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My MtDNA is H65. And our FTDNA Y67 marker test is being done now on their Worldfamilies.net kit# 561193. There's a possibility a third great grandfather has had 111 test. We will know soon if we match to him. If so R1b P312 might be our group, futher broken down hopefully by our 67 marker test. The first test was lost between the post office and FTDNA. Does that happen often? I sent it to a reluctant relative so I have to get in touch again. I'm on Ancestry and have done my Autosomal 35% Irish 30% Scandinavian 19% British Isles and 14% West European. 2% Iberian. I fortunately love to read about genetics and history so forums and scientific papers are a great treasure. And maps are genius of course. Lately I'm studying the Yamnaya and Bell Beakers too. I hear there will be a highly anticipated Bell Beaker scientific paper soon so I'm looking forward to that. I appreciate all the wonderful view points on here and thank you in advance for sharing your knowledge! :rolleyes2::rolleyes2::rolleyes2:
Hi, I also have this H65 MtDNA haplogroup. According to livingdna, where I have been tested, I am Eastern Balkans 79.8%, Northeast Europe 9.2%, Aegean 11.1% and they found that I have 25 relative matches as 4th generation cousins, most of them in the USA, Britain and Australia. Probably because people there offen do such tests. Never the less as a Bulgarian for me it is a quite interesting fact! May be we are also cousins as this haplogroup is very rare ;)
