Out of Africa overhyped

I believe you. That said, this site on Google isn't accurate when it comes to the German average height. I can assure you that the average(ethnic) German is way taller than 172,8 cm.

Here is a more accurate table that shows the average height of people by country. By the way, have you ever visited European countries aside from maybe Italy?


I have, I've been to Greece, Germany, Portugal, the Netherlands, and England. I was planning on going to France before the pandemic.
It's actually silly that people don't believe that you're of Southern Italian origin since you always find individuals or families that are taller than the average or atypical in terms of skin tone. If my memory serves me right, you once posted your hair color which seemed to be auburn in color. The thing is that people and especially Americans have this conviction that Italians have only one certain look, thus can't be pale let alone have blue eyes and blondish or red hair. On Reddit, Quora, YT I read on a regular basis that Italians are brown, olive skinned Meds. When for instance some folks see a recreation of a Roman emperor with blue eyes they protest and say since the Romans were Italians they didn't have blue eyes. I watch sometimes US Basketball and many can't believe that Donte DiVincenzo is Italian because of his red hair.

By the way, I also don't buy it that this guy with the name "Germanicus" is German, Germans generally don't talk like that.

Right on all points,

Usually it is very Americanized and ethnically-mixed white ethnics who have been here for generations, and have never left the USA, who have those perspectives.

My child already has Italian citizenship, and we plan on going to Italy soon for a family trip. We even have RAI yoyo for our child for the purpose of learning Italian, on top of that my wife is fluent.
Refute his claims with good arguments, instead of screeching for banning. People these days have such thin skin and are too easily offended to the point where they can't bear to hear anything they don't like. This kind of behavior is so frustrating, especially on a forum where you're looking for exchanges of views and information. If you have the impression that the poster Mmiikkii harbors some anti-African resentment, try to convince, educate and beat him by showing data and facts. It's easy to reflexively cancel the opinions of people we disagree with. But we shouldn't avoid controversy and discussions with folks who don't share our worldviews. I personally learned how to handle differing opinions by not avoiding disputes with people with opposing ideas. Just saying.

i've just given examples that clearly show where he is coming from. if that isn't enough evidence then nothing is.
what kind of issue do you have with germany. i suggest you get over it. btw i have no recent german ancestors afaik unless you mean swiss germans and even if, i doubt they would have said much worse things than yours.

maybe it really is a very "odd phenomenon" when someone who has origins in the third world marries someone from the first world. very odd indeed. and those people are traitors. and the only explanation for this odd phenomenon is, that these people want to get entrance into the race on top of them. and as Mmiikkii said too, at least their traitors marry up, our traitors marry down.

this reads like it could be from "Mein Kampf".

so whenever you read a new post, the first thing you look for a signs of racism?

How about checking out if there is substance to the "overhyped" claim
and what exactly he is referring to
so far, nothing of interest and nothing new has been brought up
don't you ever get tired of talking about race and racism?
Refute his claims with good arguments, instead of screeching for banning. People these days have such thin skin and are too easily offended to the point where they can't bear to hear anything they don't like. This kind of behavior is so frustrating, especially on a forum where you're looking for exchanges of views and information. If you have the impression that the poster Mmiikkii harbors some anti-African resentment, try to convince, educate and beat him by showing data and facts. It's easy to reflexively cancel the opinions of people we disagree with. But we shouldn't avoid controversy and discussions with folks who don't share our worldviews. I personally learned how to handle differing opinions by not avoiding disputes with people with opposing ideas. Just saying.

very well said
this is still a genetics forum , so whatever your thoughts, be at least a little bit better than the average cesspool where people sling S@@t at each other all day
in my own life i have come to realize that many of the people accusing others of racism tend to be the most racist once you get to know them
they put up a front and having learned to cover up their true feelings, they seem to be very focused on what others say and how they say it and then jump on them when the tone turns away from what they have been conditioned to say
it would be great to get this thread on track as there is opportunity to once and for all shine light into this subject matter and put it to rest
so whenever you read a new post, the first thing you look for a signs of racism?

How about checking out if there is substance to the "overhyped" claim
and what exactly he is referring to
so far, nothing of interest and nothing new has been brought up
don't you ever get tired of talking about race and racism?

he's been here for a long time, he showed very clearly what he thinks. and honestly, the only reason i spoke up because i thought it was funny how EV13SON got banned in a thread of this guy, who wrote way worse things.

i'll ask you, is it an odd phenomenon if first worlders and third worlder marry? is the only explanation that the third worlders want to marry up into the race on top of them? are those people traitors? do first world traitors marry down?

seems like you have nothing to say against this. if this isn't racism for you, then sry, why did you even accuse EV13SON of racism? and why do you constantly attack germany?

also how can you not see what he is referring to in this thread? he writes it very clearly. but i'll sum it up for you: Out of Africa is "overhyped", because according to Mmiikkii eurasians and africans are very different nowadays no matter what. in his opinion the populations outside of africa have a higher mental capability while the africans stayed behind. and this stayed like this because there was no cultural and genetic exchange.

again, i might not even have said something at first.
he's been here for a long time, he showed very clearly what he thinks. and honestly, the only reason i spoke up because i thought it was funny how EV13SON got banned in a thread of this guy, who wrote way worse things.

i'll ask you, is it an odd phenomenon if first worlders and third worlder marry? is the only explanation that the third worlders want to marry up into the race on top of them? are those people traitors? do first world traitors marry down?

seems like you have nothing to say against this. if this isn't racism for you, then sry, why did you even accuse EV13SON of racism? and why do you constantly attack germany?

also how can you not see what he is referring to in this thread? he writes it very clearly. but i'll sum it up for you: Out of Africa is "overhyped", because according to Mmiikkii eurasians and africans are very different nowadays no matter what. in his opinion the populations outside of africa have a higher mental capability while the africans stayed behind. and this stayed like this because there was no cultural and genetic exchange.

again, i might not even have said something at first.

You come from a country where it is illegal to claim that Jews might be an ethnic group.
Bow out.
Or think before you write and accuse.
The scientists argue that no specific point in time can currently be identified when modern human ancestry was confined to a limited birthplace, and that the known patterns of the first appearance of anatomical or behavioural traits that are often used to define Homo sapiens fit a range of evolutionary histories.
Source:Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History

Source:Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History


there is no solid evidence, but there is circumstancial evidence

one indication is the skeletal record : homo erectus was the first to leave Africa, more than 2 million years ago

another is human DNA diversity, which is highest in Africa

then there is the replacement of Neanderthals and Denisovans by modern humans in Eurasia

for early humans, the African savanne was their natural habitat
it was the early paradise
there climate and fauna and flora were ideal for human survival
there is no solid evidence, but there is circumstancial evidence

one indication is the skeletal record : homo erectus was the first to leave Africa, more than 2 million years ago

another is human DNA diversity, which is highest in Africa

then there is the replacement of Neanderthals and Denisovans by modern humans in Eurasia

I see such arguments when it comes to the origin of Rh negative blood
Top scientists are divided
some believe around 50k ybp Neanderthaloids were the origin thereof around the South Western part of France
Others believe it originated around 600,000 ybp somewhere in Africa
The point is there is no evidence and option number 3 would be that the gene deletion took place over several periods in several locations.
In other words:
Circumstantial evidence can lead into different directions.
Until we know, we don't
i've just given examples that clearly show where he is coming from. if that isn't enough evidence then nothing is.

Hi Ailchu, let me tell you this you can't force other people to make them love or respect Africans by banning or shutting them down. What you can do is try to change their mindset and perspective by exposing them to arguments that debunk their racist views. In fact, racists do and can change. For instance, there was a case where a German Nazi went to South Africa to live out his racist fantasies. However, he had an accident and some black South Africans helped, invited him to their homes, and treated him kindly. This positive experience with black Africans changed his mind completely and he was ashamed of his hatred for blacks. He ended up marrying an African woman. So, positive experiences and interactions between different ethnic groups are the best weapons against racism. Moreover, they are more effective than PC and cancel culture, and helicopter woke SJWs, media people, and dogooders who “hover” over all of us to monitor every aspect of our lives.

In addition, free speech played a massive role in making Western societies less racist and more tolerant. I saw clips from the 60s, 70s, or 80s where people could speak up their minds. Racists and anti-racists, liberals and conservatives were openly debating each other without holding back. These kinds of debates and discourses are unthinkable today. Besides, is it really racist to acknowledge the reality that some cultures are less developed, sophisticated, and advanced than others? Matter of fact, liberal leftists who notoriously blast others for their inappropriate words and expressions had no problems with referring to the Afghan Taliban as illiterate, stone-age people, and cavemen.
The thing is that regardless of skin color or race if you are undeveloped and poor you will face contempt and hate even from people who look like you. That's why I think that Africans are disliked by many not solely due to their race/color but also because of their poverty.

Quite frankly, I disagree with not a few things you write here, and sometimes I just shake my head about your comments and find them a bit irritating. And still, I wasn't happy seeing you banned. But it turned out you were only temporarily banned.
very well said
this is still a genetics forum , so whatever your thoughts, be at least a little bit better than the average cesspool where people sling S@@t at each other all day

Well said. Thanks for understanding my point.