Sense of Humor

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lmao PIZZA RAT! I should open up a pizza restaurant call it "il pizzeria trattoria di davef" or something lol and use the pizza rat as the mascot. The main toppings are plain, pepperoni, and meatballs. Lmao!!!!! Ill be the chef. I think I can make pizza work. I think it'll be like making a giant piece of toast.
Let me be the Chef, you should stay at the cash register wearing a Pizza Rat Costume and perform “Improv” acting sketches to the Customers.
lol lol lol :)
Let me be the Chef, you should stay at the cash register wearing a Pizza Rat Costume and perform “Improv” acting sketches to the Customers.
lol lol lol :)
LMAO or maybe dress up as him for kid's parties, it'll be a cartoon rat costume with sunglasses, I'll be like "wassap posse, who's the super cool birthday kid?"
LMAO or maybe dress up as him for kid's parties, it'll be a cartoon rat costume with sunglasses, I'll be like "wassap posse, who's the super cool birthday kid?"

LMAO (Laughing My A... Off) just that made me laugh!. :)
I guess they don't teach manners in some countries; you know, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.
Angela, I was brought up with that saying. And most times, you can say something nice or at least positive.
I guess they don't teach manners in some countries; you know, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

I’m reminded about that occasionally (exact same words).
Last time was a couple of months ago, returning home in the car after unleashing to my EX Incompetent Mechanic.
I still think that he deserved what I told him. :)
Angela, I was brought up with that saying. And most times, you can say something nice or at least positive.

You and me both. I'm appalled, frankly, at the kind of rudeness which is becoming common and acceptable. When I think back to the list of instructions, the do this, don't even think of doing that, that preceded any visit to anyone else's home, well, it's a wonder I ever moved or opened my mouth at all! :)

In addition to it just being the right thing to do, when you treat people politely and with consideration and are complementary when at all possible, more than nine times out of ten you get the same back. That's what I always think about when people come back from trips and moan on and on about the rudeness of "the locals". With one exception, I've never had that experience in my life. Quite the contrary, in fact: I've made friends wherever I go.

Oh well, I'm getting crotchety I guess. :)
I’m reminded about that occasionally (exact same words).
Last time was a couple of months ago, returning home in the car after unleashing to my EX Incompetent Mechanic.
I still think that he deserved what I told him. :)

Well, certain types of behavior deserve some stern language, although I never curse, and I never get too personal.

Last time that I can remember was when I was having some work done on my house. I let them use our downstairs half bath, in addition to making them coffee in the morning, water etc. First, I found one of them, instead of getting a step ladder, standing on one of my chairs to reach something. My "What are you doing?" sent all the birds fleeing. :) The last straw was when I went into the bathroom they were using. A lot of men have issues with "aim", but this was beyond. They also did that little boy thing of not really washing their hands and so getting most of the grime on the hand towels. I hit the roof. I went out to where they were having lunch and told them that since apparently mommy didn't teach them how to go to the bathroom like a civilized person they could rent a port-a-potty, but before that they were going to buy cleaning supplies with bleach and clean that bathroom until it was as spotless as an operating room theater. Oh, and for good measure, I'd knock the chairs or other furniture over if I found them standing on something again. That fixed it. :) Those few people who think you're a pushover because you're pleasant and kind sometimes need a wake-up call.
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