OFFTOPIC from "Are R1a and R1b really Indo-Europeans ?"


Please let's not get into what group is more "evolved". I don't think that's politically correct. Just to refresh everyone's collective memory:

1. Neanderthal had fire 200,000 thousand years before homo sapien in Africa.
2. Neanderthal sailed to Cyprus and many other islands well before homo sapien ever thought of making a boat.
3. Proto-European populations were hunter/gatherer for the most part, had fertility based religions, and from the looks of it didn't participate in large scale battle/wars. When certain pockets of these original inhabitants figured out the "finer arts of advanced warfare" from the newer populations (is advanced warfare really fine?--that's another thread) it didn't work out too well for these steppes peoples.

Now I'm going to sit down and have a meal of steak and potatoes. Could I ask one of you hg R members to please cut my food into tiny pieces so I don't choke?:LOL:
@ Taranis what we do is wrong

I will give an example,
the word is donkey

Finnic - Uralian = aasi
OCS = Osl
Latin = Asinus

from that only we can say
1) there is connection of IE with Uralian
2) the word aasi is a loan to Uralian- Finnic

but lets see this

Tocharian = Kercapo
Iranic-Persian = Xar
Sansqrit = Khara

so in these langueges does asinus cognates with Kercapo? I think NO

but lets look Sumerian.
the Sumerian woprd for donkey is anse

by that we can see that Summerian anse affected all western IE words, but not the East of Summerian, and Finnic aasi is a loan word, so no connection with Uralian languages but with Summerian.
OR asinus (and simmilar IE) was the language of Varna which transmited to Summeria and Uralo-finnic.
OR Sumerian took Anse from Steppe people (which I doubt cause then it should exist Sansqrit Iranian Tocharian)

same with the words that I did cherry pick, it is not diabolic coinsidebce,

as I said I do not want to make PHDs or ISOs, but I think with the above you understand what I say, if someones wants to make a theoritical methodology go ahead, but Summerian is as you said a language almost alone, but the vocabulary of sumerian in other languages can help us understand many, like the above,

anse and Kercapo is a good example, if you drop aga and Gal and Ehus and Kur (as cherry pick)

and I am not a magician of words.
the wine as you describe Jejn Oinos wine Woinos (I think owinos due to oxinos Οξινος-Οξος (wine-vinegar) and ι = dzot γιωτ) (according time accidity we have Στεμφυλα, Μεστος (μουστος) Οινος Οξος) shows another conectivity, the one I mentioned many times.

I think this time I gave something that can not be characterized as magic,
the differences and the effect that Sumerian word Anse is catalytic, and is not the only one,
Homeric άργος (modern agros) and αρδευσις (irrigation) from IE arg = silver? or from gods Sirris and Eorda thracian Ardiea)?, or totally local Balcanic-Aegean that went to middle East?

what methodology can give the Kercapo and Anisus in IE except a good observation (cross serach)
and why that limit? West of Summerian is anisus and East is Kercapo.
Same search with summerian aga Kur Gal Ehus gives also strange results

I do not believe this time to call me also a magician
As far as I know among living languages Georgian is one which still keeps Sumerian loan-words.
I am not sure if they were directly borrowed or via some other language. I can't find the list but from top of my head here are some:

დოქ-ი - dok-i - small vessel - Summ. Dug: standard size earthen jar, pot, jug, vessel
ყანა - k'ana - cultivated field/ground - Sum. gána, gán: tract of land, field parcel; (flat) surface, plane; measure of surface; shape, outline; cultivation
გიჟ-ი - gizh-i - crazy/possessed - Sum. Gissu - Shadow/Dark/Black (used in epithets of magicians)
გუთ-ან-ი - gut-an-i - plough - Sum. Gud: Ox
გორა - gora - hill - Sum. Mountain

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