hippie commune was established right next door to me either, or a Mormon fundamentalist sect.

Or, a Nazi summer camp for kids either.

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