What is your y-haplogroup?

What is your y-haplogroup?

  • E

    Votes: 27 11.3%
  • G

    Votes: 11 4.6%
  • I1

    Votes: 16 6.7%
  • I2

    Votes: 32 13.4%
  • J1

    Votes: 8 3.3%
  • J2

    Votes: 27 11.3%
  • L

    Votes: 4 1.7%
  • N

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Q

    Votes: 2 0.8%
  • R1a

    Votes: 23 9.6%
  • R1b

    Votes: 60 25.1%
  • T

    Votes: 10 4.2%
  • Something else (e.g. C, O, R2). Please list in comments.

    Votes: 7 2.9%
  • Non-human haplogroup (e.g. monkey, Andromedan)

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • I don't know, but I heard there would be pie. Where's my pie?

    Votes: 6 2.5%

  • Total voters
E-v13>>> E-ft186965
So R1b, I2, and E are the three largest groups. Which subclade of E is the most common? V13?
Guess, it's R1a. R-L1029 > YP417 > an Ilmen Slav branch of YP1137. The Ilmen Slavs, also called as the Slovenes in Russia, were the most northern Slavic branch. They mixed with the local Finnic people and Varangians. They were closely related to the Polabian Slavs that were the most western Slavic tribe. The Ilmen Slavs were a small ethnic group and not warlike aggressors like their Slavic neighbours. So they were wiped off the map.
I2-L801 > Z170 > CTS6433 (I2a2a1b2a2). Family from central Portugal.
R1b-Z56>Z43>Z46>Z48>Z44>CTS8949* German ancestry, surname Lindeman. Uncertain from exactly where. Y67 match with a family of Schraders who's ancestor hails from Braunchweig.
I2-Y3120 so far. Waiting for the results of more concrete test so I could find sub-branch
O-F1275 is mine
R1a>CTS1211>Y2613>>YP3929 probably FT62520, i m waiting WGS. Oldest Ancestor from Vicenza, Veneto, 1660 CE.

Maternal Grandpa is J2a from Berlin, Germany
I2-L801 > Z170 > CTS6433 (I2a2a1b2a2). Family from central Portugal.
I'm from central Portugal too...

Morley DNA predict this:

(most likely)
R1b-L421 (R1b-L433, R1b-L88)
R1b-CTS655 (R1b-L753, R1b-YSC0000083)
R1b-L11 (R1b-L151, R1b-YSC0000082)
Hello there! :) I'm L-M20 (L-M20 -> L-M349 -> L-FGC36845 -> L-FGC49137 -> L-FTC74188). The Y-DNA result was a huge surprise for me, my ancestors have been living in Poland for hundreds of years, there was no indication that I could have such a specific haplogroup. I am currently trying to determine how they could have ended up in Europe and then - Poland. L-M20 is of Middle Eastern origin, L-M349 in Europe is found almost exclusively in the narrow belt of Italy-Switzerland-southern Germany and is so rare that I assume that it reached the territory of the Roman Empire for the first time at the beginning of the century, perhaps as a draft Roman legionaries from Syria/Levant. It also doesn't help in my search for the origins of my ancestors that I only have 1 match on FTDNA, a man from Poland with TMRCA around 1100 AD :(
Hello there! :) I'm L-M20 (L-M20 -> L-M349 -> L-FGC36845 -> L-FGC49137 -> L-FTC74188). The Y-DNA result was a huge surprise for me, my ancestors have been living in Poland for hundreds of years, there was no indication that I could have such a specific haplogroup. I am currently trying to determine how they could have ended up in Europe and then - Poland. L-M20 is of Middle Eastern origin, L-M349 in Europe is found almost exclusively in the narrow belt of Italy-Switzerland-southern Germany and is so rare that I assume that it reached the territory of the Roman Empire for the first time at the beginning of the century, perhaps as a draft Roman legionaries from Syria/Levant. It also doesn't help in my search for the origins of my ancestors that I only have 1 match on FTDNA, a man from Poland with TMRCA around 1100 AD :(
Hello, You have actually 2 matches from Poland (They share a common ancestor 200 years back) : https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/L-FTC74188/tree , in addition to what you told, you should also explore the Jewish hypothesis, maybe a far male line Jewish ancestor far back in the past, if you made an autosomal test, check if you have some remaining Ashkenazi Jewish admixture.
Hey Gilgamesh, thank you for your answer and interesting hypothesis :) This second match is a relative of the first one :) Both me and my "match" with whom we are in contact do not have any Jewish tradition in our families history. Also among the FTDNA users below L-FGC49137 (TMRCA 6900 ybp) there are generally no people with Jewish roots/surnames. There is probably a "Jewish" branch of L-FGC36845 - L-PAGE116 but its TMRCA is 7000 ybp. Below I am attaching a map of FTDNA clients with haplogroup L-M20, I have marked my branch with TRMCA around 4000 ybp in red.
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I1 > L121 > Z17954 > FGC47136 > Z17943 > S2315 > Z17928 > Z17928a > S2320 > A8096
J-L283 (Paternal)
E-V13 (Maternal)

Both Iron Age / Bronze Age Balkan.

I don't know the further down breakdown. I haven't done the Big-Y test from FtDNA
All I know is it seems to be associated with Bronze age Mycenaeans, Minoans, Anatolians, Phoenicians, and Southern Italy.

Today, excluding modern Caucasians (Ingush highest) it seems to be common among Lebanese, Greeks, and Southern Italians.
It comes as a surprise to me considering my Northwest European ancestry.
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