Pax Augusta
Elite member
I read somewhere that L2a1c3a is pretty common among North Africans. Furthermore, the abstract from this study did mention individuals with North African, Central European and Near Eastern ancestry. However, I don’t know whether they’re referring to mixed Etruscans or foreigners who resided in Etruria.
Source? How many north Africans do you see here?
Maybe you confuse with L2a1c1.
an old member of Eupedia
surname Corso and paternal Grandfather from Belluno....grandmother from Piemonte
My paternal grandmother is from Mondovì in Piemonte, and my paternal grandfather is from Belluno in Veneto.
Is this the imperia one ?
No, her maternal ancestors are indeed all from Western Liguria (likely Savona area) but she has a different mtDNA, L3f1b, while the two from Imperia are L2b1a. In Europe on Yfull there are only Spanish there.
I read the old discussion. The problem with the studies of the past on modern Italian samples is that they were managed by a series of Italian geneticists intellectually dishonest and quite incompetent who went to dig for both mtDNA and Y-DNA rare in Italians to attribute them to the Etruscans. Today we know, as archaeologists and anthropologists had already concluded many years ago, that the opposite is true.
The main problem with all these haplogroups (L3f1b which is the one of the old Eupedia user, or the two mtDNAs L2a1c3a and L2b1a found in the samples of which however we know nothing else, not even the exact age or the archeological contextt) is that they all have formation times and TMRCA of 10-15 thousand years.
There is even mtDNA L2a1k detected in Czechs and Slovaks, but it seems that it's not the only mtDNA L2 found there.
Reconstructing the phylogeny of African mitochondrial DNA lineages in Slavs
"To elucidate the origin of African-specific mtDNA lineages, revealed previously in Slavonic populations (at frequency of about 0.4%), we completely sequenced eight African genomes belonging to haplogroups L1b, L2a, L3b, L3d and M1 gathered from Russians, Czechs, Slovaks and Poles. Results of phylogeographic analysis suggest that at least part of the African mtDNA lineages found in Slavs (such as L1b, L3b1, L3d) appears to be of West African origin, testifying to an opportunity of their occurrence as a result of migrations to Eastern Europe through Iberia. However, a prehistoric introgression of African mtDNA lineages into Eastern Europe (approximately 10 000 years ago) seems to be probable only for European-specific subclade L2a1a, defined by coding region mutations at positions 6722 and 12903 and detected in Czechs and Slovaks. Further studies of the nature of African admixture in gene pools of Europeans require the essential enlargement of databases of African complete mitochondrial genomes."