America is moving to a strnge jungle, and a strange authoritarian status
If guns will be allowed in cities like NY Chicago etc etc
(offcourse exist there there, but with under other legal status)
and if abortion on the first 3 months (legaly, Doctors know better the correct time) is not allowed,
(it is another thing, forbit, forbit with excemptions, control of abortions, free will and finally any butcher doctor)
USA will find hershelf in a very strange civil status,
lets not forget the misunderstood of Black Lives Matter movement, when they smash Chistopherens Colombo statues,
I believed Trump on make America great again, but he was too little against especially other leaders,
Biden is in time to collapse by age gravity also,
But USA soon will have to face inner problems, of radical stupids, and state stupids, and anglosaxon conservatism, Rabels without reason etc
Drug policy is not enough and Luxury policy soon will be targeted,
invent much much more on true and high education,
to overpass the 'Fathers of nation' legacy, and studies above industrial demand speculum
Build and spend too much for infrastructure, USA mearchant transport sucks,
Infrastructure excepr merchantice help people to open their mind,
the easier you travel old style, (not airplanes) the more the people you know and exchange ideas,
The next riots will not be
the dynamic but peacefull walks and speeches of ML King and the blues of Mahalia Jackson
the just smash whatever even coffee bar pots and statues like 'Black Lives Matter'
but something different.