Top 10 Best Modern Militaries/Armed Forces

my friend you forget to mention one thing about pakistan. pakistan air force took part in arab israel wars in 67 & 74. PAF shoot down some israel jets without any loss.
with due respect india did not win all wars from pakistan. just few minutes before attack on pakistan indian general said "i,ll take breakfast in LAHORE(pakistani city)". but he was unable to do so. in 1971 we lost war and east pakistan (current bangladesh) too. in KARGIL WAR war was fought in kargil that is far away from LOC (line of control between paki & indian kashmir). if it was fought there then a question arises how pakistani forces went there? ofcourse paki forces captured all that land. & paki fources with draw from there bcoz of USA involvement and support to india.
Top ten military means , not being ally.

Regarding Pakistan , Indian forces fight more than Pakistan.
Size of Indian forces larger than Pakistan.
India won all the battle against Pakistan.
Pakistan Fight against only Islamic terrorist but Indian forces fight against Islamic terrorist , Communist Naxalists and Communist Maoist supported and trained in China .
The Maoist terrorist are dangerous of all , like very brutal killing .
Pakistan to fight against India brought numerous Islamic terrorist from around the world .

Not a point here but , Bin laden was in Pakistan soil for more then 15 years as per Indian intelligence right?

Can you justify Why Pakistan , from above points ? India is also Nuclear power.
with due respect india did not win all wars from pakistan. just few minutes before attack on pakistan indian general said "i,ll take breakfast in LAHORE(pakistani city)". but he was unable to do so. in 1971 we lost war and east pakistan (current bangladesh) too. in KARGIL WAR war was fought in kargil that is far away from LOC (line of control between paki & indian kashmir). if it was fought there then a question arises how pakistani forces went there? ofcourse paki forces captured all that land. & paki fources with draw from there bcoz of USA involvement and support to india.
I think china actually far outstrips the EU in terms of power. The reason being not simply because it has a large military. If i was a more seasoned poster, I would link you some articles on this, but since I cant, Im relegated to simply stating that the US believes that China is not far away from completely outstripping the United States' military power in the region. Keep in mind that we have Japan right on their doorstep, with its own powerfull navy as you pointed out. You should youtube China vs US: empires at war sometime. Im not really sure who the video was created by, but because I dont know, I wont claim it to be entirely credible. However, If you go on newsdaily sometime and look at some stuff related to US China military relations, there was just an article about the double-digit increase in expendatures for the past 10 years EVERY year. Meanwhile, the EU has been criticized US commanders for not doing enough for itself. I guess the EU had to have ammunition and logistics provided by the US in order to even execute the attacks on Libya. Look it up sometime.
I disagree with your position. The only thing that matters in nuclear war is offensive power. Neither Russia, nor China have ANY kind of missle defence system, and neither does the US when you get down to it even thoug we have the technology. I dont understand how you could make the statement that any nations nuclear arsenal "erodes" another quantitatively or qualitatively. Literally it just comes down to the questions "do you have enough nuclear weapons to canvas all of their population centers?" and "Can you deliver those nuclear weapons to their targets?". At this point, the United States Is definately is capable of delivering their nuclear arsenal via submarines and my perception is that China also has this capability, albeit more limited. Russia still relies far too heavily on ICBM systems. Russia's Solution to the proposed missle defence system in Eastern Europe was literally to move soo many nuclear missles that they couldnt be shot down, so close to "enemy" territory that they would inflict massive damage if destroyed in the sky above the territory. Literally, so long as you have Mutually Assured Destruction intact, the orininal posters thread is completely valid because all of the developed nations nuclear capabilites are more than enough to wipe everyone out. The only other ballpark to play in is conventional weapons against 3rd world countries like pakistan.
Sorry for not making it explicit in who I originally intended my post for, so I am reposting in response to B.Poster

With all due respect any discussion of military power that does not give considerable conisderation to nuclear weapons is incomplete. Nuclear weapons are the most powerful and effective weapons in the world. A country with a large enough arsenal who has the means to deliver these weapons can project its will any where in the world at any time. While the US may still possess a "qualitative" edge at the moment over Russia and China, Russia has the largest and most advanced nuclear arsenal in the world at the moment, as well as the most advanced and reliable delivery systems for these weapons. In addition the US has allowed its nuclear capabilities and its delivery capabilities to erode in recent decades.

Russia's nuclear edge offsets any "qualitative" conventional edge the US may still have. China has vast numbers that the US cannot match. These vast numbers would quickly overwhelm any "qualitative" edge America may still possess over them. In a military confrontation with China, America would lose badly in a conventional figth. America's only option would be a nuclear one. Also, in any fight with China, America will definitely be fighting Russia also and very likely China as well. The same applies in a fight with Russia as well. If Russia needed assistance in a conventional fight, China would come to their aid. this would quickly overwhelm any qualitative edge America may have. With Russia's vast nuclear arsenal going nulcear against Russia is not feasible.

Essentially China's vast numbers cancel out any qualitative edge America may have. Russia's nulcear arsenal cancels out America's nuclear option. In addition, a fight against either of these countries will lead to fighting the other as well. Also, Russia, China, and other nations have upgraded their militaries in recent years. America has not. As such, any qualitative edge America has oir may have is diminishing rapidly. Also, America has neglectd the "hard sciences" such as math, chemistry, physics, and engineering in its education system in favor of politically correct teachings such as "native American studies", "emancipation of enslaved peoples studies", "LGBT rights studies", "man caused global warming", and a plethora of other things. As such, America does not have the skilled personnel to remain competitive with up and coming powers or Russia and China for any length of time.

Even if those problems of lack of skilled personnel could be solved, which would take a decade or more to get a handle on even if America changed its education system right this instance, America faces an additional problems of massive national debt and a crumbling infrastructure. Much will need to be done to address all of this. If this is not bad enough, America lacks any kind of manufacturing base to manufacture things to meet its basic needs, let alone build what would be needed to win a military confrontation with the likes of Russia and China. Given America's lack of the skilled personnel, the manufacturing infrastructure, its crumbling civilian infrastructure, and its massive national debt, there is almost zero possiblity that America is going to be able to compete with Russia or China in any meaningful way in the short to mid term or very likely the long term.

Given these factors, America will continue to weaken while China and likely Russia will grow stronger. There's simply no way for America to realistically expect to compete. Also, America holds the position of being the most universially despised country on the planet. In any confrontation with Russia, China, or any other combination of powers, these others can count on help. America cannot.

The hurdles for America are massive. I have no doubt that Russian and Chinese leaders wake up each and every morning thanking whatever god or gods they believe in that the problems their nations face are no where near as severe as those faced by America.

Finally, America may be the most powerful nation today but, if so, given all the factors laid out above this will only continue to be the case for another year or so, two years at the most.

Mid to long range for world powers would be as follows, if we are talking about winning a war.
1.) Russia
2.) China
3.) India
4.) Israel
5.) Iran
6.) North Korea
7.) Pakistan
8.) Brazil
9.) Iraq
10.) Venezuela

The US is not even on the list. At this point, the US has no real prospect to be competitive as a major world power. In addition, it has Russia, China, Iran, and a host of other countries literally gunning for it. America should focus on its survival and not on global power. With all the issues laid out above, America's survival as a soverign entity is less than 50% over the next five year period and this assumes its current leadership is replaced with competent leaders. The problems have simply allowed to go on too long and have become to massive. Under current management, America's survival prosepcts over a two to five year period are less than 1%.

Currently a list of the top military powers would likely be
1.) Russia
2.) China
3.) USA (a VERY distant third)

The rest of the current list I could not quibble to much with, however, Pakistan should be listed ahead of the United Kingdom. France, and Germany. With all due respect any analysis of military power that does not consider nukes first and foremost is at best incomplete. Also, long range trends need to be considered as well. In the current situation America's prospects are dim and mid to long range they are even dimmer. Essentially America should not be ranked number one in military capabilities. In fact the country is not even close to Russia and China and barring something extrodinary the likes of which has been seldom if ever seen in world history the superiority of Russia and China over America in military force capability will only become wider in coming years.

I disagree with your position. The only thing that matters in nuclear war is offensive power. Neither Russia, nor China have ANY kind of missle defence system, and neither does the US when you get down to it even thoug we have the technology. I dont understand how you could make the statement that any nations nuclear arsenal "erodes" another quantitatively or qualitatively. Literally it just comes down to the questions "do you have enough nuclear weapons to canvas all of their population centers?" and "Can you deliver those nuclear weapons to their targets?". At this point, the United States Is definately is capable of delivering their nuclear arsenal via submarines and my perception is that China also has this capability, albeit more limited. Russia still relies far too heavily on ICBM systems. Russia's Solution to the proposed missle defence system in Eastern Europe was literally to move soo many nuclear missles that they couldnt be shot down, so close to "enemy" territory that they would inflict massive damage if destroyed in the sky above the territory. Literally, so long as you have Mutually Assured Destruction intact, the orininal posters thread is completely valid because all of the developed nations nuclear capabilites are more than enough to wipe everyone out. The only other ballpark to play in is conventional weapons against 3rd world countries like pakistan.
with due respect india did not win all wars from pakistan. just few minutes before attack on pakistan indian general said "i,ll take breakfast in LAHORE(pakistani city)". but he was unable to do so. in 1971 we lost war and east pakistan (current bangladesh) too. in KARGIL WAR war was fought in kargil that is far away from LOC (line of control between paki & indian kashmir). if it was fought there then a question arises how pakistani forces went there? ofcourse paki forces captured all that land. & paki fources with draw from there bcoz of USA involvement and support to india.

Dont forget that the United States Holds all of pakistans nuclear weapons. I forget where I saw that, but go ahead and check it out on google. Im sure you will find it.
Anti ballistic defense system is one of the important factor in securing its nation.

There are few countries which have developed this technology by their own .

U.S.A - Arrow.
Russia. S-300/400/500.
Israel. - Arrow , Iron dome , Barak
India. - Prithvi (PAD) and AAD.

Soon Canada and France will be in the group. May be Japan , Korea and Taiwan.

SAM , cruse , ICBM , Submarine launched , MIRV etc can be considered.

Thats pretty interesting. I didnt know India had developed anything. I had heard the russians had been working on something for a while, but didnt know the name. I also noticed you were from India: an interesting thing I might say india has going for it is that you have the Sikh people with you. In my opinion they are some of the best fighters, and best people (culturally speaking) in the world. I would be interested in hearing any comments you have on that subject to be honest.
Okay, first of all the Russian Federation right now has way way less poverty in their cities than the US does by fact. Also, the US does not own the competition because the fact the matter is that Russia is the largest country on Earth and a country can invade but will never be able to hold it because no country can keep that much space under control and the Russian military by far has one of the best and most grusome military basic trainings in the world and they the the worlds most elite fighting forces the VDV Paratroopers and the Spetsnaz. But luckily right now the US and Russian Federation are getting along and doing better than ever and are doing air mission training, anti terrorism exercises, and ground force exercises as well.

Here are mine;

1. United States

Big Gap Here

2. Russia

Big Gap Here

3. China

4. India

5. United Kingdom

6. France

7. Germany

8. Japan

9. Brazil

10. Pakistan

Obviously United States owns the competition. No military comes close anymore. Russia obviously comes next, with a large geographic size, okay population, and high tech weapons from the old Soviet Union (although their poverty is bringing them down).

China and India come next with the largest populations and one of the largest land areas. China has the largest overall armed forces, India has the second largest overall armed forces.

United Kingdom and France comes next with technology (especially Britain's special forces) as good as Russia, maybe even better. Their small size and population keeps them a BIT lower than the other Eurasian giants.

Germany and Japan (especially Japan) has had a lot of international pressure against military build-up but they still have one of the best armed forces. Germany has some of the finest tank forces in the world. Japan still has a power navy, although it has decreased quite a bit since WWII.

I wasn't sure who would come next but after some thinking Brazil seems powerful enough. It has a large geographic size and population and their armed forces are pretty big too. They also have a pretty large economy to make up for anything else. Pakistan would come next, with a pretty large military. They have also developed nukes (this list doesn't focus much on nukes but it deserves a mention in this case none the less).

What are your top 10?[/QUOTE]

This statement here, "9% Russia - Russia is performing poorly demographicly and economicly." is a load of macho bullshit. Russias government and economy is improving greatly since the fall of the USSR and just in general. Russia right now has the of the most valuable and most needed resourses such as oil, petroleum etc. Right now democracy in Russia is doing better and is improving too, and the poverty rate in russia right now is dropping which is a very good thing and it means people are getting jobs across the country
End of Life

If any of the major nuclear powers were to ever launch and all out exchange, read the 1950's novel "On the Beach" by Nevil shute

It is highly likely that the only humans (With exceptions of small pockets who would quickly pass on) left would be the crews of the boomers, the nuclear missile subs that are virtually untouchable (Well, at least the US ones are, the Russian ones seem to sink and crash a lot on their own when they are able to put to sea)

The Trident subs at sea during any particular time are much more than capable of destroying just about every living thing on earth with over 1 million times the destructive force of the bombs dropped on Japan circa 1945. This doesn't even take into consideration the four Ohio class that have been retrofitted as "Cruise missile" subs, each one carrying more nuclear tipped cruise missiles than an entire Carrier battle group

Some land based ICBMs "might' get through before the subs got them, highly doubt and bombers would,and your argument about who has the best special forces, well I hope they can dig holes real deep and kiss their as* good bye

As it was once said: I don't know what weapons WW III will be fought with, but WW IV will be with sticks and stones

These subs would launch, their missiles would get through and .........
MAD's a pretty strong deterrent, though.

Of course, religious zealotry can be even stronger. Hence why all the world needs to do everything in its power to stabilize Pakistan. The consequences of our not doing so might turn out to be catastrophic in the long run.

Are you a Navy vet Driver?
MAD's a pretty strong deterrent, though.

Of course, religious zealotry can be even stronger. Hence why all the world needs to do everything in its power to stabilize Pakistan. The consequences of our not doing so might turn out to be catastrophic in the long run.

Are you a Navy vet Driver?

It's a frightening prospect if Pakistan were to fall and its nuclear arms got into the hands of Moslem extremists.
JFWR & Keegah, yes. 22 years, went from driving A-6's to "playing" with S 3 for time, then schools, Squadron Commander etc. Couldn't see well enough any more and getting that fourth stripe is near impossible unless engaged in war, so now I'm a useless old fat guy
JFWR & Keegah, yes. 22 years, went from driving A-6's to "playing" with S 3 for time, then schools, Squadron Commander etc. Couldn't see well enough any more and getting that fourth stripe is near impossible unless engaged in war, so now I'm a useless old fat guy

That's really impressive.
Cool. Thank you for your service, sir.
Measuring a military by the size of it's army is misleading. Look at iraq in Kuwait, Iraq had at least a top 20 army and the US defeated it in 3 days (size doesn't always matter). On N Korea while it's army is large it suffers from a lack of food, the height of the average solder has been dropping for years showing poor diet. When solders have to steal food from civilians you have a major problem.
I strongly agree with you on a united EU and if a conflict should some up between the EU and Russia the EU has a strong edge over Russia.
I like to look at the problem from multiple sides offensive, defensive, air, sea and land capability. I think scoring on the size of an army is a mistake look at the US vs Iraq 3 days. Some countries have large army's just to keep there population in line. US is unquestionably number one, more aircraft, ships, carriers, subs etc Russia has more tanks and towed artillery same with China. US has the capability to go any where and fight something neither Russia or China can do. Russia is having problems with a lack of NCOS and way to many officers. They have been raiding colleges to fill there personnel needs. They had trouble with Georgia who's military is rated in the thirties in 2008.
Interesting rating Israel #3 good military, good equipment and experienced.