23andme improved a lot over the years, looking at where they started and how good they are now. But for Central Europeans there is still a lot of room for improvement, especially below the major divisions of North Western European and Southern European. I selected a fairly homogeneous group of Southern Germans and Western Austrians for a comparison to prove my previously made observations and the result is quite clear.
In this group of people the NWE and SE stays pretty constant overall (single exception for SE), what changes is primarily the assignment to the subdivisions. To give an example from a homogeneous 5 sample group for the ranges:
NWE: 81,1-83,9 (= 2,8)
F&G: 58,8-68,1 (= 9,3)
B&I: 2,1-5,2 (= 3,1)
Scandi: 0-1,5 (= 1,5)
BNWE: 8,3-18,9 (= 10,6)
Notice the only slight difference in general NWE and the large discrepancies between the subdivisions.
So everything considered, it is pretty obvious that NWE largely equates German in Central Europe, especially considering that 23andme concentrates on more recent regional ancestry anyway. The assignment to the subdivisions is generally not that far off, but takes just away from F&G, probably because a large portion of the calculation was done with mixed American citizens (?) and the difficulties in differentiating between the NW components in general.
The numbers for B&I, Scandi and especially BNWE increase in direct proportion to unknown and bad sampling. People from undersampled German subpopulations get much higher BNWE. Like a German with more Eastern German ancestry and a lower general NWE below 70 percent gets almost 30 percent for the remaining NW, especially 17 percent for BNWE. This is because the algorithm is still able to recognise the German ancestry as NWE, but because of a lack of proper sampling assigns it wrongly or refuses assignment (BNWE, still the better option). Sometimes, the German ancestral component even ends up in "Broadly European" because the NWE signature is not the clear cut samples from 23andme.
For the Southern European part, which is clearly leaning towards Italian in the homogeneous Southern German-Western Austrian sample, the same is somewhat true, but not as much for the subdivisions. Sometimes parts of the SE component just end up in "Broadly European" too, even though the algorithm should have recognised it better. Generally "broadly" seem to appear the worse the sampling is and the more mixed the individual is, because of the large segment assignment 23andme applies.
Its however amazing how consistent the general NWE ancestry is in this homogeneous group, that's at least a fairly robust result. But like I wrote in the title, improvement especially through better sampling is definitely possible.
I guess the same patterns being largely true for other ethnic groups from Europe? Or are the subdivisions better and more consistent somewhere?
In this group of people the NWE and SE stays pretty constant overall (single exception for SE), what changes is primarily the assignment to the subdivisions. To give an example from a homogeneous 5 sample group for the ranges:
NWE: 81,1-83,9 (= 2,8)
F&G: 58,8-68,1 (= 9,3)
B&I: 2,1-5,2 (= 3,1)
Scandi: 0-1,5 (= 1,5)
BNWE: 8,3-18,9 (= 10,6)
Notice the only slight difference in general NWE and the large discrepancies between the subdivisions.
So everything considered, it is pretty obvious that NWE largely equates German in Central Europe, especially considering that 23andme concentrates on more recent regional ancestry anyway. The assignment to the subdivisions is generally not that far off, but takes just away from F&G, probably because a large portion of the calculation was done with mixed American citizens (?) and the difficulties in differentiating between the NW components in general.
The numbers for B&I, Scandi and especially BNWE increase in direct proportion to unknown and bad sampling. People from undersampled German subpopulations get much higher BNWE. Like a German with more Eastern German ancestry and a lower general NWE below 70 percent gets almost 30 percent for the remaining NW, especially 17 percent for BNWE. This is because the algorithm is still able to recognise the German ancestry as NWE, but because of a lack of proper sampling assigns it wrongly or refuses assignment (BNWE, still the better option). Sometimes, the German ancestral component even ends up in "Broadly European" because the NWE signature is not the clear cut samples from 23andme.
For the Southern European part, which is clearly leaning towards Italian in the homogeneous Southern German-Western Austrian sample, the same is somewhat true, but not as much for the subdivisions. Sometimes parts of the SE component just end up in "Broadly European" too, even though the algorithm should have recognised it better. Generally "broadly" seem to appear the worse the sampling is and the more mixed the individual is, because of the large segment assignment 23andme applies.
Its however amazing how consistent the general NWE ancestry is in this homogeneous group, that's at least a fairly robust result. But like I wrote in the title, improvement especially through better sampling is definitely possible.
I guess the same patterns being largely true for other ethnic groups from Europe? Or are the subdivisions better and more consistent somewhere?