Huge genetic changes in Albanians ?


Regular Member
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Y-DNA haplogroup
Claims there was a huge genetic change in Albanians , and that we are only minimal Illyrian apparently . Claims no Balkanites are more than 50% Illyrian.

Bronze / IA Balkans:

Distance to: ALB_cinamak_Anc_I16251
1.07484410 Albanians_Montenegro
1.07831303 Albanian_Kosovo
1.14188940 Albanian_north

1.14271966 GR_Thesalloniki
1.17530993 Albanian_south
1.20025960 IT_Friuli
1.22644462 GR_Thrace
1.24474885 IT_Marche
1.26894943 GR_Central
1.27190658 GR_Macedonia

Distance to: ALB_cinamak_Anc_1d.rel.I16256_I17633
2.17016013 Albanian_Kosovo
2.17512344 IT_Ladinia
2.18195216 Albanians_Montenegro

2.18261172 IT_Veneto
2.20123659 IT_Trentino
2.20877324 IT_Piedmont
2.24590834 Moldova_sud
2.24797207 Albanian_north
2.26309665 IT_Friuli
2.28406401 Tirol

Distance to: HRV_IA_I3313
1.41428962 IT_Veneto
1.51111193 IT_Aosta
1.53241280 Albanian_Kosovo
1.53417027 Albanian_north
1.53700296 IT_Friuli
1.55188512 IT_Piedmont
1.58708565 Albanians_Montenegro
1.61639078 Albanians_FYROM
1.62339206 IT_Lombardia
1.64073982 IT_Trentino

Distance to: HRV_Cetina_BA:I11843
0.02479983 Albanian

Distance to: MKD_BA:I7231
0.02721903 Albanian

Even PostMDV range from Italian to Albanian like:

Distance to: ALB_PostMdv_I15707
1.29778409 IT_Toscania
1.32981445 IT_Lazio

1.33616391 IT_Lombardia
1.34786390 IT_Marche
1.39457615 Albanian_south
1.40270779 IT_Emilia-Romagna
1.41089991 FR_Corsica
1.43074119 Albanians_FYROM
1.45119799 Albanian_north
1.48041752 IT_Umbria

Distance to: ALB_PostMdv_I15707
1.29778409 IT_Toscania
1.32981445 IT_Lazio
1.33616391 IT_Lombardia
1.34786390 IT_Marche
1.39457615 Albanian_south
1.40270779 IT_Emilia-Romagna
1.41089991 FR_Corsica
1.43074119 Albanians_FYROM
1.45119799 Albanian_north
1.48041752 IT_Umbria
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Basically cherrypicks one ancient sample and one postMDV sample and creates a thread to make it appear as huge but even the difference between those samples she picked isn't even that huge
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This person is probably one of the most stupid people I have ever seen on the internet and jealous claims so much dum stuff about history and genetics.

who is this person or do you suffer from gender equality issues ?
who is this person or do you suffer from gender equality issues ?

The person in the link I posted , the OP in that link. Croatian member, incredibly butthurt person . Claimed on TA as ''Intelligent'' , they have even given her 11 thumbs up :laughing: , I consider this person to be an idiot.
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CommonSense Said:

There's no room for speculation anymore, now that these samples have been analyzed and published. Both genetic and linguistic evidence place the ethnogenesis of the Albanians somewhere in the central-eastern part of the Balkans.

Nope. Not based on any genetic or linguistic evidence. In fact Thracian/Dacian language does not even match Albanian. EV-13 must of acquired a huge bottle neck effect to of been spread unless you're saying all EV-13 in the Balkans came from Dacian/Thracian. This still does not mean it eas Proto-Albanian
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We have 4 Illyrians with EV-13 so the premise is wrong to begin with.

These people are sick in the head. No point in dealing with them. The authors of the paper themselves stated Albanians have largely remained static since the Middle Bronze Age (which surprise, surprise is when the Illyrians invaded the Balkans).
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.................. :laughing:
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We have 4 Illyrians with EV-13 so the premise is wrong to begin with.

These people are sick in the head. No point in dealing with them. The authors of the paper themselves stated Albanians have largely remained static since the Middle Bronze Age (which surprise, surprise is when the Illyrians invaded the Balkans).

She (the OP in the link) is a loser who is jealous of our Illyrian origin. :laughing:
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There is not a single genetic evidence that shows Albanians have only less 50% IA Albania. Those are just calculators that model you etc. These samples match Albanians actually pretty well. She's also using some Thracian samples in her calculators which puts the Illyrian down basically since these Thracians cluster like Italians for example or close also. But this idiot actually thinks these calculators can actually even tell genetically similar populations apart.

Even Albanian female members called her out for it:

Posted by Ylla:

The autosomal results don’t show any change, let alone a ‘huge change’. EV13 was the most successful and selected paternal lineage, that’s all I can tell if anything at all. And cultures mixed, for example the Dardanians were an Illyrian-Thracian hybrid which shows paternally in Kosovo Albanians, but they identified as Illyrian. So EV13 carriers automatically not being Illyrian is just a silly conclusion to jump to. It’s much more complex than that. It’s like saying South Slavs are now not Slavs because they are not 100%?
It’s about carrying their legacy.

Edit: I only saw the Italian_Tuscany population which Albanians overlap with but even so it’s not as SW shifted as the Croatian Illyrian. It is equidistant between a Spaniard and a modern Albanian for example. Interesting.

we are mostly Illyrian, you are just butthurt and jealous.
Same idiot who claimed Romans genetically changed the Balkans . claimed in some of her posts Albanians are like 30%-40% Slavic
MyTrue Ancestry Albanian results I found:
