Today I wanna share an interesting coincidence that I've been thinking for some time now.
And it's the change from naturalistic gods(god of rain, of the Sun...) , full of human passions and conspiracies against other gods.
To a kind of god that resembles the idea we had for the past 2 millenia. Of a God more absolute, global & eternal. One based in a strong sense of morality, and Good and Evil.
A God that doesn't justify itself in "winning other gods", instead it presents itself as "the truth", "Good"( in capital leters). And focus the attention in the profound MORALITY of its CREED.
A God that tries to justify itself in more rational terms, and don't ask for sacrifices...
Or, in line with the rationality I mentioned, we see the substitution of Gods altogether by philosophies.
And the most interesting thing is that this happens in several cultures at the SAME EXACT TIME, around the 500s BC.
The Old Testament is compiled during the exile in Babylon by the rabbis, Greek philosophy, Zoroastrism, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism...
All appear at the middle of the first Millenium BC.
And the characteristics are very similar:
- The evolution from a primitive religion based on sacrifices, to another more intellectually developed.
- The end of fragmented religions, one for each ethnicity, to global and sincretic new faiths.
And the date is no coincidence. Around that same time the Iron Age chiefdoms are subdued by the Empires of Classical Antiquity (Persians, Greeks, Mauryans, Qin and Romans).
What we have is a societal change and evolution that is reflected in a shift in the beliefs of different peoples.
What is worth noting is that even in 'ancient times', all these changes happen at the same time, which indicates some level of globalization, particularly in the area of ideas.
And it's the change from naturalistic gods(god of rain, of the Sun...) , full of human passions and conspiracies against other gods.
To a kind of god that resembles the idea we had for the past 2 millenia. Of a God more absolute, global & eternal. One based in a strong sense of morality, and Good and Evil.
A God that doesn't justify itself in "winning other gods", instead it presents itself as "the truth", "Good"( in capital leters). And focus the attention in the profound MORALITY of its CREED.
A God that tries to justify itself in more rational terms, and don't ask for sacrifices...
Or, in line with the rationality I mentioned, we see the substitution of Gods altogether by philosophies.
And the most interesting thing is that this happens in several cultures at the SAME EXACT TIME, around the 500s BC.
The Old Testament is compiled during the exile in Babylon by the rabbis, Greek philosophy, Zoroastrism, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism...
All appear at the middle of the first Millenium BC.
And the characteristics are very similar:
- The evolution from a primitive religion based on sacrifices, to another more intellectually developed.
- The end of fragmented religions, one for each ethnicity, to global and sincretic new faiths.
And the date is no coincidence. Around that same time the Iron Age chiefdoms are subdued by the Empires of Classical Antiquity (Persians, Greeks, Mauryans, Qin and Romans).
What we have is a societal change and evolution that is reflected in a shift in the beliefs of different peoples.
What is worth noting is that even in 'ancient times', all these changes happen at the same time, which indicates some level of globalization, particularly in the area of ideas.