What is your y-haplogroup?

What is your y-haplogroup?

  • E

    Votes: 26 10.9%
  • G

    Votes: 11 4.6%
  • I1

    Votes: 16 6.7%
  • I2

    Votes: 32 13.4%
  • J1

    Votes: 8 3.4%
  • J2

    Votes: 27 11.3%
  • L

    Votes: 4 1.7%
  • N

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Q

    Votes: 2 0.8%
  • R1a

    Votes: 23 9.7%
  • R1b

    Votes: 60 25.2%
  • T

    Votes: 10 4.2%
  • Something else (e.g. C, O, R2). Please list in comments.

    Votes: 7 2.9%
  • Non-human haplogroup (e.g. monkey, Andromedan)

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • I don't know, but I heard there would be pie. Where's my pie?

    Votes: 6 2.5%

  • Total voters
R1b-Z214. Originated in Franco-Cantabrian region 800-750BCE
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I-A8689 here, or I-Y11949 on YFull.
No ancient samples.
On 23andme its I-L1287 with a fruequency of 1/13000.
Anyone got I-L1287 on 23andme or LivingDNA?
My Y-haplogroup is R1b
G1 something something...
It was tested by relative. And no, I have no Jewish ancestry as far as I know.
Hi All! At me is R1b. R-M269-P310,311,312-U152-Z56(R-BY3544) - Z43(B-Y60904). Best regards from Poland / Szczecin!
Hello !

I am from England and apparently I am R1b-m269….have P312 as well …but i suppose lots of people have the same….
Hello,I'm new around here.I take Living DNA test I am an I1a Y haplogroup and an H13a1 Mt haplogroup.
A pretty unusual Y haplo for Romania, unfortunately they don't say much more.
Hello,I'm new around here.I take Living DNA test I am an I1a Y haplogroup and an H13a1 Mt haplogroup.
A pretty unusual Y haplo for Romania, unfortunately they don't say much more.
Maybe goth ...:thinking:
Only big y can be more specific
And than upload to yfull and see where you stand
In the i1a tree.... :smile:
I also recomend you to join an i1a project
Usually adminstrators of such project can help you
Hi everyone - first post!

Mine is J1-L818

known fatherline:

father England
his father moved to England about 1914 from Radomyshl UKR, married an English woman, took her surname, became UK citizen.
his father probably also Ashkenazi from Radomyshl UKR, nothing really known before that, but lots of DNA 'cousins' in Pale of Settlement area, a few west of this too.
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Hi my paternal haplogroup is R-Z30. Does that mean I'm German? I've heard that several times.
R1a. but my clade is S23592. Z93>Z94>Z2124>Z2125>S23592.

only positive Z93 +, all negative european R1a branchs.
Recently confirmed for Z56 clade. Awaiting further results.

German paternal ancestry, suspected Rhineland Palatinate region.
Confirmed R1a>Z280>L365>FT2484, should be a new branch in the future (I think).

Out of Pomerania, my paternal line came from Danzig (Gdansk).