Let's try this from a different perspective and ask ourselves the following question. If I2a where associated with the Slavic arrival in the Balkans, in which populations would you expect it to reach the highest levels?
I would say the following.
-It should reach maximum level in South Slavs. More so in the north than in the South, because as the Slavs advanced, they absorbed locals.
-Albania and Greece should have some in low levels.
-In Greece it should be highest in Northern Greece, especially among Slavophones and Pomacs. The Greek Islands should have the least I2a.
-Southern Italy should have almost none, because Greeks colonized the region before the south Slavic expansion. (Remember that a considerable number of Byzantine Greeks migrated to Italy also)
-Cyprus should have almost none of it.
In analyzing the data. We can see just that. I2a reaches the maximum in Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia(38-60%). It decreases to around 20% in the FYR of Macedonia and Bulgaria. Northern Greece has 16%. The rest of mainland Greece has something around 8%, while the Aegean Islands have 3%. Southern Italy and Sicily have something like 1-2.5% of I2a. Indicating that the Ancient Greek population may not have had I2a. (Note: Greeks from Magna Graecia came from Southern Greece which now has 9% of I2a)
The deal breaker is Cyprus. It has something like 8% of I2a which is more or less the same with that of mainland Greece.
Yet, most of the data is incomplete. So we can get a better image in the future. There are strong indications though, that there is a clear link between I2a and the medieval expansion of the South Slavs as is described by historical data.
it is not R1a that really distinguishes south Slavs from people around them, but I2a-din...
look at this work from Macedonia comparing Albanians and FYR Macedonians
the two R1a more or less the same and in the level close to the one of Serbia and higher than Montenegro and Herzegovina...
but difference is I2a-Din, Slavic Macedonians have lot of it, FYRM Albanians close to none...
Cypress is probably related to
earlier wave of I2a-din from Asia minor...the one in Kurds and the one that I relate to
sea people.....
the way I see it,
originally I2a-Din people were spread
along Danube from Bohemia to Black sea....
a part entered Asia minor via Black sea as part of the sea peoples conquest (that was invasion of northern people largely by land but also by sea - first from Black sea judging by order of conquest) ...those where
Sherdana whose name give rise to the name of a lake in Egypt -
Serbonian bog.... from those people come to existence
Kurds and
Pastun Sarbans that both are distinguished from surrounding people by having
Sherdana are responsible for spreads of I2a-Din in Asia minor and in Cypress
on other hand there were
I2a-din people still living in Europe
along Danube....
from them came Celtic
when pushed by
spreading Roman empire, Scordisci (and other people living in Pannonian plane) could do one of the two: go along Danube to Bohemia, go along Danube to Carpatians or both..
no else where to go...Pannonian plane is flat - cannot be defended against better armed and organized armies....
in fact,
Russian primary chronicle speaks of Danubian Slavs living originally around Danube from Hungaria to Bulgaria (which is exactly where Scordisci lived), and how they moved to north and settled Vistula (Ukraine) and Morava (Czech republic) river when they were pushed by Vlakhs (read Roman empire)....
Over a long period the Slavs settled beside the Danube, where the Hungarian and Bulgarian lands now lie. From among these Slavs, parties scattered throughout the country and were known by appropriate names, according to the places where they settled. Thus some came and settled by the river Morava, and were named Moravians, while others were called Czechs. Among these same Slavs are included the White Croats, the Serbs, and the Carinthians. For when the Vlakhs attacked the Danubian Slavs, settled among them, and did them violence, the latter came and made their homes by the Vistula, and were then called Lyakhs. Of these same Lyakhs some were called Polyanians, some Lutichians, some Mazovians, and still others Pomorians.
so, who were those Slavs?
taking nto account large R1a in Hungary and I2a-din along Danube
R1a Pannonians
among Pannonian tribes are
Osseriates which in slavic language just mean
lake people, and it means that only in Slavic languages
same tribal name reappears in Slavic settlements
in Greece for people also living in area of lakes...
2) Serbs probably origin from
I2a-Din Scordisci
3) for Croats a wild guess would be Carpi...or perhaps Heruli..also I2a-Din..
I think this Serb-Croat like tribal names are old... and goes to very start of I2a...
Scirii-Hirri / Heruli
Scordisci (Serdi)/Helvetti
Srbi /Hrvati
and in Asia where they spread with sea peoples invasion
white Syrians (Cappadocia in Strabo's time) - Hurrians (earliier)
essentially this pair of names could have meant - day and night - perhaps originally about the ones living east where sun comes up and others west where it goes down...but later as a duality that makes a whole, like yin and yang...always in battle between themselves and always closest to each other...
interestingly, Hirri did dress in black and attack during night - clear identification with night......
and in Asia minor mythology of Seri and Hurri - sacred bulls with names day and night, who carry the weather god Teshub
Serbs appear on Balkan in 7th century and it is recorded in
De administrando imperio that they come from land
Boiki which in my opinion can be only land of Boii -
Bohemia /Bavaria because document says it borders Franks on west and white Croatia on east.... besides it is Bohemia/Bavaria where we do find several toponyms Srby, also town Serviodurum... mention of people with name Sibini by Tacitus... (Serb = Srbin in serbo-croatian).... i2a-din has high molecular diversity in Serbia, Bohemia and part of Ukraine...
De administrando imperio says it is also where they originally dwellt... which fits with higher haplogroup diversity in Bohemia, Serbia and part of Ukraine...
http://books.google.nl/books?id=3al...istrando imperio&pg=PA153#v=onepage&q&f=false
i believe also
Pelasgians were
R1a people related to later Pannonians R1a people
Pelasgians is in fact tribal name of same origin as
field people / flatland people /sea people
Julius Pokorny derives Pelasgoi from *pelag-skoi (Flachlandbewohner, or "flatland-inhabitants"); specifically, Bewohner der thessalischen Ebene ("Inhabitants of the Thessalian plain").[9] He details a previous derivation, which appears in English at least as early as William Gladstone's Studies on Homer and the Homeric Age.[10] If the Pelasgians were not Indo-Europeans, the name in this derivation must have been assigned by the Hellenes.The ancient Greek word for "sea", pelagos, comes from the same root, *plāk-, as the Doric word plagos, "side" (which is flat), appearing in *pelag-skoi. Ernest Klein therefore simply interprets the same reconstructed form as "the sea men", where the sea is the flat.[11]
Klein's interpretation does not require the Indo-Europeans to have had a word for "sea", which living on the inland plains (if they did) they are likely to have lacked. On encountering the sea they simply used the word for plain, "the flat." The flatlanders also could acquire what must have been to the Hellenes a homonym, "the sea men". Best of all, if the Egyptians of the Late Bronze Age encountered maritime marauders under this name they would have translated as Sea People.
besides Sherdana, among sea people there are Pelast and Tjekker and Lukka
Pelast are Pelasgians...
Pelast and
Tjekker = same tribal names as
Poles and
Lycians or
Lukka would map to tribal name of
Lech (also Poles)
note that
Kurds stand out from environment not only by
I2a-din but also by
4) in the end about
Russians, contrary to hypothesys about tribal name origin from viking tribe Rus (that in fact did not exist by that name before making a state in Kiev, they were Varnagians not Rus...Rus they became once they organized Russians in a state), Russians like Poles also carry old R1a name... e.g.
Etruscans (not saying that Etruscans were Russians but that they had strong or dominant R1a) who left R1a imprint in Italy called themselves
Thracians were possibly originally R1a people as well...
Rašani was alternative Serb name in medieval period and state was named
with expansion of Roman empire,
Pannonians migrated north to
give Poles, than
Thracians easily migrated north to gave
Russians... old Greeks were stating that Thracians were largest people in numbers after indians....in fact,
Pannonians were likely
offshoot of Thracians, and
Scythians or Saka (note
Sakalibe name for Slavic people in middle east) were related or same people....note also that according to myth Sarmatians origin from Scythians...
Pelasgians and Thracians being R1a people - this is all inline with
R1a being
very old in Balkan and now considered being
Paleolithic in that area...