Its getting scary...... :(

Se 7 eN

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I am 17 and going threw my last year of high school, I live in America and am getting really nervous about being here. I know about what Bush is doing and also know how many different country's hate us right now. I really dont understand why we are still bothering you guys with our troops and I wish we could take them out, because it is pointless. Americans are by far the most hated people now that Bush is president and its getting kinda scary over here. In school all we talk about is how many different country's hate us, Korea, China, Iraq pretty much all of Europe :eek:kashii: And I do not blame them one bit. Most Americans think that we are unstopable, we are so powerful we cant be stopped bla bla bla..... Our history teacher was saying that he is positive that their is gonna be a 2nd Vietnam war between us and it does not surprise me one bit. He was also saying China is making biological weapons to attack us. Maybe its just me but America is a horrible place to live. We get ourselves into every body else's business and do nothign but get them hating us. I am getting scared with all these threats we have coming against us, but can thank god that its my last year of high school and me and some friends are on our way to Japan. A nice place surrounded by the sea, a place that has no enemy's. A place that is safe and free.... :)
Se 7 eN said:
I am 17 and going threw my last year of high school, I live in America and am getting really nervous about being here. I know about what Bush is doing and also know how many different country's hate us right now. I really dont understand why we are still bothering you guys with our troops and I wish we could take them out, because it is pointless. Americans are by far the most hated people now that Bush is president and its getting kinda scary over here. In school all we talk about is how many different country's hate us, Korea, China, Iraq pretty much all of Europe :eek:kashii: And I do not blame them one bit. Most Americans think that we are unstopable, we are so powerful we cant be stopped bla bla bla..... Our history teacher was saying that he is positive that their is gonna be a 2nd Vietnam war between us and it does not surprise me one bit. He was also saying China is making biological weapons to attack us. Maybe its just me but America is a horrible place to live. We get ourselves into every body else's business and do nothign but get them hating us. I am getting scared with all these threats we have coming against us, but can thank god that its my last year of high school and me and some friends are on our way to Japan. A nice place surrounded by the sea, a place that has no enemy's. A place that is safe and free.... :)
Hmm...I'm not in that opinion myself, Japan must have enemies, and the relation with China isn't that good either.Well for the hate part, America does butt in with everyone and every country, but they think that they are like the "global police" :sick:
RockLee said:
but they think that they are like the "global police" :sick:
The only problem I have with the
   America = Global police
bit is that they aren't the Dixon of Dock Green type but the sort that have a bit of a tendency to shoot first and question after.
PaulTB said:
The only problem I have with the
   America = Global police
bit is that they aren't the Dixon of Dock Green type but the sort that have a bit of a tendency to shoot first and question after.
hehe....yeah you're right on that one. (Wild west origins ?)
When in doubt -- Vote!

I know things might seem scary now. It is a time of uncertainty for all Americans, but rather than just worry about the situation and move, it is important for you to do something about it. I know that you said that you are only 17, but you should be trying everything you can to change the situation. If you aren't old enough to vote, make sure that your friends that are old enough are registered. This is your chance to show the country that you aren't happy with things and to make your voice heard. Don't let this opportunity pass you by.

i know things are pretty screwed up right now, but a lot of ppl worldwide understand that bush is responcible for our current standpoint. the thing is, the U.N. is constantly asking for our support for world policing, because we are one of the only nations capable. but the rest of the world doesnt take that into consideration. my problem is that bush has used saddam as an excuse to invade a country that really posed no threat to us. really. saddam was a fly spec in the world of dangers. it really makes me angry that bush would divert his attention from capturing osama bin laden, to invading a country like iraq, and using false alligations to do so. there were no "weapons of mass distruction", or proof that he had strong ties to al-quida. this is a war over oil, and i wish he would just call it what it is.
as far as china making chemical warfare agents to use against the usa, i think thats pretty far fetched. did you know that china is the biggest financial lender to the united states? we borrow more money from china than any other country anually. if they really wanted to hurt us, im sure they would just stop giving us money. besides, with the advent of their quikly emerging "capitolist" society, it would be unwise to attack the u.s., as half of their monitary gains would come from a western market.
Se 7 eN said:
Our history teacher was saying that he is positive that their is gonna be a 2nd Vietnam war between us and it does not surprise me one bit. He was also saying China is making biological weapons to attack us.

Why would China attack America. Just the Trade alone is a good reason for China to mantain good relations with the US, and to desire a strong US economy. But that was pretty funny. :blush:
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Yeah, 1st thing I would do in your place is try to get my history teacher replaced. Sounds like a grandpa trying to frighten his grandkids.

Se 7 eN said:
In school all we talk about is how many different country's hate us, Korea, China, Iraq pretty much all of Europe
People don't necessarily hate the US but its government. I know that this is true for Europe, although they dislike the government people still see the US as a friend.

Our history teacher was saying that he is positive that their is gonna be a 2nd Vietnam war between us and it does not surprise me one bit.
As a history teacher he should know that you can't foresee the future. The Vietnam situation developed through a series of wrong decisions. At the beginning nobody could have foreseen which decisions would be made later. If they would have known which mess they created, things would have developed differently. (yes, I know, there were voices right from the beginning who saw a catastrophe looming, but they were just guessing, too)

He was also saying China is making biological weapons to attack us.
China is making biological weapons for possible future use, just like the US, just like Russia, just like others. They are not developed to strike particularly the US.
What's the problem?

I truly believe that the problem has less to do with geographical boundries and more to do with money and corruption. Let's face it, the United States controls a disproportionally large amount of wealth in the world. Consequently, it often acts to protect its interests in ways that less augmented economies can't. Greed pays no heed to sovereignty. There is more money concentrated in multi-national corporations in America than anywhere else in the world, hence the higher level of corruption. While many nations "hate" America, they love money just the same. Why do you think the rest of the world lets America act unilaterally? Money, money, money. If there are profits involved, you can bet wealth buys more justice. *cough* IMF* hack** World bank....

And I'm not trying to make excuses for America. If anything, I blame myself for being too complacent at times. On a positive note, look at the recent polls on this forum.
Se 7 eN said:
on our way to Japan. A nice place surrounded by the sea, a place that has no enemy's. A place that is safe and free.... :)

Unfortunately, Japan isn't a neutral country with peace and security..... remember that they are pals with America and sent troops to Iraq (SDF). I can understand why you are worried and confused though, this world is seriously messed up...
Se 7 eN said:
Americans are by far the most hated people now that Bush is president

I think it is a generalization. ex:I don?t hate the USA
PaulTB said:
The only problem I have with the
   America = Global police
bit is that they aren't the Dixon of Dock Green type but the sort that have a bit of a tendency to shoot first and question after.

Many Americans (yours truly included) don't like being Global Police either.

"Quick! Quick! Come save us from ourselves!"
"No! Get the hell out of here! Who do you think you are!"

"Why don't the Americans do something? They have a responsibility!"
"There goes America with its high-handed unilateral action again!"

Here's a link to an essay I like, originally titled "Diapering Europe"
Although somewhat funny, the "essay" is completley out of perspective in my eyes.


(And an insult to french history)
Personally, I can give a rat's arse about us getting involved in Iraq, because I think we shouldn't have done this at all. We should have our troops leave Iraq ASAP, because the soldiers out there are fighting for a meaningless cause. The only way they can go home now is if they are in a box. Period. :eek:kashii:
Move to Sweden. Eberybody likes Sweden. (Except for some finns) :wave:
We're 'global police' because we've sustained ourself as a non-isolationist country since WW2, and we have to keep our money resources in good shape, otherwise we're screwed.

In short, its not the world we care about, its ourselves. We're trying to continue our status, the only way we know how to now.

Secondly Se 7 en, people hating America is NOT a Bush exclusive mindset. The world has hated us officially, since the Israel/Egypt 7 days war. Its only recently that the ignorant American population has decided to pay attention as much as it has.

And all you people complaining about our occupation and domination over our finanical resources, *specifically fellow American citizens* if you really want to make a change, become a scientist. That way, you can help discover an alternative method to fossil fuel production, and we wont need to maintain our international interests. Then we can let the world f*ck itself to oblivion, and stay out of it, since thats what everyone wants to dearly.
i think the US only butts into other country's problems is because we can. if we did nothing and a country turned to ****, people may say, why didn't we do anything? Conversely, since butting into Iraq, people say why are we doing anything over there?

the US is messed up.

and i agree with what winter posted. if you think america should piss off, do something about it. i'm trying to see what good the US has done by actually going to iraq: captured Saddam Hussein. i think Iraqi's are greatful that the douche is gone.
Things are pretty bad, but I'm not scared. Not of terrorists, North Korea, or a draft.

Terrorists are a smaller threat than conceived to be.

I doubt North Korea is too keen on mutually assured destruction.

The draft equals political suicide.
jspecdan said:
i'm trying to see what good the US has done by actually going to iraq: captured Saddam Hussein. i think Iraqi's are greatful that the douche is gone.

Most Iraqis no longer think of America as being a liberator. To them, they just traded one oppressor for another.

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