What do you think of homosexuality (and gay marriage) ?

What do you think of homosexuality and gay marriage(choose all that apply to you) ?

  • I strongly dislike gays, but think they should have the same rights as anybody else

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I personally a traditional man, don't like gays because from my point of view it's mistake of nature
Not natural?
Do you know that animals can be homosexuals?
The nature is a mistery, and we must accept it...
Gays are joke of nature, aberration. No one here wishes to get rid of them or something. But they must know their place.
If some people were born with defects in brain then it's does not mean that all others obliged look at their half-naked advertising campaigns on the streets in kind of mass demonstrations. It is immoral and ignorant.
And I totally disgaree with statement: "You don’t need to worry, they won’t pull you or your kids to the “other side”. If your kid is born straight it will remain straight to the end of his/her life, and conversely if it’s born homosexual nothing you can do to change it."
Maybe for adult man gay people really are harmless, but for child they are dangerous because the kid just beginning to explore the world, gays give a bad example. Direct path to total moral corruption.
And I don't see any other purpose of gay "parades of pride" exept getting of fresh "blood".

Which is...?

Modest, quiet place without public parades & gay wedding.
Normal government & society must cultivate healthy values & landmarks, such as: healthy lifestyle, strong family, mutual respect of genders, not feminism; teach male to be manly & female to be feminine; respect for elders etc... not that gay shame of decaying society.
That's my opinion, all others can share other point of view. Everyone has his own truth anyway.
Modest, quiet place without public parades & gay wedding.
Normal government & society must cultivate healthy values & landmarks, such as: healthy lifestyle, strong family, mutual respect of genders, not feminism; teach male to be manly & female to be feminine; respect for elders etc... not that gay shame of decaying society.
That's my opinion, all others can share other point of view. Everyone has his own truth anyway.

What you should and should not be, the world is not going to end because there is homosexuality, "has never kissed another man in the mouth?
Separation of church and state should trump.

This means "marriage" should not even be recognized by the state. The state should do a find-and-replace done on all legal text, replacing the word "marriage" with "civil union". All current marriages should be automatically converted to civil unions on the state's records (in effect). Marriage licenses should no longer be granted from that point forward - only "civil union" licenses.

The state should not even have a definition of marriage. "Marriage" is a sacred religious concept that every church can define as they see fit. Couples should be able to go to the state to get civilly united, and go to the church to get married.

IMO, this solves all the main problems. Most importantly, equal rights are embraced. And religious zealots and fundamentalists can still cling to "protecting" the meaning of "marriage". The word itself provokes too much nutty emotionally charged sacred ideology. So then as a state let's give up that word and let each religion have that "sacred" word to define as they wish. The state has no business using the word, and can function quite fine with "civil unions" alone, because civil unions are not a religious concept that's dirtied with an entanglement of religious ideologies. We could then tell each religion that "marriage" is successfully protected within their church, and each church has complete authority and control over how they see fit to protect marriage within their church. Let the churches discriminate all they want in their ceremonies.
" Psychiatric expert's report " for a priest of Fuenlabrada 'accused' of being gay
The episcopate of Getafe separates a priest of his parish, prohibits him to reside in his municipality and sends to him a therapist who prescribes the test of the VIH. - The priest refuses to respect the order.

For this motive, according to the version of the priest, the prelate designated a psychiatrist so that he was analyzing him. " He interrogated me of denigrating form, asked me if my parents had violated me of child or if it had seen them having sexual relations between them ". The doctor prescribed, between other tests, that of detection of the VIH. The therapy that will have to continue, " in accordance with the postulates of the Christian anthropology " - as he says the order of the bishop-, he still does not know her. Neither he has seen the report of the psychiatrist.

The priest affirms that the prelate said to him later, in a meeting, that these irregular acts were alluding to a homosexual relation with a seminarian. Both deny to have supported a sentimental relation beyond the friendship. " He is like an adoptive father for me ", he affirms Yannick Delgado, the 28-year-old seminarian and Cuban origin.


This case is happening at present in Spain, nevertheless the parishioners support in his totality the parson accused of homosexuality by the Episcopate and even some believers affirm that of being true the news might be completely compatible with the office of priest, it can turn that the Spanish population has demythologized the credence of the past that demon the homosexuality, the church has not changed.
I'm against it!

The media is making it worst by supporting it. This will effect the human race.
I'm against it!

The media is making it worst by supporting it. This will effect the human race.

Out of curiosity, do you also oppose separation of church and state?

It's rational to oppose homosexual legal marriage, but only if you also oppose heterosexual legal marriage.
Gays are joke of nature, aberration. No one here wishes to get rid of them or something. But they must know their place.
If some people were born with defects in brain then it's does not mean that all others obliged look at their half-naked advertising campaigns on the streets in kind of mass demonstrations. It is immoral and ignorant.
And I totally disgaree with statement: "You don’t need to worry, they won’t pull you or your kids to the “other side”. If your kid is born straight it will remain straight to the end of his/her life, and conversely if it’s born homosexual nothing you can do to change it."
Maybe for adult man gay people really are harmless, but for child they are dangerous because the kid just beginning to explore the world, gays give a bad example. Direct path to total moral corruption.
And I don't see any other purpose of gay "parades of pride" exept getting of fresh "blood".

Ok, it's your opinion, but I'm not surprised because you live in Russia, where gays still have much rights to gain.
Gays are ok for me. In Madrid there is a gay parade with the participation of millions of people, and nobody has been raped or murdered for it. I believe that the murders of journalists, human rights defenders, etc., are much more common in countries like Russia, where I think gays are attacked, than in countries like Holland, Japan, Sweden, where people respect each other.
The moral degradation of which you are speaking is more typical of countries like Russia, Afghanistan or Iran.
Ok, it's your opinion, but I'm not surprised because you live in Russia, where gays still have much rights to gain.
Gays are ok for me. In Madrid there is a gay parade with the participation of millions of people, and nobody has been raped or murdered for it. I believe that the murders of journalists, human rights defenders, etc., are much more common in countries like Russia, where I think gays are attacked, than in countries like Holland, Japan, Sweden, where people respect each other.
The moral degradation of which you are speaking is more typical of countries like Russia, Afghanistan or Iran.

I recommend to rename European Union into Gayropean Union then :laughing:
I have a negative meaning as for homosexuality. But as for the marriage of gays I think it should be allowed, because these men should have their rights and create their families.
I didn't know that "intolerance" is a "value"...:thinking:

That's not about tolerance or intolerance, it's matter of human values. If I will meet a gay or lesbian on the street then I will just pass over in silence. But this does not mean that I am loyal to homosexuality.
Scares fast increase of people of untraditional sexual orientation by hundreds of thousands. Already "traditional" gay parade in Berlin:
2008 year ~ 500 thousands of participants
2009 year ~ 550 thousands of participants
2010 year ~620 thousands of participants
in 2011 year already ~ 700 thousands of participants

Maybe for western Europe it's ok and maybe it's already even became a "value" there, but in such case me and western Europeans have different human values.
Totally agree with president of Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus, he names all these gay stuff a "violence of minority over the majority".
I believe that XXI century belongs to strong-willed independent from church atheistic man, but which in the same time adheres of traditional values (firstly - family, second place - job, third - friends, fourth - car, etc...).
In USA which Europeans so like to copy: 44% of population constantly visit churches, especially in small towns; only 6 states out of 50 allow gay marriage, it's very traditional and "familial" country despite on all that stream which comes from Hollywood.
That's not about tolerance or intolerance, it's matter of human values
But tolerance is a human value...

me and western Europeans have different human values.
Like xenophobia?
I agree, we don't have the same values and i'm glad of it...

In USA which Europeans so like to copy
...."liked" to copy...

44% of population constantly visit churches, especially in small towns; only 6 states out of 50 allow gay marriage, it's very traditional and "familial" country despite on all that stream which comes from Hollywood.
And what?
France is also a "traditional" and a "famillial" country, i think you wanted to say "religious" country, no?
But tolerance is a human value...

Intolerance of intolerance is intolerance nevertheless.:useless:

Homosexuals find it hard to tolerate homophobes and homophobes find it difficult to tolerate homosexuals.

Tolerance is not a value when it is used to highlight intolerance. My view is that sexuality no matter what the form, heterosexual or homosexual, needs to be expressed in a respectful manner. Marriage or civil unions are not an issue because sexual orientation does not influence whether people can live together or not.
Homosexuals find it hard to tolerate homophobes and homophobes find it difficult to tolerate homosexuals
The principal is to compare the speech of each group:
The gays say: "we want a normal life, like heteros"
The homosphobes say: "Gays don't have the right to live a normal life like heteros"

Wich group is the most intolerant?

Sorry for my basic english...