I'm from central Portugal too...I2-L801 > Z170 > CTS6433 (I2a2a1b2a2). Family from central Portugal.
(most likely) | R1b1a2a1a2a1b3~2 R1b-L421 (R1b-L433, R1b-L88) |
R1b1a2a1a2b3b R1b-S47 | |
R1b1a2a1a2c1a1a1~6 R1b-CTS655 (R1b-L753, R1b-YSC0000083) | |
R1b1a2a1a2c1i~2 R1b-PF6093 | |
R1b1a2a1a R1b-L11 (R1b-L151, R1b-YSC0000082) |
Hello, You have actually 2 matches from Poland (They share a common ancestor 200 years back) : https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/L-FTC74188/tree , in addition to what you told, you should also explore the Jewish hypothesis, maybe a far male line Jewish ancestor far back in the past, if you made an autosomal test, check if you have some remaining Ashkenazi Jewish admixture.Hello there!I'm L-M20 (L-M20 -> L-M349 -> L-FGC36845 -> L-FGC49137 -> L-FTC74188). The Y-DNA result was a huge surprise for me, my ancestors have been living in Poland for hundreds of years, there was no indication that I could have such a specific haplogroup. I am currently trying to determine how they could have ended up in Europe and then - Poland. L-M20 is of Middle Eastern origin, L-M349 in Europe is found almost exclusively in the narrow belt of Italy-Switzerland-southern Germany and is so rare that I assume that it reached the territory of the Roman Empire for the first time at the beginning of the century, perhaps as a draft Roman legionaries from Syria/Levant. It also doesn't help in my search for the origins of my ancestors that I only have 1 match on FTDNA, a man from Poland with TMRCA around 1100 AD