Race and Haplogroups

Y-DNA has nothing to do with race. Race has a certain relationship with autosomal chromosomes and Mt-DNA. However, people with Y-DNA have autosomes and specific cultures, so it is difficult to become another race when mixed.
If not Y-DNA what do you think defines race? Just because your DNA test shows 80% Chinese ancestry doesn't mean you're biologically connected to specific individuals; it merely matches your sample with their database. True genetic relationships involve sharing blood within the human genome, similar to your connection with your mother or cousin. With Y-DNA, you not only share common forefathers but also approximately 1-2% of your entire genome, unlike autosomal DNA. Shared mutations, common traits, and other genetic markers contribute to this connection

Race has a certain relationship with autosomal chromosomes and Mt-DNA

Doesn't this imply that a father and son can be classified as different races? Considering the son inherits a different mitochondrial DNA from his father and 50% of autosomal DNA from another race? This is why you cannot use Autosomal to define "race". For exemple Ottoman sultans consistently married Circassian women, but they continued to be identified as Turkish, even when having 100% Circassian autosomal. Society was patriarchal.
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If not Y-DNA what do you think defines race? Just because your DNA test shows 80% Chinese ancestry doesn't mean you're biologically connected to specific individuals; it merely matches your sample with their database. True genetic relationships involve sharing blood within the human genome, similar to your connection with your mother or cousin. With Y-DNA, you not only share common forefathers but also approximately 1-2% of your entire genome, unlike autosomal DNA. Shared mutations, common traits, and other genetic markers contribute to this connection

Doesn't this imply that a father and son can be classified as different races? Considering the son inherits a different mitochondrial DNA from his father and 50% of autosomal DNA from another race? This is why you cannot use Autosomal to define "race". For exemple Ottoman sultans consistently married Circassian women, but they continued to be identified as Turkish, even when having 100% Circassian autosomal. Society was patriarchal.
Y belong to the Y clan,which is cousins,Race is about phenotype,IQ, etc collective of all that,not only about Y,

Y has no effect on your looks
My guess is that autosomal is better predictor of looks, because it measures relation, and more relation people have more similar they are.
Like obviously your brother will be most similar to you
Why doesn't the croosbred with a tiger father have a tiger face then? Because how your face looks is overwhelmingly not determined by the y chromossome that is.

I acknowledge that autosomal DNA primarily influences physical traits. However, there is a misconception that autosomal/PCA charts determine one's race. In reality, these charts just indicate which population someone might resemble more based on the sample database, rather than revealing the closest genetic race. On the other hand, I think the Y chromosome plays a role with approximately a 10% contribution. It's not a useless chromosome and doesn't recombine.
I think Ydna does have a say in looks but not as much as autosomal. It depends on individual cases, some sons look almost exactly like their fathers, grandfathers etc. Some sons don't
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