Debate Organ donation

Dutch Baka

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Organ donation..... what do you think of it? are you registerd as a donator?

i am a donator, but im not sure if im really happy with that, why: because in some way i believe that my organs should stay in my body for when i die, and will go the my next life.... other way i know i can help people with it, so im still thinking about do i really want this...

a couple of months ago a lot of people in my country got angry about donation of organs because there are not enough donators, so the goverment wanted to register EVERYBODY, and if they dont want it, they should write a letter... i think it is everybody there own choose to register!!

what do you people think of it? and do i sound stupid with wanting to keep my organs??

Gr Dutchie Baka-chan
What are going to do with them anyways? I would be happy to know I could save someones live by donating (ofcourse after I died).But yes, I think you should be able to decide to let or not let your organs be used to donate.It's YOUR body afterall isn't it?
I dont know what my status is on body parts now... I change my mind all the time. Realistically I dont know that I would have any need for my body parts once im dead, but what if by some freak chance I possessed the poor person that had my eyeball or my heart?
Maybe it would be interesting to donate my body to a medical school.
If somebody needed my kidney before I died, I would consider giving it up... after a great deal of thought of course, other than that my lungs and liver probably wont serve any better purpose for someone else... they barely do a sufficient job for me.
Definately I think it is upto the individual to decide how they want their remains to be 'distributed' when they pass on. Why should the government have that choice? Strange....
Dutch Baka, im not sure that this is an appropriate place to ask, but how was your mums wedding????
In Maine......

we have it marked on our driver's license if we want to donate. I always tell people to think if it was someone you really loved was dying slowly and suffering greatly. They are waiting for a transplant that will allow them to live a normal life again; and waiting and waiting and waiting and dying right in front of your eyes. Because there are so few people willing to donate the person you LOVE SOOO MUCH dies in your arms. Such a waste, they might have lived if only people didn't have a hang-up about missing parts after they die. It seems a shame we have the medical ability to do transplants but not near enough donators.


I'm a donor. If they want it, they can have it- provided I am done with it.

Interesting, but we don't use cadaver blood- that tissue gets washed down the drain.
but what about after you die, i dont know, i want my body to be complete, im not riligeus or something, maybe more a bit spiritual ( NO VOODOO... bad expierence with that... ) maybe thats why i would like to keep my organs, but yes if i would help my love one with it, i will forget about that ..... its hard. maybe im to young for this, and i should get to know myself, and what i want more in the future.

what about if your heart would be giving to a man who have killed 5 children... ? would you register that you wont give your heart to this kind of people?
DB I think it's nice that you wanted to give away your organs. But it seems you have some doubts. I was wondering, are you bothered by some to myths surrounding organ donation? Are you afraid you may look deformed? Or something like that? I was just wondering. :relief:
haha no, im just thinking about afterlife, because i dont know about that ( i will never know before i die...) do i need them in afterlife,,, in some way,, im sorry its is kinda hard to explain about this.... like i say, its something spiritual im thinking of...

what about you Ma cherie... what do you think about being a donor then?
I don't know if I could bring myself to donate an organ. But I do believe that it could help alot people. That's interesting you believe you need your organs in the afterlife. :blush:
I used to have the green (?) sticker on my driver's license meaning I would be willing to donate my organs should I die of a sudden accident. I removed that green dot after I read an article that basically warned;

"Given the uncertainty of how death is defined

1) Brain death
2) cardio-vascular death
3) iris reflex and anal examination

+ other factors such as a body part that is in high demand, and illegal practices by certain medical organizations to sell body parts harvested from the deceased, and the urgency of quick decision to qualify a body part as useable, it may not be safe to put that green sticker to tempt either a profiteering examiner or just an honest, neutral doctor who is eager to help, to make a huge medical accident that may result in your premature pronouncement of death which is irrevocable and final."

edit: The color of the dot sticker used in the state of California to approve organ donation might have been pink; I don't quite remember clearly after alll these years.
Thanks for confirming my fear in the UK, Kinsao.
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lexico said:
I used to have the green (?) sticker on my driver's license meaning I would be willing to donate my organs should I die of a sudden accident. I removed that green dot after I read an article that basically warned;

"Given the uncertainty of how death is defined

1) Brain death
2) cardio-vascular death
3) iris reflex and anal examination

+ other factors such as a body part that is in high demand, and illegal practices by certain medical organizations to sell body parts harvested from the deceased, and the urgency of quick decision to qualify a body part as useable, it may not be safe to put that green sticker to tempt either a proteering examiner or just an honest, neutral doctor who is eager to help, to make a huge medical accident that may result in your premature announcement of death which is irrevocable and final."

sorry, but I just have to ask: what is number three: "(..) and anal examination"......
How is death defined by anal examination? Please elaborate, as I am unsure what this means...
The way I remember is that when a person dies, the sphincter, or constricter, ceases to get signals from the spinal nerves, and the anus opens up instead of maintaining closure. Therefore an unconstricted sphicter, as one idicator of death, was used (is it still used ?) to determine/verify a death. I'm not exactly quoting from a book, but from memory of a certain newspaper/magazine article, so please correct me if I'm in the wrong.
They Say.....

if there is any life left in the body, when you insert a finger there will be muscle resistance/contraction. If the person is dead, quite often the spincter muscle is so relaxed, the contents of the lower bowel spill out & quite often the bladder also emptys. Yuckie stuff hey what!!!


:blush: :okashii:
Frank D. White said:
if there is any life left in the body, when you insert a finger there will be muscle resistance/contraction. If the person is dead, quite often the spincter muscle is so relaxed, the contents of the lower bowel spill out & quite often the bladder also emptys. Yuckie stuff hey what!!!


:blush: :okashii:

Yeah. :eek: That's why I don't understand how some people can have jobs that involved dead bodies and cutting and opening them. Forensic science sounds cool, though. But still. :eek:
when i was in australia, some backpackers had jobs to do make up, washing hair, etc of death people, for 100$ an hour,, mm i was thinking about it,,, but yeah,, that is just to disquisting LOL
Strange ... but ...

I'm quite affected by blood ! Sometimes - just the mention of it will put me out on the floor ! (Particularly if it involves needles !)

Essentially though, this only relates to my own blood. I have helped people involved in car wrecks etc. who were covered with the red stuff - and it has never bothered me.

Even more curious - I have always been fascinated by pathology, and have always thought that, had I (unwisely) pursued a career in medicine - that was the road I would have taken.

Of course, ... pathologists never lose a patient, do they !



(P.S. I am an organ donor. I do hope that my "whoozle" goes to a good home !)
Lexico, I'm really glad about what you posted. Because, I always thought, organ donation is a good thing, why not? I don't have any belief that I will need my physical body after death. (I believe there is an existence for people after death, but I don't believe the body is needed for this, no way! After all, people are decomposed, burnt, etc... but that's another thought altogether.)

Then, I started to change my mind about organ donation. Why? Well, I heard about practice, here in England, that made me very uneasy. In fact, I even heard a high-status doctor, in a conference full of doctors, talking about shortage of kidneys for donation, and he fully admitted, in the open, to routinely inducing brainstem death in patients who were not previously brainstem dead but simply 'in coma' (may recover), so that the kidneys could be legally removed and in best condition.

It made my blood run cold.

It's likely that other such practices are quite common, below the carpet here.
lexico said:
The way I remember is that when a person dies, the sphincter, or constricter, ceases to get signals from the spinal nerves, and the anus opens up instead of maintaining closure. Therefore an unconstricted sphicter, as one idicator of death, was used (is it still used ?) to determine/verify a death. I'm not exactly quoting from a book, but from memory of a certain newspaper/magazine article, so please correct me if I'm in the wrong.

Oh I see...sounds nasty.
dutch baka said:
Organ donation..... what do you think of it? are you registerd as a donator?

i am a donator, but im not sure if im really happy with that, why: because in some way i believe that my organs should stay in my body for when i die, and will go the my next life.... other way i know i can help people with it, so im still thinking about do i really want this...

a couple of months ago a lot of people in my country got angry about donation of organs because there are not enough donators, so the goverment wanted to register EVERYBODY, and if they dont want it, they should write a letter... i think it is everybody there own choose to register!!

what do you people think of it? and do i sound stupid with wanting to keep my organs??

Gr Dutchie Baka-chan

Your defenetly not sounding stupid with that. I think everybody should have his own chance to decide about keeping or donating their organs. I don't believe in the life after death so I would be very happy to donate my organs someday when I die and save at least one person with that. :-) :-)