Is George Bush doing a good job fighting terrorism?

Is President Bush doing a good job of fighting terrorism?

  • Yes, he is doing what is best.

    Votes: 12 12.2%
  • Yes, but he could do more.

    Votes: 3 3.1%
  • No, he isn't doing what is best.

    Votes: 11 11.2%
  • No, in fact he's screwing things up more.

    Votes: 72 73.5%

  • Total voters
Didnt the Soviet army do most of the damage on Hitlers' forces that caused the tide of the war to really turn? Stalingrad I think was the first pivotal win that marked the downfall of Germany.

And the Royal British Air Force also did a number on the Luftwaffe.

America was more concerned with the war in the pacific, when you compare the fighting in Europe to Asia.

At any rate, Sabro, you dont have to take Bush here so seriously. I think he's actually pdf.
George Bush said:
Some people here may think we are stupid ... but if it wasn't for us Europe would be under NAZI control (or communist control).
But apparently you took a liking in the Nazi system, otherwise you wouldn't try to establish a Nazi-like control system now :eek:kashii:

btw: "Nazi" and "communist" are exact opposites. "Nazi" are extreme right-wing, and Communists are extreme left-wing.
Actually, Nazi is short for National Socialism which isn't quite the exact opposite of communism. Communism would be total control of the economy by the government and lack of any property or other ownership rights for citizens and no private businesses. While the Nazi government allowed private businesses and property rights, economically it was similar to other socialist governments today in that people and businesses were taxed and benefits were given to some people.

The exact opposite of communism would probably be something like anarcho-capitalism where there would be no government at all and the economy, people and businesses would be free to do as they wish.
I don't really know much about politics and I didn't get to watch the presidential debates, but from what I can tell I think the decisions Bush is making are making things of this election I will pay more attention to politics and what is going on in the world around us..its best to keep myself informed cuz one day I'll be the one voting...
Just another WWII point. We Americans like to think that we won the war. It was truly an international effort (better than the current "Coalition of the Willing". If you look at numbers, Soviets did more fighting and dying, but we supplied a lot of the bullets, planes, canned beans, and trucks. The war in the east did not ease up until the US and Great Britain opened new fronts- first in Africa and Italy, and then in France. I wouldn't discount the contribution of the US economy and military. We may not have defeated the Nazi's alone, but I doubt it could have happened without us. Perhaps in time Stalin could have turned the tide and taken Europe- which he would have kept. Either way you would have an oppressive ditatorship ruling the continent.

I am glad the Nazi's lost.

Pay attention. Stay informed. We have an election here in ten days-- get involved.
Are you kidding? The policies of this current administration is akin to a bull rampaging in a china shop! It's all just shallow reactionism. If we are to go along this route, we damn well better kill everyone - including finding those tertiary people that become pissed and / or hurt by the initial action and kill them too! What this administration has done is, I believe, been a rallying cry for all the terrorist groups out there with a beef against the U.S. I still believe that we need to find out the root of these ill will and address it for a long term solution. Alas, in the short term, violence will begat violence - but this is not the only solution. So far I have not sense any other direction that this administration or the rest of the country is willing to consider in this so called war on terror. So, yes. Our country and our allies are worse off now than before.
king gee dubya is doing a wonderful job of protecting us all from sanity, reason, and articulate communication.
Thanks to George W. Bush, who lives up to the true tradition of the true american spirit, racism all over the world is on the rise. Bush cronies love excercising american strength by using the newest designed weapons that just so "coincidently" strikes civilians most of the time. Finally, what happened to afghanistan? Destroying only a small fraction of the Taliban and it is called a victory?? That first campaign is still far from finished.
Bob in Iowa said:
king gee dubya is doing a wonderful job of protecting us all from sanity, reason, and articulate communication.

Yes, Bush is very eloquent.... :blush:
Miss_apollo7 said:
Yes, Bush is very eloquent.... :blush:

There is hope on the horizon, Miss A. With recent advancements in the field of robotics, it would be logical to assume that the next puppet that Carl Rove puts forth into the political arena should be able to speak better. :evil:
Well, so far there is no terrorist attack in NYC after 9-11. I don't hold very high standards for most people, including the U.S. President.
i dont get how in the hell u see Bush being the better man ( of the two evils)
Sally_Hawn wrote...
Well, so far there is no terrorist attack in NYC after 9-11.

Hey, I'd like to sell you my rock that prevents against tiger attacks. How can I prove it works? We'll I've had it for years and I've yet to get attacked by a tiger.
Haha rock..good one. Anyways, somehow I keep thinking that Bush knew something bad was going to happend.
Brooker said:
Hey, I'd like to sell you my rock that prevents against tiger attacks. How can I prove it works? We'll I've had it for years and I've yet to get attacked by a tiger.

Since I'm the only one of who voted "Yes, but he could do more", I thought I'd explain myself:

Replace the TSA head and anyone in the TSA who has been obstructing the arming of pilots. Most of these commercial pilots are ex-military and are not new to firearms. Also, change the dress code for air marshalls. They are obvious in a cut-my-throat-first-Mr. Terrorist sort of way.

Reform the INS and secure the borders. You would think this one is self-explanatory, but immigration has become the new "third-rail" in American politics, all but displacing Social Security.

Finally, instead of ridiculing the President and other posters, how about suggesting alternative plans? It's easy to say "Bush should be going after al-Qaeda", but has anyone thought that through? Here's something I proposed in another thread, but didn't get a response:

Censport said:
Have you ever considered the alternative? Our enemy was spread out to 60 countries. A few dozen here, a half-dozen there. What were we going to do? Send our military to each country and go door-to-door? Have a horribly time-consuming process of diplomatic tap-dancing with each country, either to allow our men to find and kill the terrorists on their soil or have them do the work for us? One, that would've taken longer. Dangerously longer. Two, we didn't have the resources. Remember, we'd have to use the same CIA that told us Saddam had stockpiles of WMDs. How confident does that make you now?

Any takers?

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