The Opinion Game

Ignorant. At least ignorant people can learn, but there is no excuse for stupidity!

Freud or Jung?
crying silently would be my preference.....

Reading books based on fiction or fact?
I like reading non-fiction mostly on politics, psychology (mostly self help as I need alot of it), culture, and books like "Japanese the Easy Way" and "Learn Japanese the Fast and Fun Way". But also I read children's & other fiction I'm reading "The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fist Fight In Heaven" by Sherman Alexie.

Sci-fi/horror films or Independant flicks?
Well considering I dont like it when people make me cry, I prefer to make people laugh. I dont know that im that successful in doing so.... but I try.

I hate baking but love cooking.... so

Do you like to: Bake or Cook?
I like both, but baking more so. My specialities are muffins and scones.

Gory or Psychological Horror?
Oh, muffins and scones are about the only things I do actually like baking....

Hmm I like both Gory and Psychological horror.... I will go with Psycho Horror, I like having to think about it!

Travelling by Subway or Bus?
Hi, welcome to the forum! Nice of you to jump aboard so quickly!!! :D
Yeah, I prefer Train... but then I realised that when I get off the subway I rarely know where anything is... so I have started to take the bus. But I get lost.

Ok hate cold noodles. Am more tolerant of Hot Soba (Yaki soba is best though...)

Strawberries or Raspberries?
Strawberries! Yum!

Driver or passenger?
If in Korea, I dont think I have the mental stability to be the driver!
Anywhere else in the world, I would say driver... Im too much of a back seat driver at the best of times.

Now since im pigging out on noodles.... Noodles or Rice?
Hakumai! Sticky White Rice!!!!

I will eat it every meal- I don't care what the entre is, give me a bowl of short grain, steamed rice! Spaghetti, burgers, pastrami, menudo, corn flakes- they all need rice on the side.

Thunderstorms or windstorms?
I hate both and hide. But I would choose thunderstorms as they are generally less destructive.

Work or Play?
Rice rules, Sabro, King of all grains !!! Every single time, in every shape imaginable !!! :gohan: :ramen: :love:
Work, to me, is play in its purest form !
I have a bumper sticker saying
Hard work never hut, but why take a chance ?
I got it for the hypocricy value.
Going into a bit greater detail,
Plain rice, sticky rice regular, or sitkcy supreme ?

Intense, concentrated work (or play) or easy, drawn-out work (or play) ?
Good morning (for me), evening (for you) Lexico sensei!

I go for intense concentration every time, but I prefer play to work!

Long hair or short?
Tsuyoiko said:
Long hair or short?

Oh that's where I've just gotta jump in again, no mistake !! There is nothing in the world like a. . . o.k., I'll stop before I start.... and the answer is.....
(drum roll--as thought it's needed)....LONG,LONG hair :cool:

Are you listening Frank? This ones for you too!!

Suddenly noticing the speed trap, or, dropping your car keys in a country Japanese drop toilet?? Now that's a tough one. . . :evil:
i don`t have a car. Oops!.. So, whosesoever`s (is it the word? :D) keys these were let them rest in peace in the toilet :evil:

there is(was) life on Titan or there is (was) not?
Hmm I like to think there is life on Titan. I dont care if im wrong, but if possible I would live there hahaha. (where is it????)

Today is pay day! I prefer a salary because it is easier to organise your finances that way. I just wish there was more of it! :D

Internet Explorer or Other Browser? (I use Deepnet)
using firefox for now....
sea squirt or brain mush?

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