(OFFTOPIC from I2a-Din on the Balkans)

There are few common words between scandinavian languages and south slavic which are not of latin origin,like :
croatian svinja icelandic svin

croatian/bulgarian stolica/stol swedish/norwegian stol

bulgarian snyag/croatian snijeg swedish / norwegian snö icelandic snjór
That is not from thracians contact with goths?
These are examples of very used words.
In romanian the word for snow is zapada,which people does not know from where it is coming,they suposed is from zapadati from serbo-croatian which means also to fall snow, but I doubt,anyone here from Serbia/Croatia ever heard of zapadati having also the meaning of snow falling?
mihaitzateo, I would like to ask you something: are you interested at all in understanding the methodology of linguistics, or are you just interested in finding affirmation for your own ideas without caring wether they are right or wrong, because you have already decided for yourself that they have to be right, and you don't care the slightest about wether it's right or wrong?
sorry, but most of your propositions are very far from words in meaning...

why is it hard to accept that Thracians were satem speaking PIE people with dominant R1a and that due to that their language shares more similarities with Balto-Slavic than with Greek?

btw. kalamos is grass, kalaminder is tree... i don't know how high you are, but grass and tree are not the same....
the word is said to be specific for single thrachian tribe...we do not even know whether it was shared by other thracians...

i think these are 3 different transcriptions of 2 words, first one being tribal name....second one perhaps also tribal name...tribal names are typically old and do not have immediately observable translations...

where does this come from? if you give a context, a meaning that is known, we can find matching words if any...otherwise it is pointless because words need to match in both meaning and form... but these are not among the 23 words for which meaning is known, hence you have your interpretation and want us to guess it, which is silly way of thinking....one can only compare words whose meaning is really known...

you still keep your ideas and believe the rest are ...

Kalamos and kalamindar is the same.
you wanted or not.
except if kalamindar is not a plant but a Salamindar a Salamander or a Salami :grin:

Συπυθειοι I guess you never heard that Apollo killed Python Πυθων
and one of the Holy Fests of Ancient Greeks were PYTHEIA
Zibythides is the Priests of Python The Snake the Apollo or Saint George killed

maybe Greek oracle priestess PYTHEIA was a match? sibice?
and she gave her vision when she light a match ?????

the CO2 of the match make dizzy and she was telling the future. :grin:

who we are kidding?

Spinos and Soap?
does the soap make fire?
haven't you ever herd of the word Spirton?
Σπιρτον του αλατος that when is drop to a stone starts fire?

Hydrocholric acid + salt + calcium oxides + any kind of Hydrocarbonates CH, even sugar is good,
the modern scientific is named as Thermites Θερμιτης cause it can reach temperatures above 600 C

Soap? starts soap a fire when we drop water in it?
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mihaitzateo, I would like to ask you something: are you interested at all in understanding the methodology of linguistics, or are you just interested in finding affirmation for your own ideas without caring wether they are right or wrong, because you have already decided for yourself that they have to be right, and you don't care the slightest about wether it's right or wrong?

I really do not understand what you want to ask me here.
If two words are identical in some languages about which ancestors history tells that they were in contact that does not means that those words are borrowed between languages?
I am not forcing anyone to believe what I am writing and which represent my opinion.
I just expressed what I am thinking about I2a din south and that is linked with thracians and that having some identical words with same meaning in both some scandinavian and bulgarian/croatian language that means that the words are coming from the time when goths were here since are words which are in common use.
Since I told about svinja svin being almost identical in some south slavic and icelandic.
I do not really know why I am posting here,I do not like the atitude which you are using towards me,I am not allowed to make some supposions here even though I did not offended anyone with these supositions.
I do not want to make anymore free research work with Taranis having such a attitude towards me.I am geting nothing from this not even some little amount of respect.
I made anyway a mistake with researching and loosing a lot of my time with this.
Have a nice time mr Taranis I am off from this forum.
armor in icelandic:
armor in bulgarian:
броня - bronya

In both languages is different from other languages of that group - in other slavic languages is not called like in bulgarian language and in swedish/norwegian/danish is not called either as in icelandic or close.
Think is from thracian language.