R1a-Z282 without deeper subclade?


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Y-DNA haplogroup
mtDNA haplogroup
Hello! :grin:
This is my first post here. You seems like a community with enormous amount of data and knowledge on european genetics, that's why I decided to join you and learn a lot of interesting things on this issue. :cool-v:

My haplogroup on 23andMe is R1a-Z282. I downloaded the raw data from 23andMe and, using Felix Immanuel's 23andMe to Y-SNP Converter, I extracted all of my tested SNP's. MorleyDNA.com Y-SNP Terminal Subclade Predictor also predicted my Y-DNA haplogroup as R1a-Z282. The vast majority of Polish R1a (I'm from Poland, all my known ancestors came from Poland) is belonging to two major subclades R1a-M458 or R1a-Z280, but it seems like my haplogroup is R1a-Z282* (R1a1a1b1a*), because I don't have any deeper subclade mutations:

M458-, PF6241-, Z280-, S466-, L260-, S222-, CTS11962-, L488-, S200-, Z92-, S205-, Z660-, S344-, CTS1211-, CTS3607-, S223-, Z287-, S345-, Z288-, CTS4027-, CTS4179-, L1029-, P278-, L784-, CTS3402-, L365-, F2686-, CTS8401-, CTS8277-, M204-, M87-, CTS2243-, S201-, Z87-

Can I be just R1a-Z282*, without deeper subclades? Is there any data, statistics, maps etc. about this exact haplogroup?

Is there any way to determine more precise subclade? Do I have to do FTDNA Y-111 or something? Will I get any deeper results with FTDNA tests? I am thinking about doing it in the future, but I don't want to waste that amount of money to learn nothing new. :disappointed:

Thank you in advance. :satisfied:
Can I be just R1a-Z282*, without deeper subclades? Is there any data, statistics, maps etc. about this exact haplogroup?

Is there any way to determine more precise subclade? Do I have to do FTDNA Y-111 or something? Will I get any deeper results with FTDNA tests? I am thinking about doing it in the future, but I don't want to waste that amount of money to learn nothing new. :disappointed:

Thank you in advance. :satisfied:

Hello Olek! :)

There are several possibilities. For example, you didn't test for PF6155 that is set between Z282 and M458 (https://yfull.com/tree/R-PF6155/). There is also such clade as Y17491: https://yfull.com/tree/R-Y17491/.

Y2395 is also possible (https://yfull.com/tree/R-Y2395/), although we have no single confirmed individual in Poland was found.

I think that you should order at least Y-37 at FTDNA and then we will see what to do next. I am a co-administrator of R1a Project there.
Hello! :grin:
This is my first post here. You seems like a community with enormous amount of data and knowledge on european genetics, that's why I decided to join you and learn a lot of interesting things on this issue. :cool-v:

My haplogroup on 23andMe is R1a-Z282. I downloaded the raw data from 23andMe and, using Felix Immanuel's 23andMe to Y-SNP Converter, I extracted all of my tested SNP's. MorleyDNA.com Y-SNP Terminal Subclade Predictor also predicted my Y-DNA haplogroup as R1a-Z282. The vast majority of Polish R1a (I'm from Poland, all my known ancestors came from Poland) is belonging to two major subclades R1a-M458 or R1a-Z280, but it seems like my haplogroup is R1a-Z282* (R1a1a1b1a*), because I don't have any deeper subclade mutations:

M458-, PF6241-, Z280-, S466-, L260-, S222-, CTS11962-, L488-, S200-, Z92-, S205-, Z660-, S344-, CTS1211-, CTS3607-, S223-, Z287-, S345-, Z288-, CTS4027-, CTS4179-, L1029-, P278-, L784-, CTS3402-, L365-, F2686-, CTS8401-, CTS8277-, M204-, M87-, CTS2243-, S201-, Z87-

Can I be just R1a-Z282*, without deeper subclades? Is there any data, statistics, maps etc. about this exact haplogroup?

Is there any way to determine more precise subclade? Do I have to do FTDNA Y-111 or something? Will I get any deeper results with FTDNA tests? I am thinking about doing it in the future, but I don't want to waste that amount of money to learn nothing new. :disappointed:

Thank you in advance. :satisfied:

23andme doesn't test that far down. I was initially just M417 until I tested with FTDNA and Yfull. 23andme is not great for deep Y classification.
23andMe just updated the assignments for people who tested on the v5 chip. My haplogroup went from R-M417 way downstream to R-YP445.
23andMe just updated the assignments for people who tested on the v5 chip. My haplogroup went from R-M417 way downstream to R-YP445.

Thanks for the heads up. Though I checked mine, and it still says R-M269. However, I already know my specific sub-clade.