There is one thing i really love.... When I wake up at times in the middle of the night and look fastly at the clock to see how much time I have left to sleep on regular week days. Then I see I have plenty and can just put my head back softly on that beloved pillow and dream away again.
Or the twilight nap as I like to call it. When the day is about to die and you can just curl next to the radiator as you hear the sounds of the hot water dripping in those metal tubes and you're half dazed as slowly the sun sets and it all gets dark.
And of course sleeping late... one of my favorites... draining away the hours of a lazy sunday.
I have always found nature to be quite soothing. The different shades of the sky... the foliage around conveying different emotions... snow...rain....drizzle...all these can give us different sensations. Last night I was walkin home at 3 am and the road was covered in snow for about 15 cm and the way my foot felt crunching underneath and the sound was quite pleasant. Then shakin off all the snow stuck into my clothes before entering the house... the cold pure flakes droping into the moquet and then sleeping under a blak sky but white earth feels quite pleasant.
Then one of my all time favorites... the sea/waves at nite under a lucid and splendid moon glisening on the water surface slowly caressed by the sweet mindnight mediterranean breeze as you can't help but to feel the immensity of the tide upon ur spirit.
There are just so many things that can really make your day... things like personal habits as well. Personally sometimes I like to eat spoonfulls of nutella until my throat start to burn and then wash the tinglin sensation down with fresh water out of the just one of those things that reinvigorates me and gives me freshness when needed.
Another is to put your new clothes and towel on the radiator on cold days before you enter the shower... then as soon as you out you get that nice brief warmness, especially when it comes to putting on your underwear
Then there is things like crusing the city. There is a particular tram route here that goes through this forest and is just one of the most scenic things to do...or sometimes when I feel crappy for whatever reason I like go to a high point here in the city sit down on a bench nearby and observe almost the whole city down on my while reflecting on serveral things. Just one of the special places you feel at peace at and can take your mind off from you troubles and worries.
Lastly late nite crusing... here in Belgium we have the privelege of havin almost every road/highway lit by sodium lights, they give off a nice orangy light... At times I happen to be with friends in the car driving late at night while listening to some "crusing" music as everyone in the car is quiet and prolly thinkin the same wimpy sentimental stuff you are like wow the nite is so cool or the sky is so big or the stars shine so much or dayummm that girl driving past is incredibly cute
There jsut so many things that makin a list would be impossible, but is easy to miss them if we are inattentive. Small things really do make life enjoyable and I try to keep an eye out always but smtimes our life as humans really blocks our senses....