War and histroy

Jinnah starring the late Sir Christopher Lee as Jinnah who asked the British to part the British Raj into two - India and Pakistan. He feared 800 million Hindus would attack the 200 million Muslims in India after the British left.

The Battle of China 1944

The Tanaka Plan revealed and Japanese sneak attacks in China

Why Korea split into North and South Korea

This is not too accurate.
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What Darwin never knew PBS

Hebrew Kingdom of Judah discovered in West Africa

A lot of these weird religious stuff coming out of the wood works.
History Channel: Ten things you didn't know about Adolph Hitler


Ten things you didn't know about Roosevelts

BBC Emperor Hirohito Biography

It does explain how this war criminal escaped. General McArthur was scheming to get into politics. With a good administration of Japan he could run for president. However, he got too big for his britches and got fired by President Truman after floating ideas of using nuclear bombs on China during the Korean war. Nikita Krushchev was watching in Korea.
How the Otooman Empire lost the Province of Greece

Greek invasion of Turkey and the aftermath of the events, 1919 - 1922

Documentary The Cyprus problem, still divided 1974

Britain and America's war against the left in Greece

BBC The Global Financial Crisis of Greece

Megastructures The Rio Antirio Bridge Greece

@ oriental

Rio Antirio bridge is something unigue,
I haven't watched the video yet. I admit I have a bad habit of posting videos I haven't seen. I will watch it at home later. The title seemed intriguing so I posted it. Greece seems to be the topic so that is why I picked it.

Fantastic design.
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BBC Hitler's escape

The Russians say Hitlers committed suicide.

Last I watched the video. The American scientist's DNA testing of 'Hitler' skull with bullet hole is that of a female.
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I have heard rumors that the Americans refocused their 'enemies' towards Communists and let Nazis escape to South America maybe twenty years ago.

How Hitler got away History Channel

The true history of the Swastika

My interpretation is that there are four spokes meaning the four seasons and it seems to be turning meaning a cycle of four seasons i.e. a farmer's sense of never-ending time.
When the Moors ruled Europe


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