steppe theory and western europe

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I agree with you, 100% here. Wokeness is utter, total craziness displayed by people with no real values nor virtues.

Just imagine paleogenetics with a woke twist.

Some horribly biased mainstream American news outlet will cause mass confusion. Some "expert" will go on CNN and explain that the WHG and EEF were actually POC, who invented intersectional feminism. Then the racist, white supremacist Yamnaya came along and ruined it, and introduced white cisheteropatriarchal violence and colonialism. So the Indigenous Europeans were People of Color all along, and the Yamnaya are problematic-AF settler-colonizers, but y'all ain't ready for that conversation. SMH white people. And if you deny this, it's your white fragility, and it means you're some crazy conspiracy theorist who watches Fox News.
I understand what you’re saying. Certainly, you can’t blame all Jews for the wicked actions of certain Jewish individuals or activists. However, not few people believe in guilt by association, though.

Those people are responsible for the worst crimes against humanity in history, and their opinions should be discarded. This goes not just for Neo-Nazis, Communists, and Wokes, but everyone who thinks like that, including people regrettably on here. It should be universally acknowledged that guilt-by-association on an ethnic scale is an evil, and everyone who engaged in it is morally ****ed and degenerate. Also, to then support Palestine, while complaining about Islamic imperialism against your own country, simply because you don't like what leftist Jews do, is hilariously ironic.
I don't care about your wokes, Soros, American Jews or racial problems in the United States, I care about the situation in the Mediterranean and the instability caused by such decisions.

Can you explain to me why Trump made his decision on Western Sahara a few hours before leaving the White House?
who benefited from that decision?
what benefits did the United States get?
are there Jewish lobbyists in the United States?
Do you agree that your country has skipped the UN resolutions on the decolonization of the Sahara so that Morocco recognizes the state of Israel?
What interests does the US have in the Middle East?
Who is your best ally in the region?

Don't try to confuse people by saying that you can't criticize the Jews as a whole because nobody here is doing it, if you are interested in the discussion, just answer my questions. First I have talked about the historical situation of the Jews in Iberia during the Middle Ages and the causes of their expulsion, and then I have criticized the last decision taken by Trump as President of the United States- It is clear that those who benefited were Morocco (has obtained for free a large territory with great natural wealth without having to give explanations at the UN) and Israel (which has obtained international recognition of another Arab country). I have said it before, you have made it clear who you prefer as allies.
Just imagine paleogenetics with a woke twist.

Some horribly biased mainstream American news outlet will cause mass confusion. Some "expert" will go on CNN and explain that the WHG and EEF were actually POC, who invented intersectional feminism. Then the racist, white supremacist Yamnaya came along and ruined it, and introduced white cisheteropatriarchal violence and colonialism. So the Indigenous Europeans were People of Color all along, and the Yamnaya are problematic-AF settler-colonizers, but y'all ain't ready for that conversation. SMH white people. And if you deny this, it's your white fragility, and it means you're some crazy conspiracy theorist who watches Fox News.

And just imagine paleogenetics with a white supremacism twist

Some horribly biased mainstream American news outlet will cause mass confusion. Some "expert" will go on FOX news and explain that the WHG and EEF were inferior races, the former because they were dark skinned and the latter because they belonged to the gracil mediterranean race. Then came the Yamnaya master race to Mainland Europe with their horses, chariots, weapons, technology, language, culture and of course their blond hair, blue eyes, great stature and physical strength. The horsemen from the steppes conquered the territory, exterminated the male farmers, took their women and their wealth, imposed their culture and saved Europe from a racial disaster. And if you deny this, it's your mongrel fragility, and it means you're some crazy conspiracy theorist who watches CNN

Neither one nor the other is right, genetics should be removed from politics, although unfortunately it is evident that especially in the United States it has become a matter of life and death for many people to try to prove a certain origin and exclude others.
Here we were talking about the arrival of steppe ancestry in Western Europe and my doubts about whether R1b-M269-L51 is as Harvard says the only male marker responsible for the spread of this autosomal component. The genetic heterogeneity of both CWC and BBC makes me think that the explanation of Prof Reich and his colleagues is simplistic and risky.
Just imagine paleogenetics with a woke twist.

Some horribly biased mainstream American news outlet will cause mass confusion. Some "expert" will go on CNN and explain that the WHG and EEF were actually POC, who invented intersectional feminism. Then the racist, white supremacist Yamnaya came along and ruined it, and introduced white cisheteropatriarchal violence and colonialism. So the Indigenous Europeans were People of Color all along, and the Yamnaya are problematic-AF settler-colonizers, but y'all ain't ready for that conversation. SMH white people. And if you deny this, it's your white fragility, and it means you're some crazy conspiracy theorist who watches Fox News.

:laughing::embarassed:That was on point. Terrific.:good_job:. Yeah, and the experts will furthermore assert that the Anatolian Farmers were gender-neutral people who made the world more feminine and inclusive and had equality with equal outcome.
Those people are responsible for the worst crimes against humanity in history, and their opinions should be discarded. This goes not just for Neo-Nazis, Communists, and Wokes, but everyone who thinks like that, including people regrettably on here. It should be universally acknowledged that guilt-by-association on an ethnic scale is an evil, and everyone who engaged in it is morally ****ed and degenerate. Also, to then support Palestine, while complaining about Islamic imperialism against your own country, simply because you don't like what leftist Jews do, is hilariously ironic.

what a great post:great:

i don't live in a dream land i know people
don't like jews ( i was i apricity for few months and i saw it and felt it on my own flash )
but this is the frst time i heard when people accuse the jews on there explusion from spain ....:rolleyes2::shocked:
it is damn crazy almost unbelivelble
And just imagine paleogenetics with a white supremacism twist

Some horribly biased mainstream American news outlet will cause mass confusion. Some "expert" will go on FOX news and explain that the WHG and EEF were inferior races, the former because they were dark skinned and the latter because they belonged to the gracil mediterranean race. Then came the Yamnaya master race to Mainland Europe with their horses, chariots, weapons, technology, language, culture and of course their blond hair, blue eyes, great stature and physical strength. The horsemen from the steppes conquered the territory, exterminated the male farmers, took their women and their wealth, imposed their culture and saved Europe from a racial disaster. And if you deny this, it's your mongrel fragility, and it means you're some crazy conspiracy theorist who watches CNN

Neither one nor the other is right, genetics should be removed from politics, although unfortunately it is evident that especially in the United States it has become a matter of life and death for many people to try to prove a certain origin and exclude others.

This is a completely ignorant understanding of the American conservatism, as well as Fox news. First of all, they would rather argue that we are all equal before God. They do not even talk about genetics, let alone source population constructs. As a matter of fact, I have only seen CNN report on genetics, and no doubt they give their woke twist to it.
The closest equivalence to what you are saying can only be found on the internet, by people who are laymen. Most Republicans have never even heard of Yamnaya, EEF, or WHG. Many of them think this is a junk science. I think you fail to realize how tiny the world of pop gen is. The extent of how much most liberals in the US know is "we all come from Africa".
:laughing::embarassed:That was on point. Terrific.:good_job:. Yeah, and the experts will furthermore assert that the Anatolian Farmers were gender-neutral people who made the world more feminine and inclusive and had equality with equal outcome.

That is almost like Maria Gimbutas her interpretation.
Till they discovered the inequality in the Varna cemetery.
what a great post:great:

i don't live in a dream land i know people
don't like jews ( i was i apricity for few months and i saw it and felt it on my own flash )
but this is the frst time i heard when people accuse the jews on there explusion from spain ....:rolleyes2::shocked:
it is damn crazy almost unbelivelble

First time?-Well, you have never read that because you do not know the history of Spain nor the hundreds of books that have been published studying the causes of the expulsion. Most Spanish medievalists work impartially and analyze the causes exclusively from a historical perspective, so if you accuse them of madness you are insulting prestigious historians, some of them with great international recognition.

What is unbelievable is that someone can give an opinion without having any idea of what he is talking about, however, if you are interested, I can recommend good books on the subject. You can start with "Spain, a historical enigma" by Claudio Sánchez-Albornoz.

And remember that historical criticism does not mean anti-Semitism, or do you also think that all those Spanish historians are a bunch of Nazis?
And just imagine paleogenetics with a white supremacism twist

Some horribly biased mainstream American news outlet will cause mass confusion. Some "expert" will go on FOX news and explain that the WHG and EEF were inferior races, the former because they were dark skinned and the latter because they belonged to the gracil mediterranean race. Then came the Yamnaya master race to Mainland Europe with their horses, chariots, weapons, technology, language, culture and of course their blond hair, blue eyes, great stature and physical strength. The horsemen from the steppes conquered the territory, exterminated the male farmers, took their women and their wealth, imposed their culture and saved Europe from a racial disaster. And if you deny this, it's your mongrel fragility, and it means you're some crazy conspiracy theorist who watches CNN

Neither one nor the other is right, genetics should be removed from politics, although unfortunately it is evident that especially in the United States it has become a matter of life and death for many people to try to prove a certain origin and exclude others.

Not even Breitbartnews, let alone Fox News would dare to invite or interview experts that claim that dark-skinned folks are inferior. Actually, Fox News has more and more black hosts and guests. White supremacists have basically no real platform in the USA to openly push their white supremacy fantasy. This ship has sailed. Only non-whites or leftists can say publicly racist things and promote openly "anti-whiteness" without facing any backlash.

For example, a white liberal professor said white people are parasites, and a Yale speaker, an Indian or Pakistani professor said on TV that she fantasizes about killing whites, both of these people weren't sacked or removed. Besides, there was a leaked Coca-Cola training video about "How to be less white?“:" Be less oppressive, be less arrogant, be less certain, be less defensive, be less ignorant, be more humble, listen, believe, break with apathy, break with white solidarity". Hence, not only you but we all in Europe should better care about what happens in the USA because the leftists, the mainstream media and the elitists in Europe do what the woke brigade in the USA does. Where do you think the leftists in Spain got their PC and wokeness BS from?

Plus, all over Europe, Canada there were BLM demonstrations, and George Floyd was treated as a martyr, and statues were pull-down or streets renamed. In most of Europe, you hear everywhere the buzz words such as "people of color", getting woke, diversity, white fragility, and white privilege. Hence, everything that happens in the USA, all kind of liberal insanity that starts there, the Europeans end up exporting and emulating. Europeans especially the Brits are the biggest copycats of the Americans. Therefore, Europeans today make the cultural wars, problems of America theirs. Where America goes Europe goes. Look at the current UEFA Euro where the English and the Welch National team went on their knees with their fist on the air to support BLM. UEFA approved that and scolded the English fans that booed their National team. By the way, the Spanish National team is thinking about going on their knees for BLM support. So, again you should rather care what happens in the USA because Spain today is very liberal, and has abandoned its Catholic identity, sense of honor to feel progressive. Spain also takes notes from liberal Americans. Don't get me wrong, it's good to be liberal in certain ways, such as being anti-racism or respecting other cultures or giving animals rights, but there is a liberalism that is rather destructive. Anyway, I was pretty surprised to see how extremely liberal Spain has become including very low birth rate and high abortion, the destruction of the traditional family and marriage, etc. Even the Spanish Royals are going liberal, woke, and PC. The Spanish Queen, for example, is an ex-News host, staunch left-wing feminist, a divorcee who had an abortion, and is very arrogant . Plus she's an atheist who hates the Catholic faith, and used to be against the monarchy in Spain, too. And today this woman is the Queen of Spain because the Crown Prince thought she was a great catch. So, an atheistic leftist and feminist is now a leading member of the once very strict and traditionalist Spanish Royals which means that the Spanish monarchy is actually dead.

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I don't care about your wokes, Soros, American Jews or racial problems in the United States, I care about the situation in the Mediterranean and the instability caused by such decisions.

Can you explain to me why Trump made his decision on Western Sahara a few hours before leaving the White House?
who benefited from that decision?
what benefits did the United States get?
are there Jewish lobbyists in the United States?
Do you agree that your country has skipped the UN resolutions on the decolonization of the Sahara so that Morocco recognizes the state of Israel?
What interests does the US have in the Middle East?
Who is your best ally in the region?

Don't try to confuse people by saying that you can't criticize the Jews as a whole because nobody here is doing it, if you are interested in the discussion, just answer my questions. First I have talked about the historical situation of the Jews in Iberia during the Middle Ages and the causes of their expulsion, and then I have criticized the last decision taken by Trump as President of the United States- It is clear that those who benefited were Morocco (has obtained for free a large territory with great natural wealth without having to give explanations at the UN) and Israel (which has obtained international recognition of another Arab country). I have said it before, you have made it clear who you prefer as allies.

This may surprise you, maybe even shock you, but the vast majority of Jewish-Americans haven't heard of Polisario, and couldn't care less about the issue. Even most Israelis, I believe, don't care one way or the other. Yes, I personally do prefer Israel as an ally of the US, as do most Americans. I have nothing against Spain whatsoever, and in fact, don't even believe that Spain and Israel have any natural enmity.
And just imagine paleogenetics with a white supremacism twist

Some horribly biased mainstream American news outlet will cause mass confusion. Some "expert" will go on FOX news and explain that the WHG and EEF were inferior races, the former because they were dark skinned and the latter because they belonged to the gracil mediterranean race. Then came the Yamnaya master race to Mainland Europe with their horses, chariots, weapons, technology, language, culture and of course their blond hair, blue eyes, great stature and physical strength. The horsemen from the steppes conquered the territory, exterminated the male farmers, took their women and their wealth, imposed their culture and saved Europe from a racial disaster. And if you deny this, it's your mongrel fragility, and it means you're some crazy conspiracy theorist who watches CNN

Neither one nor the other is right, genetics should be removed from politics, although unfortunately it is evident that especially in the United States it has become a matter of life and death for many people to try to prove a certain origin and exclude others.

Nope, that's 4chan and the various racial classification-obsessed Nordic supremacist forums, not Fox News or mainstream American conservatism.
First time?-Well, you have never read that because you do not know the history of Spain nor the hundreds of books that have been published studying the causes of the expulsion. Most Spanish medievalists work impartially and analyze the causes exclusively from a historical perspective, so if you accuse them of madness you are insulting prestigious historians, some of them with great international recognition.

What is unbelievable is that someone can give an opinion without having any idea of what he is talking about, however, if you are interested, I can recommend good books on the subject. You can start with "Spain, a historical enigma" by Claudio Sánchez-Albornoz.

And remember that historical criticism does not mean anti-Semitism, or do you also think that all those Spanish historians are a bunch of Nazis?

you are a pro- palestinian
you think i didnt knew that from
the start
for what they were we are

give me a break ......
and yes i dont think they are nazis i think they are ant- semites
or they want to clean there conscience
by giving reason why the explusion was ok
what the spanish catholic church did to the jews is unforgetable crulety
beyond imagniation

yes i do think that many of the pro -palestinians europeans like ( roger walters and others)
are anti- semites that is there hidden agenda behind
any way israel as the right to defend herself
This is a completely ignorant understanding of the American conservatism, as well as Fox news. First of all, they would rather argue that we are all equal before God. They do not even talk about genetics, let alone source population constructs. As a matter of fact, I have only seen CNN report on genetics, and no doubt they give their woke twist to it.

Here is an example of the retarded woke opinion of Cheddar man:
That is almost like Maria Gimbutas her interpretation.
Till they discovered the inequality in the Varna cemetery.

Who's Maria Gimbutas? Let me guess. Is she a professor who teaches Women's and Gender Studies?

Goes to show you that woke morons are obsessed with color. Just because Cheddar man was dark skinned doesn't mean he was genetically black. Only a benighted worm would use it as an argument for political purposes.
@Real expert

I absolutely agree with you, not only about what is happening in the United States, but also about what is happening and will happen in Europe. Regarding Spain, I think we are in crucial moments of our history, it is true what you say, very low birth rates, abortion, peripheral ultranationalism led by leftists to burst the Parliamentary Monarchy. They intend to suppress bullfighting, hunting, private education, etc. and of course they support all supposedly discriminated social minorities-anti-Catholicism, feminism, indigenism, populism, animalism, (every kind of ism you can remember) homosexuals, transsexuals, illegal and legal immigrants etc., everybody has more rights than the native Spaniards. The traditional European right wing has knelt down in front of the globalists and that is why VOX (according to the media, extreme right wing force) has 52 deputies in the Parliament. Soon it will have the strength of the National Front in France or the Northern League in Italy - I do not know if the growth of these parties will be good for Spain and for Europe, but I understand that it will have more and more voters.

Regarding the Monarchy, the Constitution says that the King is the symbol of the unity and permanence of the country, and that he has to fulfill his function of reigning with exemplarity and efficiency, but the truth is that we have the former king as a refugee abroad because he had opaque bank accounts all over the world. It is a real disaster. Felipe VI is a good king, much more intelligent, serious, honest, prepared and educated than his father. The queen? As an Italian would say, "Mamma Mia". Probably this couple will be the last kings of Spain and that, in spite of the fact that their ancestors have been reigning since the time of the Goths. Real or Royal BS.
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