The 'Muslim crime scare' is a MYTH
This is the real data of my country Spain, where Moroccans (africans) are blamed constantly for crime.
Because nationalization of Moroccans is more difficult and lengthy that for Hispanoamericans and Eastern Europeans, this is an accurate depiction, so don't try to bring the "what about all the nationalized" because it won't work.
We have all crimes ('delitos')
View attachment 16047
Here's aggravated murder, only 5 in 2022
View attachment 16048
And finally, the horrendously libelous and racist PANIC about rapes by Arab/Islamic migrants.
View attachment 16049
These ideas about a "Muslim crime wave" are totally false and the product of a constant misinformation campaign from the European far-right that is believed acritically by many.
And gets particularly inhumane when we're blaming the Syrian and Iraqi refugee caravans and calling them "invaders".
It is the product of specifically reporting crime only when and where is Muslim.
I invite you to do the same research for your country and post it here.
Celtion already gave a good reply to your post, explaining that Moroccans in Spain are 5 to 6 times more likely to commit a crime than ethnic Spaniards.
I tried to find similar statistics for France and Belgium but couldn't as the government is protecting Muslims by not publishing crime statistics that include ethnicity, religion or even country of birth. Nevertheless I could find from a variety of sources that between 50 and 70% of prisoners in France are Muslim. That gives a pretty good idea of how disproportionate their impact is on the overall criminality in France. Ethnic or religious statistics are prohibited in France, so journalists have to resort to estimates based on other indicators.
For example this article from BFM TV, a major French news channel, explains that the director of a prison in the Parisian region estimated in 2015 that 60% of the prisoners in his prison were (practising) Muslims based on the special meals for the Ramadan. Of course, not all people with a Muslim background in France are practising Muslims. France is one of the most secular countries on Earth. According to a Gallup poll from 2006 to 2011, 74% of people in France were not religious. That must include a lot of immigrants too as French schools try hard to inculcate secular values in children. So the percentage of prisoners who actually hailed from Muslim countries is probably higher than 60% in this prison's case, as not all of them will be religious enough to go through Ramadan while in jail.
Journalists from the Washington Posts wrote a special report on prisons in France in 2008. They write:
As a matter of policy, the French government does not collect data on race, religion or ethnicity on its citizens in any capacity, making it difficult to obtain precise figures on the makeup of prison populations. But demographers, sociologists and Muslim leaders have compiled generally accepted estimates showing Muslim inmate populations nationwide averaging between 60 and 70 percent.
Yet Muslims only make up 6% of the French population. That means that Muslims in France are 10 to 11 times more likely to commit serious crimes deserving of hard prison sentences than non-Muslims of any ethnic background (French, EU citizens, immigrants or refugees from any non-Muslim country).
I intentionally excluded sources from French far-right web sites like Boulevard Voltaire and stuck to more moderate mainstream media.
Muslims represent such a big part of the inmates in prison that university researchers James A. Beckford, Danièle Joly, Farhad Khosrokhavar published a whole book on the subject of Muslims in prisons in Britain and France (also available in French). Part of it is available for free on Google Books (in links). On page 84 they mention that 60% of the prison population in France are Muslim. The book was first published in 2005, so it's possible and indeed very likely that the percentage is higher now. The data did not yet include the nearly three thousands Muslims arrested during the French riots of October and November 2005. There were over 30 terrorist attacks or stabbings committed by Muslims across France from 2007 to 2023. In fact the vast majority of these attacks were committed by Muslims. In France it's extremely rare when the attacker(s) isn't/aren't Muslim.
EDIT: France does not publish crime data by nationality or ethnic origin, but it's possible to get a reasonable estimate. I asked ChatGPT what percentage of Muslims in France were of Maghrebi origin and it is between 70 and 75%.
Using demographic statistics, I found that there are between 3 and 4 million people of Maghrebi origin who became French citizens. As of 2011 there were 3.8 million Moroccan, Algerian and Tunisian nationals in France. The two groups add up to over 7 million, which is much more than the highest estimates I have seen for the total number of Muslims in France.
So at least three quarters of the Muslims in French prison are presumably from the Maghreb, but it could be much more.
Here are the percentage of immigrants in France from predominantly Muslim countries based on birth statistics for 2010:
[TD]Percentage (2011)[/TD]
[TD]Percentage of all Muslim immigrants in France[/TD]
Using these more detailed statistics, we get 77% of foreigners in France from Muslim countries who are of Maghrebi origin. But if we also include the 3.5 million French citizens of Maghrebi origin, that the total percentage of Muslim of Maghrebi origin in France is considerably higher. Unfortunately it's hard to estimate as many naturalised citizens could also have kept their citizenship of origin, as France and Maghreb countries allow dual citizenship. Let's calculate the two extreme scenarios. If 100% of Maghrebi who acquired French citizenship kept their citizenship of birth, then the data doesn't change (about 77% of Muslims in France hail from the Maghreb). If on the other hand 0% of them kept their birth citizenship after being naturalised (very unlikely), then we have to add 3.5 million Muslims to the c. 6.5 million non-French Muslims in France. That would be 10 millions Muslims in France, including 5 million Moroccans, Algerians and Tunisians and 3.5 million French of Maghrebi origin. In other words 85% of all Muslims from be of Maghrebi origin. So the possible range is between 77% and 85%.
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