The Gay Marriage Controversy

How do you feel about gay marriage?

  • I feel it is wrong and should be banned.

    Votes: 62 26.1%
  • I feel homosexual couples should have the same rights as heterosexual couples.

    Votes: 152 63.9%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 24 10.1%

  • Total voters
Personally speaking, I don't see what all the uproar is all about here. Gays who marry should have equal rights as straight couples do. Period. Anything less would be discrimination. And discrimination hurts E-V-E-R-Y-B-O-D-Y.

I've always believed that the so-called "institution of marriage" is threatened a great deal more by the immoral acts of heterosexual couples who've made a royal mess of things with cheating (on both sides), spousal abuse (mental and physical), not to mention couples who live together for years and years, even have children but never bother to tie the knot.

But the politicians and obnoxiously self-righteous bible thumpers won't acknowledge that fact or even discuss it because they can't do anything to correct those sins. So they jump on gays, if but for no other reason than they are a minority and can be easily held accountable for the wrongs of heteros who've caused the real damage to marriage.

Now, I'm straight and I had no trouble figuring that out. Why can't more enlightened people like elected officials and religious leaders see that for themselves? Boggles the mind.
i agree with flashjeff.
i don't understand how come some people are against gay marriages. it's not their life or their business to not accepting same sex marriages. if it was me i would be like f off! i don't see what's the problem. so they both got dicks or both don't. they still love eachother like heterosexual couples. it's not their fault they fell in love with the same sex..

i remember watchin tv lastyear about a couple hundreds of people in front of Ottawa rejecting same sex marriage. i don't understand what's their problem against this, but it's THEIR opinion that its wrong. not the rest of the world. some people who are throwing a fit about this just seems to me like an overgrown spoiled brat.
I think we need to seperate 'marriage' into Christian marriage, and normal marriage.

My main problem with the moaning about gay marriages is that if two people love each other, why are they so desperate to confirm it with a ring? It shouldn't be a major issue.

Anyway, with Christian marriage, if they want it prohibited, then that's up to them. If Christians see it as wrong, then gay people can't do anything about it. It's up to the religious leaders to see how hypocritical they are, and change things.

With legal marriage, erm, I don't see a big problem with it being legal EXCEPT moving towards an image of gay couples as family units. I don't believe that gays should have mistreatment from anyone else because of their sexuality, and that they should be able to do what they want without harassment, but...allowing them to adopt/foster kids is very wrong. And if marriages are legalised, it's just one more step towards letting them have kids because of stupid political correctness.

Before anyone jumps on me for saying that, stop for a second and imagine that you were brought up by two men. Unfortunately the clich?d phrase that some gay activists like to use is wrong, "love is (not) the only thing that matters". Parenting goes much deeper than that, on a psychological and emotional level, directly relating to the M/F bonding and image.
Areku said:
My main problem with the moaning about gay marriages is that if two people love each other, why are they so desperate to confirm it with a ring? It shouldn't be a major issue.

Before anyone jumps on me for saying that, stop for a second and imagine that you were brought up by two men. Unfortunately the clich?d phrase that some gay activists like to use is wrong, "love is (not) the only thing that matters". Parenting goes much deeper than that, on a psychological and emotional level, directly relating to the M/F bonding and image.

F... !! :auch: And why not let me deicide if I want confirm my love with ring or not? You (hetero) don't understand this problem, so just please don't talk about this. If you want to live without marriage, you just do so, if you want a marriage, you do so. But we don't have the right to choose. It is a very major issue, try thinking about this in a braod perspective, okay? Don't trivialise it.

Or by two women.. :D And what else matters? Please explain this to me, because I am far too stupid or too idealistic to understand you. Is it really important to have mum and dad to see the "right exemplar"? Having a family with mum and dad won't make you a good sane sociable person in advance. I suppose that more harm would bring having one of the parents who is drinking and abusing phisically/mentally the resty of the family.

So once again, please explain me what's wroing with having parents of the same sex? Les/Gays may be as good parents as hetero people. This is my opinion.
As I said, I don't really have a problem with non-Christian gay marriages. But for Christian weddings, it really is under their jurisdiction.

Yes...I believe kids need hetero parents to develop properly, emotionally and psychologically. That's not being homophobic, it's just because I understand that there are issues with same-sex parents that go MUCH deeper than 'if they love the child it's ok'. Sure, kids need love, but there are much more complex relationships at work than just love. Care and love are just parts of the whole bringing up a child thing.

If you set aside the psychological issues for a start, what about the social issues? Would you want a child to be bullied at school for having gay parents? Kids can be very hurtful to each other and in today's society many would just jump on it for fun. "Look, there's that kid with two dads". It wouldn't be nice.

At the end of the day, it's unnatural. And it's not fair to bring up a kid in the environment. That's not being homophobic, it's just the way it is. Kids need a father figure and a mother figure for different reasons. Sorry to offend you. If you look through psychology books you'll see there's a lot of development kids go through relating to parents and sex. Single parents are bad enough (although understandably, this is unavoidable sometimes) but same sex parents is totally controllable...and thus, should be. Sure, having same sex parents would be a better deal for many kids with abusive/drunken parents, but that doesn't qualify it as being ok
Personally, I think it's stupid to make legislature against gay marriage. If gay people want to get married, then they should be able to. Marriage nowadays is nothing more then a secular social status. Is just a piece of paper that binds you together under the law. It's stupid to waste all that effort and money to counter gay rights. It's their business and the Gov has no business in their private life.
Areku said:
I think we need to seperate 'marriage' into Christian marriage, and normal marriage.

What about all the other marriages that are approved by other religions? Buddhist, Shinto, Muslim and of course Jewish... even within Christianity, Orthodox vs. Catholic vs. Mormon etc. - they're all just religious ceremonies that are, reasonably enough, optional for the couple to choose or not. I don't see any need to separate out definitions, since even a Wiccan handfasting ceremony is just that - a spiritually motivated ritual that symbolizes a union. The "normal" marriage is to do with rights. See below.

Areku said:
My main problem with the moaning about gay marriages is that if two people love each other, why are they so desperate to confirm it with a ring? It shouldn't be a major issue.

Well, perhaps you're not reading about the issues because you've made up your mind, but it's not actually about a ring. It's about inheritance, receiving your partner's pension after he or she dies, being an emergency contact in case of accident, receiving health insurance and other coverage via a partner's employers... a HECK of a lot of monetary and legal issues arise from being unable to get married.

Areku said:
I don't believe that gays should have mistreatment from anyone else because of their sexuality, and that they should be able to do what they want without harassment, but...allowing them to adopt/foster kids is very wrong.

Lots of gay couples have children that are biologically related to one of the parents. And now we have the technology to splice DNA from two eggs and combine them - in which case lesbians can be biologically related - both of them - to the child.

Areku said:
And if marriages are legalised, it's just one more step towards letting them have kids because of stupid political correctness.

And it's not politically correct to TEACH society to exercise tolerance, to not treat people who are different with a default and reasonable level of respect and understanding?

Areku said:
Before anyone jumps on me for saying that, stop for a second and imagine that you were brought up by two men. Unfortunately the clich?d phrase that some gay activists like to use is wrong, "love is (not) the only thing that matters". Parenting goes much deeper than that, on a psychological and emotional level, directly relating to the M/F bonding and image.

I think that male/female gender identity roles are far more flexible and arbitrary than you think. If you're criticizing gay parents for only having one kind of genitalia, what about "conventional" parents who both have the same roles at work and at home, who have very similar personalities, or have gender roles confused (e.g. playing opposite roles to the "norm"?) I think any stable couple has the right blend of similar and different personality traits, skills, and they have learned to bond well through communication, compromise, even trial and error - the genders of those partners is totally irrelevant to how happy and stable a home is. I totally agree that not just love matters; but this 'bashing' of kids happens no matter how homogenous the population sample is - even if ALL the parents in a given class of kids is at the same socioeconomic level and hetero, then the kids will make fun of someone for being fat, or slow, or a different culture, or being too tall, etc. Having gay parents alone does NOT mean that a child is absolutely going to be bullied MORE than some other kid who has a lisp or is of a different race, or is poorer than the others. I say that by using that as the main excuse for not supporting gay rights as parents, you're perpetrating the very discrimination that you claim to NOT condone.

It all starts with every single one of us CHOOSING to say it's okay (or not) to let this go on, and you're saying that things can't improve, so let's keep our backwards view. In that case, I don't see why slavery still isn't in effect, and women shouldn't be able to vote today. Fact is, things CAN and DO change, and I for one think that legalization of homosexual partnerships is long overdue.
nekosasori said:
Lots of gay couples have children that are biologically related to one of the parents. And now we have the technology to splice DNA from two eggs and combine them - in which case lesbians can be biologically related - both of them - to the child.

Wouldnt that then mean that child could only be female since the egg has only the female chromosomes ? What about gay men, there is no technology for their unification of DNA.

nekosasori said:
I think that male/female gender identity roles are far more flexible and arbitrary than you think. If you're criticizing gay parents for only having one kind of genitalia, what about "conventional" parents who both have the same roles at work and at home, who have very similar personalities, or have gender roles confused (e.g. playing opposite roles to the "norm"?) I think any stable couple has the right blend of similar and different personality traits, skills, and they have learned to bond well through communication, compromise, even trial and error - the genders of those partners is totally irrelevant to how happy and stable a home is. I totally agree that not just love matters; but this 'bashing' of kids happens no matter how homogenous the population sample is - even if ALL the parents in a given class of kids is at the same socioeconomic level and hetero, then the kids will make fun of someone for being fat, or slow, or a different culture, or being too tall, etc. Having gay parents alone does NOT mean that a child is absolutely going to be bullied MORE than some other kid who has a lisp or is of a different race, or is poorer than the others. I say that by using that as the main excuse for not supporting gay rights as parents, you're perpetrating the very discrimination that you claim to NOT condone.

Legalization of homoseuxal partnerships is fine, but for them to raise a child should be considered a little more with further scrutiny. If the couple are gay men, who will breastfeed the child ? Also, children feel comfortable and secure around their mother, what if they dont have one at younger age ? Who will provide the maternal care for the child ? Negative expereinces in the youth can have ever-lasting consequences. To me it just seemse a little farfetched the idea of a gay couple raising a child. It's not about beeing backwards, it's about being reasonable. Slavery and the discrimination of women are not comparable to the a gay couple raising a child. We shouldn't think about the freedom of the couple, but about the rights of the child. Similarly, when children are not taken well care of in regular couples, they get taken away from them. I mean a child needs two different kinds of parental care, he needs both opposites.
Duo said:
Wouldnt that then mean that child could only be female since the egg has only the female chromosomes ? What about gay men, there is no technology for their unification of DNA.

My point is that the urge to reproduce does not necessarily disappear in homosexuals, and that it is more common than not that the child has genetic ties to at least one parent. And yes, a female-female DNA merging can only produce female children. So far, all humans must have at least one X chromosome, but lots of gay men father children with a willing woman who either just becomes a surrogate or fertilizes her own egg with his sperm.

Duo said:
Legalization of homoseuxal partnerships is fine, but for them to raise a child should be considered a little more with further scrutiny. If the couple are gay men, who will breastfeed the child ?

Lots of women canNOT breastfeed, even if they know that "breastmilk is best". I was raised on formula alone because my mother didn't lactate (produce milk). I don't think of this as an issue. Besides which, for gay men who had a child through an amicable situation (e.g. with a lesbian mother) she could still have access to the baby while milk is needed, and breastfeed it.

Duo said:
Also, children feel comfortable and secure around their mother, what if they dont have one at younger age ? Who will provide the maternal care for the child ?

Are you saying that a male parent is automatically inferior to any woman? I totally disagree. And having two gay parents doesn't even mean that a child is automatically removed from any female presence. That's a false argument that I don't understand. There can be grandmothers, aunts, maybe even women living full-time in the house where the child grows up. Just because the parents are gay does NOT mean the child is completely isolated from the rest of society! Babysitters could be women (and most likely would be), schoolteachers... there will be plenty of role models that ANY child from ANY family accesses as they grow up.

Duo said:
Negative expereinces in the youth can have ever-lasting consequences.

Agreed - I'm just saying that I don't believe it's a fair assumption to make to equate being raised by a gay couple with having negative experiences. As mentioned before, abusive, dysfunctional hetero couples exist aplenty - children are, in my opinion, FAR better off with a stable, loving, homosexual couple.

Duo said:
To me it just seemse a little farfetched the idea of a gay couple raising a child. It's not about beeing backwards, it's about being reasonable. Slavery and the discrimination of women are not comparable to the a gay couple raising a child.

I don't think it's reasonable to discriminate on any human being's right to attempt to be a parent because of their sexual orientation. This is approaching the mentality of limiting every human's right to reproduce, and so far, that seems to be a basic human right. The right to freedom, and to vote are also pretty fundamental (even though it's not as basic). That's why I used it as a comparison.

duo said:
We shouldn't think about the freedom of the couple, but about the rights of the child.

Okay, in which case we should take away gay children who grow up under the care of Christian fundamentalist parents. Or kids with no interest in academia, away from very academically-minded parents. Or introverted kids from extraverted parents.

Duo said:
Similarly, when children are not taken well care of in regular couples, they get taken away from them. I mean a child needs two different kinds of parental care, he needs both opposites.

I'm disagreeing with the premise that men and women are "opposites" of any kind. Men and women are NOT, in my opinion, very different at all. Many people ACT like gender roles when they think they're being watched, but when they're alone, they react the same (to visual stimuli). There've been studies, and I majored in cognitive and behavioural science - I know what I'm talking about.

I do think that children should be cared for by competent parents - I'm just not using any discriminatory criteria like race, religion, OR sexual orientation to make a blanket statement on whether a person would NOT be competent JUST based on those criteria. Just being able to impregnate someone or get pregnant oneself also, in my opinion, does NOT automatically mean that a person is a competent parent either, for that matter - but that's a whole other debate.

I think at the least that two gay men, with differing strengths, personalities, and with (probably) double the income can at least provide an adequate if not downright excellent environment for a child, compared to a single hetero father, or a single mother who's stretched to the limit by struggling to make ends meet, or by a hetero couple where one or both parents are abusive, or one or both are alcoholics or addicted to drugs or into crime (blue or white collar), or... you should get the idea.

And incidentally, just as many hetero couples who get married don't choose to have kids (like me, in fact), and many hetero couples don't exercise their right to get married, not all gay couples will choose to get married, and the rate of gays adopting OR procreating and raising children is unlikely to change. That's another false argument as far as I can see.
nekosasori said:
What about all the other marriages that are approved by other religions? Buddhist, Shinto, Muslim and of course Jewish... even within Christianity, Orthodox vs. Catholic vs. Mormon etc. - they're all just religious ceremonies that are, reasonably enough, optional for the couple to choose or not. I don't see any need to separate out definitions, since even a Wiccan handfasting ceremony is just that - a spiritually motivated ritual that symbolizes a union. The "normal" marriage is to do with rights. See below.

My point is that if the Church doesn't allow it, it's in their control. I'm not religious and I don't support the Church and think it's full of hypocracy but at the end of the day, it's up to them. It's their religious texts which damns homosexuality, and hell if they're gonna change it.

Well, perhaps you're not reading about the issues because you've made up your mind, but it's not actually about a ring. It's about inheritance, receiving your partner's pension after he or she dies, being an emergency contact in case of accident, receiving health insurance and other coverage via a partner's employers... a HECK of a lot of monetary and legal issues arise from being unable to get married.

Two things here. Firstly I don't really oppose gay marriage on it's own, and secondly, what about a will?

Lots of gay couples have children that are biologically related to one of the parents. And now we have the technology to splice DNA from two eggs and combine them - in which case lesbians can be biologically related - both of them - to the child.

Yes and this I find completely disgusting and a violation of the child's human rights. Ideas like that come from one thing only - political correctness, the bane of a free thinking man. The people in control of the jurisdiction of such technology are blinded by buzzwords like 'rights' and 'equality', and they fail to see the blatant and unavoidable fact that it is not natural.

And it's not politically correct to TEACH society to exercise tolerance, to not treat people who are different with a default and reasonable level of respect and understanding?

There is a huge difference between treating gay people with tolerance and respect, and letting them raise children. It's a whole different kettle of fish.
The human rights of the child are worth more than the twisted concept of 'tolerance' that is preached these days about this issue.

I think that male/female gender identity roles are far more flexible and arbitrary than you think. If you're criticizing gay parents for only having one kind of genitalia,

No, it's not just about their genitalia, and I never implied it was limited to it. It's about the complex and deep relationships between the child and the parents that go unnoticed throughout it's years but show themselves later in life. Having a masculine father figure, and feminine mother figure. Having a "mum and dad". Having an image of a 'female' to compar others to, subconciously. Having a relationship model to base your own learning and experience on. Lots of inherent things that are not only missing in a same-sex parenthood, but innapropriate things that replace them.

what about "conventional" parents who both have the same roles at work and at home, who have very similar personalities,

There is no such thing as a proper male/female couple who act like two same sex parents. It's technically impossible. Even if the father is a little bit camp, or the mother is a bit butch (pardon the expression) it just doesn't come close to how twisted the impressions are from the same sex parents. If the parents both work all day and leave the child to a carer? It's proven that that disturbs the development of children and causes them emotional problems later on in life to a varying degree. I never said they were good. In 20 years time when the stories come out (no pun intended) of children raised by gay parents and the things they had to endure and suffer as a consequence, maybe the govts. will realise what a mistake political correctness was, in this case.

or have gender roles confused (e.g. playing opposite roles to the "norm"?) I think any stable couple has the right blend of similar and different personality traits, skills, and they have learned to bond well through communication, compromise, even trial and error - the genders of those partners is totally irrelevant to how happy and stable a home is.

How would you know this, considering there are very few (if any) adolescent/adult people who have grown up with gay parents? On the contrary, there's plenty of scientific study on children and their stages of development which directly ties in to the gender/behaviour of their parents to suggest that varying from the norm can produce adverse effects on the child's eventual psyche.

Things like communication, skills etc, these are the methods of parenting that are obvious, that people can directly influence. What I'm talking about is stages of subconcious development that isn't seen or heard, just the product of it is. Things like seeing your parents kiss. Things like observing the shape of your mother's hips/breasts. Things like this have subconcious effects that you can't control or understand until a later date.

In short - gay parenthood is intefering with nature to the detriment of the child's development.

I totally agree that not just love matters; but this 'bashing' of kids happens no matter how homogenous the population sample is - even if ALL the parents in a given class of kids is at the same socioeconomic level and hetero, then the kids will make fun of someone for being fat, or slow, or a different culture, or being too tall, etc. Having gay parents alone does NOT mean that a child is absolutely going to be bullied MORE than some other kid who has a lisp or is of a different race, or is poorer than the others.

I disagree. Teasing/bullying over looks/wealth is an age old happening and though it's bad, at least the kids know they're not alone. Geeks and that type of kid at least have geeky friends (I know - I was one). But having gay parents? A kid teased about that will feel more or less totally alone. It's embarassmnt on a whole new level. The kid will have to put up with thinking about how he isn't normal, how he wished to have normal parents, and at some point he's gonna realise his parents have gay sex, which his fellow students at school will no doubt relish in telling him about.

I say that by using that as the main excuse for not supporting gay rights as parents, you're perpetrating the very discrimination that you claim to NOT condone.

Gay parenting as a discrimination against human rights in itself. If what I've said means I discriminate against it, then so be it. But I have the child's best interests at heart in this argument, rather than mindless gay-bashing (I hope you can see that).

It all starts with every single one of us CHOOSING to say it's okay (or not) to let this go on, and you're saying that things can't improve, so let's keep our backwards view.

No, the view of gay parenting being ok is backwards. We've come so far in education and discovery about the human body and mind, and then we go back on this because of 'PC', which results in things like that.

I don't see how gay parenting be seen as an improvement? If you're talking about marriage here, ignore that statement.

In that case, I don't see why slavery still isn't in effect, and women shouldn't be able to vote today. Fact is, things CAN and DO change, and I for one think that legalization of homosexual partnerships is long overdue.

I agree. It shouldn't be illegal. Gay people can't help being how they are, and should be allowed the same rights about relationships as straight people. But not parenting.

nekosasori said:
Are you saying that a male parent is automatically inferior to any woman?

No, but two of the same sex are. There is a balance. We have evolved this way and look how it's got us. Evolution has done a far better job than us at parenthood and the system is fine (and important) as it is.

I totally disagree. And having two gay parents doesn't even mean that a child is automatically removed from any female presence.

True, but they are removed from the mother figure, of which no carer/relation can replace.

There can be grandmothers, aunts, maybe even women living full-time in the house where the child grows up.

It's still not the same. IF the carer/aunt is as close as the mother figure should be, then it would be different. But then, is it really a gay marriage scenario for the child?

Just because the parents are gay does NOT mean the child is completely isolated from the rest of society! Babysitters could be women (and most likely would be), schoolteachers... there will be plenty of role models that ANY child from ANY family accesses as they grow up.

again, let me stress the importance of a single, close mother figure.

Agreed - I'm just saying that I don't believe it's a fair assumption to make to equate being raised by a gay couple with having negative experiences. As mentioned before, abusive, dysfunctional hetero couples exist aplenty - children are, in my opinion, FAR better off with a stable, loving, homosexual couple.

That may be the case, but it's not a valid justification to allow it. Would you say, having drunken parents is better than physically abusive ones? Probably, but does that mean it should be allowed? Nobody said those types of parents were good either.

I don't think it's reasonable to discriminate on any human being's right to attempt to be a parent because of their sexual orientation. This is approaching the mentality of limiting every human's right to reproduce, and so far, that seems to be a basic human right. The right to freedom, and to vote are also pretty fundamental (even though it's not as basic). That's why I used it as a comparison.

What about the child's right to be born into a natural family? It's a violation of human rights to knowingly birth a child into a gay family and inflict the psychological and social issues onto it before it's even born. The unborn child has done nothing to deserve it.

Okay, in which case we should take away gay children who grow up under the care of Christian fundamentalist parents. Or kids with no interest in academia, away from very academically-minded parents. Or introverted kids from extraverted parents.

In a perfect world, yes, we should. But it would be impossible and impractical to coordinate. How would you judge whether or not parents were too introverted to raise a slightly extroverted child? How long would it take you to notice the child being an extrovert? 5 years? 15 years? How are you gonna tear a 15 yr old kid away from his family just because they don't match up perfectly? Not feasible.

However, you can protect the rights of children being raised by gay couples, because it's easy to disallow before the child is even conceived - because it's based on the parent's actions and not the child's.

I'm disagreeing with the premise that men and women are "opposites" of any kind. Men and women are NOT, in my opinion, very different at all. Many people ACT like gender roles when they think they're being watched, but when they're alone, they react the same (to visual stimuli). There've been studies, and I majored in cognitive and behavioural science - I know what I'm talking about.

They're not total opposites. But I'm sorry, in this world, gender roles play a huge part in society and people's development. Yeah, in a closed room, people might act very similiar. But this is the real world, and males and females in it are very different, and the social implications of sexuality are wide ranging. You can't apply closed-room theory to a scenario we have to consider in real life.

I do think that children should be cared for by competent parents - I'm just not using any discriminatory criteria like race, religion, OR sexual orientation to make a blanket statement on whether a person would NOT be competent JUST based on those criteria. Just being able to impregnate someone or get pregnant oneself also, in my opinion, does NOT automatically mean that a person is a competent parent either, for that matter - but that's a whole other debate.

But don't you see that we aren't questioning the competence of the parents? It's nothing to do with that, its about the rights of the child and the effect of merely having gay parents, however competent they are at caring etc.

Religion is another interesting debate (although again, an open and shut case for me). Religious people indoctrinate their children, which should be illegal. Forcing a child to believe in nonexistent entities, possibly pray to them, wear stupid clothes etc. it's practically the definition of 'backwards'. We ain't in the Dark Ages now :bravo:

by the way, I don't mean to offend you. It's nothing personal. I just tend to argue rather brashly over topics like this. Maybe one day I'll be a politician :p heh
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nekosasori said:
My point is that the urge to reproduce does not necessarily disappear in homosexuals, and that it is more common than not that the child has genetic ties to at least one parent.

The urge to reproduce is chanelled by us through sex right ? If a man is not attracted at the aspect of having sex with a woman, how can he still have an urge to reproduce ?

nekosasori said:
Besides which, for gay men who had a child through an amicable situation (e.g. with a lesbian mother) she could still have access to the baby while milk is needed, and breastfeed it.

Doesn't this sound ridiculous to you? A gay man and a gay woman getting together to have a baby. Where is the purpose in that ? Are they going to be a family? No!! They are having the baby simply for their own desire. It's a selfish act. In the end the baby will have two daddies, and two mommies. That's quite a predicament for a child to go through. Even if a woman donates her egg, or acts a surrogate, or whatever other way that a child can be artificially conceived, the family unit will still remain a problem. Our society is based on the family being its most basic and prime unit.

nekosasori said:
Are you saying that a male parent is automatically inferior to any woman? I totally disagree. And having two gay parents doesn't even mean that a child is automatically removed from any female presence. That's a false argument that I don't understand. There can be grandmothers, aunts, maybe even women living full-time in the house where the child grows up. Just because the parents are gay does NOT mean the child is completely isolated from the rest of society! Babysitters could be women (and most likely would be), schoolteachers... there will be plenty of role models that ANY child from ANY family accesses as they grow up.

No, I'm not saying that. I'm saying that each has a different and distinct role in raising a child. I'm not talking about a female presence, but a motherly or fatherly present. No one can act as a surrogate and fulfil that role, be it aunties, grandmas, teachers or whatever. What if a Lesbian couple have a boy and he begins to enter puberty, how are they supposed to guide him through this period when they themselves have no idea of what a man goes through during puberty. Same goes for two gay man and their daughter. How can they deal with her first menstruating cycle when they themselves have never experienced it and really have no idea of what the female body goes through at this stage. The care of a mother and that of a father is irreplaceable.

nekosasori said:
Agreed - I'm just saying that I don't believe it's a fair assumption to make to equate being raised by a gay couple with having negative experiences. As mentioned before, abusive, dysfunctional hetero couples exist aplenty - children are, in my opinion, FAR better off with a stable, loving, homosexual couple.

That's true, but let's admit it, we have the impression that gay couples are more understanding and loving and more stable than a regular couple, when in fact I don't think that's true at all. Gay couples like other couples have their issues and their quarrels, which is certainly normal.

nekosasori said:
I don't think it's reasonable to discriminate on any human being's right to attempt to be a parent because of their sexual orientation. This is approaching the mentality of limiting every human's right to reproduce, and so far, that seems to be a basic human right. The right to freedom, and to vote are also pretty fundamental (even though it's not as basic). That's why I used it as a comparison.

Personally I don't beleive in discriminating others who are different from us, be it race, gender, ethinicity, sexual orientation, or whatever, but the core of the matter is not the discrimination of gay people when it comes to children. The question is weather they are able to provide the necessities needed to raise a child. I will digress here a little by saying that the right to freedom is not the same as that of voting. Freeedom is an inhereted right, whereas the right to vote is a political right, therefore not fundemental. However, this is a different topic. :p

When it comes to the right to reproduce, only the "fit" are successful; it should not be taken for granted that each of us has the right to have a child. Gay people are certainly not "fit" to reproduce becuase their sexual orientation doesn't allow them to be attracted to the opposite sex, which has only one scope to it- reproduction. If one is not attracted to the opposite sex, he/she is not attracted at having sexual intercourse with the other sex, therefore exhanging genes and reproducing. Sex, in nature, has but one purpose- the continuation of a species. Homosexuals in past centuries have not been able to have children through artificial ways such as today. It is only because we have these ways that the demand has risen amongst the gay community. Having a child today is for some people like buying a new car. Now, maybe due to my limited intelligence, I don't understand how the want for a child arises in a gay couple. The want for a child can only truly arise between a man and woman. It is only the unification of the two sexes that produces a child in nature. It is my view that the want for a child is "induced" into a gay couple by what society expects of a couple, and by the need of gay people to prove to the others that they are normal just like them.
I might BE WRONG, if so I'm sorry, I DON'T MEAN TO OFFEND ANYONE

nekosasori said:
I'm disagreeing with the premise that men and women are "opposites" of any kind. Men and women are NOT, in my opinion, very different at all. Many people ACT like gender roles when they think they're being watched, but when they're alone, they react the same (to visual stimuli). There've been studies, and I majored in cognitive and behavioural science - I know what I'm talking about.

I'm am referring that women and men occupy opposite roles in nature. The penis is the opposite of the vagina, the sperm is the oppositte of the egg. Therefore, there are somethings that only men have, and somethings that only women have, not only in terms of physical appearance. It's know that women care more about feelings and emotions than men, so perhaps this aspect is very important in rasing a child seeing as how each of the parents is preoccupied with a different aspect of the child's growth. If the child has parents of the same sex, the other type of care will be missing.

nekosasori said:
I think at the least that two gay men, with differing strengths, personalities, and with (probably) double the income can at least provide an adequate if not downright excellent environment for a child, compared to a single hetero father, or a single mother who's stretched to the limit by struggling to make ends meet, or by a hetero couple where one or both parents are abusive, or one or both are alcoholics or addicted to drugs or into crime (blue or white collar), or... you should get the idea.

And why is that we always think of gay couples being sophisticated individuals of the middle class layer ? I think this is a big sterotype. Gay people are like any other normal person out there. Not all the gay couples are "functional"(whatever that means) and addiction free from drugs and alcohol. Abusive and irresponsible parents dont have a label on their forehad that lets us know their status. I'm sure that many abusive and irresponisble parents initially looked just as caring and loving as anyone else. So, gay couples, as loving and caring and nice and secure and stable they may seem, can also turn out to be neglective and abusive parents. Just like there are many stable gay couples out there, there is just as many middle class and rich couples who aren't able to conceive a child and are lookin for an adoption.
Taking a different approach now...

@Areku - I'm against the concept of organized religion myself, so there's no debate there...

I'm giving up on quotes, but a few responses now to your latest post:

A will does not cover emergency contacts even if it deals with inheritance, and even the latter can and often is contested by relatives after the death - it's not as easy or the same as the default set of benefits that a legal marriage brings.

As long as gay couples can and do have children it's a moot point about children's rights to a set of hetero parents, etc -
In more repressed times - and even now - lots of gay people are living a "lie" as a hetero married person, raising children while not being emotionally fulfilled because they're not oriented to the opposite sex sexually. Mainly these people get married due to the urge to reproduce. In my view, the urge to have children is NOT related at all to sexual orientation. As stated before, I am straight, and I do not want children (never have, probably never will). Some subset of the gay population want children because of the biological imperative, NOT (and I was offended by this shallow view, Duo) as an accessory or a device to appear "normal". If gay people wanted to appear normal they'd try to blend into the majority of society (e.g. behave "straight"). I'm talking about openly gay couples here.

Besides which, I never said that ALL gay couples were white collar and well educated (though all the ones I know are, personally) - I know that there are dysfunctional and abusive gay couples out there - but just as we don't condemn ALL straight couples just because of the many that are dysfunctional and abusive, the right for all gay couples to raise children (bio or adopted) shouldn't be taken away. Let each couple be evaluated on their own merits and weaknesses.

Now, for some external links and quotes:

From Alt.politics.homosexuality:

Studies done of the children of gay parents show such children to be as or more well-adjusted then children of straight parents. A gay couple that loves each other and the child will certainly make better parents than a straight couple with an unwanted child, of which there are all too many. The most important factor in raising a healthy and happy child is whether the parents give the child ample love and support, not what sex the parents are.

As for "few" children growing up with gay parents - well in the US (population over 290 million total) there have been studies. I've never claimed that children of gay parents grow up to be "the same" as those with straight parents, but here's a quote from a recent (Mother's Day 2004) study:

Stacey's study, published with co-author Timothy Biblarz in the American Sociological Review, concludes, "Contemporary children and young adults with lesbian or gay parents do differ in modest and interesting ways from children with heterosexual parents." The article reports the authors' findings from a re-examination of 21 existing studies of the children of lesbian and gay parents. "There is no evidence whatsoever of harm to kids according to the sexual orientation of their parents," Stacey said. In fact, the findings show that lesbian mothers and gay fathers may have an advantage over heterosexual couples because, for one thing, more lesbian parents plan their pregnancies. "We certainly know these are all wanted children, and there's plenty of research demonstrating that wanted children do better than unwanted children or even than accidental children," Stacey said. Her research indicates that children of lesbians and gay men exhibit levels of self esteem, anxiety, depression and other indicators of emotional well being similar to those of straight parents' children. Children of gays tend to function as well as other children cognitively and show higher levels of social popularity. The children of gay men and lesbians, especially girls, are more likely than others to depart from traditional gender roles in their dress, activities and occupational aspirations, according to Stacey.

As young adults, they are also more likely to have had or considered same-sex relationships, though they are not more likely to firmly self-identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual. Children of gays are just as likely as children of heterosexuals to wish they were a member of the opposite sex, the study concluded. Female children of gay parents are more likely to be sexually active as teenagers and young adults than children of heterosexuals, according to the researchers, while male children show an opposite trend. Male children of gays are also less likely to show aggression than other boys. Children of lesbians and gays do report experiencing peer stigma regarding their own sexual orientation at higher levels than children of heterosexuals.

Elizabeth O'Connor, Ph.D., a lesbian mother and co-author of "For Lesbian Parents," said she wasn't troubled by most of the findings. "What the differences found are what you might expect," O'Connor said. "Our daughters are more androgynous, more willing to consider fields in traditionally masculine fields, they're less sex-typed in their play-how can that be a bad thing? "And boys show some of the same patterns," she added. "They are more nurturing and caring, and that's also not a bad thing." O'Connor is not disturbed that children of gay men and lesbians are more likely to question their sexual identity. "Most of them decide 'I'm a straight kid,'" she said. "As a psychologist, I'd say thinking about all the possibilities before deciding who you are is also not a bad thing." Aimee Gelnaw, executive director of the Family Pride Coalition, an advocacy group for gay and lesbian families, said she does not dispute the new study's findings. "I think the authors of the study have represented the truth," she said. "I've long been concerned about the defensiveness with which we describe our differences." Gelnaw said advocates for gay parent rights need to recognize that "difference is not deficit." Kate Kendall, executive director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights and a mother of two, is pleased to see evidence that children of lesbians and gay men are less likely to embrace rigid gender roles and limit their sexual expression to heterosexuality. "To say that there's something wrong with that or to defend it by saying, 'Oh no, that's not true,' or to have any response other than 'So what?' implies that there would be something wrong with a child growing up to be lesbian or gay," Kendall said.
Things like communication, skills etc, these are the methods of parenting that are obvious, that people can directly influence. What I'm talking about is stages of subconcious development that isn't seen or heard, just the product of it is. Things like seeing your parents kiss. Things like observing the shape of your mother's hips/breasts. Things like this have subconcious effects that you can't control or understand until a later date.[/quote]

Areku said:
The kid will have to put up with thinking about how he isn't normal, how he wished to have normal parents, and at some point he's gonna realise his parents have gay sex, which his fellow students at school will no doubt relish in telling him about.

There are many parenting resources for gay couples, and they address these issues early on and with the support of organizations (like the Family Pride Coalition, at least in the US):

I'm curious, you're stressing the importance of a maternal figure more so than a father - so you personally object less to a lesbian couple raising children?
To me too, this is an open and shut case.

The mention of "what if gay male parents raise a daughter who starts to menstruate" - well, each woman has a different experience with menstruating - cramps, frequency, regularity, etc. - just because a mother exists doesn't mean that even she could identify fully with what her daughter is going through. As well, though I was brought up in a traditional two-parent household, personally I was brought up to be a boy (only wore boy's clothes, had a boy's haircut, learned "hard" subjects, played sports, played with boy's toys). Moreoever my father barely interacted with me because even as a neonate I didn't like him (I'd cry at age 6 months if he tried to hold me) - but despite that all I still turned out straight. I think there are a lot of households that aren't "ideal" - and considering that most gay parents PLAN their children, and prepare for raising them, this preparation and situation at least negates the disadvantage of having bigoted straight parents of their classmates teasing them in school.

In any case, gay parenting has always been a reality - and the percentage rate of gay chidlren coming from gay parents is the same as in straight households... I just don't think that it's a terrible thing for children to have gay parents.
Bahhhh %^&?&^? browser lost my reply. Gonna have to make this brief. :eek:kashii:

nekosasori said:
@Areku - I'm against the concept of organized religion myself, so there's no debate there...

I'm giving up on quotes, but a few responses now to your latest post:

A will does not cover emergency contacts even if it deals with inheritance, and even the latter can and often is contested by relatives after the death - it's not as easy or the same as the default set of benefits that a legal marriage brings.

Fair point.

As long as gay couples can and do have children it's a moot point about children's rights to a set of hetero parents, etc -
In more repressed times - and even now - lots of gay people are living a "lie" as a hetero married person, raising children while not being emotionally fulfilled because they're not oriented to the opposite sex sexually. Mainly these people get married due to the urge to reproduce. In my view, the urge to have children is NOT related at all to sexual orientation. As stated before, I am straight, and I do not want children (never have, probably never will). Some subset of the gay population want children because of the biological imperative, NOT (and I was offended by this shallow view, Duo) as an accessory or a device to appear "normal". If gay people wanted to appear normal they'd try to blend into the majority of society (e.g. behave "straight"). I'm talking about openly gay couples here.

I agree, the biological desire to have children isn't sexuality related. Certainly sex related, to a degree (more females want kids than males), but not sexuality. Well maybe it is slightly, but not enough to matter in this debate.

but about the gay people who have kids in unhappy relationships, at the dnd of the day, it's their problem, and not their unborn child's. Traditionally, the rights of the children comes first. Be it about abortion, about child abuse, about bad surroundings, the child has rights that protect it from it's own parents.

If a gay person has a problem with his desire for children, it's on his head to sort it out, not bring a child into the world and force upon it gay parents.

Besides which, I never said that ALL gay couples were white collar and well educated (though all the ones I know are, personally) - I know that there are dysfunctional and abusive gay couples out there - but just as we don't condemn ALL straight couples just because of the many that are dysfunctional and abusive, the right for all gay couples to raise children (bio or adopted) shouldn't be taken away. Let each couple be evaluated on their own merits and weaknesses.

In a perfect world, you'd need a license to reproduce. Too many irresponsibly and badly influencing parents have kids these days. I tell ya, a birth license would cut crime in half within a generation or two.

From Alt.politics.homosexuality:

Studies done of the children of gay parents show such children to be as or more well-adjusted then children of straight parents. A gay couple that loves each other and the child will certainly make better parents than a straight couple with an unwanted child, of which there are all too many. The most important factor in raising a healthy and happy child is whether the parents give the child ample love and support, not what sex the parents are.

I really doubt the credibility of these 'studies', especially coming from alt.politics.homosexuality. There are no references to researches or to records of the methods/people/results involved. And to try and justify gay parents by saying they raise better kids than straight ones who don't wan their kids is an invalid argument, it's just an observation. Which further casts doubt on the study.

about this;

The children of gay men and lesbians, especially girls, are more likely than others to depart from traditional gender roles in their dress, activities and occupational aspirations, according to Stacey.

Now that's a vague sentence if I ever saw one. That could easily mean 'they grow up to be transexuals/crossdressers' for all it says.

Again, I doubt the source of the article. By a 'gay-friendly researcher' the article says. Coulda guessed. Also, it says that the only opposition to claims of gay parents being as good as straight ones is from 'conservatives intent on stopping gays reproducing/having children' which is blatantly rubbish, there are plenty of scientists who condone it if you look hard enough, the trouble is I bet most of them are scared to 'come out' (hehe) for fear of being jumped on for being non PC / homophobic / other crap by the kind of peopel who write that article and have no real grasp of neither biology nor human rights, just the feel-good trash talk that gets fed to them by people every day.

As young adults, they are also more likely to have had or considered same-sex relationships

Which is bad. See, the parents are already rubbing off on the kids, in a bad way, which is unsuprising.

Female children of gay parents are more likely to be sexually active as teenagers and young adults

Well that's good for the blokes out there, but not for the rates of teenage pregnancies and STDs.

Elizabeth O'Connor, Ph.D., a lesbian mother and co-author of "For Lesbian Parents,"


Kate Kendall, executive director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights and a mother of two, is pleased to see evidence that children of lesbians and gay men are less likely to embrace rigid gender roles and limit their sexual expression to heterosexuality. "To say that there's something wrong with that or to defend it by saying, 'Oh no, that's not true,' or to have any response other than 'So what?' implies that there would be something wrong with a child growing up to be lesbian or gay," Kendall said.

YES there is and the sooner people realise that the better. Political correctness and pressure from pride groups has turned homosexuality into a vastly misrepresented phenomena. These days, it's a culture, a lifestyle, an expression, a challenge, fun,, at the end of the day it's a disorder, a genetic abnormality in the brain. It's glamourised and the reality of what homosexuality is is avoided like the plague because people are so scared of the backlash that they'd get if they even attempted to say it's anything otherwise to what the hippy feminists over in america decide it is.

To expect people to say "so what?" to it is an obscene display of pc gone crazy and people who have no idea what they are talking about.

I'm curious, you're stressing the importance of a maternal figure more so than a father - so you personally object less to a lesbian couple raising children?
To me too, this is an open and shut case.

I was stressing the importance of a maternal figure because in that paticular part of the debate we were talking about female figures replacing the mother like aunts etc. I object to both same sexes raising children equally.
Areku said:
In a perfect world, you'd need a license to reproduce. Too many irresponsibly and badly influencing parents have kids these days. I tell ya, a birth license would cut crime in half within a generation or two.

Thank you!!! :bravo:

That's what I've been telling people for years. "You have to have a license to drive a car, so don't you think you should have to have a license to have a baby?!" I couldn't agree with you more.
I'll be even briefer then :)

First, I agree with licensing - I've been saying that myself, for years also.

Second, since a certain percentage of homosexuals has always been found in all human societies, I think it's a stable part of the gene pool, for whatever reason. I would not call homosexuality an "abnormality" also because many animal species have demonstrated homosexual behaviour.

If we had continued to embrace "rigid gender roles" then a lot of women who have pioneered the way to accomplish great things in traditionally male-dominated areas of work and research would have never had the chance to do what they do best (my heroine has always been Marie Curie). That's the main reason why I oppose this notion of "we must behave within the confines of gender roles" rubbish. I think each person should be allowed to explore their talents and inclinations without being denigrated. Not every woman has even the skills let alone inclination to become a stay at home mother (which is of course an important path in life to take, for those who CHOOSE it). Not every man is ambitious or even competent enough to become a strong male role model, career-wise, for his son(s).

Living in Ireland as I do, gays are still very closeted (I don't know of a single "out" person in a company of several hundred employees). Yet they continue to be out there. Silence and being closeted is NOT the solution to this "aberration" - being gay is NOT a choice for many people - how many people would have chosen such a rocky path in life, especially when political-correctness wasn't a societal reality? Anyone who claims to "choose" a gay lifestyle is actually bisexual IMO. And sexuality is a continuum.

I hope that you see that I'm not being a knee-jerk PC liberal when I defend my views. It's a combination of exploring my own experiences, understanding the friends I have, and thinking about the individuals whom I know well as human beings (and who happen to be gay) that I've reached my decision to support their wishes, be they to get legally married, and/or to have and raise children. I would much rather see all my (well-educated, white collar) gay friends care for children personally, than some (well, many) of my un-self-aware, Irish work colleagues who seem to only have children because of familial or societal pressure - without their really wanting them or preparing to shoulder that burden in a responsible and committed fashion.
nekosasori said:
I'll be even briefer then :)

First, I agree with licensing - I've been saying that myself, for years also.

Second, since a certain percentage of homosexuals has always been found in all human societies, I think it's a stable part of the gene pool, for whatever reason. I would not call homosexuality an "abnormality" also because many animal species have demonstrated homosexual behaviour.

There are plenty of other mental abnormalities in animals too. And also, the rate of homosexuality in normal mammals (ie. not seahorses or asexually reproducing organisms) increases with the complexity of the brain. Basically you're more likely to see homosexuality the higher up you go. It's a correlation but really it just backs up the main argument, that is, humans wouldn't have evolved to have opposing sexual organs if they were meant to be homosexual. Out of the millions of sexually reproducing organisms on the planet, I'd say either all or 99.999% do it the male/female way, like with humans. It makes biological sense. In contrast, homosexuality serves no purpose. In fact from a genetic standpoint, it's a fatal flaw, because in a more regressed society (few thousand years ago) people didn't have the technology or the ability to forcefully reproduce homosexually.

Obviously in todays society people are on a higher mental level than just having kids. Lots of people don't even bother, so therefore homosexual can lead perfectly fulfilling lives. doesn't change what it is itself.

If we had continued to embrace "rigid gender roles" then a lot of women who have pioneered the way to accomplish great things in traditionally male-dominated areas of work and research would have never had the chance to do what they do best (my heroine has always been Marie Curie). That's the main reason why I oppose this notion of "we must behave within the confines of gender roles" rubbish. I think each person should be allowed to explore their talents and inclinations without being denigrated. Not every woman has even the skills let alone inclination to become a stay at home mother (which is of course an important path in life to take, for those who CHOOSE it). Not every man is ambitious or even competent enough to become a strong male role model, career-wise, for his son(s).

That's true and I didn't really mean there was a problem with that. My problem with her sentence as it's ambiguity, it sounds like it was said with the aim of veiling some undesirable consequences of being raised by gay parents. I mean, how can you depart from traditional gender roles about clothes if you're male? wear a skirt? well, ideally, nobody should have a problem with it, but you have to take into consideration the rest of society, who aren't going to treat someone who cross dresses as normal. If she was more clear about what exactly the depart from gender roles was I wouldn't be so suspicious.

Living in Ireland as I do, gays are still very closeted (I don't know of a single "out" person in a company of several hundred employees). Yet they continue to be out there. Silence and being closeted is NOT the solution to this "aberration" - being gay is NOT a choice for many people - how many people would have chosen such a rocky path in life, especially when political-correctness wasn't a societal reality? Anyone who claims to "choose" a gay lifestyle is actually bisexual IMO. And sexuality is a continuum.

I don't think anybody chooses it (except bisexual people, as you say). The brain has specific regions which are related to sexual urges and it makes no sense to be attracted to the same sex.

There are people who can be 'straight', but be aroused by gay sex, either having it or watching, and this doesn't mean they're gay. It's a kink. People have kinks for all sorts of things...fetishes etc. But to be properly gay I think you have to have a pretty firm attraction to the same sex from puberty, which is usually the case.

I hope that you see that I'm not being a knee-jerk PC liberal when I defend my views. It's a combination of exploring my own experiences, understanding the friends I have, and thinking about the individuals whom I know well as human beings (and who happen to be gay) that I've reached my decision to support their wishes, be they to get legally married, and/or to have and raise children. I would much rather see all my (well-educated, white collar) gay friends care for children personally, than some (well, many) of my un-self-aware, Irish work colleagues who seem to only have children because of familial or societal pressure - without their really wanting them or preparing to shoulder that burden in a responsible and committed fashion.

Heh totally, you're not like that at all. :haihai:
Areku said:
Obviously in todays society people are on a higher mental level than just having kids. Lots of people don't even bother, so therefore homosexual can lead perfectly fulfilling lives.

Where? :? Not in my country, so please don't generalise.

I don't think anybody chooses it (except bisexual people, as you say). The brain has specific regions which are related to sexual urges and it makes no sense to be attracted to the same sex.

Oh... I chose my sexuality...? :souka: Well, I didn't (and I am/think of myself as bi), so I agree with Areku. :) No sense...? It makes sense!! Who would understand you better, if not the person who is of the same sex and share the same hardships and joys? Who would rather know what do you need? Of corse I'm not saying this is the reason for being gay/lesbian... XD

I didn't like the opinion that wanting to have child is sexually related... And about this puberty thing. I have never talked with my parents about sex and menstruation. And I knew what is menstruation and sex anyway. School/friends/magazines. It's enough, I suppose.
Areku said:
homosexuality serves no purpose. In fact from a genetic standpoint, it's a fatal flaw
You're slightly mistaken here. Homosexuality can serve a purpose. Although, it is not yet clear how all this works out. But it is definitely not a "fatal flaw".
bossel said:
You're slightly mistaken here. Homosexuality can serve a purpose. Although, it is not yet clear how all this works out. But it is definitely not a "fatal flaw".

Well you explain to me how the genes of a homosexual could be passed on, considering that we haven't always been this clever? From an evolutionary standpoint it's a genetic dead end.

I don't know how you can say it can serve a purpose, yet not know what the purpose is. One theory I've heard is that it evolved to cut down on the population, a kind of evolutionary taking-one-for-the-team for the human race to make sure there aren't too many people..and it's interesting but

a) it's a very strange and inefficient way of cutting down the population - being born sterile would do the job in a much better way
b) I've never heard of any other species having such a mechanism
c) the 'survival of the fittest' would cut down the population on it's own.

I'm not assuming that's what you meant, but just mentioning it anyway.

still, I maintain it's some form defect in the brain, until someone can prove otherwise.

Kama said:
Where? :? Not in my country, so please don't generalise.

Well ok in some countries gay people might get a LOT more hassle than others, but in most Western ones you can certainly get by. Basically I meant that compared to thousands of years ago, where a homosexual males probably didn't either live fulfilling lives or have kids, today, where they can meet and have relationships with other gay people, and even have kids in some places, they can live pretty much normal lives.

Oh... I chose my sexuality...? :souka: Well, I didn't (and I am/think of myself as bi), so I agree with Areku. :) No sense...? It makes sense!! Who would understand you better, if not the person who is of the same sex and share the same hardships and joys? Who would rather know what do you need? Of corse I'm not saying this is the reason for being gay/lesbian... XD

Lol there's definitely a lot of things you can only get from the same sex. I'm content with having some best (male) friends for that. We can share just as much without being in a relationship. When I say it makes no sense, I mean on a biological level. From a genetic point of view, it makes no sense to be attracted to the same sex, because it'll get the genes nowhere fast.

I didn't like the opinion that wanting to have child is sexually related... And about this puberty thing. I have never talked with my parents about sex and menstruation. And I knew what is menstruation and sex anyway. School/friends/magazines. It's enough, I suppose.

Yeah, I agree with you, I think it's a bad argument against gay parenting to say that they might not won't be told about puberty and sex from parents the same sex as them, because I learned from school/friends too, and so did most of my friends. It's a non-issue as far as I'm concerned.
Areku said:
Well you explain to me how the genes of a homosexual could be passed on, considering that we haven't always been this clever? From an evolutionary standpoint it's a genetic dead end.
Why should it be a dead end? Homosexuality is a continuum, it's not as if there could be drawn a definite line where it starts or ends. Lots of homosexuals had & have sexual contacts with the opposite sex, not too seldomly resulting in kids.
Furthermore, it's probably not only genetic but there is more to it.

I don't know how you can say it can serve a purpose, yet not know what the purpose is.
Well, in science there is a little something called theory. Having a theory doesn't mean that you know something exactly, but that you have an idea how it might work (or where it comes from, etc.) & research has to be done to verify this idea.
One theory is that homosexuality evolved for social reasons.
You can read more on homosexuality & evolution here:'t_explain_homosexuality

"# Sexual orientation is not an either-or trait, but exists as a continuum [Haynes, 1995]. Those with some heterosexual orientation can still contribute homosexual genes (to the extent it is genetic; see above). And even the most extreme homosexuals sometimes have children.
The most extreme heterosexuals may have homosexual tendencies, too. Homophobic male heterosexuals showed more arousal to homosexual images than did non-homophobic heterosexuals [Adams et al., 1996]. Societal condemnation of homosexuality may contribute to its genes being propogated.
# Genes for homosexuality could be beneficial on the whole. In bonobo chimpanzees, homosexual interactions are a form of social cement. It is possible that homosexuality evolved to serve social functions in humans, too [Kirkpatrick et al., 2000]. After all, social cohesion is still a main function of sex in humans. "

Well ok in some countries gay people might get a LOT more hassle than others, but in most Western ones you can certainly get by. Basically I meant that compared to thousands of years ago, where a homosexual males probably didn't either live fulfilling lives or have kids, today, where they can meet and have relationships with other gay people, and even have kids in some places, they can live pretty much normal lives.
What makes you think, that thousands of years ago homosexual males didn't have kids?

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