Sumerian Song

Heavy English accent and inauthentic and probably non scientifically substantiated pronunciation. We can't really say much. Besides, any comparison between this 4,500-old language and a modern language would be just a curiosity. We can derive no conclusion at all based on how a language "sounds like" even comparing to modern languages (perfect example: European Portuguese sounds increasingly less like Castillian, yet both are not just part of the same branch, but extremely closely related, in the order of a mere 1000-1100 years ago - now imagine what 4500 years can do!). Comparing the roots and the "sound" of a 21st century with a Bronze Age language, therefore, is very funny and intriguing, but ultimately meaningless.
I hear a strong NW-European, nearly Celtic, accent, this is unauthentic.

yes this is about accent. but language/grammar/words more close to asiatic languages, turkic/uralic/tibet/japanese/native american

some words very similar, like kase kaş kase kaş this meaning in turkish kase = beer = in turkish = bowl and kaş = eyebrows

this version more similar turkic to my ears
I doubt there is any [serious] (some similar grammatical features (nominal phrases) indeed do exist) connection between Sumerian and Turkic languages. Kase does not mean beer in Turkish, it means bowl (or cup). The Turkish word for beer is "bira", clearly a modern loan word from European languages. Yes, the performance of above sounds more authentic (to me at least) since he somehow considers the nominal phrase structure, he does not pronounce every "grammatical expansion" as an own word, also his overall pronounciation is not completely coloured by his ethnic background.
An example on the nominal phrase structure of Sumerian and other languages:
1.) Sumerian | šeš-ĝu-ene-ra | Brother – POSS(ESSIVE) – PL(URAL) – CASUS | for my brothers
2.) Turkish | kardeş-ler-im-e | brother – PL – POSS – CASUS | to my brothers (literally translated)
3.) Mongolian | minu aqa-nar-dur | POSS – brother – PL – CASUS | for my brothers
this grammatical feature (structure) exists also in Hungarian, Finnish, Burushaski (interestingly also a language isolate) and Basque (also a language isolate).

i dont wanna say kase meaning is beer. kase is bowl and similar object about beer. because you can drink beer with bowl

also kase, kaş, dingir, ata, ana, apa(same with native american languages) this all words looking for me turkic

and some scientist accept sumerian language in altaic.(or proto turkic) and sumerian language more close to turkic than uralic.

what do you think about this?

thats all show it turkic peoples and sumerian have good relationship than others. because have so many same meaning words effected by languages.

and i dont accept isolated. this is meaning not have enough evidence for connection to me

also similarity with native american languages ;

sumerians, turks, native americans have same basic words for father and mom they are ata/apa/ana/anne

and today we know turkic and native american peoples are cousins. they are come from same ancestors.

that's alls says to me sumerians must be good connection, turkic/native american peoples than others.

maybe lost continent mu is a reality you never know

but we clearly now they have no contact with indo-european, hami-sami languages

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