The Bell Beaker by Olalde and Reich et al. 2017

you seem to forget that until "recent", the british isle were "3 herder and 10 goats"! - so whats up with the Britain fixation? :)

a. check any youtube video of European population overtime and and you will notice how scarce were population in northern, and northeastern not say eastern itself, part of europe up until the beginning of the middle ages. Those things were wastlands up until "recently".

b. the upsurge of R1a/b started at the onset of climate change events (from the 5.9 kiloyear to 4.2 kiloyear) that had dramatic impacts on agriculture in europe and could very well have overall decreased local population to very low levels.

You're mistaking the Highland Clearances for 2,000 BCE. Neolithic populations had been there, for how long? Stonehenge and the Megalithic Culture was in full swing then.
all recent papers concentrate on autosomal DNA, which is fine,
but they are getting sloppy about Y-DNA, which IMO still provides interesting additional info
I also think its great that they concentrate on autosomal DNA.
Although they have always been pretty sloppy Y-DNA-wise, especially in pre-prints.

But as long as they publish the bam files, it should not be a problem, because then we can just look at the Y-DNA ourselves.
Z2013 was found in Hajji Firuz dating to 5000 BC or so... it's not de Caucasus, it's Iranian Azerbadjan I think, that counts for one; also it's possible to count a R1b1a1 in Armenia dated to XXV BC in a Kura-Araxes medium. The case to don't see R1b in the North Caucasus piedmont could be attached that the big majority of inhabitants there were farmers, only in regions with herding as the main subsistence economy R1b could pop up more easily.
Z2013 was found in Hajji Firuz dating to 5000 BC or so... it's not de Caucasus, it's Iranian Azerbadjan I think, that counts for one; also it's possible to count a R1b1a1 in Armenia dated to XXV BC in a Kura-Araxes medium. The case to don't see R1b in the North Caucasus piedmont could be attached that the big majority of inhabitants there were farmers, only in regions with herding as the main subsistence economy R1b could pop up more easily.

D(Mbuti, EHG; Hajji_Firuz_ChL_R1b_outlier, Hajji_Firuz_ChL) = -0.0151 -3.737 460845
√12.33~0.14∆ maybe