Offtopic : Was Hitler a Christian ?


The main conclusions of modern physics, especially quantum mechanics, seem to very strongly suggest that everything is 'alive' in a sense, absolutely everything at the fundamental level seems to have a sort of consciousness, I think one could make an argument that this is evidence for pantheistic beliefs. At the very least it would constitute much more 'concrete' evidence than 'holy books', which were written by basically ignorant men in a pre-rational time.

Cite your sources of any reputable science suggesting that quantum mechanics suggests the "consciousness" of atoms, molecules, et cetera. Because as far as I am aware, it is only new age gurus with hardly any understanding of science at all that suggest such ideas.
I'm not saying that it has been directly suggested by reputable scientists, definitely not.
But one could make the argument, based on what has been acknowledged by reputable scientists, I think.
I'm not saying that it has been directly suggested by reputable scientists, definitely not.
But one could make the argument, based on what has been acknowledged by reputable scientists, I think.

Well, make the argument. What aspects of QM lead you to think that atoms are conscious?
Well, make the argument. What aspects of QM lead you to think that atoms are conscious?

If you're aware of the general way in which subatomic particles behave, then you must have some idea of what I mean, it's not my intention to make some kind of scientific argument for them being conscious in the animal sense.
In a very loose and roundabout way, though, one could easily suppose that all matter is 'alive' in some sense, although it's certainly not an idea that would fit within the scientific cannon at present.
Spooky action at the distance.
It means that particles might "communicate" and at speeds faster than speed of light. In short, through still unknown laws of physics, and, one might argue, by spiritual/supernatural way.
I'm guessing, but I think, this is what shaheen15 implied.
If you're aware of the general way in which subatomic particles behave, then you must have some idea of what I mean, it's not my intention to make some kind of scientific argument for them being conscious in the animal sense.
In a very loose and roundabout way, though, one could easily suppose that all matter is 'alive' in some sense, although it's certainly not an idea that would fit within the scientific cannon at present.

Subatomic particles behave in many ways, but none of them seem at all intentional.

They don't even seem alive. Life is filled with voluntary activity and purpose driven (foor, sex, water, fear) behaviour. Atoms blindly obey natural laws, like rocks and wind.
Spooky action at the distance.
It means that particles might "communicate" and at speeds faster than speed of light. In short, through still unknown laws of physics, and, one might argue, by spiritual/supernatural way.
I'm guessing, but I think, this is what shaheen15 implied.

I was thinking he was going to go with the "observerer effect" which is one of the more poorly named phenomenon in science as it implies consciousness to that which isn't.

Spooky action at a distance, moreover, is well explained by reality conserving the laws of logic more than anything else. "You have two particles that exist in a mutually exclusive entagled pair, such that if one is X, than the other must be Y. We separate these entangled particles over a distance such that we can observe both before they could possibly communicate via any force that depends on the speed of light. We observe one as X and simultaneously observe the other as Y. Hot damn! The logic of their relationship was maintained in spite of their distance!"

It's the one shadow of hope, I'd say, that time paradoxes would also be ruled out by the universe, also. Cool stuff.
if religion is not hereditary it follows he was not a Christian cause he did not follow Christ teaching
if religion is not hereditary it follows he was not a Christian cause he did not follow Christ teaching
On this logic you can prove that most people that consider themselves Christians are not really Christians. Not many follows closely Christ teachings anyway.
On this logic you can prove that most people that consider themselves Christians are not really Christians. Not many follows closely Christ teachings anyway.

I think Christians are those that follow Christ or profess Christianity as their religion publicly and consistently try to live as their religion tells them to. Did Hitler follow Christ teaching? Perhaps he did follow the Aryan "Christ"

If one's religion is considered what religion one is born into then we should say Stalin was Orthodox, Charles Darwin was a Christian in fact he wanted to become a clergy man etc