The Gay Marriage Controversy

How do you feel about gay marriage?

  • I feel it is wrong and should be banned.

    Votes: 62 26.1%
  • I feel homosexual couples should have the same rights as heterosexual couples.

    Votes: 152 63.9%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 24 10.1%

  • Total voters
Thanks for posting it. More and more it looks like that people, who are against same sex marriages and adoption of children, base their opinion only on fear of unknown or different, which boils down to what they consider going against "traditional family" values (which can be defined as a the state of social order of their youth).

It is very well know. We base our opinion on the disgust we have towards the people who abuse children by incorporating them into their own little pervert dual communities, thinking that more similarity with a classical biological family would give them more legitimate and normal look and that with the acknowledgement would come the right to exercise their sexual peculiarities in public.
When compared to those with more favorable attitudes toward lesbians and gay men, these studies have found that persons with negative attitudes:
1. are less likely to have had personal contact with lesbians or gay;2. are less likely to report having engaged in homosexual behaviors, or to identify themselves as lesbian or gay;
3. are more likely to perceive their peers as manifesting negative attitudes, especially if the respondents are males;
4. are more likely to have resided in areas where negative attitudes are the norm (e.g., the midwestern and southern United States, the Canadian prairies, and in rural areas or small towns), especially during adolescence;
5. are likely to be older and less well educated;
6. are more likely to be religious, to attend church frequently, and to subscribe to a conservative religious ideology;
7. are more likely to express traditional, restrictive attitudes about sex roles;
8. are less permissive sexually or manifest more guilt or negativity about sexuality, although some researchers have not observed this pattern and others have reported a substantially reduced correlation with the effects of sex-role attitudes partialled out;
9. are more likely to manifest high levels of authoritarianism and related personality characteristics.
Sex differences in the direction and intensity of attitudes have been observed fairly consistently. It appears that heterosexuals tend to have more negative attitudes toward homosexuals of their own sex than of the opposite sex. . . .
People against gay marriages is just a temporary nonacceptance towards change. Eventually there will be gay marriages everywhere and people will look back on all of this with shock. It's just a matter of time. Nobody has the right to tell someone else how to love and nobody has the right to govern what they think proper marriage is. Even though I think the concept of marriage is outdated and unnecessary, it is the joining of two beings who feel a strong enough connection with each other to want to spend the rest of their lives together. It's nobody's business who one person chooses to do that with.
It is no change. Gay behavior was known throughout the history and although sometimes treated with limited acceptance, and sometimes persecuted, it was always considered as a perverted and deviated thing. It is no problem if you want to accept or not accept perverts as legits considering their private business, but why trying to redefine the reality? It's just a NLP experiment on the people which will not stop there.
People against gay marriages is just a temporary nonacceptance towards change. Eventually there will be gay marriages everywhere and people will look back on all of this with shock. It's just a matter of time. Nobody has the right to tell someone else how to love and nobody has the right to govern what they think proper marriage is. Even though I think the concept of marriage is outdated and unnecessary, it is the joining of two beings who feel a strong enough connection with each other to want to spend the rest of their lives together. It's nobody's business who one person chooses to do that with.

Well said Future Earth, Same with women rights, who would ever think that women will get a vote or even have a job without being perceived as evil, and perverted not till a few decades ago and many women actually believed it too (meaning they were just a baby and cooking machine. Not many people can imagine that (although many countries still struggling with the issue)

Congratulations of course.
Nothing against gay marriage but what I don't like about the subject matter is parades and stuff like that..I don't see heterosexual parades so why would there be homosexual what you are in your personal space, could care less..
Nothing against gay marriage but what I don't like about the subject matter is parades and stuff like that..I don't see heterosexual parades so why would there be homosexual what you are in your personal space, could care less..
Go ahead and organize one. How difficult it can be? Does it bother you when others are organized and having fun?
Perhaps we should be bothered by cultural and religious parades too if it is not our ethnicity or our religion?

The paper lays out a six-point plan for a campaign:
  1. Talk about gays and gayness as loudly and as often as possible.
  2. Portray gays as victims, not as aggressive challengers.
  3. Give homosexual protectors a just cause.
  4. Make gays look good.
  5. Make the victimizers look bad.
  6. Solicit funds.
Milo Yiannopoulos - Homosexuality is more nurture then nature and he wants to be cured

The paper lays out a six-point plan for a campaign:
  1. Talk about gays and gayness as loudly and as often as possible.
  2. Portray gays as victims, not as aggressive challengers.
  3. Give homosexual protectors a just cause.
  4. Make gays look good.
  5. Make the victimizers look bad.
  6. Solicit funds.
Milo Yiannopoulos - Homosexuality is more nurture then nature and he wants to be cured
And I thought you were playing the victim all the time.
Nothing against gay marriage but what I don't like about the subject matter is parades and stuff like that..I don't see heterosexual parades so why would there be homosexual what you are in your personal space, could care less..

it's narcisism
Though i agree that all people should be respected and free to do and live as they choose, and also that homosexuality in anyway should not be criminalzed or homosexuals ostracized and punished in any way. I coud never support gay marraige regardless of religion, i could be an atheist and never support it. The problem in this day and age is that no one wants to be intolerant or offend good people by saying that their "actions arent good," even if that would mean stating the truth. I just want to list totally objective, non religioius reasons why I could never support the whole modern gay agenda, which funny enough even after the legalization of gay marraige in the u.s, has not calmed down.

1) Its a scientific and biological fact that the human specias has a male and female variety specifically to engage in sexual activity with eachother and not with members of their own sex. Its interesting because most people like to yell and scream at religious for being irrational, and unscientific but when something so clear and evident as the relationship between men and women comes into play, they almost begin to start speaking spiritually about love and tolerance, things that have no weight on the actual fact that all children even gays have a mother and a father, and this is literally the only way to keep the human existence going. Marraige may be a social construct and even a religious one, but what it does is it reflects and stabalizes the most natural, healthy and biological form of the sexual relationship and ensures for the well being of the members in this relationship ( the parents and children). To say that " Oh this doesnt affect me, they should be allowed to be married" is completely false as it changes all of society and comes into complete contradiction with the most basic facts of life. It equates a relationship that is totally fruitless and makes it equal to a relationship which is literally the cause of all of existence. With out homosexual relationships the world would go on thriving and developing as it always has, with out heterosexual relationships humans would cease to exists. It doesnt theoretically affect me if everyone claims the sky is red, but the fact is, is that its blue and im scared to live in a soceity that denies the most simple basic facts of life.

2) the argument that homosexuality does not lead to other declines in morals that regardless of religion have a negative impact on society is false. The acceptance of homosexuality as a healthy practice has always been a hallmark of declining socieities. The Romans were able to conquer the greeks because the ancient greeks became so morally in want that their population fell while the ancient romans grew. Homosexuality had a large part to play in this, funnily enough the exact same thing occured to the Romans when because of so much moral depravity ( homosexuality, the killing of children, there are literally hills of baby bones found outside the city walls of Rome because romans were killing their children so much) the population fell and romans didnt have enough men to fill the ranks in their military while germanic tribes to the north had a population boom and then easily destoryed the ancient roman empire. Im not blaiming personally homosexuality for the falling birth rates in western countries but simply saying that when the most basic family unit isnt held with esteem and respect and is placed on the same level as a relationship that is fruitless this is what happens. The complete schism in rational thinking in society when we accept these things to be equal becomes so great that a society begins to slowly collaps. A proof of the opposite is the fact that Russia is the only european country which now is having a growing population rate can directly be attributed to Putin outlawing homosexual propganda and instead filling Russia with propoganda promoting the classic family. Putin is no dummy he knows just as I know how much of an effect these things have on society really do have.

3) classical arguments in favor of homosexuality fall under real scritiny. I really read extensively to see if there was scientific backing of homosexuals being born this way or some how homosexuality being normal to the human experience and not just a mental gearing of sexual desires in a wrong way and could find no strong support of the homosexual agenda. there is no scientific evidence that homosexuals are genetically different in any way than non homosexual ones and that any study claiming this, has essentially been extremely pseudo scientific and counter intuitive. things like ' the youngest brother tends to have lower rates of testosterone than older brothers could have an effect on sexual orientation" are not proofs in favor of homosexuality. Lower testosterone would mean a lack in sex drive not that someone is gay, and gay people do not have a lack in sex drive and many gay men are extremely masculine. there are hundreds of other so called studies stating similar nonsense. The argument that animals also exhibit homosexual behavior is extremely weak and down right one of the worst arguments in favor of gay marraige. Humans are actually the only species to exhibit exclusive homosexuality as animals exhibit all sorts of sexual behaviors. You only have to observe how a dog may mount a human leg, another male dog, an object or lastly a female to realize sexual desire is sexual desire it can be geared in many ways. Animals also exhibit traits such as rape, murder, and incest. we do not want to use animals as an example of how humans should behave. there is no real reason to believe gays were born that way and did not become that way through some type of mental complex. Its very easy for me to see that someone may have been molested as a chid and now has a mental complex towards the opposite sex but still wants to be in a relationship so they naturaly feel comfortable in the gay community or that the opposite may occur. I once knew a person who worked with young teenage boys who had been molested and they told me that one of the main questions they had always was they think they may be gay now, as though the experience of being molested was horrible, still because sexual experiences are some how pleasurable in a way they found it somehow attracitve, almost a stokholm syndrome thing in a way. Im not sayng all gay people are this way because of this but there are many many normal mental processes that can lead someone to consider themselves gay.

3) If two adults who give consent and arent hurting eachother is the only requirment for what should be legal and accepted then why dont we accept incestious relationships? There are many cases each year of grow daughters and sons who are adults having sexual relationships with their parents. If they are both adults and consenting who are you to say these people should not be married? most of you would claim that was sick and gross, but guess what thats exactly what people were saing ten years ago and you called them intolerant for it. All of the exact arguments can be used in favor of incest. If you dont admit this and support both gay peoples rights to marry as well as parents and children who are adults then you are a hypocrite.

these are just some of my thoughts on this topic. I really dont mean to offend anyone especially if you are gay, no body is perfect, im definitely not but I wanted to just put a different perspective out there than what everyone these days is doing.
"Sexual attraction is such a fundamental part of life, but it's not something we know a lot about at the genetic and molecular level.
“I hope that this research helps us understand ourselves better and why we are the way we are."

yes Ive read the study as well before its interesting. The fact is I believe that nobody is really born gay or straight, we are genetically born with a sexual desire, this can however be affected by many things. Sexual desire is very maluable and can change after certain influences and time. Some people may have not been attracted to a specific type of person before a sexual encounter but after they are ect. The adolescent mind is particularly sensitive to this and events that may occur to a person at that age are highly influential to their orientation. thanks for sharing the article
Roger Scruton; Why The Left Hate

"Here are the differences between the right and the left;If a Conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat. If a supporter of the Left is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone."
You read what I write for years but you don't get zip what I am. I'm a libertarian at first! Get it through your thick skull finally!!! In case at hand, I love my heterosexualism and I "let" everyone to decide who they are, homosexualism included. Freedom of choice. Did it finally register in your head?!!!

On other hand you are the one who tells others what they are and how they should feel about their sexuality. If you are heterosexsual, you want everyone to be heterosexusual, " he wants all meat products banned for everyone." It exactly fits your personality.
Let me explain it better for you. If a Conservative is a heterosexual, he doesn’t do gay stuff. If a supporter of the Left is heterosexual, he wants all gay way of life to be banned for everyone."
According to analogy/logic that you posted, I'm behave here as conservative, "live and let live", and you are behaving like socialist. You see, the simple definitions are very often misleading. In reality you are conservative, who is scared of all the changes in society, therefore forcing others to stick to old world order. Some sort of conservatism mixed with tyrannical tendencies, with intolerant and hateful undertone, combined with your depressing personality.

Stop telling people how to feel about their sexuality. Stop forcing them into your lifestyle. Don't make them do what you do. Let them live.

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